Package 'gargle'

Title: Utilities for Working with Google APIs
Description: Provides utilities for working with Google APIs <>. This includes functions and classes for handling common credential types and for preparing, executing, and processing HTTP requests.
Authors: Jennifer Bryan [aut, cre] , Craig Citro [aut], Hadley Wickham [aut] , Google Inc [cph], Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Jennifer Bryan <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Built: 2025-03-28 06:06:49 UTC

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Authorization state


An AuthState object manages an authorization state, typically on behalf of a wrapper package that makes requests to a Google API.

The ⁠vignette("gargle-auth-in-client-package)⁠ describes a design for wrapper packages that relies on an AuthState object. This state can then be incorporated into the package's requests for tokens and can control the inclusion of tokens in requests to the target API.

  • api_key is the simplest way to associate a request with a specific Google Cloud Platform project. A few calls to certain APIs, e.g. reading a public Sheet, can succeed with an API key, but this is the exception.

  • client is an OAuth client ID (and secret) associated with a specific Google Cloud Platform project. This is used in the OAuth flow, in which an authenticated user authorizes the client to access or manipulate data on their behalf.

  • auth_active reflects whether outgoing requests will be authorized by an authenticated user or are unauthorized requests for public resources. These two states correspond to sending a request with a token versus an API key, respectively.

  • cred is where the current token is cached within a session, once one has been fetched. It is generally assumed to be an instance of httr::TokenServiceAccount or httr::Token2.0 (or a subclass thereof), probably obtained via token_fetch() (or one of its constituent credential fetching functions).

An AuthState should be created through the constructor function init_AuthState(), which has more details on the arguments.

Public fields


Package name.


An OAuth client.


[Deprecated] Use client instead.


An API key.


Logical, indicating whether auth is active.




Public methods

Method new()

Create a new AuthState

  package = NA_character_,
  client = NULL,
  api_key = NULL,
  auth_active = TRUE,
  cred = NULL,
  app = deprecated()

Package name.


An OAuth client.


An API key.


Logical, indicating whether auth is active.




[Deprecated] Use client instead.


For more details on the parameters, see init_AuthState()

Method format()

Format an AuthState


Not used.

Method set_client()

Set the OAuth client


An OAuth client.

Method set_app()

[Deprecated] Deprecated method to set the OAuth client


[Deprecated] Use client instead.

Method set_api_key()

Set the API key


An API key.

Method set_auth_active()

Set whether auth is (in)active


Logical, indicating whether to send requests authorized with user credentials.

Method set_cred()

Set credentials


User credentials.

Method clear_cred()

Clear credentials


Method get_cred()

Get credentials


Method has_cred()

Report if we have credentials


Method clone()

The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.

AuthState$clone(deep = FALSE)

Whether to make a deep clone.

Credential function registry


Functions to query or manipulate the registry of credential functions consulted by token_fetch().




cred_funs_set(funs, ls = deprecated())




  funs = cred_funs_list_default(),
  action = c("replace", "modify"),
  .local_envir = caller_env()

  funs = cred_funs_list_default(),
  action = c("replace", "modify")



<dynamic-dots> One or more credential functions, in name = value form. Each credential function is subject to a superficial check that it at least "smells like" a credential function: its first argument must be named scopes, and its signature must include .... To remove a credential function, you can use a specification like name = NULL.


A named list of credential functions.


[Deprecated] This argument has been renamed to funs.


Whether to use funs to replace or modify the registry with funs:

  • "replace" does cred_funs_set(funs)

  • "modify" does cred_funs_add(!!!funs)


The environment to use for scoping. Defaults to current execution environment.


Code to run with temporary credential function registry.


A list of credential functions or NULL.


  • cred_funs_list(): Get the list of registered credential functions.

  • cred_funs_add(): Register one or more new credential fetching functions. Function(s) are added to the front of the list. So:

    • "First registered, last tried."

    • "Last registered, first tried."

    Can also be used to remove a function from the registry.

  • cred_funs_set(): Register a list of credential fetching functions.

  • cred_funs_clear(): Clear the credential function registry.

  • cred_funs_list_default(): Return the default list of credential functions.

  • cred_funs_set_default(): Reset the registry to the gargle default.

  • local_cred_funs(): Modify the credential function registry in the current scope. It is an example of the ⁠local_*()⁠ functions in withr.

  • with_cred_funs(): Evaluate code with a temporarily modified credential function registry. It is an example of the ⁠with_*()⁠ functions in withr.

