Package 'testthat'

Title: Unit Testing for R
Description: Software testing is important, but, in part because it is frustrating and boring, many of us avoid it. 'testthat' is a testing framework for R that is easy to learn and use, and integrates with your existing 'workflow'.
Authors: Hadley Wickham [aut, cre], Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd], R Core team [ctb] (Implementation of utils::recover())
Maintainer: Hadley Wickham <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Built: 2025-02-28 15:23:05 UTC

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Watches code and tests for changes, rerunning tests as appropriate.


The idea behind auto_test() is that you just leave it running while you develop your code. Every time you save a file it will be automatically tested and you can easily see if your changes have caused any test failures.


  reporter = default_reporter(),
  env = test_env(),
  hash = TRUE



path to directory containing code


path to directory containing tests


test reporter to use


environment in which to execute test suite.


Passed on to watch(). When FALSE, uses less accurate modification time stamps, but those are faster for large files.


The current strategy for rerunning tests is as follows:

  • if any code has changed, then those files are reloaded and all tests rerun

  • otherwise, each new or modified test is run

In the future, auto_test() might implement one of the following more intelligent alternatives:

  • Use codetools to build up dependency tree and then rerun tests only when a dependency changes.

  • Mimic ruby's autotest and rerun only failing tests until they pass, and then rerun all tests.

See Also


Watches a package for changes, rerunning tests as appropriate.


Watches a package for changes, rerunning tests as appropriate.


auto_test_package(pkg = ".", reporter = default_reporter(), hash = TRUE)



path to package


test reporter to use


Passed on to watch(). When FALSE, uses less accurate modification time stamps, but those are faster for large files.

See Also

auto_test() for details on how method works

Check reporter: 13 line summary of problems


⁠R CMD check⁠ displays only the last 13 lines of the result, so this report is designed to ensure that you see something useful there.

See Also

Other reporters: DebugReporter, FailReporter, JunitReporter, ListReporter, LocationReporter, MinimalReporter, MultiReporter, ProgressReporter, RStudioReporter, Reporter, SilentReporter, StopReporter, SummaryReporter, TapReporter, TeamcityReporter

Does code return a number greater/less than the expected value?


Does code return a number greater/less than the expected value?


expect_lt(object, expected, label = NULL, expected.label = NULL)

expect_lte(object, expected, label = NULL, expected.label = NULL)

expect_gt(object, expected, label = NULL, expected.label = NULL)

expect_gte(object, expected, label = NULL, expected.label = NULL)


object, expected

A value to compare and its expected bound.

label, expected.label

Used to customise failure messages. For expert use only.

See Also

Other expectations: equality-expectations, expect_error(), expect_length(), expect_match(), expect_named(), expect_null(), expect_output(), expect_reference(), expect_silent(), inheritance-expectations, logical-expectations


a <- 9
expect_lt(a, 10)

## Not run: 
expect_lt(11, 10)

## End(Not run)

a <- 11
expect_gt(a, 10)
## Not run: 
expect_gt(9, 10)

## End(Not run)

describe: a BDD testing language


A simple behavior-driven development (BDD) domain-specific language for writing tests. The language is similar to RSpec for Ruby or Mocha for JavaScript. BDD tests read like sentences and it should thus be easier to understand what the specification of a function/component is.


describe(description, code)

it(description, code = NULL)



description of the feature


test code containing the specs


Tests using the describe syntax not only verify the tested code, but also document its intended behaviour. Each describe block specifies a larger component or function and contains a set of specifications. A specification is defined by an it block. Each it block functions as a test and is evaluated in its own environment. You can also have nested describe blocks.

This test syntax helps to test the intended behaviour of your code. For example: you want to write a new function for your package. Try to describe the specification first using describe, before your write any code. After that, you start to implement the tests for each specification (i.e. the it block).

Use describe to verify that you implement the right things and use test_that() to ensure you do the things right.


describe("matrix()", {
  it("can be multiplied by a scalar", {
    m1 <- matrix(1:4, 2, 2)
    m2 <- m1 * 2
    expect_equal(matrix(1:4 * 2, 2, 2), m2)
  it("can have not yet tested specs")

# Nested specs:
## code
addition <- function(a, b) a + b
division <- function(a, b) a / b

## specs
describe("math library", {
  describe("addition()", {
    it("can add two numbers", {
      expect_equal(1 + 1, addition(1, 1))
  describe("division()", {
    it("can divide two numbers", {
      expect_equal(10 / 2, division(10, 2))
    it("can handle division by 0") #not yet implemented

Does code return the expected value?


These functions provide two levels of strictness when comparing a computation to a reference value. expect_identical() is the baseline; expect_equal() relaxes the test to ignore small numeric differences.

In the 2nd edition, expect_identical() uses identical() and expect_equal uses all.equal(). In the 3rd edition, both functions use waldo. They differ only in that expect_equal() sets tolerance = testthat_tolerance() so that small floating point differences are ignored; this also implies that (e.g.) 1 and 1L are treated as equal.


  tolerance = if (edition_get() >= 3) testthat_tolerance(),
  info = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  expected.label = NULL

  info = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  expected.label = NULL,


object, expected

Computation and value to compare it to.

Both arguments supports limited unquoting to make it easier to generate readable failures within a function or for loop. See quasi_label for more details.


3e: passed on to waldo::compare(). See its docs to see other ways to control comparison.

2e: passed on to compare()/identical().


3e: passed on to waldo::compare(). If non-NULL, will ignore small floating point differences. It uses same algorithm as all.equal() so the tolerance is usually relative (i.e. ⁠mean(abs(x - y) / mean(abs(y)) < tolerance⁠), except when the differences are very small, when it becomes absolute (i.e. ⁠mean(abs(x - y) < tolerance⁠). See waldo documentation for more details.

2e: passed on to compare(), if set. It's hard to reason about exactly what tolerance means because depending on the precise code path it could be either an absolute or relative tolerance.


Extra information to be included in the message. This argument is soft-deprecated and should not be used in new code. Instead see alternatives in quasi_label.

label, expected.label

Used to customise failure messages. For expert use only.

See Also

Other expectations: comparison-expectations, expect_error(), expect_length(), expect_match(), expect_named(), expect_null(), expect_output(), expect_reference(), expect_silent(), inheritance-expectations, logical-expectations


a <- 10
expect_equal(a, 10)

# Use expect_equal() when testing for numeric equality
## Not run: 
expect_identical(sqrt(2) ^ 2, 2)

## End(Not run)
expect_equal(sqrt(2) ^ 2, 2)

The building block of all expect_ functions


Call expect() when writing your own expectations. See vignette("custom-expectation") for details.


  info = NULL,
  srcref = NULL,
  trace = NULL,
  trace_env = caller_env()



TRUE or FALSE indicating if the expectation was successful.


Message to show if the expectation failed.


Character vector continuing additional information. Included for backward compatibility only and new expectations should not use it.


Location of the failure. Should only needed to be explicitly supplied when you need to forward a srcref captured elsewhere.


An optional backtrace created by rlang::trace_back(). When supplied, the expectation is displayed with the backtrace.


If is.null(trace), this is used to automatically generate a traceback running from test_code()/test_file() to trace_env. You'll generally only need to set this if you're wrapping an expectation inside another function.


While expect() creates and signals an expectation in one go, exp_signal() separately signals an expectation that you have manually created with new_expectation(). Expectations are signalled with the following protocol:

  • If the expectation is a failure or an error, it is signalled with base::stop(). Otherwise, it is signalled with base::signalCondition().

