Package 'rcmdcheck'

Title: Run 'R CMD check' from 'R' and Capture Results
Description: Run 'R CMD check' from 'R' and capture the results of the individual checks. Supports running checks in the background, timeouts, pretty printing and comparing check results.
Authors: Gábor Csárdi [cre, aut], Mango Solutions [cph, fnd], Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Gábor Csárdi <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Built: 2025-03-06 06:34:43 UTC

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Query R CMD check results and parameters


Query R CMD check results and parameters





A check result.


A named list with elements:

  • package: package name.

  • version: package version.

  • rversion: R version.

  • notes: character vector of check NOTEs, each NOTE is an element.

  • warnings: character vector of check WARNINGs, each WARNING is an element.

  • errors: character vector of check ERRORs, each ERROR is an element. A check timeout adds an ERROR to this vector.

  • platform: check platform

  • checkdir: check directory.

  • install_out: the output of the installation, contents of the ⁠00install.out⁠ file. A single string.

  • description: the contents of the DESCRIPTION file of the package. A single string.

  • session_info: the output of sessioninfo::session_info(), from the R session performing the checks.

  • checkdir: the path to the check directory, if it hasn't been cleaned up yet, or NA. The check directory is automatically cleaned up, when the check object is deleted (garbage collected).

  • cran: whether it is a CRAN packaged package.

  • bioc: whether it is a BioConductor package.

Compare a set of check results to another check result


Compare a set of check results to another check result


compare_checks(old, new)



A check result, or a list of check results.


A check result.


An rcmdcheck_comparison object with fields:

  • package: the name of the package, string,

  • versions: package versions, length two character,

  • status: comparison status, see below,

  • old: list of rcmdcheck objects the old check(s),

  • new: rcmdcheck object, the new check,

  • cmp:

See Also

Other check comparisons: compare_to_cran()

Compare a check result to CRAN check results


Compare a check result to CRAN check results


compare_to_cran(check, flavours = cran_check_flavours(check$package))



A check result.


CRAN check flavour(s) to use. By default all platforms are used.


An rmdcheck_comparison object.

See Also

Other check comparisons: compare_checks()

Download and show all CRAN check flavour platforms


If the package argument is NULL, then all current platforms are downloaded. If the package argument is specified, then all flavours used for the latest package checks for that package, are downloaded and returned.


cran_check_flavours(package = NULL)



CRAN package name or NULL.


Character vector of platform ids.


## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

Download and parse R CMD check results from CRAN


Download and parse R CMD check results from CRAN


  flavours = cran_check_flavours(package),
  quiet = FALSE



Name of a single package to download the checks for.


CRAN check flavours to use. Defaults to all flavours that were used to check the package.


Whether to omit the download progress bars.


A list of rcmdcheck objects.

Parse R CMD check results from a file or string


At most one of file or text can be given. If both are NULL, then the current working directory is checked for a 00check.log file.


parse_check(file = NULL, text = NULL, ...)



The 00check.log file, or a directory that contains that file. It can also be a connection object.


The contents of a 00check.log file.


Other arguments passed onto the constructor. Used for testing.


An rcmdcheck object, the check results.

See Also


Shorthand to parse R CMD check results from a URL


Shorthand to parse R CMD check results from a URL


parse_check_url(url, quiet = FALSE)



URL to parse the results from. Note that it should not contain HTML markup, just the text output.


Passed to download.file.


An rcmdcheck object, the check results.

See Also


Print R CMD check results


Print R CMD check results


## S3 method for class 'rcmdcheck'
  header = TRUE,
  test_output = getOption("rcmdcheck.test_output", FALSE),



Check result object to print.


Whether to print a header.


if TRUE, include the test output in the results, if there are no test failures. If some tests fail, then only the failures are printed.


Additional arguments, currently ignored.

Print R CMD check result comparisons


See compare_checks() and compare_to_cran().


## S3 method for class 'rcmdcheck_comparison'
print(x, header = TRUE, ...)



R CMD check result comparison object.


Whether to print the header. You can suppress the header if you want to use the printout as part of another object's printout.


Additional arguments, currently ignored.

Run R CMD check from R and Capture Results


Run R CMD check from R programmatically, and capture the results of the individual checks.

Runs ⁠R CMD check⁠ as an external command, and parses its output and returns the check failures.


  path = ".",
  quiet = FALSE,
  args = character(),
  build_args = character(),
  check_dir = NULL,
  libpath = .libPaths(),
  repos = getOption("repos"),
  timeout = Inf,
  error_on = Sys.getenv("RCMDCHECK_ERROR_ON", c("never", "error", "warning", "note")[1]),
  env = character()



Path to a package tarball or a directory.


