Package 'pkgdepends'

Title: Package Dependency Resolution and Downloads
Description: Find recursive dependencies of 'R' packages from various sources. Solve the dependencies to obtain a consistent set of packages to install. Download packages, and install them. It supports packages on 'CRAN', 'Bioconductor' and other 'CRAN-like' repositories, 'GitHub', package 'URLs', and local package trees and files. It caches metadata and package files via the 'pkgcache' package, and performs all 'HTTP' requests, downloads, builds and installations in parallel. 'pkgdepends' is the workhorse of the 'pak' package.
Authors: Gábor Csárdi [aut, cre], Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Gábor Csárdi <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Built: 2025-02-27 19:19:17 UTC

Help Index

pkgdepends: Package Dependency Resolution and Downloads


pkgdepends is a toolkit for package dependencies, downloads and installations, to be used in other packages. If you are looking for a package manager, see pak.


  • Look up package dependencies recursively.

  • Visualize package dependencies.

  • Download packages and their dependencies.

  • Install downloaded packages.

  • Includes a dependency solver to find a consistent set of dependencies.

  • Supports CRAN and Bioconductor packages automatically.

  • Supports packages on GitHub and GitLab.

  • Supports packages in git repositories.

  • Supports package bundles or files on the web.

  • Supports local package file and trees.

  • Supports the Remotes entry in the DESCRIPTION file.

  • Caches metadata and downloaded packages via pkgcache

  • Performs all downloads and HTTP queries concurrently.

  • Builds and installs packages in parallel.


Install the package with:


If you need the development version, install it with




Package references

A package reference (ref) specifies a location from which an R package can be obtained from. Examples:


See “Package references” for details.

Package dependencies

Dependencies of the development version of the cli package:

pd <- new_pkg_deps("r-lib/pkgcache")
##  Loading metadata database ... done                                    
## r-lib/pkgcache ✨👷🏽🔧                                          
## ├─callr 3.7.3 ✨ ⬇ (431.00 kB)                                           
## │ ├─processx 3.8.1 ✨ ⬇ (316.20 kB)                                      
## │ │ ├─ps 1.7.5 ✨ ⬇ (313.92 kB)                                          
## │ │ └─R6 2.5.1                                                         
## │ └─R6                                                                  
## ├─cli 3.6.1 ✨ ⬇ (1.38 MB)                                               
## ├─curl 5.0.0 ✨ ⬇ (777.64 kB)                                            
## ├─filelock 1.0.2 ✨ ⬇ (29.58 kB)                                         
## ├─jsonlite 1.8.4 ✨ ⬇ (1.13 MB)                                          
## ├─prettyunits 1.1.1 ✨ ⬇ (35.23 kB)                                      
## ├─processx                                                              
## ├─R6                                                                    
## └─rappdirs 0.3.3 ✨ ⬇ (47.50 kB)                                         
## Key:   new |  download | 👷🏽 build | 🔧 compile                        

See the pkg_deps class for details.

Package downloads

Downloading all dependencies of a package:

pdl <- new_pkg_download_proposal("r-lib/cli")
##  No downloads are needed, 1 pkg is cached                              

See the pkg_download_proposal class for details.

Package installation

Installing or updating a set of package:

lib <- tempfile()
pdi <- new_pkg_installation_proposal(
  config = list(library = lib)
##  No downloads are needed, 1 pkg is cached                              
##  Installed cli (github::r-lib/cli@c37f34b) (36ms)           
##  Summary:  ✨ 1 new  in 36ms                                            

Dependency resolution

pkg_deps, pkg_download_proposal and pkg_installation_proposal all resolve their dependencies recursively, to obtain information about all packages needed for the specified package references. See “Dependency resolution” for details.

The dependency solver

The dependency solver takes the resolution information, and works out the exact versions of each package that must be installed, such that version and other requirements are satisfied. See “The dependency solver” for details.

Installation plans

pkg_installation_proposal can create installation plans, and then also install them. It is also possible to import installation plans that were created by other tools. See “Installation plans” for details.


The details of pkg_deps, pkg_download_proposal and pkg_installation_proposal can be tuned with a list of configuration options. See “Configuration” for details.


  • pak – R package manager

  • pkgcache – Metadata and package cache

  • devtools – Tools for R package developers

Code of Conduct

Please note that the pkgdepends project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.


MIT (c) RStudio


Maintainer: Gábor Csárdi [email protected]

Other contributors:

  • Posit Software, PBC [copyright holder, funder]

See Also

Useful links:

Shorthands for dependency specifications


Shorthands for dependency specifications





See below.


R packages may have various types of dependencies, see Writing R Extensions.

pkgdepends groups dependencies into three groups:

  • hard dependencies: "Depends", "Imports", and "LinkingTo",

  • soft dependencies: "Suggests" and "Enhances",

  • extra dependencies, see below.

pkgdepends supports concise ways of specifying which types of dependencies of a package should be installed. It is similar to how utils::install.packages() interprets its dependencies argument.

You typically use one of these values:

  • NA or "hard" to install a package and its required dependencies,

  • TRUE to install all required dependencies, plus optional and development dependencies.

If you need more flexibility, the full description of possible values for the deps argument are:

  • TRUE: This means all hard dependencies plus Suggests for direct installations, and hard dependencies only for dependent packages.

  • FALSE: no dependencies are installed at all.

  • NA (any atomic type, so NA_character_, etc. as well): only hard dependencies are installed. See pkg_dep_types_hard().

  • If a list with two entries named direct and indirect, it is taken as the requested dependency types, for direct installations and dependent packages.

  • If a character vector, then it is taken as the dependency types for direct installations, and the hard dependencies are used for the dependent packages.

If "hard" is included in the value or a list element, then it is replaced by the hard dependency types. If "soft" or "all" is included, then it is replaced by all hard and soft dependency.

Extra dependencies

pkgdepends supports extra dependency types for direct installations not from CRAN-like repositories. These are specified with a ⁠Config/Needs/⁠ prefix in the DESCRIPTION and they can contain package references, separated by commas. For example you can specify packages that are only needed for the pkgdown website of the package:

Config/Needs/website: r-lib/pkgdown

To use these dependency types, you need to specify them in the deps argument to pkgdepends functions.

Note that ⁠Config/Needs/*⁠ fields are currently not used from CRAN packages, and packages in CRAN-like repositories in general.

Usually you specify that a ⁠Config/Needs/*⁠ dependency type should be installed together with "hard" or "all", to install all hard or soft dependencies as well.


A named list with two character vectors: direct, indirect, the dependency types to use for direct installations and dependent packages.

See Also

Other package dependency utilities: pkg_dep_types_hard()

R platforms


default_platfoms() returns the default platforms for the current R session. These typically consist of the detected platform of the current R session, and "source", for source packages.





current_r_platform() detects the platform of the current R version.

By default pkgdepends works with source packages and binary packages for the current platform. You can change this, see 'Configuration'.

The following platform names can be configured and returned by current_r_platform() and default_platforms():

  • "source" for source packages,

  • A platform string like R.version$platform, but on Linux the name and version of the distribution are also included. Examples:

    • x86_64-apple-darwin17.0: macOS High Sierra.

    • aarch64-apple-darwin20: macOS Big Sur on arm64.

    • x86_64-w64-mingw32: 64 bit Windows.

    • i386-w64-mingw32: 32 bit Windows.

    • i386+x86_64-w64-mingw32: 64 bit + 32 bit Windows.

    • i386-pc-solaris2.10: 32 bit Solaris. (Some broken 64 Solaris builds might have the same platform string, unfortunately.)

    • x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-debian-10: Debian Linux 10 on x86_64.

    • ⁠x86_64-pc-linux-musl-alpine-3.14.1⁠: Alpine Linux.

    • x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-unknown: Unknown Linux Distribution on x86_64.

    • s390x-ibm-linux-gnu-ubuntu-20.04: Ubuntu Linux 20.04 on S390x.

    • amd64-portbld-freebsd12.1: FreeBSD 12.1 on x86_64.

In addition, the following platform names can be used to configure pkgdepends:

  • "macos" for macOS binaries that are appropriate for the R versions pkgdepends is working with (defaulting to the version of the current session), as defined by CRAN binaries. E.g. on R 3.5.0 macOS binaries are built for macOS El Capitan.

  • "windows" for Windows binaries for the default CRAN architecture. This is currently Windows Vista for all supported R versions, but it might change in the future. The actual binary packages in the repository might support both 32 bit and 64 builds, or only one of them. In practice 32-bit only packages are very rare. CRAN builds before and including R 4.1 have both architectures, from R 4.2 they are 64 bit only. "windows" is an alias to i386+x86_64-w64-mingw32 currently.


current_r_platform() returns a string, the name of the current platform.

default_platforms() returns a character vector of platform names.



Perform a package installation plan


See 'Installation plans' for the details and the format.


  lib = .libPaths()[[1]],
  num_workers = 1,
  cache = NULL



Package plan object, a data frame, see 'Installation plans' for the format.


Library directory to install to.


Number of worker processes to use.


Package cache to use, or NULL.


Information about the installation process.

Installation plans


An installation plan contains all data that is needed to install a set of package files. It is usually created from an installation proposal with solving the dependencies and downloading the package files.