  • The continue_test restart is registered. When invoked, failing expectations are ignored and normal control flow is resumed to run the other tests.


An expectation object. Signals the expectation condition with a continue_test restart.

See Also


Does code throw an error, warning, message, or other condition?


expect_error(), expect_warning(), expect_message(), and expect_condition() check that code throws an error, warning, message, or condition with a message that matches regexp, or a class that inherits from class. See below for more details.

In the 3rd edition, these functions match (at most) a single condition. All additional and non-matching (if regexp or class are used) conditions will bubble up outside the expectation. If these additional conditions are important you'll need to catch them with additional expect_message()/expect_warning() calls; if they're unimportant you can ignore with suppressMessages()/suppressWarnings().

It can be tricky to test for a combination of different conditions, such as a message followed by an error. expect_snapshot() is often an easier alternative for these more complex cases.


  regexp = NULL,
  class = NULL,
  inherit = TRUE,
  info = NULL,
  label = NULL

  regexp = NULL,
  class = NULL,
  inherit = TRUE,
  all = FALSE,
  info = NULL,
  label = NULL

  regexp = NULL,
  class = NULL,
  inherit = TRUE,
  all = FALSE,
  info = NULL,
  label = NULL

  regexp = NULL,
  class = NULL,
  inherit = TRUE,
  info = NULL,
  label = NULL



Object to test.

Supports limited unquoting to make it easier to generate readable failures within a function or for loop. See quasi_label for more details.


Regular expression to test against.

  • A character vector giving a regular expression that must match the error message.

  • If NULL, the default, asserts that there should be an error, but doesn't test for a specific value.

  • If NA, asserts that there should be no errors, but we now recommend using expect_no_error() and friends instead.

Note that you should only use message with errors/warnings/messages that you generate. Avoid tests that rely on the specific text generated by another package since this can easily change. If you do need to test text generated by another package, either protect the test with skip_on_cran() or use expect_snapshot().


Instead of supplying a regular expression, you can also supply a class name. This is useful for "classed" conditions.


Arguments passed on to expect_match


If TRUE, treats regexp as a string to be matched exactly (not a regular expressions). Overrides perl.


logical. Should Perl-compatible regexps be used?


Whether to match regexp and class across the ancestry of chained errors.


Extra information to be included in the message. This argument is soft-deprecated and should not be used in new code. Instead see alternatives in quasi_label.


Used to customise failure messages. For expert use only.


DEPRECATED If you need to test multiple warnings/messages you now need to use multiple calls to expect_message()/ expect_warning()


If regexp = NA, the value of the first argument; otherwise the captured condition.

Testing message vs class

When checking that code generates an error, it's important to check that the error is the one you expect. There are two ways to do this. The first way is the simplest: you just provide a regexp that match some fragment of the error message. This is easy, but fragile, because the test will fail if the error message changes (even if its the same error).

A more robust way is to test for the class of the error, if it has one. You can learn more about custom conditions at, but in short, errors are S3 classes and you can generate a custom class and check for it using class instead of regexp.

If you are using expect_error() to check that an error message is formatted in such a way that it makes sense to a human, we recommend using expect_snapshot() instead.

See Also

expect_no_error(), expect_no_warning(), expect_no_message(), and expect_no_condition() to assert that code runs without errors/warnings/messages/conditions.

Other expectations: comparison-expectations, equality-expectations, expect_length(), expect_match(), expect_named(), expect_null(), expect_output(), expect_reference(), expect_silent(), inheritance-expectations, logical-expectations


# Errors ------------------------------------------------------------------
f <- function() stop("My error!")
expect_error(f(), "My error!")

# You can use the arguments of grepl to control the matching
expect_error(f(), "my error!", = TRUE)

# Note that `expect_error()` returns the error object so you can test
# its components if needed
err <- expect_error(rlang::abort("a", n = 10))
expect_equal(err$n, 10)

# Warnings ------------------------------------------------------------------
f <- function(x) {
  if (x < 0) {
    warning("*x* is already negative")
expect_warning(f(-1), "already negative")
expect_warning(f(1), NA)

# To test message and output, store results to a variable
expect_warning(out <- f(-1), "already negative")
expect_equal(out, -1)

# Messages ------------------------------------------------------------------
f <- function(x) {
  if (x < 0) {
    message("*x* is already negative")

expect_message(f(-1), "already negative")
expect_message(f(1), NA)

Does code return a visible or invisible object?


Use this to test whether a function returns a visible or invisible output. Typically you'll use this to check that functions called primarily for their side-effects return their data argument invisibly.


expect_invisible(call, label = NULL)

expect_visible(call, label = NULL)



A function call.


Used to customise failure messages. For expert use only.


The evaluated call, invisibly.


expect_invisible(x <- 10)

# Typically you'll assign the result of the expectation so you can
# also check that the value is as you expect.
greet <- function(name) {
  message("Hi ", name)
out <- expect_invisible(greet("Hadley"))
expect_equal(out, "Hadley")

Does code return a vector with the specified length?


Does code return a vector with the specified length?


expect_length(object, n)



Object to test.

Supports limited unquoting to make it easier to generate readable failures within a function or for loop. See quasi_label for more details.


Expected length.

See Also

expect_vector() to make assertions about the "size" of a vector

Other expectations: comparison-expectations, equality-expectations, expect_error(), expect_match(), expect_named(), expect_null(), expect_output(), expect_reference(), expect_silent(), inheritance-expectations, logical-expectations


expect_length(1, 1)
expect_length(1:10, 10)

## Not run: 
expect_length(1:10, 1)

## End(Not run)

Does a string match a regular expression?


Does a string match a regular expression?


  perl = FALSE,
  fixed = FALSE,
  all = TRUE,
  info = NULL,
  label = NULL

  perl = FALSE,
  fixed = FALSE,
  all = TRUE,
  info = NULL,
  label = NULL



Object to test.

Supports limited unquoting to make it easier to generate readable failures within a function or for loop. See quasi_label for more details.


Regular expression to test against.


logical. Should Perl-compatible regexps be used?


If TRUE, treats regexp as a string to be matched exactly (not a regular expressions). Overrides perl.


Arguments passed on to base::grepl

if FALSE, the pattern matching is case sensitive and if TRUE, case is ignored during matching.


logical. If TRUE the matching is done byte-by-byte rather than character-by-character. See ‘Details’.


Should all elements of actual value match regexp (TRUE), or does only one need to match (FALSE).


Extra information to be included in the message. This argument is soft-deprecated and should not be used in new code. Instead see alternatives in quasi_label.


Used to customise failure messages. For expert use only.


expect_match() is a wrapper around grepl(). See its documentation for more detail about the individual arguments. expect_no_match() provides the complementary case, checking that a string does not match a regular expression.


  • expect_no_match(): Check that a string doesn't match a regular expression.

See Also

Other expectations: comparison-expectations, equality-expectations, expect_error(), expect_length(), expect_named(), expect_null(), expect_output(), expect_reference(), expect_silent(), inheritance-expectations, logical-expectations


expect_match("Testing is fun", "fun")
expect_match("Testing is fun", "f.n")
expect_no_match("Testing is fun", "horrible")

## Not run: 
expect_match("Testing is fun", "horrible")

# Zero-length inputs always fail
expect_match(character(), ".")

## End(Not run)

Does code return a vector with (given) names?