See Also

token_fetch(), which is where the registry is actually used.



creds_one <- function(scopes, ...) {}

cred_funs_add(one = creds_one)
cred_funs_add(two = creds_one, three = creds_one)

cred_funs_add(two = NULL)

# restore the default list

# remove one specific credential fetcher
cred_funs_add(credentials_gce = NULL)

# force the use of one specific credential fetcher
cred_funs_set(list(credentials_user_oauth2 = credentials_user_oauth2))

# restore the default list

# run some code with a temporary change to the registry
# creds_one ONLY
  list(one = creds_one),
# add creds_one to the list
  list(one = creds_one),
  action = "modify"
# remove credentials_gce
  list(credentials_gce = NULL),
  action = "modify"

Load Application Default Credentials


Loads credentials from a file identified via a search strategy known as Application Default Credentials (ADC). The hope is to make auth "just work" for someone working on Google-provided infrastructure or who has used Google tooling to get started, such as the gcloud command line tool.

A sequence of paths is consulted, which we describe here, with some abuse of notation. ALL_CAPS represents the value of an environment variable and ⁠%||%⁠ is used in the spirit of a null coalescing operator.

# on Windows:
(APPDATA %||% SystemDrive %||% C:)\gcloud\application_default_credentials.json
# on not-Windows:

If the above search successfully identifies a JSON file, it is parsed and ingested as a service account, an external account ("workload identity federation"), or a user account. Literally, if the JSON describes a service account, we call credentials_service_account() and if it describes an external account, we call credentials_external_account().


credentials_app_default(scopes = NULL, ..., subject = NULL)



A character vector of scopes to request. Pick from those listed at

For certain token flows, the "" scope is unconditionally included. This grants permission to retrieve the email address associated with a token; gargle uses this to index cached OAuth tokens. This grants no permission to view or send email and is generally considered a low-value scope.


Additional arguments passed to all credential functions.


An optional subject claim. Specify this if you wish to use the service account represented by path to impersonate the subject, who is a normal user. Before this can work, an administrator must grant the service account domain-wide authority. Identify the user to impersonate via their email, e.g. subject = "[email protected]". Note that gargle automatically adds the non-sensitive "" scope, so this scope must be enabled for the service account, along with any other scopes being requested.


An httr::TokenServiceAccount, a WifToken, an httr::Token2.0 or NULL.

See Also

Other credential functions: credentials_byo_oauth2(), credentials_external_account(), credentials_gce(), credentials_service_account(), credentials_user_oauth2(), token_fetch()


## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

Load a user-provided token


This function is designed to pass its token input through, after doing a few checks and some light processing:

  • If token has class request, i.e. it is a token that has been prepared with httr::config(), the auth_token component is extracted. For example, such input could be returned by googledrive::drive_token() or bigrquery::bq_token().

  • If token is an instance of Gargle2.0 (so: a gargle-obtained user token), checks that it appears to be a Google OAuth token, based on its embedded oauth_endpoint. Refreshes the token, if it's refreshable.

  • Returns the token.

There is no point in providing scopes. They are ignored because the scopes associated with the token have already been baked in to the token itself and gargle does not support incremental authorization. The main point of credentials_byo_oauth2() is to allow token_fetch() (and packages that wrap it) to accommodate a "bring your own token" workflow.

This also makes it possible to obtain a token with one package and then register it for use with another package. For example, the default scope requested by googledrive is also sufficient for operations available in googlesheets4. You could use a shared token like so:

drive_auth(email = "[email protected]")
gs4_auth(token = drive_token())
# work with both packages freely now, with the same identity


credentials_byo_oauth2(scopes = NULL, token, ...)



A character vector of scopes to request. Pick from those listed at

For certain token flows, the "" scope is unconditionally included. This grants permission to retrieve the email address associated with a token; gargle uses this to index cached OAuth tokens. This grants no permission to view or send email and is generally considered a low-value scope.


A token with class Token2.0 or an object of httr's class request, i.e. a token that has been prepared with httr::config() and has a Token2.0 in the auth_token component.


Additional arguments passed to all credential functions.


An Token2.0.

See Also

Other credential functions: credentials_app_default(), credentials_external_account(), credentials_gce(), credentials_service_account(), credentials_user_oauth2(), token_fetch()


## Not run: 
# assume `my_token` is a Token2.0 object returned by a function such as
# credentials_user_oauth2()
credentials_byo_oauth2(token = my_token)

## End(Not run)

Get a token for an external account


[Experimental] Workload identity federation is a new (as of April 2021) keyless authentication mechanism that allows applications running on a non-Google Cloud platform, such as AWS, to access Google Cloud resources without using a conventional service account token. This eliminates the dilemma of how to safely manage service account credential files.