It is also possible to create an installation plan a different way. An installation plan object must be a data frame, with at least the following columns:

  • package: The name of the package.

  • type: The type of the package reference.

  • binary: Whether the package is a binary package.

  • file: Full path to the package file or directory.

  • dependencies: A list column that lists the names of the dependent packages for each package.

  • needscompilation: Whether the package needs compilation. This should be FALSE for binary packages.

For installation plans created via pkg_installation_proposal, the plan contains all columns from pkg_download_result objects, and some additional ones:

  • library: the library the package is supposed to be installed to.

  • direct: whether the package was directly requested or it is installed as a dependency.

  • vignettes: whether the vignettes need to be (re)built.

  • packaged: whether ⁠R CMD build⁠ was already called for the package.

See Also

pkg_installation_proposal to create install plans, install_package_plan() to install plans from any source.


## Not run: 
pdi <- new_pkg_installation_proposal(
  config = list(library = tempfile())

## End(Not run)

Check whether a package name is valid


Check whether a package name is valid





Potential package name, string of length 1.


Logical flag. If FALSE, then the reason attribute contains a character string, the explanation why the package name is invalid. See examples below.



Status of packages in a library


Query data of all packages in a package library.


lib_status(library = .libPaths()[1], packages = NULL)



Path to library.


If not NULL, then only these packages are shown.


Data frame that contains data about the packages installed in the library.

It has always has columns:

  • biocviews: the corresponding field from DESCRIPTION, it must be present for all Bioconductor packages, other packages typically don't have it.

  • built: the Built field from DESCRIPTION.

  • depends, suggests, Imports, linkingto, enhances: the corresponding fields from the DESCRIPTION files.

  • deps: A list or data frames, the dependencies of the package. It has columns: ref, type (dependency type in lowercase), package (dependent package, or R), op and version, for last two are for version requirement. op can be >=, >, == or <=, although the only the first one is common in practice.

  • library: path to the package library containing the package.

  • license: from DESCRIPTION.

  • md5sum: from DESCTIPTION, typically NA, except on Windows.

  • needscompilation: from DESCRIPTION, this column is logical.

  • package: package name.

  • platform: from the Built field in DESCRIPTION, the current platform if missing from DESCRIPTION.

  • priority: from DESCRIPTION, usually base, recommended, or missing.

  • ref: the corresponding ⁠installed::*⁠ package reference.

  • repository: from DESCRIPTION. For packages from a CRAN repository this is CRAN, some other repositories, e.g. R-universe adds the repository URL here.

  • repotype: cran, bioc or missing.

  • rversion: from the Built field. If no such field, then the current R version.

  • sysreqs: the SystemRequirements field from DESCRIPTION.

  • title: package title.

  • type: always installed.

  • version: package version (as string).

Most of these columns are unchanged from DESCRIPTION, but pkgdepends also adds a couple.


  • In addition, it also has all ⁠remote*⁠ and ⁠config/needs/*⁠ entries from the DESCRIPTION files. (Case insensitive.)

  • All columns are of type character, except for needscompilation, which is logical and deps, which is a list columns.

  • If an entry is missing for a package, it is set to NA.

  • Note that column names are lowercase, even if the corresponding entries are not in DESCRIPTION.

  • The order of the columns is not deterministic, so don't assume any order.

  • Additional columns might be present, these are internal for pkgdepends and should not be used in user code.

R6 class for package dependency lookup


Look up dependencies of R packages from various sources.


new_pkg_deps(refs, ...)



Package names or references. See 'Package references' for the syntax.


Additional arguments, passed to pkg_deps$new().


new_pkg_deps() creates a new object from the pkg_deps class. The advantage of new_pkg_deps() compared to using the pkg_deps constructor directly is that it avoids making pkgdepends a build time dependency.

The usual steps to query package dependencies are:

  1. Create a pkg_deps object with new_pkg_deps().

  2. Resolve all possible dependencies with pkg_deps$resolve().

  3. Solve the dependencies, to obtain a subset of all possible dependencies that can be installed together, with pkg_deps$solve().

  4. Call pkg_deps$get_solution() to list the result of the dependency solver.


new_pkg_deps() returns a new pkg_deps object.


Public methods

Method new()

Create a new pkg_deps object. Consider using new_pkg_deps() instead of calling the constructor directly.

The returned object can be used to look up (recursive) dependencies of R packages from various sources. To perform the actual lookup, you'll need to call the resolve() method.

  config = list(),
  policy = c("lazy", "upgrade"),
  remote_types = NULL

Package names or references. See 'Package references' for the syntax.


Configuration options, a named list. See 'Configuration'.


Solution policy. See 'The dependency solver'.


Custom remote ref types, this is for advanced use, and experimental currently.


A new pkg_deps object.

Method get_refs()

The package refs that were used to create the pkg_deps object.


A character vector of package refs that were used to create the pkg_deps object.

Method get_config()

Configuration options for the pkg_deps object. See 'Configuration' for details.


See 'Configuration' for the configuration entries.

Method resolve()

Resolve the dependencies of the specified package references. This usually means downloading metadata from CRAN and Bioconductor, unless already cached, and also from GitHub if GitHub refs were included, either directly or indirectly. See 'Dependency resolution' for details.


The pkg_deps object itself, invisibly.

Method async_resolve()

The same as resolve(), but asynchronous. This method is for advanced use.


A deferred value.

Method get_resolution()

Query the result of the dependency resolution. This method can be called after resolve() has completed.


A pkg_resolution_result object, which is also a data frame. See 'Dependency resolution' for its columns.

Method get_solve_policy()

Returns the current policy of the dependency solver. See 'The dependency solver' for details.


A character vector of length one.

Method set_solve_policy()

Set the current policy of the dependency solver. If the object already contains a solution and the new policy is different than the old policy, then the solution is deleted. See 'The dependency solver' for details.

pkg_deps$set_solve_policy(policy = c("lazy", "upgrade"))

Policy to set.

Method solve()

Solve the package dependencies. Out of the resolved dependencies, it works out a set of packages, that can be installed together to create a functional installation. The set includes all directly specified packages, and all required (or suggested, depending on the configuration) packages as well. It includes every package at most once. See 'The dependency solver' for details.

solve() calls resolve() automatically, if it hasn't been called yet.


The pkg_deps object itself, invisibly.

Method get_solution()

Returns the solution of the package dependencies.


A pkg_solution_result object, which is a list. See pkg_solution_result for details.

Method stop_for_solution_error()

Error if the dependency solver failed to find a consistent set of packages that can be installed together.


Method draw()

Draw a tree of package dependencies. It returns a tree object, see cli::tree(). Printing this object prints the dependency tree to the screen.


A tree object from the cli package, see cli::tree().

Method format()

Format a pkg_deps object, typically for printing.


Not used currently.


A character vector, each element should be a line in the printout.

Method print()

Prints a pkg_deps object to the screen. The printout includes:

  • The package refs.

  • Whether the object has the resolved dependencies.

  • Whether the resolution had errors.

  • Whether the object has the solved dependencies.

  • Whether the solution had errors.

  • Advice on which methods to call next.

See the example below.


not used currently.


The pkg_deps object itself, invisibly.

Method clone()

The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.

pkg_deps$clone(deep = FALSE)

Whether to make a deep clone.


# Method initialize()
pd <- pkg_deps$new("r-lib/pkgdepends")

# Method get_refs()
pd <- new_pkg_deps(c("pak", "jsonlite"))

# Method get_config()
pd <- new_pkg_deps("pak")

# Method resolve()
pd <- new_pkg_deps("pak")

# Method get_resolution()
pd <- new_pkg_deps("r-lib/pkgdepends")

# Method get_solve_policy()
pdi <- new_pkg_deps("r-lib/pkgdepends")

# Method set_solve_policy()
pdi <- new_pkg_deps("r-lib/pkgdepends")

# Method solve()
pd <- new_pkg_deps("r-lib/pkgdepends")

# Method get_solution()
pd <- new_pkg_deps("pkgload")

# Method stop_for_solution_error()
# This is an error, because the packages conflict:
pd <- new_pkg_deps(
  c("r-lib/pak", "cran::pak"),
  config = list(library = tempfile())
# This fails:
# pd$stop_for_solution_error()

# Method draw()
pd <- new_pkg_deps("pkgload")

# Method print()
pd <- new_pkg_deps("r-lib/pkgdepends")



R6 class for package downloads


Download packages with their dependencies, from various sources.


new_pkg_download_proposal(refs, ...)



Package names or references. See 'Package references' for the syntax.


Additional arguments, passed to pkg_download_proposal$new().


new_pkg_download_proposal() creates a new object from the pkg_download_proposal class, that can be used to look up and download R packages and their dependencies. The advantage of new_pkg_download_proposal() compared to using the pkg_download_proposal constructor directly is that it avoids making pkgdepends a build time dependency.

Typical workflow to download a set of packages:

  1. Create a pkg_download_proposal object with new_pkg_download_proposal().

  2. Resolve all possible dependencies with pkg_download_proposal$resolve().

  3. Download all files with pkg_download_proposal$download().

  4. Get the data about the packages and downloads with pkg_download_proposal$get_downloads().


new_pkg_download_proposal() returns a new pkg_download_proposal object.