You can either check for the presence of names (leaving expected blank), specific names (by supplying a vector of names), or absence of names (with NULL).


  ignore.order = FALSE, = FALSE,
  info = NULL,
  label = NULL



Object to test.

Supports limited unquoting to make it easier to generate readable failures within a function or for loop. See quasi_label for more details.


Character vector of expected names. Leave missing to match any names. Use NULL to check for absence of names.


If TRUE, sorts names before comparing to ignore the effect of order.

If TRUE, lowercases all names to ignore the effect of case.


Extra information to be included in the message. This argument is soft-deprecated and should not be used in new code. Instead see alternatives in quasi_label.


Used to customise failure messages. For expert use only.

See Also

Other expectations: comparison-expectations, equality-expectations, expect_error(), expect_length(), expect_match(), expect_null(), expect_output(), expect_reference(), expect_silent(), inheritance-expectations, logical-expectations


x <- c(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3)
expect_named(x, c("a", "b", "c"))

# Use options to control sensitivity
expect_named(x, c("B", "C", "A"), ignore.order = TRUE, = TRUE)

# Can also check for the absence of names with NULL
z <- 1:4
expect_named(z, NULL)

Does code run without error, warning, message, or other condition?


These expectations are the opposite of expect_error(), expect_warning(), expect_message(), and expect_condition(). They assert the absence of an error, warning, or message, respectively.


expect_no_error(object, ..., message = NULL, class = NULL)

expect_no_warning(object, ..., message = NULL, class = NULL)

expect_no_message(object, ..., message = NULL, class = NULL)

expect_no_condition(object, ..., message = NULL, class = NULL)



Object to test.

Supports limited unquoting to make it easier to generate readable failures within a function or for loop. See quasi_label for more details.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.

message, class

The default, ⁠message = NULL, class = NULL⁠, will fail if there is any error/warning/message/condition.

In many cases, particularly when testing warnings and messages, you will want to be more specific about the condition you are hoping not to see, i.e. the condition that motivated you to write the test. Similar to expect_error() and friends, you can specify the message (a regular expression that the message of the condition must match) and/or the class (a class the condition must inherit from). This ensures that the message/warnings you don't want never recur, while allowing new messages/warnings to bubble up for you to deal with.

Note that you should only use message with errors/warnings/messages that you generate, or that base R generates (which tend to be stable). Avoid tests that rely on the specific text generated by another package since this can easily change. If you do need to test text generated by another package, either protect the test with skip_on_cran() or use expect_snapshot().


expect_no_warning(1 + 1)

foo <- function(x) {
  warning("This is a problem!")

# warning doesn't match so bubbles up:
expect_no_warning(foo(), message = "bananas")

# warning does match so causes a failure:
try(expect_no_warning(foo(), message = "problem"))

Does code return NULL?


This is a special case because NULL is a singleton so it's possible check for it either with expect_equal(x, NULL) or expect_type(x, "NULL").


expect_null(object, info = NULL, label = NULL)



Object to test.

Supports limited unquoting to make it easier to generate readable failures within a function or for loop. See quasi_label for more details.


Extra information to be included in the message. This argument is soft-deprecated and should not be used in new code. Instead see alternatives in quasi_label.


Used to customise failure messages. For expert use only.

See Also

Other expectations: comparison-expectations, equality-expectations, expect_error(), expect_length(), expect_match(), expect_named(), expect_output(), expect_reference(), expect_silent(), inheritance-expectations, logical-expectations


x <- NULL
y <- 10


Does code print output to the console?


Test for output produced by print() or cat(). This is best used for very simple output; for more complex cases use expect_snapshot().


  regexp = NULL,
  info = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  width = 80



Object to test.

Supports limited unquoting to make it easier to generate readable failures within a function or for loop. See quasi_label for more details.


Regular expression to test against.

  • A character vector giving a regular expression that must match the output.

  • If NULL, the default, asserts that there should output, but doesn't check for a specific value.

  • If NA, asserts that there should be no output.


Arguments passed on to expect_match


Should all elements of actual value match regexp (TRUE), or does only one need to match (FALSE).


If TRUE, treats regexp as a string to be matched exactly (not a regular expressions). Overrides perl.


logical. Should Perl-compatible regexps be used?


Extra information to be included in the message. This argument is soft-deprecated and should not be used in new code. Instead see alternatives in quasi_label.


Used to customise failure messages. For expert use only.


Number of characters per line of output. This does not inherit from getOption("width") so that tests always use the same output width, minimising spurious differences.


The first argument, invisibly.

See Also

Other expectations: comparison-expectations, equality-expectations, expect_error(), expect_length(), expect_match(), expect_named(), expect_null(), expect_reference(), expect_silent(), inheritance-expectations, logical-expectations


expect_output(str(mtcars), "32 obs")
expect_output(str(mtcars), "11 variables")

# You can use the arguments of grepl to control the matching
expect_output(str(mtcars), "11 VARIABLES", = TRUE)
expect_output(str(mtcars), "$ mpg", fixed = TRUE)

Does code return a vector containing the expected values?


  • expect_setequal(x, y) tests that every element of x occurs in y, and that every element of y occurs in x.

  • expect_contains(x, y) tests that x contains every element of y (i.e. y is a subset of x).

  • expect_in(x, y) tests every element of x is in y (i.e. x is a subset of y).

  • expect_mapequal(x, y) tests that x and y have the same names, and that x[names(y)] equals y.


expect_setequal(object, expected)

expect_mapequal(object, expected)

expect_contains(object, expected)

expect_in(object, expected)


object, expected

Computation and value to compare it to.

Both arguments supports limited unquoting to make it easier to generate readable failures within a function or for loop. See quasi_label for more details.


Note that expect_setequal() ignores names, and you will be warned if both object and expected have them.


expect_setequal(letters, rev(letters))
show_failure(expect_setequal(letters[-1], rev(letters)))

x <- list(b = 2, a = 1)
expect_mapequal(x, list(a = 1, b = 2))
show_failure(expect_mapequal(x, list(a = 1)))
show_failure(expect_mapequal(x, list(a = 1, b = "x")))
show_failure(expect_mapequal(x, list(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3)))

Does code execute silently?


Checks that the code produces no output, messages, or warnings.





Object to test.

Supports limited unquoting to make it easier to generate readable failures within a function or for loop. See quasi_label for more details.


The first argument, invisibly.

See Also

Other expectations: comparison-expectations, equality-expectations, expect_error(), expect_length(), expect_match(), expect_named(), expect_null(), expect_output(), expect_reference(), inheritance-expectations, logical-expectations



f <- function() {
## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

Snapshot testing


Snapshot tests (aka golden tests) are similar to unit tests except that the expected result is stored in a separate file that is managed by testthat. Snapshot tests are useful for when the expected value is large, or when the intent of the code is something that can only be verified by a human (e.g. this is a useful error message). Learn more in vignette("snapshotting").

expect_snapshot() runs code as if you had executed it at the console, and records the results, including output, messages, warnings, and errors. If you just want to compare the result, try expect_snapshot_value().


  cran = FALSE,
  error = FALSE,
  transform = NULL,
  variant = NULL,
  cnd_class = FALSE



Code to evaluate.


Should these expectations be verified on CRAN? By default, they are not, because snapshot tests tend to be fragile because they often rely on minor details of dependencies.


Do you expect the code to throw an error? The expectation will fail (even on CRAN) if an unexpected error is thrown or the expected error is not thrown.