Whether to print check output during checking.


Character vector of arguments to pass to ⁠R CMD check⁠. Pass each argument as a single element of this character vector (do not use spaces to delimit arguments like you would in the shell). For example, to skip running of examples and tests, use args = c("--no-examples", "--no-tests") and not args = "--no-examples --no-tests". (Note that instead of the --output option you should use the check_dir argument, because --output cannot deal with spaces and other special characters on Windows.)


Character vector of arguments to pass to ⁠R CMD build⁠. Pass each argument as a single element of this character vector (do not use spaces to delimit arguments like you would in the shell). For example, build_args = c("--force", "--keep-empty-dirs") is a correct usage and build_args = "--force --keep-empty-dirs" is incorrect.


Path to a directory where the check will be performed. The path will be created if needed and is reported in the checkdir field of the object returned by rcmdcheck().

If check_dir = NULL (the default), the check is performed in a temporary directory that is automatically cleaned up when the object returned by rcmdcheck() is deleted.


The library path to set for the check. The default uses the current library path.


The repos option to set for the check. This is needed for cyclic dependency checks if you use the --as-cran argument. The default uses the current value.


Timeout for the check, in seconds, or as a base::difftime object. If it is not finished before this, it will be killed. Inf means no timeout. If the check is timed out, that is added as an extra error to the result object.


Whether to throw an error on ⁠R CMD check⁠ failures. Note that the check is always completed (unless a timeout happens), and the error is only thrown after completion. If "never", then no errors are thrown. If "error", then only ERROR failures generate errors. If "warning", then WARNING failures generate errors as well. If "note", then any check failure generated an error. Its default can be modified with the RCMDCHECK_ERROR_ON environment variable. If that is not set, then "never" is used.


A named character vector, extra environment variables to set in the check process.


See rcmdcheck_process if you need to run ⁠R CMD check⁠ in a background process.


An S3 object (list) with fields errors, warnings and notes. These are all character vectors containing the output for the failed check.

Turning off package checks

Sometimes it is useful to programmatically turn off some checks that may report check NOTEs. rcmdcheck provides two ways to do this.

First, you may declare in DESCRIPTION that you don't want to see NOTEs that are accepted on CRAN, with this entry:

Config/rcmdcheck/ignore-inconsequential-notes: true

Currently, this will make rcmdcheck ignore the following notes:

  • report large package sizes (⁠_R_CHECK_PKG_SIZES_ = FALSE⁠),

  • check cross-references in Rd files (⁠_R_CHECK_RD_XREFS_ = FALSE⁠),

  • NOTE if package requires GNU make (⁠_R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_NOTE_GNU_MAKE_ = FALSE⁠),

  • report marked non-ASCII strings in datasets (⁠_R_CHECK_PACKAGE_DATASETS_SUPPRESS_NOTES_ = TRUE⁠).

The second way is more flexible, and lets you turn off individual checks via setting environment variables. You may provide a tools/check.env environment file in your package with the list of environment variable settings that rcmdcheck will automatically use when checking the package. See Startup for the format of this file.

Here is an example tools/check.env file:

# Report if package size is larger than 10 megabytes

# Do not check Rd cross references

# Do not report if package requires GNU make

# Do not check non-ASCII strings in datasets

See the "R internals" manual and the R source code for the environment variables that control the checks.

Note that Config/rcmdcheck/ignore-inconsequential-notes and the check.env file are only supported by rcmdcheck, and running ⁠R CMD check⁠ from a shell (or GUI) will not use them.

Run an ⁠R CMD check⁠ process in the background


rcmdcheck_process is an R6 class, that extends the callr::rcmd_process class (which in turn extends processx::process.


cp <- rcmdcheck_process$new(path = ".", args = character(),
         build_args = character(), check_dir = NULL,
         libpath = .libPaths(), repos = getOption("repos"))


Other methods are inherited from callr::rcmd_process and processx::process.

Note that you calling the get_output_connection and get_error_connection method on this is not a good idea, because then the stdout and/or stderr of the process will not be collected for parse_results().

You can still use the read_output_lines() and read_error_lines() methods to read the standard output and error, parse_results() is not affected by that.


  • cp: A new rcmdcheck_process object.

  • path: Path to a package tree or a package archive file. This is the package to check.

  • args: Command line arguments to ⁠R CMD check⁠.

  • build_args: Command line arguments to ⁠R CMD build⁠.