Public methods

Method new()

Create a new pkg_download_proposal object. Consider using new_pkg_download_proposal() instead of calling the constructor directly.

The returned object can be used to look up (recursive) dependencies of R packages from various sources, and then to download the package files.

pkg_download_proposal$new(refs, config = list(), remote_types = NULL)

Package names or references. See 'Package references' for the syntax.


Configuration options, a named list. See 'Configuration'.


Custom remote ref types, this is for advanced use, and experimental currently.

pdl <- pkg_download_proposal$new("r-lib/pkgdepends")

Method get_refs()

The package refs that were used to create the pkg_download_proposal object.


A character vector of package refs that were used to create the pkg_download_proposal object.

Method get_config()

Configuration options for the pkg_download_proposal object. See 'Configuration' for details.


Named list. See 'Configuration' for the configuration options.

Method resolve()

Resolve the dependencies of the specified package references. This usually means downloading metadata from CRAN and Bioconductor, unless already cached, and also from GitHub if GitHub refs were included, either directly or indirectly. See 'Dependency resolution' for details.


The pkg_download_proposal object itself, invisibly.

Method async_resolve()

The same as resolve(), but asynchronous. This method is for advanced use.


A deferred value.

Method get_resolution()

Query the result of the dependency resolution. This method can be called after resolve() has completed.


A pkg_resolution_result object, which is also a data frame. See 'Dependency resolution' for its columns.

Method download()

Download all resolved packages. It uses the package cache in the pkgcache package by default, to avoid downloads if possible.


The pkg_download_proposal object, invisibly.

Method async_download()

The same as download(), but asynchronous. This method is for advanced use.


A deferred value.

Method get_downloads()

Returns the summary of the package downloads.


A pkg_download_result object, which is a list. See pkg_download_result for details.

Method stop_for_download_error()

Throw and error if the some of the downloads have failed for the most recent pkg_download_proposal$download() call.


Method format()

Format a pkg_download_proposal object, typically for printing.


not used currently.


Nothing. A character vector, each element should be a line in the printout.

Method print()

Prints a pkg_download_proposal object to the screen. The printout includes:

  • The package refs.

  • Whether the object has the resolved dependencies.

  • Whether the resolution had errors.

  • Whether the downloads were completed.

  • Whether the downloads had errors.

  • Advice on which methods to call next.

See the example below.


not used currently.


The pkg_download_proposal object itself, invisibly.

Method clone()

The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.

pkg_download_proposal$clone(deep = FALSE)

Whether to make a deep clone.


# Method get_refs()
pdl <- new_pkg_download_proposal(c("pak", "jsonlite"))

# Method get_config()
pdl <- new_pkg_download_proposal("pak")

# Method resolve()
pdl <- new_pkg_download_proposal("pak")

# Method get_resolution()
pdl <- new_pkg_download_proposal("r-lib/pkgdepends")

# Method download()
pdl <- new_pkg_download_proposal("r-lib/pkgdepends")

# Method get_downloads()
pdl <- new_pkg_download_proposal("pkgload")

# Method print()
pdl <- new_pkg_download_proposal("r-lib/pkgdepends")



R6 class for installation from a lock file


An installation plan is similar to an installation proposal (i.e. pkg_installation_proposal), but it already contains the solved dependencies, complete with download URLs.


new_pkg_installation_plan(lockfile = "pkg.lock", config = list(), ...)



Path to the lock file to use.


Configuration options, a named list. See 'Configuration'. If it does not include library, then .libPaths()[1] is added as library.


Additional arguments, passed to pkg_installation_plan$new().


Typically you create a pkg_installation_plan object with new_pkg_installation_plan() and then call its ⁠$download()⁠ method to download the packages and then its ⁠$install()⁠ method to install them.


new_pkg_installation_plan() returns a pkg_installation_plan object.

Super class

pkgdepends::pkg_installation_proposal -> pkg_installation_plan


Public methods

Inherited methods

Method new()

Create a new pkg_installation_plan object. Consider using new_pkg_installation_plan() instead of calling the constructor directly.

The returned object can be used to download and install packages, according to the plan.

  lockfile = "pkg.lock",
  config = list(),
  remote_types = NULL

Path to the lock file to use.


Configuration options. See 'Configuration'. It needs to include the package library to install to, in library.


Custom remote ref types, this is for advanced use, and experimental currently.

Method resolve()

This function is implemented for installation plans, and will error.


Method async_resolve()

This function is implemented for installation plans, and will error.


Method get_solve_policy()

Installation plans are already solved, and this method will return NA_character_, always.


Method set_solve_policy()

This function is implemented for installation plans, and will error.


Method solve()

This function is implemented for installation plans, and will error.


Method update()

Update the plan to the current state of the library. If the library has not changed since the plan was created, then it does nothing. If new packages have been installed, then it might not be necessary to download and install all packages in the plan.


This operation is different than creating a new proposal with the updated library, because it uses the the packages and package versions of the original plan. E.g. if the library has a newer version of a package, then ⁠$update()⁠ will downgrade it to the version in the plan.

Method update_sysreqs()

Update information about installed and missing system requirements.


Method format()

Format a pkg_installation_plan object, typically for printing.


not used currently.


A character vector, each element should be a line in the printout.

Method clone()

The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.

pkg_installation_plan$clone(deep = FALSE)

Whether to make a deep clone.

R6 class for package download and installation.


Download and install R packages, with their dependencies, from various sources.


new_pkg_installation_proposal(refs, config = list(), ...)



Package names or references. See 'Package references' for the syntax.


Configuration options, a named list. See 'Configuration'. If it does not include library, then .libPaths()[1] is added as library.


Additional arguments, passed to pkg_installation_proposal$new().


new_pkg_installation_proposal() creates a new object from the pkg_installation_proposal class. The advantage of new_pkg_installation_proposal() compared to using the pkg_installation_proposal constructor directly is that it avoids making pkgdepends a build time dependency.

Typical workflow to install a set of packages:

  1. Create a pkg_installation_proposal object with new_pkg_installation_proposal().

  2. Resolve all possible dependencies with pkg_installation_proposal$resolve().

  3. Solve the package dependencies, to get an installation plan, with pkg_installation_proposal$solve().

  4. Download all files with pkg_installation_proposal$download().

  5. Install the downloaded files with pkg_installation_proposal$install().


new_pkg_installation_proposal() returns a new pkg_installation_proposal object.


Public methods

Method new()

Create a new pkg_installation_proposal object. Consider using new_pkg_installation_proposal() instead of calling the constructor directly.

The returned object can be used to look up (recursive) dependencies of R packages from various sources, and then download and install the package files.

  config = list(),
  policy = c("lazy", "upgrade"),
  remote_types = NULL

Package names or references. See 'Package references' for the syntax.


Configuration options, a named list. See 'Configuration'. It needs to include the package library to install to, in library.


Solution policy. See 'The dependency solver'.


Custom remote ref types, this is for advanced use, and experimental currently.

Method get_refs()

The package refs that were used to create the pkg_installation_proposal object.


A character vector of package refs that were used to create the pkg_installation_proposal object.

Method get_config()

Configuration options for the pkg_installation_proposal object. See 'Configuration' for details.


Named list. See 'Configuration' for the configuration options.

Method resolve()

Resolve the dependencies of the specified package references. This usually means downloading metadata from CRAN and Bioconductor, unless already cached, and also from GitHub if GitHub refs were included, either directly or indirectly. See 'Dependency resolution' for details.


The pkg_installation_proposal object, invisibly.

Method async_resolve()

The same as resolve(), but asynchronous. This method is for advanced use.


A deferred value.

Method get_resolution()

Query the result of the dependency resolution. This method can be called after resolve() has completed.


A pkg_resolution_result object, which is also a data frame. See 'Dependency resolution' for its columns.

Method get_solve_policy()

Returns the current policy of the dependency solver. See 'The dependency solver' for details.


A character vector of length one.

Method set_solve_policy()

Set the current policy of the dependency solver. If the object already contains a solution and the new policy is different than the old policy, then the solution is deleted. See 'The dependency solver' for details.

pkg_installation_proposal$set_solve_policy(policy = c("lazy", "upgrade"))

Policy to set.

Method solve()

Solve the package dependencies. Out of the resolved dependencies, it works out a set of packages, that can be installed together to create a functional installation. The set includes all directly specified packages, and all required (or suggested, depending on the configuration) packages as well. It includes every package at most once. See 'The dependency solver' for details.


The pkg_installation_proposal object itself, invisibly.

Method get_solution()

Returns the solution of the package dependencies.


A pkg_solution_result object, which is a list. See pkg_solution_result for details.

Method show_solution()

Show the solution on the screen.

pkg_installation_proposal$show_solution(key = FALSE)

Whether to show the key to the package list annotation.


A pkg_solution_result object, which is a list. See pkg_solution_result for details.

Method get_sysreqs()

Query and categorize system requirements.


Method show_sysreqs()

Show system requirements for the packages in the solution.


Method stop_for_solution_error()

Error if the dependency solver failed to find a consistent set of packages that can be installed together.


Method create_lockfile()

Create a lock file that contains the information to perform the installation later, possibly in another R session.

pkg_installation_proposal$create_lockfile(path = "pkg.lock", version = 1)

Name of the lock file. The default is pkg.lock in the current working directory.


