Package 'svglite'

Title: An 'SVG' Graphics Device
Description: A graphics device for R that produces 'Scalable Vector Graphics'. 'svglite' is a fork of the older 'RSvgDevice' package.
Authors: Hadley Wickham [aut], Lionel Henry [aut], Thomas Lin Pedersen [cre, aut] , T Jake Luciani [aut], Matthieu Decorde [aut], Vaudor Lise [aut], Tony Plate [ctb] (Early line dashing code), David Gohel [ctb] (Line dashing code and early raster code), Yixuan Qiu [ctb] (Improved styles; polypath implementation), Håkon Malmedal [ctb] (Opacity code), Posit, PBC [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Thomas Lin Pedersen <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Built: 2024-09-26 04:13:40 UTC

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Create a font-face specification


Webfonts in SVG and HTML can either be specified manually using the ⁠@font-face⁠ at-rule, or imported from e.g. Google Fonts using the ⁠@import⁠ at-rule. font_face() helps you create a valid ⁠@font-face⁠ block for the web_fonts argument in svglite() and svgstring() functions.


  woff2 = NULL,
  woff = NULL,
  ttf = NULL,
  otf = NULL,
  eot = NULL,
  svg = NULL,
  local = NULL,
  weight = NULL,
  style = NULL,
  range = NULL,
  variant = NULL,
  stretch = NULL,
  feature_setting = NULL,
  variation_setting = NULL



The font family name this font should respond to.

woff2, woff, ttf, otf, eot, svg

URLs to the font in different formats. At least one must be given. Best browser support is provided by the woff format.


One or more font names that local installations of the font may have. If a local font is found with either of the given names it will be used and no download will happen.


An optional value for the font-weight descriptor


An optional value for the font-style descriptor


An optional value for the unicode-range descriptor Will give the range of unicode values that this font will support


An optional value for the font-variant descriptor


An optional value for the font-stretch descriptor


An optional value for the font-feature-settings descriptor It is recommended to avoid using this if possible


An optional value for the font-variation-settings descriptor.


A character string with the ⁠@font-face⁠ block.


  family = "MyHelvetica",
  ttf = "MgOpenModernaBold.ttf",
  local = c("Helvetica Neue Bold", "HelveticaNeue-Bold"),
  weight = "bold"

An SVG Graphics Driver


This function produces graphics compliant to the current w3 svg XML standard. The driver output is currently NOT specifying a DOCTYPE DTD.


  filename = "Rplot%03d.svg",
  width = 10,
  height = 8,
  bg = "white",
  pointsize = 12,
  standalone = TRUE,
  system_fonts = list(),
  user_fonts = list(),
  web_fonts = list(),
  id = NULL,
  fix_text_size = TRUE,
  scaling = 1,
  always_valid = FALSE,



The file where output will appear.

height, width

Height and width in inches.


Default background color for the plot (defaults to "white").


Default point size.


Produce a standalone svg file? If FALSE, omits xml header and default namespace.


[Superseded] Consider using systemfonts::register_font() instead. Named list of font names to be aliased with fonts installed on your system. If unspecified, the R default families sans, serif, mono and symbol are aliased to the family returned by font_info().


[Superseded] Consider using systemfonts::register_font() instead. Named list of fonts to be aliased with font files provided by the user rather than fonts properly installed on the system. The aliases can be fonts from the fontquiver package, strings containing a path to a font file, or a list containing name and file elements with name indicating the font alias in the SVG output and file the path to a font file.


A list containing web fonts to use in the SVG. The fonts will still need to be available locally on the computer running the code, but viewers of the final SVG will not need the font if specified as a web font. Web fonts can either be specified using font_face() or given as a single string in which case they are taken to be URL's for an ⁠@import⁠ directive to e.g. Google Fonts.


A character vector of ids to assign to the generated SVG's. If creating more SVG files than supplied ids the exceeding SVG's will not have an id tag and a warning will be thrown.


Should the width of strings be fixed so that it doesn't change between svg renderers depending on their font rendering? Defaults to TRUE. If TRUE each string will have the textLength CSS property set to the width calculated by systemfonts and lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'. Setting this to FALSE can be beneficial for heavy post-processing that may change content or style of strings, but may lead to inconsistencies between strings and graphic elements that depend on the dimensions of the string (e.g. label borders and background).


A scaling factor to apply to the rendered line width and text size. Useful for getting the right sizing at the dimension that you need.


Should the svgfile be a valid svg file while it is being written to? Setting this to TRUE will incur a considerable performance hit (>50% additional rendering time) so this should only be set to TRUE if the file is being parsed while it is still being written to.


Identical to filename. Provided for backward compatibility.


svglite provides two ways of controlling fonts: system fonts aliases and user fonts aliases. Supplying a font alias has two effects. First it determines the font-family property of all text anchors in the SVG output. Secondly, the font is used to determine the dimensions of graphical elements and has thus an influence on the overall aspect of the plots. This means that for optimal display, the font must be available on both the computer used to create the svg, and the computer used to render the svg. See the fonts vignette for more information.


This driver was written by T Jake Luciani [email protected] 2012: updated by Matthieu Decorde [email protected]


W3C Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG):

See Also

pictex, postscript, Devices


# Save to file
plot(1:11, (-5:5)^2, type = "b", main = "Simple Example")

Access current SVG as a string.


This is a variation on svglite that makes it easy to access the current value as a string.


  width = 10,
  height = 8,
  bg = "white",
  pointsize = 12,
  standalone = TRUE,
  system_fonts = list(),
  user_fonts = list(),
  web_fonts = list(),
  id = NULL,
  fix_text_size = TRUE,
  scaling = 1


height, width

Height and width in inches.


Default background color for the plot (defaults to "white").


Default point size.


Produce a standalone svg file? If FALSE, omits xml header and default namespace.


[Superseded] Consider using systemfonts::register_font() instead. Named list of font names to be aliased with fonts installed on your system. If unspecified, the R default families sans, serif, mono and symbol are aliased to the family returned by font_info().


[Superseded] Consider using systemfonts::register_font() instead. Named list of fonts to be aliased with font files provided by the user rather than fonts properly installed on the system. The aliases can be fonts from the fontquiver package, strings containing a path to a font file, or a list containing name and file elements with name indicating the font alias in the SVG output and file the path to a font file.


A list containing web fonts to use in the SVG. The fonts will still need to be available locally on the computer running the code, but viewers of the final SVG will not need the font if specified as a web font. Web fonts can either be specified using font_face() or given as a single string in which case they are taken to be URL's for an ⁠@import⁠ directive to e.g. Google Fonts.


A character vector of ids to assign to the generated SVG's. If creating more SVG files than supplied ids the exceeding SVG's will not have an id tag and a warning will be thrown.


Should the width of strings be fixed so that it doesn't change between svg renderers depending on their font rendering? Defaults to TRUE. If TRUE each string will have the textLength CSS property set to the width calculated by systemfonts and lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'. Setting this to FALSE can be beneficial for heavy post-processing that may change content or style of strings, but may lead to inconsistencies between strings and graphic elements that depend on the dimensions of the string (e.g. label borders and background).


A scaling factor to apply to the rendered line width and text size. Useful for getting the right sizing at the dimension that you need.


See svglite() documentation for information about specifying fonts.


A function with no arguments: call the function to get the current value of the string.


s <- svgstring()
text(0.5, 0.5, "Hi!")

s <- svgstring()
plot(rnorm(5), rnorm(5))