Package 'lifecycle'

Title: Manage the Life Cycle of your Package Functions
Description: Manage the life cycle of your exported functions with shared conventions, documentation badges, and user-friendly deprecation warnings.
Authors: Lionel Henry [aut, cre], Hadley Wickham [aut] , Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Lionel Henry <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 1.0.4
Built: 2024-09-24 05:29:53 UTC

Help Index

Embed a lifecycle badge in documentation


To include lifecycle badges in your documentation:

  1. Call usethis::use_lifecycle() to copy the badge images into the ⁠man/⁠ folder of your package.

  2. Call lifecycle::badge() inside R backticks to insert a lifecycle badge:

    #' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
    #' `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
    #' `r lifecycle::badge("superseded")`

    If the deprecated feature is a function, a good place for this badge is at the top of the topic description. If it is an argument, you can put the badge in the argument description.

The badge is displayed as an image in the HTML version of the documentation and as text otherwise.

lifecycle::badge() is run by roxygen at build time so you don't need to add lifecycle to ⁠Imports:⁠ just to use the badges. However, it's still good practice to add to ⁠Suggests:⁠ so that it will be available to package developers.





A lifecycle stage as a string. Must be one of "experimental", "stable", "superseded", or "deprecated".


An Rd expression describing the lifecycle stage.


  • [Experimental] lifecycle::badge("experimental")

  • [Stable] lifecycle::badge("stable")

  • [Superseded] lifecycle::badge("superseded")

  • [Deprecated] lifecycle::badge("deprecated")

The meaning of these stages is described in vignette("stages").

Deprecate functions and arguments


These functions provide three levels of verbosity for deprecated functions. Learn how to use them in vignette("communicate").

  • deprecate_soft() warns only if the deprecated function is called directly, i.e. a user is calling a function they wrote in the global environment or a developer is calling it in their package. It does not warn when called indirectly, i.e. the deprecation comes from code that you don't control.

  • deprecate_warn() warns unconditionally.

  • deprecate_stop() fails unconditionally.

Warnings are only issued once every 8 hours to avoid overwhelming the user. Control with options(lifecycle_verbosity).


  with = NULL,
  details = NULL,
  id = NULL,
  env = caller_env(),
  user_env = caller_env(2)

  with = NULL,
  details = NULL,
  id = NULL,
  always = FALSE,
  env = caller_env(),
  user_env = caller_env(2)

deprecate_stop(when, what, with = NULL, details = NULL, env = caller_env())



A string giving the version when the behaviour was deprecated.


A string describing what is deprecated:

  • Deprecate a whole function with "foo()".

  • Deprecate an argument with "foo(arg)".

  • Partially deprecate an argument with "foo(arg = 'must be a scalar integer')".

  • Deprecate anything else with a custom message by wrapping it in I().

You can optionally supply the namespace: "ns::foo()", but this is usually not needed as it will be inferred from the caller environment.


An optional string giving a recommended replacement for the deprecated behaviour. This takes the same form as what.


In most cases the deprecation message can be automatically generated from with. When it can't, use details to provide a hand-written message.

details can either be a single string or a character vector, which will be converted to a bulleted list. By default, info bullets are used. Provide a named vectors to override.


The id of the deprecation. A warning is issued only once for each id. Defaults to the generated message, but you should give a unique ID when the message in details is built programmatically and depends on inputs, or when you'd like to deprecate multiple functions but warn only once for all of them.

env, user_env

Pair of environments that define where ⁠deprecate_*()⁠ was called (used to determine the package name) and where the function called the deprecating function was called (used to determine if deprecate_soft() should message).

These are only needed if you're calling ⁠deprecate_*()⁠ from an internal helper, in which case you should forward env = caller_env() and user_env = caller_env(2).


If FALSE, the default, will warn every 8 hours. If TRUE, will always warn in direct usages. Indirect usages keep warning every 8 hours to avoid disrupting users who can't fix the issue. Only use always = TRUE after at least one release with the default.


NULL, invisibly.


  • Deprecation warnings have class lifecycle_warning_deprecated.

  • Deprecation errors have class lifecycle_error_deprecated.

See Also



# A deprecated function `foo`:
deprecate_warn("1.0.0", "foo()")

# A deprecated argument `arg`:
deprecate_warn("1.0.0", "foo(arg)")

# A partially deprecated argument `arg`:
deprecate_warn("1.0.0", "foo(arg = 'must be a scalar integer')")

# A deprecated function with a function replacement:
deprecate_warn("1.0.0", "foo()", "bar()")

# A deprecated function with a function replacement from a
# different package:
deprecate_warn("1.0.0", "foo()", "otherpackage::bar()")

# A deprecated function with custom message:
  when = "1.0.0",
  what = "foo()",
  details = "Please use `otherpackage::bar(foo = TRUE)` instead"

# A deprecated function with custom bulleted list:
  when = "1.0.0",
  what = "foo()",
  details = c(
    x = "This is dangerous",
    i = "Did you mean `safe_foo()` instead?"

Mark an argument as deprecated


Signal deprecated argument by using self-documenting sentinel deprecated() as default argument. Test whether the caller has supplied the argument with is_present().






A deprecated() function argument.

Magical defaults

We recommend importing lifecycle::deprecated() in your namespace and use it without the namespace qualifier.