Unlike service accounts, the configuration file for workload identity federation contains no secrets. Instead, it holds non-sensitive metadata. The external application obtains the needed sensitive data "on-the-fly" from the running instance. The combined data is then used to obtain a so-called subject token from the external identity provider, such as AWS. This is then sent to Google's Security Token Service API, in exchange for a very short-lived federated access token. Finally, the federated access token is sent to Google's Service Account Credentials API, in exchange for a short-lived GCP access token. This access token allows the external application to impersonate a service account and inherit the permissions of the service account to access GCP resources.

This feature is still experimental in gargle and currently only supports AWS. It also requires installation of the suggested packages aws.signature and aws.ec2metadata. Workload identity federation can be used with other platforms, such as Microsoft Azure or any identity provider that supports OpenID Connect. If you would like gargle to support this token flow for additional platforms, please open an issue on GitHub and describe your use case.


  scopes = "",
  path = "",



A character vector of scopes to request. Pick from those listed at

For certain token flows, the "" scope is unconditionally included. This grants permission to retrieve the email address associated with a token; gargle uses this to index cached OAuth tokens. This grants no permission to view or send email and is generally considered a low-value scope.


JSON containing the workload identity configuration for the external account, in one of the forms supported for the txt argument of jsonlite::fromJSON() (probably, a file path, although it could be a JSON string). The instructions for generating this configuration are given at Configuring workload identity federation.

Note that external account tokens are a natural fit for use as Application Default Credentials, so consider storing the configuration file in one of the standard locations consulted for ADC, instead of providing path explicitly. See credentials_app_default() for more.


Additional arguments passed to all credential functions.


A WifToken() or NULL.

See Also

There is substantial setup necessary, both on the GCP and AWS side, to use this authentication method. These two links provide, respectively, a high-level overview and step-by-step instructions.

Other credential functions: credentials_app_default(), credentials_byo_oauth2(), credentials_gce(), credentials_service_account(), credentials_user_oauth2(), token_fetch()


## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

Get a token from the Google metadata server


If your code is running on Google Cloud, we can often obtain a token for an attached service account directly from a metadata server. This is more secure than working with an explicit a service account key, as credentials_service_account() does, and is the preferred method of auth for workloads running on Google Cloud.

The most straightforward scenario is when you are working in a VM on Google Compute Engine and it's OK to use the default service account. This should "just work" automatically.

credentials_gce() supports other use cases (such as GKE Workload Identity), but may require some explicit setup, such as:

  • Create a service account, grant it appropriate scopes(s) and IAM roles, attach it to the target resource. This prep work happens outside of R, e.g., in the Google Cloud Console. On the R side, provide the email address of this appropriately configured service account via service_account.

  • Specify details for constructing the root URL of the metadata service:

    • The logical option "gargle.gce.use_ip". If undefined, this defaults to FALSE.

    • The environment variable GCE_METADATA_URL is consulted when "gargle.gce.use_ip" is FALSE. If undefined, the default is

    • The environment variable GCE_METADATA_IP is consulted when "gargle.gce.use_ip" is TRUE. If undefined, the default is ⁠⁠.

  • Change (presumably increase) the timeout for requests to the metadata server via the "gargle.gce.timeout" global option. This timeout is given in seconds and is set to a value (strategy, really) that often works well in practice. However, in some cases it may be necessary to increase the timeout with code such as:

options(gargle.gce.timeout = 3)

For details on specific use cases, such as Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), see vignette("non-interactive-auth").


  scopes = "",
  service_account = "default",



A character vector of scopes to request. Pick from those listed at

For certain token flows, the "" scope is unconditionally included. This grants permission to retrieve the email address associated with a token; gargle uses this to index cached OAuth tokens. This grants no permission to view or send email and is generally considered a low-value scope.


Name of the GCE service account to use.


Additional arguments passed to all credential functions.


A GceToken() or NULL.

See Also

A related auth flow that can be used on certain non-Google cloud providers is workload identity federation, which is implemented in credentials_external_account().

How to attach a service account to a resource:

Other credential functions: credentials_app_default(), credentials_byo_oauth2(), credentials_external_account(), credentials_service_account(), credentials_user_oauth2(), token_fetch()


## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

Load a service account token


Load a service account token


credentials_service_account(scopes = NULL, path = "", ..., subject = NULL)



A character vector of scopes to request. Pick from those listed at

For certain token flows, the "" scope is unconditionally included. This grants permission to retrieve the email address associated with a token; gargle uses this to index cached OAuth tokens. This grants no permission to view or send email and is generally considered a low-value scope.