Optionally, a function to scrub sensitive or stochastic text from the output. Should take a character vector of lines as input and return a modified character vector as output.


If non-NULL, results will be saved in ⁠_snaps/{variant}/{}⁠, so variant must be a single string suitable for use as a directory name.

You can use variants to deal with cases where the snapshot output varies and you want to capture and test the variations. Common use cases include variations for operating system, R version, or version of key dependency. Variants are an advanced feature. When you use them, you'll need to carefully think about your testing strategy to ensure that all important variants are covered by automated tests, and ensure that you have a way to get snapshot changes out of your CI system and back into the repo.


Whether to include the class of messages, warnings, and errors in the snapshot. Only the most specific class is included, i.e. the first element of class(cnd).


The first time that you run a snapshot expectation it will run x, capture the results, and record them in ⁠tests/testthat/_snaps/{test}.md⁠. Each test file gets its own snapshot file, e.g. test-foo.R will get ⁠_snaps/⁠.

It's important to review the Markdown files and commit them to git. They are designed to be human readable, and you should always review new additions to ensure that the salient information has been captured. They should also be carefully reviewed in pull requests, to make sure that snapshots have updated in the expected way.

On subsequent runs, the result of x will be compared to the value stored on disk. If it's different, the expectation will fail, and a new file ⁠_snaps/{test}⁠ will be created. If the change was deliberate, you can approve the change with snapshot_accept() and then the tests will pass the next time you run them.

Note that snapshotting can only work when executing a complete test file (with test_file(), test_dir(), or friends) because there's otherwise no way to figure out the snapshot path. If you run snapshot tests interactively, they'll just display the current value.

Snapshot testing for whole files


Whole file snapshot testing is designed for testing objects that don't have a convenient textual representation, with initial support for images (.png, .jpg, .svg), data frames (.csv), and text files (.R, .txt, .json, ...).

The first time expect_snapshot_file() is run, it will create ⁠_snaps/{test}/{name}.{ext}⁠ containing reference output. Future runs will be compared to this reference: if different, the test will fail and the new results will be saved in ⁠_snaps/{test}/{name}.new.{ext}⁠. To review failures, call snapshot_review().

We generally expect this function to be used via a wrapper that takes care of ensuring that output is as reproducible as possible, e.g. automatically skipping tests where it's known that images can't be reproduced exactly.


  name = basename(path),
  binary = lifecycle::deprecated(),
  cran = FALSE,
  compare = NULL,
  transform = NULL,
  variant = NULL

announce_snapshot_file(path, name = basename(path))

compare_file_binary(old, new)

compare_file_text(old, new)



Path to file to snapshot. Optional for announce_snapshot_file() if name is supplied.


Snapshot name, taken from path by default.


[Deprecated] Please use the compare argument instead.


Should these expectations be verified on CRAN? By default, they are not, because snapshot tests tend to be fragile because they often rely on minor details of dependencies.


A function used to compare the snapshot files. It should take two inputs, the paths to the old and new snapshot, and return either TRUE or FALSE. This defaults to compare_file_text if name has extension .r, .R, .Rmd, .md, or .txt, and otherwise uses compare_file_binary.

compare_file_binary() compares byte-by-byte and compare_file_text() compares lines-by-line, ignoring the difference between Windows and Mac/Linux line endings.


Optionally, a function to scrub sensitive or stochastic text from the output. Should take a character vector of lines as input and return a modified character vector as output.


If not-NULL, results will be saved in ⁠_snaps/{variant}/{test}/{name}.{ext}⁠. This allows you to create different snapshots for different scenarios, like different operating systems or different R versions.

old, new

Paths to old and new snapshot files.

Announcing snapshots

testthat automatically detects dangling snapshots that have been written to the ⁠_snaps⁠ directory but which no longer have corresponding R code to generate them. These dangling files are automatically deleted so they don't clutter the snapshot directory. However we want to preserve snapshot files when the R code wasn't executed because of an unexpected error or because of a skip(). Let testthat know about these files by calling announce_snapshot_file() before expect_snapshot_file().


# To use expect_snapshot_file() you'll typically need to start by writing
# a helper function that creates a file from your code, returning a path
save_png <- function(code, width = 400, height = 400) {
  path <- tempfile(fileext = ".png")
  png(path, width = width, height = height)

path <- save_png(plot(1:5))

## Not run: 
expect_snapshot_file(save_png(hist(mtcars$mpg)), "plot.png")

## End(Not run)

# You'd then also provide a helper that skips tests where you can't
# be sure of producing exactly the same output
expect_snapshot_plot <- function(name, code) {
  # Other packages might affect results
  skip_if_not_installed("ggplot2", "2.0.0")
  # Or maybe the output is different on some operation systems
  # You'll need to carefully think about and experiment with these skips

  name <- paste0(name, ".png")

  # Announce the file before touching `code`. This way, if `code`
  # unexpectedly fails or skips, testthat will not auto-delete the
  # corresponding snapshot file.
  announce_snapshot_file(name = name)

  path <- save_png(code)
  expect_snapshot_file(path, name)

Snapshot testing for values


Captures the result of function, flexibly serializing it into a text representation that's stored in a snapshot file. See expect_snapshot() for more details on snapshot testing.


  style = c("json", "json2", "deparse", "serialize"),
  cran = FALSE,
  tolerance = testthat_tolerance(),
  variant = NULL



Code to evaluate.


Serialization style to use:


Should these expectations be verified on CRAN? By default, they are not, because snapshot tests tend to be fragile because they often rely on minor details of dependencies.


Numerical tolerance: any differences (in the sense of base::all.equal()) smaller than this value will be ignored.

The default tolerance is sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), unless long doubles are not available, in which case the test is skipped.


Passed on to waldo::compare() so you can control the details of the comparison.


If non-NULL, results will be saved in ⁠_snaps/{variant}/{}⁠, so variant must be a single string suitable for use as a directory name.

You can use variants to deal with cases where the snapshot output varies and you want to capture and test the variations. Common use cases include variations for operating system, R version, or version of key dependency. Variants are an advanced feature. When you use them, you'll need to carefully think about your testing strategy to ensure that all important variants are covered by automated tests, and ensure that you have a way to get snapshot changes out of your CI system and back into the repo.

Tools for testing expectations


  • expect_sucess() and expect_failure() check that there's at least one success or failure respectively.

  • expect_snapshot_failure() records the failure message so that you can manually check that it is informative.

  • expect_no_success() and expect_no_failure() check that are no successes or failures.

Use show_failure() in examples to print the failure message without throwing an error.




expect_failure(expr, message = NULL, ...)






Code to evalute


Check that the failure message matches this regexp.


Other arguments passed on to expect_match().

Does code return a vector with the expected size and/or prototype?


expect_vector() is a thin wrapper around vctrs::vec_assert(), converting the results of that function in to the expectations used by testthat. This means that it used the vctrs of ptype (prototype) and size. See details in


expect_vector(object, ptype = NULL, size = NULL)



Object to test.

Supports limited unquoting to make it easier to generate readable failures within a function or for loop. See quasi_label for more details.


(Optional) Vector prototype to test against. Should be a size-0 (empty) generalised vector.