  • check_dir: Directory for the results.

  • libpath: The library path to set for the check.

  • repos: The repos option to set for the check. This is needed for cyclic dependency checks if you use the --as-cran argument. The default uses the current value.

  • env: A named character vector, extra environment variables to set in the check process.


Most methods are inherited from callr::rcmd_process and processx::process.

cp$parse_results() parses the results, and returns an S3 object with fields errors, warnnigs and notes, just like rcmdcheck(). It is an error to call it before the process has finished. Use the wait() method to wait for the check to finish, or the is_alive() method to check if it is still running.

rcmdcheck configuration


Options take precedence over environment variables. E.g. if both the RCMDCHECK_NUM_COLORS environment variables and the rcmdcheck.num_colors option are set, then the latter is used.


rcmdcheck uses the cli package for much of its output, so you can configure the output via cli, see cli::cli-config.

Package configration is defined in the DESCRIPTION file of the checked package. E.g.:

Config/build/clean-inst-doc: FALSE

Environment variables

  • R_PROFILE_USER: standard R environment variable to configure the path to the user level R profile. See base::R_PROFILE_USER.

  • RCMDCHECK_BASE_URL: URL to the root of the CRAN check web page. You can use this to select an alternative CRAN mirror. Defaults to ⁠⁠.

  • RCMDCHECK_DETAILS_URL: URL to the root of the CRAN check output page. Defaults to ⁠⁠.

  • RCMDCHECK_ERROR_ON: the default value for the error_on argument of rcmdcheck().

  • RCMDCHECK_FLAVOURS_URL URL to the CRAN check flavours page. You can use this to select an alternative CRAN mirror. Defaults to ⁠⁠.

  • RCMDCHECK_NUM_COLORS: the number of ANSI colors to use in the output. It can be used to override the number of colors detected or configured by the cli package. See cli::num_ansi_colors(). This configuration is only used for the output of rcmdcheck and it does not affect the examples and test cases (and other code) of the checked package. It not set, then the default of cli is uesed. The corresponding option is rcmdcheck.num_colors.

  • RCMDCHECK_TIMESTAMP_LIMIT: lower limit is seconds, above which rcmdcheck adds time stamps to the individual check steps. It may be fractional. Defaults to 1/3 of a second. The corresponding option is rcmdcheck.timestamp_limit.

  • RCMDCHECK_USE_RSTUDIO_PANDOC: Flag (true or false). If true, then rcmdcheck always puts RStudio's pandoc (if available) on the path. If false, then it never does that. If not set, or set to a different value, then pandoc is put on the path only if it is not already available. RStudio's pandoc is detected via an RSTUDIO_PANDOC environment variable.

  • RCMDCHECK_LOAD_CHECK_ENV: you can use this environment variable suppress loading environment variables from the tools/check.env file. See rcmdcheck() for details.

  • RSTUDIO_PANDOC: if set, rcmdcheck adds this environment variable to the PATH if pandoc is not on the PATH already. It is usually set in RStudio. See also the RCMDCHECK_USE_RSTUDIO_PANDOC environment variable.


  • rcmdcheck.num_colors: the number of ANSI colors to use in the output. It can be used to override the number of colors detected or configured by the cli package. See cli::num_ansi_colors(). This configuration is only used for the output of rcmdcheck and it does not affect the examples and test cases (and other code) of the checked package. It not set, then the default of cli is uesed. The corresponding environment variable is RCMDCHECK_NUM_COLORS.

  • rcmdcheck.test_output: Flag (TRUE or FALSE), whether print.rcmdcheck() should print the full test output if there are no test failures. If some tests fail, then only the failures are printed, independently of this option.

  • rcmdcheck.timestamp_limit: lower limit is seconds, above which rcmdcheck adds time stamps to the individual check steps. It may be fractional. Defaults to 1/3 of a second. The corresponding environment variable is RCMDCHECK_TIMESTAMP_LIMIT.

Package configuration:

  • Config/build/clean-inst-doc: Flag (TRUE or FALSE) to specify if the inst/doc directory should be cleaned up when building a package directory. If not specified, then NULL is used. See the clean_doc option of pkgbuild::build() for more details.

Open the check directory in a file browser window


Open the check directory in a file browser window


## S3 method for class 'rcmdcheck'
xopen(target, app = NULL, quiet = FALSE, ...)



rcmdcheck() result.


Specify the app to open target with, and its arguments, in a character vector. Note that app names are platform dependent.


Whether to echo the command to the screen, before running it.


Additional arguments, not used currently.