JSON identifying the service account, in one of the forms supported for the txt argument of jsonlite::fromJSON() (typically, a file path or JSON string).


Additional arguments passed to all credential functions.


An optional subject claim. Specify this if you wish to use the service account represented by path to impersonate the subject, who is a normal user. Before this can work, an administrator must grant the service account domain-wide authority. Identify the user to impersonate via their email, e.g. subject = "[email protected]". Note that gargle automatically adds the non-sensitive "" scope, so this scope must be enabled for the service account, along with any other scopes being requested.


Note that fetching a token for a service account requires a reasonably accurate system clock. For more information, see the vignette("how-gargle-gets-tokens").


An httr::TokenServiceAccount or NULL.

See Also

Additional reading on delegation of domain-wide authority:

Other credential functions: credentials_app_default(), credentials_byo_oauth2(), credentials_external_account(), credentials_gce(), credentials_user_oauth2(), token_fetch()


## Not run: 
token <- credentials_service_account(
  scopes = "",
  path = "/path/to/your/service-account.json"

## End(Not run)

Get an OAuth token for a user


Consults the token cache for a suitable OAuth token and, if unsuccessful, gets a token via the browser flow. A cached token is suitable if it's compatible with the user's request in this sense:

  • OAuth client must be same.

  • Scopes must be same.

  • Email, if provided, must be same. If specified email is a glob pattern like "*", email matching is done at the domain level.

gargle is very conservative about using OAuth tokens discovered in the user's cache and will generally seek interactive confirmation. Therefore, in a non-interactive setting, it's important to explicitly specify the "email" of the target account or to explicitly authorize automatic discovery. See gargle2.0_token(), which this function wraps, for more. Non-interactive use also suggests it might be time to use a service account token or workload identity federation.


  scopes = NULL,
  client = gargle_client(),
  package = "gargle",
  app = deprecated()



A character vector of scopes to request. Pick from those listed at

For certain token flows, the "" scope is unconditionally included. This grants permission to retrieve the email address associated with a token; gargle uses this to index cached OAuth tokens. This grants no permission to view or send email and is generally considered a low-value scope.


A Google OAuth client, preferably constructed via gargle_oauth_client_from_json(), which returns an instance of gargle_oauth_client. For backwards compatibility, for a limited time, gargle will still accept an "OAuth app" created with httr::oauth_app().


Name of the package requesting a token. Used in messages.


Arguments passed on to gargle2.0_token


Optional. If specified, email can take several different forms:

  • "[email protected]", i.e. an actual email address. This allows the user to target a specific Google identity. If specified, this is used for token lookup, i.e. to determine if a suitable token is already available in the cache. If no such token is found, email is used to pre-select the targeted Google identity in the OAuth chooser. (Note, however, that the email associated with a token when it's cached is always determined from the token itself, never from this argument).

  • "*", i.e. a domain-only glob pattern. This can be helpful if you need code that "just works" for both [email protected] and [email protected].

  • TRUE means that you are approving email auto-discovery. If exactly one matching token is found in the cache, it will be used.

  • FALSE or NA mean that you want to ignore the token cache and force a new OAuth dance in the browser.

Defaults to the option named "gargle_oauth_email", retrieved by gargle_oauth_email() (unless a wrapper package implements different default behavior).


Whether to use out-of-band authentication (or, perhaps, a variant implemented by gargle and known as "pseudo-OOB") when first acquiring the token. Defaults to the value returned by gargle_oob_default(). Note that (pseudo-)OOB auth only affects the initial OAuth dance. If we retrieve (and possibly refresh) a cached token, use_oob has no effect.

If the OAuth client is provided implicitly by a wrapper package, its type probably defaults to the value returned by gargle_oauth_client_type(). You can take control of the client type by setting options(gargle_oauth_client_type = "web") or options(gargle_oauth_client_type = "installed").


Specifies the OAuth token cache. Defaults to the option named "gargle_oauth_cache", retrieved via gargle_oauth_cache().


Advanced use only: allows you to completely customise token generation.


[Deprecated] Replaced by the client argument.


A Gargle2.0 token.