Only version 1 is supported currently.


Note, since the URLs of CRAN and most CRAN-like repositories change over time, in practice you cannot perform the plan of the lock file much later. For example, binary packages of older package version are removed, and won't be found.

Similarly, for ⁠url::⁠ remote types, the URL might hold an updated version of the package, compared to when the lock file was created. Should this happen, pkgdepends prints a warning, but it will try to continue the installation. The installation might fail if the updated package has different (e.g. new) dependencies.

Currently the intended use case of lock files in on CI systems, to facilitate caching. The (hash of the) lock file provides a good key for caching systems.

Method draw()

Draw a tree of package dependencies. It returns a tree object, see cli::tree(). Printing this object prints the dependency tree to the screen.


A tree object from the cli package, see cli::tree().

Method download()

Download all packages that are part of the solution. It uses the package cache in the pkgcache package by default, to avoid downloads if possible.


The pkg_installation_proposal object itself, invisibly.

Method async_download()

The same as download(), but asynchronous. This method is for advanced use.


A deferred value.

Method get_downloads()

Returns the summary of the package downloads.


A pkg_download_result object, which is a list. See pkg_download_result for details.

Method stop_for_download_error()

Throw and error if the some of the downloads have failed for the most recent pkg_installation_proposal$download() call.


Method install()

Install the downloaded packages. It calls install_package_plan().


The return value of install_package_plan().

Method install_sysreqs()

Install system requirements. It does nothing if system requirements are turned off. Create an installation plan for the downloaded packages.


Method get_install_plan()


An installation plan, see 'Installation plans' for the format.

Method format()

Format a pkg_installation_proposal object, typically for printing.


not used currently.


A character vector, each element should be a line in the printout.

Method print()

Prints a pkg_installation_proposal object to the screen.

The printout includes:

  • The package refs.

  • The policy of the dependency solver.

  • Whether the object has the solved dependencies.

  • Whether the solution had errors.

  • Whether the object has downloads.

  • Whether the downloads had errors.

  • Advice on which methods to call next.

See the example below.


not used currently.


The pkg_installation_proposal object itself, invisibly.

Method clone()

The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.

pkg_installation_proposal$clone(deep = FALSE)

Whether to make a deep clone.


## Not run: 
pdi <- new_pkg_installation_proposal(
  config = list(library = tempfile())




## End(Not run)

pdi <- new_pkg_installation_proposal(
  config = list(library = tempfile()))

pdi <- new_pkg_installation_proposal("r-lib/pkgdepends")

pdi <- new_pkg_installation_proposal(
  config = list(library = tempfile())

## Not run: 
pdi <- new_pkg_installation_proposal(
  config = list(library = tempfile())


## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
pdi <- new_pkg_installation_proposal(
  config = list(library = tempfile())

## End(Not run)

pdi <- new_pkg_installation_proposal(
  config = list(library = tempfile())

pdi <- new_pkg_installation_proposal(
  config = list(library = tempfile())

## Not run: 
pdi <- new_pkg_installation_proposal(
  config = list(library = tempfile())

## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
pdi <- new_pkg_installation_proposal(
  config = list(library = tempfile())

## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
pdi <- new_pkg_installation_proposal(
  config = list(library = tempfile())

## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# This is an error, because the packages conflict:
pdi <- new_pkg_installation_proposal(
  c("r-lib/pak", "cran::pak"),
  config = list(library = tempfile())
# This fails:
# pdi$stop_for_solution_error()

## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
pdi <- new_pkg_installation_proposal(
  config = list(library = tempfile())

## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
pdi <- new_pkg_installation_proposal(
  c("r-lib/pak", "cran::pak"),
  config = list(library = tempfile())

## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
pdi <- new_pkg_installation_proposal(
  c("r-lib/pak", "cran::pak"),
  config = list(library = tempfile())

## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
pdi <- new_pkg_installation_proposal(
  config = list(library = tempfile())

## End(Not run)

# Method print
pdi <- new_pkg_installation_proposal(
  config = list(library = tempfile())




Parse package location references


See pkg_refs for more about supported package references.


parse_pkg_refs(refs, remote_types = NULL, ...)

parse_pkg_ref(ref, remote_types = NULL, ...)



Character vector of references.


Custom remote types can be added here, this is for advanced use, and experimental currently.


Additional arguments are passed to the individual parser functions.


A package reference, like refs, but a length one vector, for convenience.


parse_pkg_refs() returns a list of parsed references. parse_pkg_ref() returns one parsed reference. A parsed reference is a list, with at least elements:

  • ref: The original reference string.

  • type: The reference type.

  • package: The package name. It typically contains additional data, specific to the various reference types. See pkg_refs for details. The parsed reference always has class ⁠remote_ref_<type>⁠ and remote_ref.

pkgdepends configuration


Configuration entries for several pkgdepends classes.




pkgdepends configuration is set from several source. They are, in the order of preference:

  • Function arguments, e.g. the config argument of new_pkg_installation_proposal().

  • Global options, set via options(). The name of the global option is the pkg. prefix plus the name of the pkgdepends configuration entry. E.g. pkg.platforms.

  • Environment variables. The name of the environment variable is the PKG_ prefix, plus the name of the pkgdepends configuration entry, in uppercase. E.g. PKG_PLATFORMS.

  • Default values.

Not all classes use all entries. E.g. a pkg_download_proposal is not concerned about package libraries, so it'll ignore the library configuration entry.

Call current_config() to print the current configuration.

Configuration entries

  • build_vignettes: Whether to build vignettes for package trees. This is only used if the package is obtained from a package tree, and not from a source (or binary) package archive. By default vignettes are not built in this case. If you set this to TRUE, then you need to make sure that the vignette builder packages are available, as these are not installed by default currently.

  • cache_dir: Directory to download the packages to. Defaults to a temporary directory within the R session temporary directory, see base::tempdir().

  • cran_mirror: CRAN mirror to use. Defaults to the repos option (see base::options()), if that's not set then ⁠⁠.

  • dependencies: Dependencies to consider or download or install. Defaults to the hard dependencies, see pkg_dep_types_hard(). The following values are supported in the PKG_DEPENDENCIES environment variable: "TRUE", "FALSE", "NA", or a semicolon separated list of dependency types. See as_pkg_dependencies() for details.

  • git_submodules: Whether or not to update submodules in git repositories. This affects ⁠git::⁠ and ⁠gitlab::⁠ package sources only. If the R package is in a subdirectory then only the submodules within that directory are updated. If a submodule appears in .Rbuildignore, then it is skipped.

  • include_linkingto: Whether to always include LinkingTo dependencies in the solution of and installation, even if they are needed because the packages are installed from binaries. This is sometimes useful, see e.g. for an example use case.

  • library: Package library to install packages to. It is also used for already installed packages when considering dependencies in dependency lookup or package installation. Defaults to the first path in .libPaths().

  • metadata_cache_dir: Location of metadata replica of pkgcache::cranlike_metadata_cache. Defaults to a temporary directory within the R session temporary directory, see base::tempdir().

  • metadata_update_after: A time interval as a difftime object. pkgdepends will update the metadata cache if it is older than this. The default is one day. The PKG_METADATA_UPDATE_AFTER environment variable may be set in seconds (s suffix), minutes (m suffix), hours (h suffix), or days (d suffix). E.g: ⁠1d⁠ means one day.

  • package_cache_dir: Package cache location of pkgcache::package_cache. The default is the pkgcache default.

  • platforms: Character vector of platforms to download or install packages for. See default_platforms() for possible platform names. Defaults to the platform of the current R session, plus "source".

  • r_versions: Character vector, R versions to download or install packages for. It defaults to the current R version.

  • sysreqs: Whether to automatically look up and install system requirements. If TRUE, then ⁠r pak_or_pkgdepends()⁠ will try to install required system packages. If FALSE, then system requirements are still printed (including OS packages on supported platforms), but they are not installed. By default it is TRUE on supported platforms, if the current user is the root user or password-less sudo is configured for the current user.

  • sysreqs_db_update: Whether to try to update the system requirements database from GitHub. If the update fails, then the cached or the build-in database if used. Defaults to TRUE.

  • sysreqs_db_update_timeout: Timeout for the system requirements database update. Defaults to five seconds.

  • sysreqs_dry_run: If TRUE, then pkgdepends only prints the system commands to install system requirements, but does not execute them.

  • sysreqs_platform: The platform to use for system requirements lookup. On Linux, where system requirements are currently supported, it must be a string containing the distribution name and release, separated by a dash. E.g.: "ubuntu-22.04", or "rhel-9".

  • sysreqs_rspm_repo_id: Posit Package Manager (formerly RStudio Package Manager) repository id to use for CRAN system requirements lookup. Defaults to the RSPM_REPO_ID environment variable, if set. If not set, then it defaults to 1.

  • sysreqs_rspm_url: Root URL of Posit Package Manager (formerly RStudio Package Manager) for system requirements lookup. By default the RSPM_ROOT environment variable is used, if set. If not set, it defaults to ⁠⁠.

  • sysreqs_sudo: Whether to use sudo to install system requirements, on Unix. By default it is TRUE on Linux if the effective user id of the current process is not the root user.