(Optional) Size to check for.


expect_vector(1:10, ptype = integer(), size = 10)
show_failure(expect_vector(1:10, ptype = integer(), size = 5))
show_failure(expect_vector(1:10, ptype = character(), size = 5))

Construct an expectation object


For advanced use only. If you are creating your own expectation, you should call expect() instead. See vignette("custom-expectation") for more details.


expectation(type, message, srcref = NULL, trace = NULL)

  srcref = NULL,
  trace = NULL,
  .subclass = NULL





Expectation type. Must be one of "success", "failure", "error", "skip", "warning".


Message describing test failure


Optional srcref giving location of test.


An optional backtrace created by rlang::trace_back(). When supplied, the expectation is displayed with the backtrace.


Additional attributes for the expectation object.


An optional subclass for the expectation object.


An expectation object, as created by new_expectation().


object to test for class membership


Create an expectation with expectation() or new_expectation() and signal it with exp_signal().

Default expectations that always succeed or fail.


These allow you to manually trigger success or failure. Failure is particularly useful to a pre-condition or mark a test as not yet implemented.


  message = "Failure has been forced",
  info = NULL,
  trace_env = caller_env()

succeed(message = "Success has been forced", info = NULL)



a string to display.


Character vector continuing additional information. Included for backward compatibility only and new expectations should not use it.


If is.null(trace), this is used to automatically generate a traceback running from test_code()/test_file() to trace_env. You'll generally only need to set this if you're wrapping an expectation inside another function.


## Not run: 
test_that("this test fails", fail())
test_that("this test succeeds", succeed())

## End(Not run)

Test reporter: fail at end.


This reporter will simply throw an error if any of the tests failed. It is best combined with another reporter, such as the SummaryReporter.

See Also

Other reporters: CheckReporter, DebugReporter, JunitReporter, ListReporter, LocationReporter, MinimalReporter, MultiReporter, ProgressReporter, RStudioReporter, Reporter, SilentReporter, StopReporter, SummaryReporter, TapReporter, TeamcityReporter

Does code return an object inheriting from the expected base type, S3 class, or S4 class?


See for an overview of R's OO systems, and the vocabulary used here.

  • expect_type(x, type) checks that typeof(x) is type.

  • expect_s3_class(x, class) checks that x is an S3 object that inherits() from class

  • expect_s3_class(x, NA) checks that x isn't an S3 object.

  • expect_s4_class(x, class) checks that x is an S4 object that is() class.

  • expect_s4_class(x, NA) checks that x isn't an S4 object.

  • expect_s7_class(x, Class) checks that x is an S7 object that S7::S7_inherits() from Class

See expect_vector() for testing properties of objects created by vctrs.


expect_type(object, type)

expect_s3_class(object, class, exact = FALSE)

expect_s7_class(object, class)

expect_s4_class(object, class)



Object to test.

Supports limited unquoting to make it easier to generate readable failures within a function or for loop. See quasi_label for more details.


String giving base type (as returned by typeof()).


Either a character vector of class names, or for expect_s3_class() and expect_s4_class(), an NA to assert that object isn't an S3 or S4 object.


If FALSE, the default, checks that object inherits from class. If TRUE, checks that object has a class that's identical to class.

See Also

Other expectations: comparison-expectations, equality-expectations, expect_error(), expect_length(), expect_match(), expect_named(), expect_null(), expect_output(), expect_reference(), expect_silent(), logical-expectations


x <- data.frame(x = 1:10, y = "x", stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
# A data frame is an S3 object with class data.frame
expect_s3_class(x, "data.frame")
show_failure(expect_s4_class(x, "data.frame"))
# A data frame is built from a list:
expect_type(x, "list")

# An integer vector is an atomic vector of type "integer"
expect_type(x$x, "integer")
# It is not an S3 object
show_failure(expect_s3_class(x$x, "integer"))

# Above, we requested data.frame() converts strings to factors:
show_failure(expect_type(x$y, "character"))
expect_s3_class(x$y, "factor")
expect_type(x$y, "integer")

Determine testing status


These functions help you determine if you code is running in a particular testing context:

  • is_testing() is TRUE inside a test.

  • is_snapshot() is TRUE inside a snapshot test

  • is_checking() is TRUE inside of ⁠R CMD check⁠ (i.e. by test_check()).

  • is_parallel() is TRUE if the tests are run in parallel.

  • testing_package() gives name of the package being tested.

A common use of these functions is to compute a default value for a quiet argument with is_testing() && !is_snapshot(). In this case, you'll want to avoid an run-time dependency on testthat, in which case you should just copy the implementation of these functions into a utils.R or similar.







Test reporter: summary of errors in jUnit XML format.


This reporter includes detailed results about each test and summaries, written to a file (or stdout) in jUnit XML format. This can be read by the Jenkins Continuous Integration System to report on a dashboard etc. Requires the xml2 package.


To fit into the jUnit structure, context() becomes the ⁠<testsuite>⁠ name as well as the base of the ⁠<testcase> classname⁠. The test_that() name becomes the rest of the ⁠<testcase> classname⁠. The deparsed expect_that() call becomes the ⁠<testcase>⁠ name. On failure, the message goes into the ⁠<failure>⁠ node message argument (first line only) and into its text content (full message).

Execution time and some other details are also recorded.

References for the jUnit XML format:

See Also

Other reporters: CheckReporter, DebugReporter, FailReporter, ListReporter, LocationReporter, MinimalReporter, MultiReporter, ProgressReporter, RStudioReporter, Reporter, SilentReporter, StopReporter, SummaryReporter, TapReporter, TeamcityReporter

List reporter: gather all test results along with elapsed time and file information.


This reporter gathers all results, adding additional information such as test elapsed time, and test filename if available. Very useful for reporting.

See Also

Other reporters: CheckReporter, DebugReporter, FailReporter, JunitReporter, LocationReporter, MinimalReporter, MultiReporter, ProgressReporter, RStudioReporter, Reporter, SilentReporter, StopReporter, SummaryReporter, TapReporter, TeamcityReporter

Temporarily change the active testthat edition


local_edition() allows you to temporarily (within a single test or a single test file) change the active edition of testthat. edition_get() allows you to retrieve the currently active edition.


local_edition(x, .env = parent.frame())




Edition Should be a single integer.


Environment that controls scope of changes. For expert use only.

Mocking tools


with_mocked_bindings() and local_mocked_bindings() provide tools for "mocking", temporarily redefining a function so that it behaves differently during tests. This is helpful for testing functions that depend on external state (i.e. reading a value from a file or a website, or pretending a package is or isn't installed).

These functions represent a second attempt at bringing mocking to testthat, incorporating what we've learned from the mockr, mockery, and mockthat packages.


local_mocked_bindings(..., .package = NULL, .env = caller_env())

with_mocked_bindings(code, ..., .package = NULL)



Name-value pairs providing new values (typically functions) to temporarily replace the named bindings.


The name of the package where mocked functions should be inserted. Generally, you should not supply this as it will be automatically detected when whole package tests are run or when there's one package under active development (i.e. loaded with pkgload::load_all()). We don't recommend using this to mock functions in other packages, as you should not modify namespaces that you don't own.


Environment that defines effect scope. For expert use only.


Code to execute with specified bindings.


There are four places that the function you are trying to mock might come from:

  • Internal to your package.

  • Imported from an external package via the NAMESPACE.

  • The base environment.

  • Called from an external package with ::.

They are described in turn below.