See Also

Other credential functions: credentials_app_default(), credentials_byo_oauth2(), credentials_external_account(), credentials_gce(), credentials_service_account(), token_fetch()


## Not run: 
# Drive scope, built-in gargle demo client
scopes <- ""
credentials_user_oauth2(scopes, client = gargle_client())

# bring your own client
client <- gargle_oauth_client_from_json(
  path = "/path/to/the/JSON/you/downloaded/from/gcp/console.json",
  name = "my-nifty-oauth-client"
credentials_user_oauth2(scopes, client)

## End(Not run)

Generate a field mask


Many Google API requests take a field mask, via a fields parameter, in the URL and/or in the body. field_mask() generates such a field mask from an R list, typically a list that is destined to be part of the body of a request that writes or updates a resource. field_mask() is designed to help in the common case where the attributes you wish to modify are exactly the ones represented in the object. It is possible to use a "larger" field mask, that is either less specific or that explicitly includes other attributes, in which case the attributes covered by the mask but absent from the object are reset to default values. This is not exactly the use case field_mask() is designed for, but its output could still be useful as a first step in constructing such a mask.





A named R list, where the requirement for names applies at all levels, i.e. recursively.


A Google API field mask, as a string.

See Also

The documentation for the JSON encoding of a Protocol Buffers FieldMask.


x <- list(sheetId = 1234, title = "my_favorite_worksheet")

x <- list(
  userEnteredFormat = list(
    backgroundColor = list(
      red = 159 / 255, green = 183 / 255, blue = 196 / 255

x <- list(
  sheetId = 1234,
  gridProperties = list(rowCount = 5, columnCount = 3)

Create an OAuth client for Google


A gargle_oauth_client consists of:

  • A type. gargle only supports the "Desktop app" and "Web application" client types. Different types are associated with different OAuth flows.

  • A client ID and secret.

  • Optionally, one or more redirect URIs.

  • A name. This is really a human-facing label. Or, rather, it can be used that way, but the default is just a hash. We recommend using the same name here as the name used to label the client ID in the Google Cloud Platform Console.

A gargle_oauth_client is an adaptation of httr's oauth_app() (currently) and httr2's oauth_client() (which gargle will migrate to in the future).


gargle_oauth_client_from_json(path, name = NULL)

  redirect_uris = NULL,
  type = c("installed", "web"),
  name = hash(id)



JSON downloaded from Google Cloud Console, containing a client id and secret, in one of the forms supported for the txt argument of jsonlite::fromJSON() (typically, a file path or JSON string).


A label for this specific client, presumably the same name used to label it in Google Cloud Console. Unfortunately there is no way to make that true programmatically, i.e. the JSON representation does not contain this information.


Client ID


Client secret


Where your application listens for the response from Google's authorization server. If you didn't configure this specifically when creating the client (which is only possible for clients of the "web" type), you can leave this unspecified.


Specifies the type of OAuth client. The valid values are a subset of possible Google client types and reflect the key used to describe the client in its JSON representation:

  • "installed" is associated with a "Desktop app"

  • "web" is associated with a "Web application"


An OAuth client: An S3 list with class gargle_oauth_client. For backwards compatibility reasons, this currently also inherits from the httr S3 class oauth_app, but that is a temporary measure. An instance of gargle_oauth_client stores more information than httr's oauth_app, such as the OAuth client's type ("web" or "installed").

There are some redundant fields in this object during the httr-to-httr2 transition period. The legacy fields appname and key repeat the information in the future-facing fields name and (client) id. Prefer name and id to appname and key in downstream code. Prefer the constructors gargle_oauth_client_from_json() and gargle_oauth_client() to httr::oauth_app() and oauth_app_from_json().


## Not run: 
  path = "/path/to/the/JSON/you/downloaded/from/gcp/console.json",
  name = "my-nifty-oauth-client"

## End(Not run)

  id = "some_long_id",
  secret = "ssshhhhh_its_a_secret",
  name = "my-nifty-oauth-client"

OAuth token situation report


Get a human-oriented overview of the existing gargle OAuth tokens:

  • Filepath of the current cache

  • Number of tokens found there

  • Compact summary of the associated

    • Email = Google identity

    • OAuth client (actually, just its nickname)

    • Scopes

    • Hash (actually, just the first 7 characters) Mostly useful for the development of gargle and client packages.


gargle_oauth_sitrep(cache = NULL)



Specifies the OAuth token cache. Defaults to the option named "gargle_oauth_cache", retrieved via gargle_oauth_cache().


A data frame with one row per cached token, invisibly. Note this data frame may contain more columns than it seems, e.g. the filepath column isn't printed by default.



Options consulted by gargle


Wrapper functions around options consulted by gargle, which provide:

  • A place to hang documentation.

  • The mechanism for setting a default.