In general, we advise against such magical defaults, i.e. defaults that cannot be evaluated by the user. In the case of deprecated(), the trade-off is worth it because the meaning of this default is obvious and there is no reason for the user to call deprecated() themselves.


foobar_adder <- function(foo, bar, baz = deprecated()) {
  # Check if user has supplied `baz` instead of `bar`
  if (lifecycle::is_present(baz)) {

    # Signal the deprecation to the user
    deprecate_warn("1.0.0", "foo::bar_adder(baz = )", "foo::bar_adder(bar = )")

    # Deal with the deprecated argument for compatibility
    bar <- baz

  foo + bar

foobar_adder(1, 2)
foobar_adder(1, baz = 2)

Does expression produce lifecycle warnings or errors?


These functions are equivalent to testthat::expect_warning() and testthat::expect_error() but check specifically for lifecycle warnings or errors.

To test whether a deprecated feature still works without causing a deprecation warning, set the lifecycle_verbosity option to "quiet".

test_that("feature still works", {
  withr::local_options(lifecycle_verbosity = "quiet")


expect_deprecated(expr, regexp = NULL, ...)




Expression that should produce a lifecycle warning or error.


Optional regular expression matched against the expected warning message.


Arguments passed on to expect_match


If TRUE, treats regexp as a string to be matched exactly (not a regular expressions). Overrides perl.


logical. Should Perl-compatible regexps be used?


expect_deprecated() sets the lifecycle_verbosity option to "warning" to enforce deprecation warnings which are otherwise only shown once every 8 hours.

Display last deprecation warnings


last_lifecycle_warnings() returns a list of all warnings that occurred during the last top-level R command, along with a backtrace.

Use print(last_lifecycle_warnings(), simplify = level) to control the verbosity of the backtrace. The simplify argument supports one of "branch" (the default), "collapse", and "none" (in increasing order of verbosity).




# These examples are not run because `last_lifecycle_warnings()` does not
# work well within knitr and pkgdown
## Not run: 

f <- function() invisible(g())
g <- function() list(h(), i())
h <- function() deprecate_warn("1.0.0", "this()")
i <- function() deprecate_warn("1.0.0", "that()")

# Print all the warnings that occurred during the last command:

# By default, the backtraces are printed in their simplified form.
# Use `simplify` to control the verbosity:
print(last_lifecycle_warnings(), simplify = "none")

## End(Not run)

Lint usages of functions that have a non-stable life cycle.


  • lint_lifecycle dynamically queries the package documentation for packages in packages for lifecycle annotations and then searches the directory in path for usages of those functions.

  • lint_tidyverse_lifecycle is a convenience function to call lint_lifecycle for all the packages in the tidyverse.

  • pkg_lifecycle_statuses returns a data frame of functions with lifecycle annotations for an installed package.


  which = c("superseded", "deprecated", "questioning", "defunct", "experimental",
    "soft-deprecated", "retired")

  path = ".",
  pattern = "[.][Rr](md)?",
  which = c("superseded", "deprecated", "questioning", "defunct", "experimental",
    "soft-deprecated", "retired")

  path = ".",
  pattern = "[.][Rr](md)?",
  which = c("superseded", "deprecated", "questioning", "defunct", "experimental",
    "soft-deprecated", "retired")



The name of an installed package.


The lifecycle statuses to retrieve. Include NA if you want to include functions without a specified lifecycle status in the results.


One or more installed packages to query for lifecycle statuses.


The directory path to the files you want to search.


Any files matching this pattern will be searched. The default searches any files ending in .R or .Rmd.

Signal other experimental or superseded features



signal_stage() allows you to signal life cycle stages other than deprecation (for which you should use deprecate_warn() and friends). There is no behaviour associated with this signal, but in the future we will provide tools to log and report on usage of experimental and superseded functions.


signal_stage(stage, what, with = NULL, env = caller_env())



Life cycle stage, either "experimental" or "superseded".


String describing what feature the stage applies too, using the same syntax as deprecate_warn().


An optional string giving a recommended replacement for a superseded function.


Environment used to determine where signal_stage() was called, used to determine the package name).


foofy <- function(x, y, z) {
  signal_stage("experimental", "foofy()")
  x + y / z
foofy(1, 2, 3)

Control the verbosity of deprecation signals


There are 3 levels of verbosity for deprecated functions: silence, warning, and error. Since the lifecycle package avoids disruptive warnings, the default level of verbosity depends on the lifecycle stage of the deprecated function, on the context of the caller (global environment or testthat unit tests cause more warnings), and whether the warning was already issued (see the help for deprecation functions).

You can control the level of verbosity with the global option lifecycle_verbosity. It can be set to:

  • "quiet" to suppress all deprecation messages.

  • "default" or NULL to warn once every 8 hours.

  • "warning" to warn every time.

  • "error" to error instead of warning.

Note that functions calling deprecate_stop() invariably throw errors.


if (rlang::is_installed("testthat")) {

  mytool <- function() {
    deprecate_soft("1.0.0", "mytool()")
    10 * 10

  # Forcing the verbosity level is useful for unit testing. You can
  # force errors to test that the function is indeed deprecated:
  test_that("mytool is deprecated", {
    rlang::local_options(lifecycle_verbosity = "error")
    expect_error(mytool(), class = "defunctError")

  # Or you can enforce silence to safely test that the function
  # still works:
  test_that("mytool still works", {
    rlang::local_options(lifecycle_verbosity = "quiet")
    expect_equal(mytool(), 100)