Internal & imported functions

You mock internal and imported functions the same way. For example, take this code:

some_function <- function() {

It doesn't matter whether another_function() is defined by your package or you've imported it from a dependency with ⁠@import⁠ or ⁠@importFrom⁠, you mock it the same way:

  another_function = function(...) "new_value"

Base functions

To mock a function in the base package, you need to make sure that you have a binding for this function in your package. It's easiest to do this by binding the value to NULL. For example, if you wanted to mock interactive() in your package, you'd need to include this code somewhere in your package:

interactive <- NULL

Why is this necessary? with_mocked_bindings() and local_mocked_bindings() work by temporarily modifying the bindings within your package's namespace. When these tests are running inside of ⁠R CMD check⁠ the namespace is locked which means it's not possible to create new bindings so you need to make sure that the binding exists already.

Namespaced calls

It's trickier to mock functions in other packages that you call with ::. For example, take this minor variation:

some_function <- function() {

To mock this function, you'd need to modify another_function() inside the anotherpackage package. You can do this by supplying the .package argument to local_mocked_bindings() but we don't recommend it because it will affect all calls to anotherpackage::another_function(), not just the calls originating in your package. Instead, it's safer to either import the function into your package, or make a wrapper that you can mock:

some_function <- function() {
my_wrapper <- function(...) {

  my_wrapper = function(...) "new_value"

Multiple return values / sequence of outputs

To mock a function that returns different values in sequence, for instance an API call whose status would be 502 then 200, or an user intput to readline(), you can use mock_output_sequence()

local_mocked_bindings(readline = mock_output_sequence("3", "This is a note", "n"))

See Also

Other mocking: mock_output_sequence()

Locally set options for maximal test reproducibility


local_test_context() is run automatically by test_that() but you may want to run it yourself if you want to replicate test results interactively. If run inside a function, the effects are automatically reversed when the function exits; if running in the global environment, use withr::deferred_run() to undo.

local_reproducible_output() is run automatically by test_that() in the 3rd edition. You might want to call it to override the the default settings inside a test, if you want to test Unicode, coloured output, or a non-standard width.


local_test_context(.env = parent.frame())

  width = 80,
  crayon = FALSE,
  unicode = FALSE,
  rstudio = FALSE,
  hyperlinks = FALSE,
  lang = "C",
  .env = parent.frame()



Environment to use for scoping; expert use only.


Value of the "width" option.


Determines whether or not crayon (now cli) colour should be applied.


Value of the "cli.unicode" option. The test is skipped if l10n_info()$`UTF-8` is FALSE.


Should we pretend that we're inside of RStudio?


Should we use ANSI hyperlinks.


Optionally, supply a BCP47 language code to set the language used for translating error messages. This is a lower case two letter ISO 639 country code, optionally followed by "_" or "-" and an upper case two letter ISO 3166 region code.


local_test_context() sets TESTTHAT = "true", which ensures that is_testing() returns TRUE and allows code to tell if it is run by testthat.

In the third edition, local_test_context() also calls local_reproducible_output() which temporary sets the following options:

  • cli.dynamic = FALSE so that tests assume that they are not run in a dynamic console (i.e. one where you can move the cursor around).

  • cli.unicode (default: FALSE) so that the cli package never generates unicode output (normally cli uses unicode on Linux/Mac but not Windows). Windows can't easily save unicode output to disk, so it must be set to false for consistency.

  • cli.condition_width = Inf so that new lines introduced while width-wrapping condition messages don't interfere with message matching.

  • crayon.enabled (default: FALSE) suppresses ANSI colours generated by the cli and crayon packages (normally colours are used if cli detects that you're in a terminal that supports colour).

  • cli.num_colors (default: 1L) Same as the crayon option.

  • lifecycle_verbosity = "warning" so that every lifecycle problem always generates a warning (otherwise deprecated functions don't generate a warning every time).

  • max.print = 99999 so the same number of values are printed.

  • OutDec = "." so numbers always uses . as the decimal point (European users sometimes set OutDec = ",").

  • rlang_interactive = FALSE so that rlang::is_interactive() returns FALSE, and code that uses it pretends you're in a non-interactive environment.

  • useFancyQuotes = FALSE so base R functions always use regular (straight) quotes (otherwise the default is locale dependent, see sQuote() for details).

  • width (default: 80) to control the width of printed output (usually this varies with the size of your console).

And modifies the following env vars:

  • Unsets RSTUDIO, which ensures that RStudio is never detected as running.

  • Sets LANGUAGE = "en", which ensures that no message translation occurs.

Finally, it sets the collation locale to "C", which ensures that character sorting the same regardless of system locale.


  cat(cli::col_blue("Text will not be colored"))
test_that("test ellipsis", {
  local_reproducible_output(unicode = FALSE)
  expect_equal(cli::symbol$ellipsis, "...")

  local_reproducible_output(unicode = TRUE)
  expect_equal(cli::symbol$ellipsis, "\u2026")

Test reporter: location


This reporter simply prints the location of every expectation and error. This is useful if you're trying to figure out the source of a segfault, or you want to figure out which code triggers a C/C++ breakpoint

See Also

Other reporters: CheckReporter, DebugReporter, FailReporter, JunitReporter, ListReporter, MinimalReporter, MultiReporter, ProgressReporter, RStudioReporter, Reporter, SilentReporter, StopReporter, SummaryReporter, TapReporter, TeamcityReporter

Does code return TRUE or FALSE?


These are fall-back expectations that you can use when none of the other more specific expectations apply. The disadvantage is that you may get a less informative error message.

Attributes are ignored.


expect_true(object, info = NULL, label = NULL)

expect_false(object, info = NULL, label = NULL)



Object to test.

Supports limited unquoting to make it easier to generate readable failures within a function or for loop. See quasi_label for more details.


Extra information to be included in the message. This argument is soft-deprecated and should not be used in new code. Instead see alternatives in quasi_label.


Used to customise failure messages. For expert use only.

See Also

is_false() for complement

Other expectations: comparison-expectations, equality-expectations, expect_error(), expect_length(), expect_match(), expect_named(), expect_null(), expect_output(), expect_reference(), expect_silent(), inheritance-expectations


expect_true(2 == 2)
# Failed expectations will throw an error
## Not run: 
expect_true(2 != 2)

## End(Not run)
expect_true(!(2 != 2))
# or better:
expect_false(2 != 2)

a <- 1:3
expect_true(length(a) == 3)
# but better to use more specific expectation, if available
expect_equal(length(a), 3)

Test reporter: minimal.


The minimal test reporter provides the absolutely minimum amount of information: whether each expectation has succeeded, failed or experienced an error. If you want to find out what the failures and errors actually were, you'll need to run a more informative test reporter.

See Also

Other reporters: CheckReporter, DebugReporter, FailReporter, JunitReporter, ListReporter, LocationReporter, MultiReporter, ProgressReporter, RStudioReporter, Reporter, SilentReporter, StopReporter, SummaryReporter, TapReporter, TeamcityReporter

Mock a sequence of output from a function


Specify multiple return values for mocking


mock_output_sequence(..., recycle = FALSE)



<dynamic-dots> Values to return in sequence.


whether to recycle. If TRUE, once all values have been returned, they will be returned again in sequence.


A function that you can use within local_mocked_bindings() and with_mocked_bindings()

See Also

Other mocking: local_mocked_bindings()


# inside local_mocked_bindings()
## Not run: 
local_mocked_bindings(readline = mock_output_sequence("3", "This is a note", "n"))

## End(Not run)
# for understanding
mocked_sequence <- mock_output_sequence("3", "This is a note", "n")
recycled_mocked_sequence <- mock_output_sequence(
  "3", "This is a note", "n",
  recycle = TRUE

Multi reporter: combine several reporters in one.