If the built-in defaults don't suit you, set one or more of these options. Typically, this is done in the .Rprofile startup file, with code along these lines:

  gargle_oauth_email = "[email protected]",
  gargle_oauth_cache = "/path/to/folder/that/does/not/sync/to/cloud"







local_gargle_verbosity(level, env = caller_env())

with_gargle_verbosity(level, code)



Verbosity level: "debug" > "info" > "silent"


The environment to use for scoping


Code to execute with specified verbosity level


gargle_oauth_email() returns the option named "gargle_oauth_email", which is undefined by default. If set, this option should be one of:

  • An actual email address corresponding to your preferred Google identity. Example:[email protected].

  • A glob pattern that indicates your preferred Google domain. Example:⁠*⁠.

  • TRUE to allow email and OAuth token auto-discovery, if exactly one suitable token is found in the cache.

  • FALSE or NA to force the OAuth dance in the browser.


gargle_oob_default() returns TRUE unconditionally on RStudio Server, Posit Workbench, Posit Cloud, or Google Colaboratory, since it is not possible to launch a local web server in these contexts. In this case, for the final step of the OAuth dance, the user is redirected to a specific URL where they must copy a code and paste it back into the R session.

In all other contexts, gargle_oob_default() consults the option named "gargle_oob_default", then the option named "httr_oob_default", and eventually defaults to FALSE.

"oob" stands for out-of-band. Read more about out-of-band authentication in the vignette vignette("auth-from-web").


gargle_oauth_cache() returns the option named "gargle_oauth_cache", defaulting to NA. If defined, the option must be set to a logical value or a string. TRUE means to cache using the default user-level cache file, ⁠~/.R/gargle/gargle-oauth⁠, FALSE means don't cache, and NA means to guess using some sensible heuristics.


gargle_oauth_client_type() returns the option named "gargle_oauth_client_type", if defined. If defined, the option must be either "installed" or "web". If the option is not defined, the function returns:

  • "web" on RStudio Server, Posit Workbench, Posit Cloud, or Google Colaboratory

  • "installed" otherwise

Primarily intended to help infer the most suitable OAuth client type when a user is relying on a built-in client, such as the tidyverse client used by packages like bigrquery, googledrive, and googlesheets4.


gargle_verbosity() returns the option named "gargle_verbosity", which determines gargle's verbosity. There are three possible values, inspired by the logging levels of log4j:

  • "debug": Fine-grained information helpful when debugging, e.g. figuring out how token_fetch() is working through the registry of credential functions. Previously, this was activated by setting an option named "gargle_quiet" to FALSE.

  • "info" (default): High-level information that a typical user needs to see. Since typical gargle usage is always indirect, i.e. gargle is called by another package, gargle itself is very quiet. There are very few messages emitted when gargle_verbosity = "info".

  • "silent": No messages at all. However, warnings or errors are still thrown normally.



Encrypt/decrypt JSON or an R object


These functions help to encrypt and decrypt confidential information that you might need when deploying gargle-using projects or in CI/CD. They basically rely on inlined copies of the secret functions in the httr2 package. The awkwardness of inlining code from httr2 can be removed if/when gargle starts to depend on httr2.

  • The secret_encrypt_json() + secret_decrypt_json() pair is unique to gargle, given how frequently Google auth relies on JSON files, e.g., service account tokens and OAuth clients.

  • The secret_write_rds() + secret_read_rds() pair is just a copy of functions from httr2. They are handy if you need to secure a user token.

  • secret_make_key() and secret_has_key() are also copies of functions from httr2. Use secret_make_key to generate a key. Use secret_has_key() to condition on key availability in, e.g., examples, tests, or apps.


secret_encrypt_json(json, path = NULL, key)

secret_decrypt_json(path, key)


secret_write_rds(x, path, key)

secret_read_rds(path, key)




A JSON file (or string).


The path to write to (secret_encrypt_json(), secret_write_rds()) or to read from (secret_decrypt_json(), secret_read_rds()).


Encryption key, as implemented by httr2's secret functions. This should almost always be the name of an environment variable whose value was generated with secret_make_key() (which is an inlined copy of httr2::secret_make_key()).


An R object.


  • secret_encrypt_json(): The encrypted JSON string, invisibly. In typical use, this function is mainly called for its side effect, which is to write an encrypted file.

  • secret_decrypt_json(): The decrypted JSON string, invisibly.

  • secret_write_rds(): x, invisibly

  • secret_read_rds(): the decrypted object.

  • secret_make_key(): a random string to use as an encryption key.

  • secret_has_key() returns TRUE if the key is available and FALSE otherwise.


