Package: usethis

usethis: Automate Package and Project Setup
Automate package and project setup tasks that are otherwise performed manually. This includes setting up unit testing, test coverage, continuous integration, Git, 'GitHub', licenses, 'Rcpp', 'RStudio' projects, and more.
usethis.pdf |usethis.html✨
usethis/json (API)
# Install 'usethis' in R: |
install.packages('usethis', repos = c('', '')) |
Bug tracker:
Pkgdown site:
Last updated 19 days agofrom:a653d6e05f. Checks:4 OK, 5 NOTE. Indexed: yes.
Target | Result | Latest binary |
Doc / Vignettes | OK | Mar 05 2025 |
R-4.5-win | OK | Mar 05 2025 |
R-4.5-mac | OK | Mar 05 2025 |
R-4.5-linux | OK | Mar 05 2025 |
R-4.4-win | NOTE | Mar 05 2025 |
R-4.4-mac | NOTE | Mar 05 2025 |
R-4.4-linux | NOTE | Mar 05 2025 |
R-4.3-win | NOTE | Mar 05 2025 |
R-4.3-mac | NOTE | Mar 05 2025 |
Readme and manuals
Help Manual
Help page | Topics |
README badges | badges use_badge use_binder_badge use_bioc_badge use_cran_badge use_lifecycle_badge use_posit_cloud_badge |
Visit important project-related web pages | browse-this browse_circleci browse_cran browse_github browse_github_actions browse_github_issues browse_github_pulls browse_package browse_project |
Create a project from a GitHub repo | create_from_github |
Create a package or project | create_package create_project |
Open configuration files | edit edit_git_config edit_git_ignore edit_pkgdown_config edit_rstudio_prefs edit_rstudio_snippets edit_r_buildignore edit_r_environ edit_r_makevars edit_r_profile |
See or set the default Git protocol | git_protocol use_git_protocol |
Git/GitHub sitrep | git_sitrep |
Vaccinate your global gitignore file | git_vaccinate |
Get or set the default Git branch | git-default-branch git_default_branch git_default_branch_configure git_default_branch_rediscover git_default_branch_rename |
Get help with GitHub personal access tokens | create_github_token gh_token_help github-token |
Helpers for GitHub issues | issue-this issue_close_community issue_reprex_needed |
License a package | use_agpl3_license use_agpl_license use_apache_license use_apl2_license use_cc0_license use_ccby_license use_gpl3_license use_gpl_license use_lgpl_license use_mit_license use_proprietary_license |
Activate a project | proj_activate |
Report working directory and usethis/RStudio project | proj_sitrep |
Utility functions for the active project | local_project proj_get proj_path proj_set proj_utils with_project |
Helpers for GitHub pull requests | pr_fetch pr_finish pr_forget pr_init pr_merge_main pr_pause pr_pull pr_push pr_resume pr_view pull-requests |
Automatically rename paired R/ and test/ files | rename_files |
Helpers to make useful changes to '.Rprofile' | rprofile-helper use_conflicted use_devtools use_partial_warnings use_reprex use_usethis |
Suppress usethis's messaging | ui_silence |
Add minimal RStudio Addin binding | use_addin |
Configure a project to use Air | use_air |
Add an author to the 'Authors@R' field in DESCRIPTION | use_author |
Don't save/load user workspace between sessions | use_blank_slate |
Add files to '.Rbuildignore' | use_build_ignore |
Create a CITATION template | use_citation |
Add a code of conduct | use_code_of_conduct |
Test coverage | use_coverage use_covr_ignore |
Use C++ via the cpp11 package | use_cpp11 |
CRAN submission comments | use_cran_comments |
Create package data | use_data use_data_raw |
Prepare for importing data.table | use_data_table |
Create or modify a DESCRIPTION file | use_description use_description_defaults |
Use a directory | use_directory |
Initialise a git repository | use_git |
Configure Git | use_git_config |
Add a git hook | use_git_hook |
Tell Git to ignore files | use_git_ignore |
Configure and report Git remotes | git_remotes use_git_remote |
Connect a local repo with GitHub | use_github |
Set up a GitHub Actions workflow | use_github_action |
Copy a file from any GitHub repo into the current project | use_github_file |
Manage GitHub issue labels | tidy_labels tidy_labels_rename tidy_label_colours tidy_label_descriptions use_github_labels use_tidy_github_labels |
Use GitHub links in URL and BugReports | use_github_links |
Configure a GitHub Pages site | use_github_pages |
Publish a GitHub release | use_github_release |
Continuous integration setup and badges | use_circleci use_circleci_badge use_gitlab_ci |
Import a function from another package | use_import_from |
Create Jenkinsfile for Jenkins CI Pipelines | use_jenkins |
Use lifecycle badges | use_lifecycle |
Use a package logo | use_logo |
Create Makefile | use_make |
Use a basic 'NAMESPACE' | use_namespace |
Create a simple '' | use_news_md |
Depend on another package | use_dev_package use_package |
Package-level documentation | use_package_doc |
Use magrittr's pipe in your package | use_pipe |
Use pkgdown | use_pkgdown use_pkgdown_github_pages |
Create or edit R or test files | use_r use_test |
Use C, C++, RcppArmadillo, or RcppEigen | use_c use_rcpp use_rcpp_armadillo use_rcpp_eigen |
Create README files | use_readme_md use_readme_rmd |
Create a release checklist in a GitHub issue | use_release_issue |
Reverse dependency checks | use_revdep |
Add an RMarkdown Template | use_rmarkdown_template |
Use roxygen2 with markdown | use_roxygen_md |
Add RStudio Project infrastructure | use_rstudio |
Set global RStudio preferences | use_rstudio_preferences |
Use spell check | use_spell_check |
Use a standalone file from another repo | use_standalone |
Use a usethis-style template | use_template |
Create or edit a test helper file | use_test_helper |
Sets up overall testing infrastructure | use_testthat |
Prepare to return a tibble | use_tibble |
Helpers for tidyverse development | create_tidy_package tidyverse use_tidy_coc use_tidy_contributing use_tidy_dependencies use_tidy_description use_tidy_github use_tidy_github_actions use_tidy_issue_template use_tidy_logo use_tidy_style use_tidy_support use_tidy_upkeep_issue |
Identify contributors via GitHub activity | use_tidy_thanks |
Create a learnr tutorial | use_tutorial |
Create an upkeep checklist in a GitHub issue | use_upkeep_issue |
Increment package version | use_dev_version use_version |
Create a vignette or article | use_article use_vignette |
Options consulted by usethis | usethis_options |
Download and unpack a ZIP file | use_course use_zip zip-utils |