  • sysreqs_update: Whether to try to update system packages that are already installed. It defaults to TRUE on CI systems: if the CI environment variable is set to true.

  • sysreqs_verbose: Whether to echo the output of system requirements installation. Defaults to TRUE if the CI environment variable is set.

  • use_bioconductor: Whether to automatically use the Bioconductor repositories. Defaults to TRUE.

  • windows_archs: Character scalar specifying which architectures to download/install for on Windows. Its possible values are:

    • "prefer-x64": Generally prefer x64 binaries. If the current R session is x64, then we download/install x64 packages. (These packages might still be multi-architecture binaries!) If the current R session is i386, then we download/install packages for both architectures. This might mean compiling packages from source if the binary packages are for x64 only, like the CRAN Windows binaries for R 4.2.x currently. "prefer-x64" is the default for R 4.2.0 and later.

    • "both": Always download/install packages for both i386 and x64 architectures. This might need compilation from source if the available binaries are for x64 only, like the CRAN Windows binaries for R 4.2.x currently. "both" is the default for R 4.2.0 and earlier.

Possible package dependency types


Hard dependencies are needed for a package to load, soft dependencies are optional.






A string vector of dependency types, capitalized.

See Also

Other package dependency utilities: as_pkg_dependencies()

Package downloads


The pkg_download_proposal and pkg_installation_proposal classes both have download methods, to downloads package files into a configured directory (see 'Configuration').


They return a pkg_download_result object, which is a data frame, that adds extra columns to pkg_resolution_result (for pkg_download_proposal) or pkg_solution_result (for pkg_installation_proposal):

  • built: the Built field from the DESCRIPTION file of binary packages, for which this information is available.

  • cache_status: whether the package file is in the package cache. It is NA for ⁠installed::⁠ package refs.

  • dep_types: character vector of dependency types that were considered for this package. (This is a list column.)

  • deps: dependencies of the package, in a data frame. See "Package dependency tables" below.

  • direct: whether this package (ref, really) was directly specified, or added as a dependency.

  • error: this is a list column that contains error objects for the refs that pkgdepends failed to resolve.

  • filesize: the file size in bytes, or NA if this information is not available.

  • license: license of the package, or NA if not available.

  • md5sum: MD5 checksum of the package file, if available, or NA if not.

  • metadata: a named character vector. These fields will be (should be) added to the installed DESCRIPTION file of the package.

  • mirror: URL of the CRAN(-like) mirror site where the metadata was obtained from. It is NA for non-CRAN-like sources, e.g. local files, installed packages, GitHub, etc.

  • needscompilation: whether the package needs compilation.

  • package: package name.

  • priority: this is "base" for base packages, "recommended" for recommended packages, and NA otherwise.

  • ref: package reference.

  • remote: the parsed remote_ref objects, see parse_pkg_refs(). This is a list column.

  • repodir: the directory where this package should be in a CRAN-like repository.

  • sha256: SHA256 hash of the package file, if available, otherwise NA.

  • sources: URLs where this package can be downloaded from. This is not necessarily a URL that you can download with a HTTP client. E.g. for ⁠local::⁠ refs it is a path, and for ⁠git::⁠ refs it is a URL for git. It is a zero length vector for ⁠installed::⁠ refs.

  • status: status of the dependency resolution, "OK" or "FAILED".

  • target: path where this package should be saved in a CRAN-repository.

  • type: ref type.

  • version: package version.

  • fulltarget: absolute path to the downloaded file. At most one of fulltarget and fulltarget_tree must exist on the disk.

  • fulltarget_tree: absolute path to a package tree directory. At most one of fulltarget and fulltarget_tree must exist on the disk.

  • download_status: "Had" or "Got", depending on whether the file was obtained from the cache.

  • download_error: error object for failed downloads.

  • file_size: Size of the file, or NA. For ⁠installed::⁠ refs, it is NA, and it is also NA for refs that created fulltarget_tree instead of fulltarget.

fulltarget, if it exists, contains a packaged (via ⁠R CMD build⁠) source R package. If fulltarget_tree exists, it is a package tree directory, that still needs an ⁠R CMD build⁠ call.

Additional columns might be present. They are either used internally or they are experimental. They might be removed or changed at any time.

All columns are of type character, except for direct (logical), needscompilation (logical), filesize (integer), deps (list column, see "Package dependency tables" below), sources (list of character vectors), remote (list), error (list), metadata (list), dep_types (list).

Package dependency tables

A package dependency tables in the deps list column have five columns currently:

  • ref: the package ref of the dependency.

  • type: the dependency type, in all lowercase. I.e. imports, suggests, etc.

  • package: package name of the dependency.

  • op: operator for version requirements, e.g. >=.

  • version: version number, for version requirements.

Check if an R package name is available.


Additionally, look up the candidate name in a number of dictionaries, to make sure that it does not have a negative meaning.


pkg_name_check(name, dictionaries = NULL)



Package name candidate.


Character vector, the dictionaries to query. Available dictionaries: * wikipedia * wiktionary, * sentiment (, * urban (Urban Dictionary). If NULL (by default), the Urban Dictionary is omitted, as it is often offensive.


Valid package name check

Check the validity of name as a package name. See 'Writing R Extensions' for the allowed package names. Also checked against a list of names that are known to cause problems.

CRAN checks

Check name against the names of all past and current packages on CRAN, including base and recommended packages.

Bioconductor checks

Check name against all past and current Bioconductor packages.

Profanity check

Check name with to make sure it is not a profanity.


See the dictionaries argument.


pkg_name_check object with a custom print method.



Package references


A package reference (ref) specifies a location from which an R package can be obtained from. The full syntax of a reference is type::ref, but type can be often omitted, the common ref types have shortcuts.

Package references

Many pkgdepends and pak functions take package names as arguments. E.g. pak::pkg_install() takes the names of the packages to install, pak::pkg_deps_tree() takes the names of the packages to draw dependency trees for.

Most of these function can also take a more generic package reference instead of a package name. A package reference also tells pkgdepends where to find the package, the package source.

To specify a package source, use its name as a prefix, with a :: separator. E.g. cran::mypkg means the mypkg package from CRAN.

A package name is a special package reference, that implicitly specifies the configured CRAN(-like) repositories as the package source. (We call this the standard package source.) So mypkg is equivalent to standard::mypkg and pak look for mypkg in any of the configured CRAN-like repositories. If you did not explicitly specify any CRAN-like repositories (e.g. with options("repos")), then pak uses the CRAN and Bioconductor repositories by default.

This is the list of the currently supported package sources. We will discuss each in detail below.

  • cran: a CRAN package.

  • bioc: a Bioconductor package.

  • standard: a package from a configured CRAN-like repository.

  • github: a package from GitHub.

  • gitlab: a package from GitLab.

  • git: a package in a git repository.

  • local: a local package file or directory.

  • url: an URL that points to a package archive.

  • installed an installed package.

  • deps the dependencies of a local package file or directory.

  • any a special reference type that accepts a package from any source. See below.

  • param a special reference to change how other references are downloaded or installed. See "Parameters" below.


To save typing, you do not always need to fully specify the package source in a package reference. You have seen before that a package name implicitly has a standard package source. Here are the complete rules for such shorthands, in the order they are applied:

  • If the ref is a valid package name, or a package name with a @ version specification, the standard package source is used. E.g. pkg is equivalent to standard::pkg and [email protected] is equivalent to ⁠standard::[email protected].

  • If the ref is a valid github ref type without the ⁠github::⁠ prefix, then github is used. E.g. user/repo is equivalent to github::user/repo and user/repo@tag is equivalent to github::user/repo@tag, etc.

  • If the ref is a GitHub URL (see below) without the ⁠github::⁠ prefix, then github is used.

  • If the ref is a path that starts with . or / or ⁠\⁠ or ~ then local is used. (pkgdepends does not check if the path exists.)

  • If a package reference if of the form ⁠<package-name>=?<parameters>⁠, then it will be the special param type. See "Parameters" below.

If the package reference does not have an explicit package source, and the package source cannot be determined from these rules, then pkgdepends throws an error.

Package names

When pkgdepends is looking up the dependencies of a package, it needs to be able to determine the name of the dependency from the package reference. This is sometimes not easy for dependencies in Remotes (or similar) fields.

  • For ⁠github::⁠ and ⁠gitlab::⁠ dependencies pkgdepends assumes that the package name is the same as the name of the repository. If this does not hold, then you need to specify the package name explicitly, using a ⁠<package>=⁠ prefix. E.g. pins=rstudio/pins-r. If you specify both the package source type and the package name, the package name comes first: pins=github::rstudio/pins-r.

  • For ⁠git::⁠ dependencies, pkgdepends assumes that the package name is the same as the last component of the repository. If this does not hold, then you need to specify the package name explicitly, using a ⁠<package>=⁠ prefix. E.g. ⁠pins=git::⁠.

  • For ⁠local::⁠ dependencies, you always need to specify the package name explicitly. E.g. ⁠pins=local::~/works/pins⁠.

  • For ⁠url::⁠ dependencies, you always need to specify the package name explicitly. E.g. ⁠ggplot2=url::⁠.


Package references may have optional parameters, added after a question mark. Different parameters are separated by an ampersand (&) character. (This is very similar to how HTTP URLs take query parameters.)