# gargle ships with JSON for a fake service account
# here we put the encrypted JSON into a new file
tmp <- tempfile()
  fs::path_package("gargle", "extdata", "fake_service_account.json"),
  key = "GARGLE_KEY"

# complete the round trip by providing the decrypted JSON to a credential
# function
 scopes = "",
 path = secret_decrypt_json(
   fs::path_package("gargle", "secret", "gargle-testing.json"),
   key = "GARGLE_KEY"


# make an artificial Gargle2.0 token
fauxen <- gargle2.0_token(
  email = "[email protected]",
  client = gargle_oauth_client(
    id = "CLIENT_ID", secret = "SECRET", name = "CLIENT"
  credentials = list(token = "fauxen"),
  cache = FALSE

# store the fake token in an encrypted file
tmp2 <- tempfile()
secret_write_rds(fauxen, path = tmp2, key = "GARGLE_KEY")

# complete the round trip by providing the decrypted token to the "BYO token"
# credential function
rt_fauxen <- credentials_byo_oauth2(
  token  = secret_read_rds(tmp2, key = "GARGLE_KEY")


Generate a gargle token


Constructor function for objects of class Gargle2.0.


  email = gargle_oauth_email(),
  client = gargle_client(),
  package = "gargle",
  scope = NULL,
  use_oob = gargle_oob_default(),
  credentials = NULL,
  cache = if (is.null(credentials)) gargle_oauth_cache() else FALSE,
  app = deprecated()



Optional. If specified, email can take several different forms:

  • "[email protected]", i.e. an actual email address. This allows the user to target a specific Google identity. If specified, this is used for token lookup, i.e. to determine if a suitable token is already available in the cache. If no such token is found, email is used to pre-select the targeted Google identity in the OAuth chooser. (Note, however, that the email associated with a token when it's cached is always determined from the token itself, never from this argument).

  • "*", i.e. a domain-only glob pattern. This can be helpful if you need code that "just works" for both [email protected] and [email protected].

  • TRUE means that you are approving email auto-discovery. If exactly one matching token is found in the cache, it will be used.

  • FALSE or NA mean that you want to ignore the token cache and force a new OAuth dance in the browser.

Defaults to the option named "gargle_oauth_email", retrieved by gargle_oauth_email() (unless a wrapper package implements different default behavior).


A Google OAuth client, preferably constructed via gargle_oauth_client_from_json(), which returns an instance of gargle_oauth_client. For backwards compatibility, for a limited time, gargle will still accept an "OAuth app" created with httr::oauth_app().


Name of the package requesting a token. Used in messages.


A character vector of scopes to request.


Whether to use out-of-band authentication (or, perhaps, a variant implemented by gargle and known as "pseudo-OOB") when first acquiring the token. Defaults to the value returned by gargle_oob_default(). Note that (pseudo-)OOB auth only affects the initial OAuth dance. If we retrieve (and possibly refresh) a cached token, use_oob has no effect.

If the OAuth client is provided implicitly by a wrapper package, its type probably defaults to the value returned by gargle_oauth_client_type(). You can take control of the client type by setting options(gargle_oauth_client_type = "web") or options(gargle_oauth_client_type = "installed").


Advanced use only: allows you to completely customise token generation.


Specifies the OAuth token cache. Defaults to the option named "gargle_oauth_cache", retrieved via gargle_oauth_cache().


Absorbs arguments intended for use by other credential functions. Not used.


[Deprecated] Replaced by the client argument.


An object of class Gargle2.0, either new or loaded from the cache.


## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

List all service accounts available on this GCE instance


List all service accounts available on this GCE instance




A data frame, where each row is a service account. Due to aliasing, there is no guarantee that each row represents a distinct service account.

See Also

The return value is built from a recursive query of the so-called "directory" of the instance's service accounts as documented in



Create an AuthState


Constructor function for objects of class AuthState.


  package = NA_character_,
  client = NULL,
  api_key = NULL,
  auth_active = TRUE,
  cred = NULL,
  app = deprecated()



Package name, an optional string. It is recommended to record the name of the package whose auth state is being managed. Ultimately, this may be used in some downstream messaging.


A Google OAuth client, preferably constructed via gargle_oauth_client_from_json(), which returns an instance of gargle_oauth_client. For backwards compatibility, for a limited time, gargle will still accept an "OAuth app" created with httr::oauth_app().


Optional. API key (a string). Some APIs accept unauthorized, "token-free" requests for public resources, but only if the request includes an API key.


Logical. TRUE means requests should include a token (and probably not an API key). FALSE means requests should include an API key (and probably not a token).