This reporter is useful to use several reporters at the same time, e.g. adding a custom reporter without removing the current one.

See Also

Other reporters: CheckReporter, DebugReporter, FailReporter, JunitReporter, ListReporter, LocationReporter, MinimalReporter, ProgressReporter, RStudioReporter, Reporter, SilentReporter, StopReporter, SummaryReporter, TapReporter, TeamcityReporter

Test reporter: interactive progress bar of errors.


ProgressReporter is designed for interactive use. Its goal is to give you actionable insights to help you understand the status of your code. This reporter also praises you from time-to-time if all your tests pass. It's the default reporter for test_dir().

ParallelProgressReporter is very similar to ProgressReporter, but works better for packages that want parallel tests.

CompactProgressReporter is a minimal version of ProgressReporter designed for use with single files. It's the default reporter for test_file().

See Also

Other reporters: CheckReporter, DebugReporter, FailReporter, JunitReporter, ListReporter, LocationReporter, MinimalReporter, MultiReporter, RStudioReporter, Reporter, SilentReporter, StopReporter, SummaryReporter, TapReporter, TeamcityReporter

Test reporter: RStudio


This reporter is designed for output to RStudio. It produces results in any easily parsed form.

See Also

Other reporters: CheckReporter, DebugReporter, FailReporter, JunitReporter, ListReporter, LocationReporter, MinimalReporter, MultiReporter, ProgressReporter, Reporter, SilentReporter, StopReporter, SummaryReporter, TapReporter, TeamcityReporter

State inspected


One of the most pernicious challenges to debug is when a test runs fine in your test suite, but fails when you run it interactively (or similarly, it fails randomly when running your tests in parallel). One of the most common causes of this problem is accidentally changing global state in a previous test (e.g. changing an option, an environment variable, or the working directory). This is hard to debug, because it's very hard to figure out which test made the change.

Luckily testthat provides a tool to figure out if tests are changing global state. You can register a state inspector with set_state_inspector() and testthat will run it before and after each test, store the results, then report if there are any differences. For example, if you wanted to see if any of your tests were changing options or environment variables, you could put this code in tests/testthat/helper-state.R:

set_state_inspector(function() {
    options = options(),
    envvars = Sys.getenv()

(You might discover other packages outside your control are changing the global state, in which case you might want to modify this function to ignore those values.)

Other problems that can be troublesome to resolve are CRAN check notes that report things like connections being left open. You can easily debug that problem with:

set_state_inspector(function() {





Either a zero-argument function that returns an object capturing global state that you're interested in, or NULL.

Test reporter: gather all errors silently.


This reporter quietly runs all tests, simply gathering all expectations. This is helpful for programmatically inspecting errors after a test run. You can retrieve the results with the expectations() method.

See Also

Other reporters: CheckReporter, DebugReporter, FailReporter, JunitReporter, ListReporter, LocationReporter, MinimalReporter, MultiReporter, ProgressReporter, RStudioReporter, Reporter, StopReporter, SummaryReporter, TapReporter, TeamcityReporter

Snapshot management


  • snapshot_accept() accepts all modified snapshots.

  • snapshot_review() opens a Shiny app that shows a visual diff of each modified snapshot. This is particularly useful for whole file snapshots created by expect_snapshot_file().


snapshot_accept(files = NULL, path = "tests/testthat")

snapshot_review(files = NULL, path = "tests/testthat")



Optionally, filter effects to snapshots from specified files. This can be a snapshot name (e.g. foo or, a snapshot file name (e.g. testfile/foo.txt), or a snapshot file directory (e.g. ⁠testfile/⁠).


Path to tests.

Test reporter: stop on error


The default reporter used when expect_that() is run interactively. It responds by stop()ping on failures and doing nothing otherwise. This will ensure that a failing test will raise an error.


This should be used when doing a quick and dirty test, or during the final automated testing of R CMD check. Otherwise, use a reporter that runs all tests and gives you more context about the problem.

See Also

Other reporters: CheckReporter, DebugReporter, FailReporter, JunitReporter, ListReporter, LocationReporter, MinimalReporter, MultiReporter, ProgressReporter, RStudioReporter, Reporter, SilentReporter, SummaryReporter, TapReporter, TeamcityReporter

Test reporter: summary of errors.


This is a reporter designed for interactive usage: it lets you know which tests have run successfully and as well as fully reporting information about failures and errors.


You can use the max_reports field to control the maximum number of detailed reports produced by this reporter. This is useful when running with auto_test()

As an additional benefit, this reporter will praise you from time-to-time if all your tests pass.

See Also

Other reporters: CheckReporter, DebugReporter, FailReporter, JunitReporter, ListReporter, LocationReporter, MinimalReporter, MultiReporter, ProgressReporter, RStudioReporter, Reporter, SilentReporter, StopReporter, TapReporter, TeamcityReporter

Test reporter: TAP format.


This reporter will output results in the Test Anything Protocol (TAP), a simple text-based interface between testing modules in a test harness. For more information about TAP, see

See Also

Other reporters: CheckReporter, DebugReporter, FailReporter, JunitReporter, ListReporter, LocationReporter, MinimalReporter, MultiReporter, ProgressReporter, RStudioReporter, Reporter, SilentReporter, StopReporter, SummaryReporter, TeamcityReporter

Test reporter: Teamcity format.


This reporter will output results in the Teamcity message format. For more information about Teamcity messages, see

See Also

Other reporters: CheckReporter, DebugReporter, FailReporter, JunitReporter, ListReporter, LocationReporter, MinimalReporter, MultiReporter, ProgressReporter, RStudioReporter, Reporter, SilentReporter, StopReporter, SummaryReporter, TapReporter

Run code after all test files


This environment has no purpose other than as a handle for withr::defer(): use it when you want to run code after all tests have been run. Typically, you'll use withr::defer(cleanup(), teardown_env()) immediately after you've made a mess in a ⁠setup-*.R⁠ file.



Run all tests in a directory


This function is the low-level workhorse that powers test_local() and test_package(). Generally, you should not call this function directly. In particular, you are responsible for ensuring that the functions to test are available in the test env (e.g. via load_package).

See vignette("special-files") to learn more about the conventions for test, helper, and setup files that testthat uses, and what you might use each for.


  filter = NULL,
  reporter = NULL,
  env = NULL,
  load_helpers = TRUE,
  stop_on_failure = TRUE,
  stop_on_warning = FALSE,
  wrap = lifecycle::deprecated(),
  package = NULL,
  load_package = c("none", "installed", "source")



Path to directory containing tests.


If not NULL, only tests with file names matching this regular expression will be executed. Matching is performed on the file name after it's stripped of "test-" and ".R".


Reporter to use to summarise output. Can be supplied as a string (e.g. "summary") or as an R6 object (e.g. SummaryReporter$new()).

See Reporter for more details and a list of built-in reporters.


Environment in which to execute the tests. Expert use only.


Additional arguments passed to grepl() to control filtering.


Source helper files before running the tests?


If TRUE, throw an error if any tests fail.


If TRUE, throw an error if any tests generate warnings.




If these tests belong to a package, the name of the package.


Strategy to use for load package code:

  • "none", the default, doesn't load the package.

  • "installed", uses library() to load an installed package.