Parameters may be flags that turn on some behavior, or they can have a string value, assigned with an equal sign (=). If no value is assigned, then we assume the true value. For example these two package refs are equivalent:

Parameters for downstream packages

pkgdepends allows specifying parameters for downstream packages, using the ⁠<package>=?<params>⁠ special package reference, where package is the name of the package, and ⁠<params>⁠ are the parameters, as above. This is useful if you want to add a parameter to a downstream dependency.

For example, to install ggplot2, and always reinstall its cli package dependency you could use the ggplot2 and cli=?reinstall package references. The latter tells pkgdepends to always reinstall cli, even if it is already installed.

Currently supported parameters
  • ignore is a flag parameter. If specified, the package is ignored. This usually makes sense in the packagename=?ignore form, to ignore a downstream soft dependency. If all versions of a hard dependency are ignored that will lead to a solution error.

  • ignore-before-r is a version number parameter. The package will be ignored on R versions that are older than the specified one. E.g. ⁠Matrix=?ignore-before-r=4.1.2⁠ will ignore the Matrix package on R versions that are older than 4.1.2. This parameter really only makes sense in the packgename=?ignore form.

  • ignore-unavailable is a flag. It can only be specified for soft dependencies. If specified and the package is not available, it will be ignored. This parameter really only makes sense in the packagename=?ignore-unavailable form.

  • source is a flag parameter. If specified, then a source R package is requested from a CRAN-like repository. For package installations source always triggers a re-install. In other words, source implies the reinstall parameter. This parameter is supported for ⁠bioc::⁠, ⁠cran::⁠ and ⁠standard::⁠ remote types, and it is ignored for others.

  • reinstall requests a re-install for package installations. It is supported by the ⁠bioc::⁠, ⁠cran::⁠, ⁠git::⁠, ⁠github::⁠, ⁠gitlab::⁠, ⁠local::⁠, ⁠standard::⁠, and ⁠url::⁠ remote types.

  • nocache will ignore the package cache. It will always download the package file, and it will not add the downloaded (and built) package(s) to the package cache. It is supported by the ⁠bioc::⁠, ⁠cran::⁠, ⁠git::⁠, ⁠github::⁠, ⁠gitlab::⁠, ⁠standard::⁠ and ⁠url::⁠ remote types.

Package source details

CRAN packages (⁠cran::⁠)

A package from CRAN. Full syntax:

[cran::]<package>[@[>=]<version> | @current | @last]
  • ⁠<package>⁠ is a valid package name.

  • ⁠<version>⁠ is a version or a version requirement.


[email protected]

Note: pkgdepends currently parses the version specification part (everything after @), but does not use it.

Bioconductor packages (⁠bioc::⁠)

A package from Bioconductor. The syntax is the same as for CRAN packages, except for the prefix.

[bioc::]<package>[@[>=]<version> | @current | @last]
Standard packages (⁠standard::⁠)

These are packages either from CRAN or Bioconductor, the full syntax is the same as for CRAN packages, except for the prefix:

[standard::]<package>[@[>=]<version> | current | last]
GitHub packages (⁠github::⁠)

Packages from a GitHub repository. Full syntax:

  • ⁠<package>⁠ is the name of the package. If this is missing, then the name of the repository is used.

  • ⁠<username>⁠ is a GitHub username or organization name.

  • ⁠<repository>⁠ is the name of the repository.

  • ⁠<subdir>⁠ optional subdirectory, if the package is within a subdirectory in the repository.

  • ⁠<detail>⁠ specifies a certain version of the package, see below.

⁠<detail>⁠ may specify:

  • a git branch, tag or (prefix of) a commit hash: ⁠@<commitish>⁠;

  • a pull request: ⁠#<pull-request>⁠; or

  • the latest release: ⁠@*release⁠.

If ⁠<detail>⁠ is missing, then the latest commit of the default branch is used.



For convenience GitHub HTTP URLs can also be used to specify a package from GitHub. Examples:
# A branch:
# A tag:
# A commit:
# A pull request:
# A release:

A GitHub remote string can also be used instead of an URL, for example: [email protected]:r-lib/pak.git

GitLab packages (⁠gitlab::⁠)

Packages from a GitLab repository. Full syntax:

  • ⁠<package>⁠ is the name of the package. If this is missing, then the name of the repository is used.

  • ⁠<project-path>⁠ is a typically the GitLab username or group name, but it may contain subgroups.

  • ⁠<repository>⁠ is the name of the repository, or the project in GitLab terminology.

  • ⁠<subdir>⁠ optional subdirectory, if the package is within a subdirectory in the repository. Note that for GitLab, this must come after a ⁠/-⁠ prefix, to be able to distinguish it from subgroups.

  • ⁠<detail>⁠ may specify a git branch, tag or (prefix of) a commit hash.

If ⁠<detail>⁠ is missing, then the latest commit of the default branch is used.

⁠gitlab::⁠ supports git submodules, see the git-submodules configuration entry.


Packages in git repositories (⁠git::⁠)

Full syntax:

  • ⁠<package>⁠ is the name of the package. If this is missing, then the last component of the ⁠<host>⁠ is used.

  • ⁠<host>⁠ host name and path of the git repository. Some git repositories need the .git suffix here, others are more forgiving.

  • ⁠<detail>⁠ specifies a certain version of the package: a git branch, tag or (prefix of) a commit hash: ⁠@<commitish>⁠.

If ⁠<detail>⁠ is missing, then the latest commit of the default branch is used.

⁠git::⁠ supports git submodules, see the git-submodules configuration entry.



Note that pkgdepends has a built-in git client, and does not require a system git installation.

If the system has git installed, then pkgdepends will use the credentials stored in the configured git credential store, automatically, via the gitcreds package.

Local packages (⁠local::⁠)

A path that refers to a package file built with ⁠R CMD build⁠, or a directory that contains a package. Full syntax:


For brevity, you can omit the ⁠local::⁠ prefix, if you specify an absolute path, a path from the user's home directory, starting with ~, or a relative path starting with ⁠./⁠ or ⁠.\\⁠.

A single dot (".") is considered to be a local package in the current working directory.



If you specify a local package in a dependency (i.e. in DESCRIPTION), then you also need to specify the name of the package, see "Package names" above.

URLs (⁠url::⁠)

You can use ⁠url::⁠ to refer to URLs that hold R package archives (i.e. properly built with ⁠R CMD build⁠), or compressed directories of package trees (i.e. not built with ⁠R CMD build⁠). pkgdepends will figure out if it needs to run ⁠R CMD build⁠ on the package first.

This remote type supports .tar.gz and .zip files.

Note that URLs are not ideal remote types, because pkgdepends needs to download the package file to resolve its dependencies. When this happens, it puts the package file in the cache, so no further downloads are needed when installing the package later.



If you specify a package from an URL in a dependency (i.e. in DESCRIPTION), then you also need to specify the name of the package, see "Package names" above.

Installed packages (⁠installed::⁠)

This is usually used internally, but can also be used directly. Full syntax:

  • ⁠<path>⁠ is the library the package is installed to.

  • ⁠<package>⁠ is the package name.


Package dependencies (⁠deps::⁠)

Usually used internally, it specifies the dependencies of a local package. It can be used to download or install the dependencies of a package, without downloading or installing the package itself. Full syntax:



⁠any::⁠ packages

Sometimes you need to install additional packages, but you don't mind where they are installed from. Here is an example. You want to install cli from GitHub, from r-lib/cli. You also want to install glue, and you don't mind which version of glue is installed, as long as it is compatible with the requested cli version. If cli specifies the development version of glue, then that is fine. If cli is fine with the CRAN version of glue, that's OK, too. If a future version of cli does not depend on glue, you still want glue installed, from CRAN. The ⁠any::⁠ reference type does exactly this.

In our example you might write

pak::pkg_install(c("glue", "r-lib/cli"))

first, but this will fail if rlib/cli requests (say) tidyverse/glue, because in pkg_install() "glue" is interpreted as "standard::glue", creating a conflict with tidyverse/glue. On the other hand

pak::pkg_install(c("any::glue", "r-lib/cli"))

works, independently of which glue version is requested by cli.

Parameter refs (⁠param::⁠)

See "Parameters" above.

The Remotes field

In the DESCRIPTION file of an R package you can mark any regular dependency defined in the Depends, Imports, Suggests or Enhances fields as being installed from a non-standard package source by adding a package reference to a Remotes entry. pkgdepends will download and install the package from the from the specified location, instead of a CRAN-like repository.

The remote dependencies specified in Remotes is a comma separated list of package sources:

Remotes: <pkg-source-1>, <pkg-source-2>, [ ... ]

Note that you will still need add the package to one of the regular dependency fields, i.e. Imports, Suggests, etc. Here is a concrete example that specifies the r-lib/glue package:

Imports: glue
Remotes: r-lib/glue,
  r-lib/[email protected],

The CRAN and Bioconductor repositories do not support the Remotes field, so you need to remove this field, before submitting your package to either of them.

Dependency resolution


Collect information about dependencies of R packages, recursively.


pkg_deps, pkg_download_proposal and pkg_installation_proposal all resolve their dependencies recursively, to obtain information about all packages needed for the specified package references.

