The following vignette presents benchmarks for log4r against all general-purpose logging packages available on CRAN:
Each logging package features slightly different capabilities, but these benchmarks are focused on the two situations common to using all of them:
The first of these is likely the most common kind of logging done by end users, although some may chose to log to files, over HTTP, or to the system log (among others). Yet a benchmark of these other scenarios would largely show the relative expense of these operations, instead of the overhead of the logic performed by the logging packages themselves.
The second measures the performance impact of leaving logging messages in running code, even if they are below the current threshold of visibility. This is another measure of overhead for each logging package.
As a reference point, we can measure how long it takes R itself to write a simple message to the console:
The following is a typical log4r setup:
The following is a typical futile.logger setup:
The following is what I believe to be a typical logging setup:
The following is what I believe to be a typical logger setup:
#> Loading required namespace: logger
#> Registered S3 method overwritten by 'logger':
#> method from
#> print.loglevel log4r
# Match the behaviour of other logging packages and write to the console.
logger_info <- function() {
logger::log_info("Info message.")
logger_debug <- function() {
logger::log_debug("Debug message.")
The following is what I believe to be a typical lgr setup:
#> Loading required namespace: lgr
lgr_logger <- lgr::get_logger("perf-test")
lgr_logger$set_appenders(list(cons = lgr::AppenderConsole$new()))
lgr_info <- function() {
lgr_logger$info("Info message.")
lgr_debug <- function() {
lgr_logger$debug("Debug message.")
The following is what I believe to be a typical
loggit setup. Since we only want to log to the console,
set the output file to /dev/null
. In addition,
loggit does not have a notion of thresholds, so there
is no “do nothing” operation to test.
The rlog package currently has no configuration options other than the threshold, which is controlled via an environment variable and defaults to hiding debug-level messages:
Debug messages should print nothing.
Info messages should print to the console. Small differences in output format are to be expected.
#> INFO [2025-01-16 02:51:54] Info message.
#> INFO [2025-01-16 02:51:54] Info message.
#> 2025-01-16 02:51:54.393114 INFO::Info message.
#> INFO [2025-01-16 02:51:54] Info message.
#> INFO [2025-01-16 02:51:54] Info message.
#> INFO [02:51:54.398] Info message.
#> {"timestamp": "2025-01-16T02:51:54+0000", "log_lvl": "INFO", "log_msg": "Info message."}
#> 2025-01-16 02:51:54.401122 [INFO] Info message.
The following benchmarks all loggers defined above:
info_bench <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
cat = cat_info(),
log4r = log4r_info(),
futile.logger = fl_info(),
logging = logging_info(),
logger = logger_info(),
lgr = lgr_info(),
loggit = loggit_info(),
rlog = rlog_info(),
times = 500,
control = list(warmups = 50)
debug_bench <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
cat = cat_debug(),
log4r = log4r_debug(),
futile.logger = fl_debug(),
logging = logging_debug(),
logger = logger_debug(),
lgr = lgr_debug(),
rlog = rlog_debug(),
times = 500,
control = list(warmups = 50)
print(info_bench, order = "median")
#> Unit: microseconds
#> expr min lq mean median uq max neval
#> log4r 25.948 36.964 40.04963 38.4215 40.2800 826.599 500
#> cat 41.477 49.412 55.40691 53.7450 55.5480 1177.352 500
#> rlog 80.901 97.412 103.04802 101.6390 103.9635 1124.755 500
#> logger 196.817 231.461 238.72858 238.0580 242.3315 1020.500 500
#> logging 274.571 309.511 329.17018 317.4665 324.3540 6424.032 500
#> lgr 457.401 497.211 584.90060 507.9710 516.5020 30627.319 500
#> loggit 606.850 650.005 708.50893 664.1570 678.2435 5957.302 500
#> futile.logger 1903.344 1985.191 2102.69765 2010.5135 2039.0220 4992.536 500
print(debug_bench, order = "median")
#> Unit: microseconds
#> expr min lq mean median uq max neval
#> cat 1.933 2.7950 5.395746 3.9970 4.3085 857.467 500
#> log4r 2.495 3.7015 6.310718 4.7940 5.7810 763.522 500
#> rlog 6.342 7.8495 11.669416 11.1255 11.9375 707.497 500
#> lgr 12.764 15.2835 19.970730 19.0950 20.8440 704.251 500
#> logger 15.479 19.5565 25.854668 25.8430 27.6665 725.030 500
#> logging 16.351 20.4230 27.630800 28.0570 30.5820 762.960 500
#> futile.logger 559.472 576.3780 628.988730 584.6440 600.1280 3308.119 500