  • "source", uses pkgload::load_all() to a source package. To configure the arguments passed to load_all(), add this field in your DESCRIPTION file:

    Config/testthat/load-all: list(export_all = FALSE, helpers = FALSE)


A list (invisibly) containing data about the test results.


Each test is run in a clean environment to keep tests as isolated as possible. For package tests, that environment inherits from the package's namespace environment, so that tests can access internal functions and objects.

Run tests in a single file


Helper, setup, and teardown files located in the same directory as the test will also be run. See vignette("special-files") for details.


  reporter = default_compact_reporter(),
  desc = NULL,
  package = NULL,



Path to file.


Reporter to use to summarise output. Can be supplied as a string (e.g. "summary") or as an R6 object (e.g. SummaryReporter$new()).

See Reporter for more details and a list of built-in reporters.


Optionally, supply a string here to run only a single test (test_that() or describe()) with this description.


If these tests belong to a package, the name of the package.


Additional parameters passed on to test_dir()


A list (invisibly) containing data about the test results.


Each test is run in a clean environment to keep tests as isolated as possible. For package tests, that environment inherits from the package's namespace environment, so that tests can access internal functions and objects.


path <- testthat_example("success")
test_file(path, desc = "some tests have warnings")
test_file(path, reporter = "minimal")

Run all tests in a package


  • test_local() tests a local source package.

  • test_package() tests an installed package.

  • test_check() checks a package during ⁠R CMD check⁠.

See vignette("special-files") to learn about the various files that testthat works with.


test_package(package, reporter = check_reporter(), ...)

test_check(package, reporter = check_reporter(), ...)

test_local(path = ".", reporter = NULL, ..., load_package = "source")



If these tests belong to a package, the name of the package.


Reporter to use to summarise output. Can be supplied as a string (e.g. "summary") or as an R6 object (e.g. SummaryReporter$new()).

See Reporter for more details and a list of built-in reporters.


Additional arguments passed to test_dir()


Path to directory containing tests.


Strategy to use for load package code:

  • "none", the default, doesn't load the package.

  • "installed", uses library() to load an installed package.

  • "source", uses pkgload::load_all() to a source package. To configure the arguments passed to load_all(), add this field in your DESCRIPTION file:

    Config/testthat/load-all: list(export_all = FALSE, helpers = FALSE)


A list (invisibly) containing data about the test results.

⁠R CMD check⁠

To run testthat automatically from ⁠R CMD check⁠, make sure you have a tests/testthat.R that contains:




Each test is run in a clean environment to keep tests as isolated as possible. For package tests, that environment inherits from the package's namespace environment, so that tests can access internal functions and objects.

Locate a file in the testing directory


Many tests require some external file (e.g. a .csv if you're testing a data import function) but the working directory varies depending on the way that you're running the test (e.g. interactively, with devtools::test(), or with ⁠R CMD check⁠). test_path() understands these variations and automatically generates a path relative to tests/testthat, regardless of where that directory might reside relative to the current working directory.





Character vectors giving path components.


A character vector giving the path.


## Not run: 
test_path("data", "foo.csv")

## End(Not run)

Run a test


A test encapsulates a series of expectations about a small, self-contained unit of functionality. Each test contains one or more expectations, such as expect_equal() or expect_error(), and lives in a ⁠test/testhat/test*⁠ file, often together with other tests that relate to the same function or set of functions.

Each test has its own execution environment, so an object created in a test also dies with the test. Note that this cleanup does not happen automatically for other aspects of global state, such as session options or filesystem changes. Avoid changing global state, when possible, and reverse any changes that you do make.


test_that(desc, code)



Test name. Names should be brief, but evocative. It's common to write the description so that it reads like a natural sentence, e.g. test_that("multiplication works", { ... }).


Test code containing expectations. Braces ({}) should always be used in order to get accurate location data for test failures.


When run interactively, returns invisible(TRUE) if all tests pass, otherwise throws an error.


test_that("trigonometric functions match identities", {
  expect_equal(sin(pi / 4), 1 / sqrt(2))
  expect_equal(cos(pi / 4), 1 / sqrt(2))
  expect_equal(tan(pi / 4), 1)

## Not run: 
test_that("trigonometric functions match identities", {
  expect_equal(sin(pi / 4), 1)

## End(Not run)

Use Catch for C++ Unit Testing


Add the necessary infrastructure to enable C++ unit testing in R packages with Catch and testthat.


use_catch(dir = getwd())



The directory containing an R package.


Calling use_catch() will:

  1. Create a file src/test-runner.cpp, which ensures that the testthat package will understand how to run your package's unit tests,

  2. Create an example test file src/test-example.cpp, which showcases how you might use Catch to write a unit test,

  3. Add a test file tests/testthat/test-cpp.R, which ensures that testthat will run your compiled tests during invocations of devtools::test() or ⁠R CMD check⁠, and

  4. Create a file R/catch-routine-registration.R, which ensures that R will automatically register this routine when tools::package_native_routine_registration_skeleton() is invoked.

You will also need to:

  • Add xml2 to Suggests, with e.g. usethis::use_package("xml2", "Suggests")

  • Add testthat to LinkingTo, with e.g. usethis::use_package("testthat", "LinkingTo")

C++ unit tests can be added to C++ source files within the src directory of your package, with a format similar to R code tested with testthat. Here's a simple example of a unit test written with testthat + Catch:

context("C++ Unit Test") {
  test_that("two plus two is four") {
    int result = 2 + 2;
    expect_true(result == 4);

When your package is compiled, unit tests alongside a harness for running these tests will be compiled into your R package, with the C entry point run_testthat_tests(). testthat will use that entry point to run your unit tests when detected.


All of the functions provided by Catch are available with the CATCH_ prefix – see here for a full list. testthat provides the following wrappers, to conform with testthat's R interface:

Function Catch Description
context CATCH_TEST_CASE The context of a set of tests.
test_that CATCH_SECTION A test section.
expect_true CATCH_CHECK Test that an expression evaluates to true.
expect_false CATCH_CHECK_FALSE Test that an expression evalutes to false.
expect_error CATCH_CHECK_THROWS Test that evaluation of an expression throws an exception.
expect_error_as CATCH_CHECK_THROWS_AS Test that evaluation of an expression throws an exception of a specific class.

In general, you should prefer using the testthat wrappers, as testthat also does some work to ensure that any unit tests within will not be compiled or run when using the Solaris Studio compilers (as these are currently unsupported by Catch). This should make it easier to submit packages to CRAN that use Catch.

Symbol Registration

If you've opted to disable dynamic symbol lookup in your package, then you'll need to explicitly export a symbol in your package that testthat can use to run your unit tests. testthat will look for a routine with one of the names:


See Controlling Visibility and Registering Symbols in the Writing R Extensions manual for more information.

Advanced Usage

If you'd like to write your own Catch test runner, you can instead use the testthat::catchSession() object in a file with the form:

#include <testthat.h>

void run()
    Catch::Session& session = testthat::catchSession();
    // interact with the session object as desired

This can be useful if you'd like to run your unit tests with custom arguments passed to the Catch session.

Standalone Usage

If you'd like to use the C++ unit testing facilities provided by Catch, but would prefer not to use the regular testthat R testing infrastructure, you can manually run the unit tests by inserting a call to:

.Call("run_testthat_tests", PACKAGE = <pkgName>)

as necessary within your unit test suite.

See Also

Catch, the library used to enable C++ unit testing.