CRAN and Bioconductor packages

Resolution currently start by downloading the CRAN and Bioconductor metadata, if it is out of date. For CRAN, we also download additional metadata, that includes file sizes, SHA hashes, system requirements, and "built" (for binary packages) and "packaged" time stamps. The extra meta information is updated daily currently, so for some packages it might be incorrect or missing.

GitHub packages

For GitHub packages, we query their download URL to be able to download the package later, and also download their DESCRIPTION file, to learn about their dependencies.

Local packages

From local package files we extract the DESCRIPTION file, to learn about their dependencies.

The remotes field in DESCRIPTION

We support the non-standard Remotes field in the package DESCRIPTION file. This field may contain a list of package references for any of the dependencies that are specified in one of the Depends, Includes, Suggests or Enhances fields. The syntax is a comma separated list of package references.

The result

The result of the resolution is a data frame with information about the packages and their dependencies.

  • built: the Built field from the DESCRIPTION file of binary packages, for which this information is available.

  • cache_status: whether the package file is in the package cache. It is NA for ⁠installed::⁠ package refs.

  • dep_types: character vector of dependency types that were considered for this package. (This is a list column.)

  • deps: dependencies of the package, in a data frame. See "Package dependency tables" below.

  • direct: whether this package (ref, really) was directly specified, or added as a dependency.

  • error: this is a list column that contains error objects for the refs that pkgdepends failed to resolve.

  • filesize: the file size in bytes, or NA if this information is not available.

  • license: license of the package, or NA if not available.

  • md5sum: MD5 checksum of the package file, if available, or NA if not.

  • metadata: a named character vector. These fields will be (should be) added to the installed DESCRIPTION file of the package.

  • mirror: URL of the CRAN(-like) mirror site where the metadata was obtained from. It is NA for non-CRAN-like sources, e.g. local files, installed packages, GitHub, etc.

  • needscompilation: whether the package needs compilation.

  • package: package name.

  • priority: this is "base" for base packages, "recommended" for recommended packages, and NA otherwise.

  • ref: package reference.

  • remote: the parsed remote_ref objects, see parse_pkg_refs(). This is a list column.

  • repodir: the directory where this package should be in a CRAN-like repository.

  • sha256: SHA256 hash of the package file, if available, otherwise NA.

  • sources: URLs where this package can be downloaded from. This is not necessarily a URL that you can download with a HTTP client. E.g. for ⁠local::⁠ refs it is a path, and for ⁠git::⁠ refs it is a URL for git. It is a zero length vector for ⁠installed::⁠ refs.

  • status: status of the dependency resolution, "OK" or "FAILED".

  • target: path where this package should be saved in a CRAN-repository.

  • type: ref type.

  • version: package version.

Additional columns might be present. They are either used internally or they are experimental. They might be removed or changed at any time.

All columns are of type character, except for direct (logical), needscompilation (logical), filesize (integer), deps (list column, see "Package dependency tables" below), sources (list of character vectors), remote (list), error (list), metadata (list), dep_types (list).

Package dependency tables

A package dependency tables in the deps list column have five columns currently:

  • ref: the package ref of the dependency.

  • type: the dependency type, in all lowercase. I.e. imports, suggests, etc.

  • package: package name of the dependency.

  • op: operator for version requirements, e.g. >=.

  • version: version number, for version requirements.

Resolution failures

The resolution process does not stop on error. Instead, failed resolutions return and error object in the error column of the result data frame.

A set of handy regular expressions related to R packages


If you use these in R, make sure you specify perl = TRUE, see base::grep().




Currently included:

  • pkg_name: A valid package name.

  • type_cran: A ⁠cran::⁠ package reference.

  • type_bioc: A ⁠bioc::⁠ package reference.

  • type_standard: A ⁠standard::⁠ package reference.

  • type_github: A ⁠github::⁠ package reference.

  • type_git: A ⁠git::⁠ package reference.

  • type_local: A ⁠local::⁠ package reference.

  • type_deps: A ⁠deps::⁠ package reference.

  • type_installed: An ⁠installed::⁠ package reference.

  • github_username: A GitHub username.

  • github_repo: A GitHub repository name.

  • github_url: A GitHub URL.


A named list of strings.



The dependency solver


The dependency solver takes the resolution information, and works out the exact versions of each package that must be installed, such that version and other requirements are satisfied.


Solution policies

The dependency solver currently supports two policies: lazy and upgrade. The lazy policy prefers to minimize installation time, and it does not perform package upgrades, unless version requirements require them. The upgrade policy prefers to update all package to their latest possible versions, but it still considers that version requirements.

The integer problem

Solving the package dependencies requires solving an integer linear problem (ILP). This subsection briefly describes how the problem is represented as an integer problem, and what the solution policies exactly mean.

Every row of the package resolution is a candidate for the dependency solver. In the integer problem, every candidate corresponds to a binary variable. This is 1 if that candidate is selected as part of the solution, and 0 otherwise.

The objective of the ILP minimization is defined differently for different solution policies. The ILP conditions are the same.

  1. For the lazy policy, ⁠installed::⁠ packaged get 0 points, binary packages 1 point, sources packages 5 points.

  2. For the 'upgrade' policy, we rank all candidates for a given package according to their version numbers, and assign more points to older versions. Points are assigned by 100 and candidates with equal versions get equal points. We still prefer installed packages to binaries to source packages, so also add 0 point for already installed candidates, 1 extra points for binaries and 5 points for source packages.

  3. For directly specified refs, we aim to install each package exactly once. So for these we require that the variables corresponding to the same package sum up to 1.

  4. For non-direct refs (i.e. dependencies), we require that the variables corresponding to the same package sum up to at most one. Since every candidate has at least 1 point in the objective function of the minimization problem, non-needed dependencies will be omitted.

  5. For direct refs, we require that their candidates satisfy their references. What this means exactly depends on the ref types. E.g. for CRAN packages, it means that a CRAN candidate must be selected. For a standard ref, a GitHub candidate is OK as well.

  6. We rule out candidates for which the dependency resolution failed.

  7. We go over all the dependency requirements and rule out packages that do not meet them. For every package A, that requires package B, we select the ⁠B(i, i=1..k)⁠ candidates of B that satisfy A's requirements and add a A - B(1) - ... - B(k) <= 0 rule. To satisfy this rule, either we cannot install A, or if A is installed, then one of the good B candidates must be installed as well.

  8. We rule out non-installed CRAN and Bioconductor candidates for packages that have an already installed candidate with the same exact version.

  9. We also rule out source CRAN and Bioconductor candidates for packages that have a binary candidate with the same exact version.

Explaining why the solver failed

To be able to explain why a solution attempt failed, we also add a dummy variable for each directly required package. This dummy variable has a very large objective value, and it is only selected if there is no way to install the directly required package.

After a failed solution, we look the dummy variables that were selected, to see which directly required package failed to solve. Then we check which rule(s) ruled out the installation of these packages, and their dependencies, recursively.

The result

The result of the solution is a pkg_solution_result object. It is a named list with entries:

  • status: Status of the solution attempt, "OK" or "FAILED".

  • data: The selected candidates. This is very similar to a pkg_resolution_result object, but it has two extra columns:

    • lib_status: status of the package in the library, after the installation. Possible values: new (will be newly installed), current (up to date, not installed), update (will be updated), no-update (could update, but will not).

    • old_version: The old (current) version of the package in the library, or NA if the package is currently not installed.

  • problem: The ILP problem. The exact representation is an implementation detail, but it does have an informative print method.

  • solution: The return value of the internal solver.

Scan R code for dependent packages


Scan all R files of a project or directory for packages used within them. It parses R code to find library(package), package::func(), and similar calls that imply package dependencies. See details below.


scan_deps(path = NULL, root = NULL)



Files and/or directories to scan. Defaults to the current project, detected by finding the first parent directory of the current working directory, that contains a file or directory called DESCRIPTION, .git, .Rproj.user, renv.lock, or renv. (Note that this is different from renv::dependencies(), which only scans the current working directory by default!)

If path is not NULL, then only the specified files and directories are scanned, the directories recursively. In this case the root argument is used as the project root, to find .gitignore and .renvignore files. All entries of path must be within the root, the project root.


The root directory of the project. It is used to find the .gitignore and .renvignore files. By default the same algorithm is used to detect this as for path. If path is specified and it is not within the detected or specified root, scan_path() throws an error.


Data frame with columns:

  • path: Path to the file in which the dependencies was found.

  • package: Detected package dependency. Typically a package name, but it can also be a package reference, e.g. a package from GitHub.

  • type: Dependency type. It is "prod", "test" or "dev". See 'Dependency types' below.

  • code: The piece of code the dependency was extracted from.

  • start_row: Start row of the code the dependency was extracted from.

  • start_column: Start column of the code the dependency was extracted from.

  • start_byte: Start byte of the code the dependency was extracted from.

Note the data frame may contain the same package multiple times, if it was detected multiple times, e.g. multiple library() calls load the same package.

Detected dependencies

scan_deps() detects package dependencies from these R expressions:

  • library(), require(), loadNamespace() and requireNamespace calls.

  • :: and ::: operators.

  • Any of the calls in this list in R code from R markdown or quarto R and Rscript (case insensitive) code blocks or inline R code.

  • A dependency on the methods package is inferred from finding setClass() and/or setGeneric() calls.

  • xfun::pkg_attach() and xfun::pkg_attach2() calls.

  • pacman::p_load() calls.

  • modules::import() and modules::module() calls.

  • import::from(), import::here() and import::into() calls.

  • box::use() calls.

  • targets::tar_option_set(packages = ...) calls.

  • Any of the calls in this list in R code from glue::glue() strings.

  • A dependency on the svglite package is inferred from ggplot2::ggsave() calls saving .svg files.

  • Dependencies from parsnip::set_engine() calls, the default engine to package mapping is:

    • "glm" -> stats,

    • "glmnet" -> glmnet,

    • "keras" -> keras,

    • "kknn" -> kknn,

    • "nnet" -> nnet,

    • "rpart" -> rpart,

    • "spark" -> sparklyr,

    • "stan" -> rstanarm. You can override the default mapping by setting the renv.parsnip.engines option to a named list.

  • A dependency on the xml2 package is inferred from using the "Junit" reporter (JunitReporter) from the testthat package.

  • A dependency on the ragg package is inferred from setting the default knitr device (dev option) to "ragg_png".

  • A dependency on the hexbin package is inferred from using ggplot2::geom_hex().

  • A custom symbol name to package name mapping can be defined in the renv.dependencies.database option. This must be a named list of named lists, where the outer names are package names, the inner names are function or object names, and the values are package names. E.g.

    options(renv.dependencies.database = list(
      ggplot2 = list(geom_hex = "hexbin"),
      testthat = list(JunitReporter = "xml2")

Dependency types

scan_deps() classifies package dependencies into three groups, based on which files they were found:

  • Production dependencies: "prod".

  • Test dependencies: "test".

  • Development dependencies: "dev".

Check if installed packages have all their system requirements


sysreqs_check_installed() checks if the system requirements of all packages (or a subset of packages) are installed.

sysreqs_fix_installed() installs the missing system packages.


sysreqs_check_installed(packages = NULL, library = .libPaths()[1])
sysreqs_fix_installed(packages = NULL, library = .libPaths()[1])



If not NULL, then only these packages are checked. If a package in packages is not installed, then pkgdepends throws a warning.


Library or libraries to check.


These functions use the sysreqs_platform configuration option, see Configuration. Set this if pkgdepends does not detect your platform correctly.


Data frame with a custom print and format method, and a pkg_sysreqs_check_result class. Its columns are:

  • system_package: string, name of the required system package.

  • installed: logical, whether the system package is correctly installed.

  • packages: list column of character vectors. The names of the installed R packages that need this system package.

  • pre_install: list column of character vectors. Commands to run before the installation of the the system package.

  • post_install: list column of character vectors. Commands to run after the installation of the system package.

The data frame also have two attributes with additional data:

  • sysreqs_records: the raw system requirements records, and

  • system_packages: the list of the installed system packages.

sysreqs_fix_packages() returns the same value, but invisibly.

See Also

Other system requirements functions: sysreqs_db_list(), sysreqs_db_match(), sysreqs_db_update(), sysreqs_install_plan(), sysreqs_is_supported(), sysreqs_list_system_packages(), sysreqs_platforms()


# This only works on supported platforms

List contents of the system requirements DB, for a platform


It also tries to update the system dependency database, if it is outdated. (I.e. older than allowed in the metadata_update_after configuration option.


sysreqs_db_list(sysreqs_platform = NULL)



System requirements platform. If NULL, then the sysreqs_platform configuration option is used, which defaults to the current platform. Set this option if pkgdepends does not detect your platform correctly.


Data frame with columns:

  • name: cross platform system dependency name in the database.

  • patterns: one or more regular expressions to match to SystemRequirements fields.

  • packages: one or more system package names to install.

  • pre_install: command(s) to run before installing the packages.

  • post_install:: command(s) to run after installing the packages.

See Also

Other system requirements functions: sysreqs_check_installed(), sysreqs_db_match(), sysreqs_db_update(), sysreqs_install_plan(), sysreqs_is_supported(), sysreqs_list_system_packages(), sysreqs_platforms()


sysreqs_db_list(sysreqs_platform = "ubuntu-22.04")

Match system requirement descriptions to the database


In the usual workflow pkgdepends matches the SystemRequirements fields of the DESCRIPTION files to the database.


sysreqs_db_match(specs, sysreqs_platform = NULL)



Character vector of system requirements descriptions.


System requirements platform. If NULL, then the sysreqs_platform configuration option is used, which defaults to the current platform. Set this option if pkgdepends does not detect your platform correctly.


The sysreqs_db_match() function lets you match any string, and it is mainly useful for debugging.


Data frame with columns:

  • spec: the input specs.

  • sysreq: name of the system library or tool.

  • packages: system packages, list column of character vectors. Rarely it can be an empty string, e.g. if a pre_install script performs the installation.

  • pre_install: list column of character vectors. Shell script(s) to run before the installation.

  • post_install: list column of character vectors. Shell script(s) to run after the installation.

See Also

Other system requirements functions: sysreqs_check_installed(), sysreqs_db_list(), sysreqs_db_update(), sysreqs_install_plan(), sysreqs_is_supported(), sysreqs_list_system_packages(), sysreqs_platforms()


  c("Needs libcurl", "Java, libssl"),
  sysreqs_platform = "ubuntu-22.04"

Update the cached copy of the system requirements database


Update the cached copy of the system requirements database




If the the cached copy is recent, then no update is attempted. See the metadata_update_after configuration option.

See Also

Other system requirements functions: sysreqs_check_installed(), sysreqs_db_list(), sysreqs_db_match(), sysreqs_install_plan(), sysreqs_is_supported(), sysreqs_list_system_packages(), sysreqs_platforms()

Create an installation plan for system requirements


This function uses new_pkg_installation_proposal() and its methods to create an installation plan for one or more packages, and then print their system requirements.


sysreqs_install_plan(refs, upgrade = TRUE, config = list())



Packages to install.


If TRUE, pkgdepends will choose the latest available versions of packages, instead of preferring binary packages over source packages.


Configuration options. See 'Configuration'. If it does not include library, then a temporary library is used, which is equivalent to not assuming any preinstalled packages. Pass sysreqs_platform here if you want a different platform than the one R is running on.


List with entries:

  • os: character string. Operating system.

  • distribution: character string. Linux distribution, NA if the OS is not Linux.

  • version: character string. Distribution version, NA is the OS is not Linux.

  • pre_install: character vector. Commands to run before the installation of system packages.

  • install_scripts: character vector. Commands to run to install the system packages.

  • post_install: character vector. Commands to run after the installation of system packages.

  • packages: data frame. Information about the system packages that are needed. It has columns:

    • sysreq: string, cross-platform name of the system requirement.

    • packages: list column of character vectors. The names of the R packages that have this system requirement.

    • pre_install: list column of character vectors. Commands run before the package installation for this system requirement.

    • system_packages: list column of character vectors. Names of system packages to install.

    • post_install: list column of character vectors. Commands run after the package installation for this system requirement.

See Also

new_pkg_installation_proposal() to actually install packages, and potentially system requirements.

Other system requirements functions: sysreqs_check_installed(), sysreqs_db_list(), sysreqs_db_match(), sysreqs_db_update(), sysreqs_is_supported(), sysreqs_list_system_packages(), sysreqs_platforms()


  config = list(sysreqs_platform = "ubuntu-22.04")

Check if a platform has system requirements support


Check if a platform has system requirements support


sysreqs_is_supported(sysreqs_platform = NULL)



System requirements platform. If NULL, then the sysreqs_platform configuration option is used, which defaults to the current platform. Set this option if pkgdepends does not detect your platform correctly.


Logical scalar.

See Also

The sysreqs_platform configuration option.

Other system requirements functions: sysreqs_check_installed(), sysreqs_db_list(), sysreqs_db_match(), sysreqs_db_update(), sysreqs_install_plan(), sysreqs_list_system_packages(), sysreqs_platforms()



List installed system packages


List installed system packages




This function uses the sysreqs_platform configuration option, see Configuration. Set this if pkgdepends does not detect your platform correctly.


Data frame with columns:

  • status. two or three characters, the notation of dpkg on Debian based systems. "ii" means the package is correctly installed. On RPM based systems it is always "ii" currently.

  • package: name of the system package.

  • version: installed version of the system package.

  • capabilities: list column of character vectors, the capabilities provided by the package.

See Also

Other system requirements functions: sysreqs_check_installed(), sysreqs_db_list(), sysreqs_db_match(), sysreqs_db_update(), sysreqs_install_plan(), sysreqs_is_supported(), sysreqs_platforms()



List platforms with system requirements support


List platforms with system requirements support




Data frame with columns:

  • name: human readable OS name.

  • os: OS name, e.g. linux.

  • distribution: OS id, e.g. ubuntu or redhat.

  • version: distribution version. A star means that all versions are supported, that are also supported by the vendor.

  • update_command: command to run to update the system package metadata.

  • install_command: command to run to install packages.

  • query_command: name of the tool to use to query system package information.

See Also

Other system requirements functions: sysreqs_check_installed(), sysreqs_db_list(), sysreqs_db_match(), sysreqs_db_update(), sysreqs_install_plan(), sysreqs_is_supported(), sysreqs_list_system_packages()