Credentials. Typically populated indirectly via token_fetch().


[Deprecated] Replaced by the client argument.


An object of class AuthState.


my_client <- gargle_oauth_client(
  id = "some_long_client_id",
  secret = "ssshhhhh_its_a_secret",
  name = "my-nifty-oauth-client"

  package = "my_package",
  client = my_client,
  api_key = "api_key_api_key_api_key",

Build a Google API request


Intended primarily for internal use in client packages that provide high-level wrappers for users. The vignette("request-helper-functions") describes how one might use these functions inside a wrapper package.


  params = list(),
  base_url = ""

  method = "GET",
  path = "",
  params = list(),
  body = list(),
  token = NULL,
  key = NULL,
  base_url = ""



List of information about the target endpoint or, in Google's vocabulary, the target "method". Presumably prepared from the Discovery Document for the target API.


Named list. Values destined for URL substitution, the query, or, for request_develop() only, the body. For request_build(), body parameters must be passed via the body argument.




Character. An HTTP verb, such as GET or POST.


Character. Path to the resource, not including the API's base_url. Examples: drive/v3/about or drive/v3/files/{fileId}. The path can be a template, i.e. it can include variables inside curly brackets, such as {fileId} in the example. Such variables are substituted by request_build(), using named parameters found in params.


List. Values to send in the API request body.


Token, ready for inclusion in a request, i.e. prepared with httr::config().


API key. Needed for requests that don't contain a token. For more, see Google's document Credentials, access, security, and identity (⁠⁠). A key can be passed as a named component of params, but note that the formal argument key will clobber it, if non-NULL.


request_develop(): list() with components method, path, params, body, and base_url.

request_build(): list() with components method, path (post-substitution), query (the input params not used in URL substitution), body, token, url (the full URL, post-substitution, including the query).


Combines user input (params) with information about an API endpoint. endpoint should contain these components:

  • path: See documentation for argument.

  • method: See documentation for argument.

  • parameters: Compared with params supplied by user. An error is thrown if user-supplied params aren't named in endpoint$parameters or if user fails to supply all required parameters. In the return value, body parameters are separated from those destined for path substitution or the query.

The return value is typically used as input to request_build().


Builds a request, in a purely mechanical sense. This function does nothing specific to any particular Google API or endpoint.

  • Use with the output of request_develop() or with hand-crafted input.

  • params are used for variable substitution in path. Leftover params that are not bound by the path template automatically become HTTP query parameters.

  • Adds an API key to the query iff token = NULL and removes the API key otherwise. Client packages should generally pass their own API key in, but note that gargle_api_key() is available for small-scale experimentation.

See googledrive::generate_request() for an example of usage in a client package. googledrive has an internal list of selected endpoints, derived from the Drive API Discovery Document (⁠⁠), exposed via googledrive::drive_endpoints(). An element from such a list is the expected input for endpoint. googledrive::generate_request() is a wrapper around request_develop() and request_build() that inserts a googledrive-managed API key and some logic about Team Drives. All user-facing functions use googledrive::generate_request() under the hood.

See Also

Other requests and responses: request_make(), response_process()


## Not run: 
## Example with a prepared endpoint
ept <- googledrive::drive_endpoints("drive.files.update")[[1]]
req <- request_develop(
  params = list(
    fileId = "abc",
    addParents = "123",
    description = "Exciting File"

req <- request_build(
  method = req$method,
  path = req$path,
  params = req$params,
  body = req$body,
  token = "PRETEND_I_AM_A_TOKEN"

## Example with no previous knowledge of the endpoint
## List a file's comments
req <- request_build(
  method = "GET",
  path = "drive/v3/files/{fileId}/comments",
  params = list(
    fileId = "your-file-id-goes-here",
    fields = "*"
  token = "PRETEND_I_AM_A_TOKEN"

# Example with no previous knowledge of the endpoint and no token
# use an API key for which the Places API is enabled!
API_KEY <- "1234567890"

# get restaurants close to a location in Vancouver, BC
req <- request_build(
  method = "GET",
  path = "maps/api/place/nearbysearch/json",
  params = list(
    location = "49.268682,-123.167117",
    radius = 100,
    type = "restaurant"
  key = API_KEY,
  base_url = ""
resp <- request_make(req)
out <- response_process(resp)
vapply(out$results, function(x) x$name, character(1))

## End(Not run)

Make a Google API request


Intended primarily for internal use in client packages that provide high-level wrappers for users. request_make() does relatively little:

  • Calls an HTTP method.

  • Adds a user agent.

  • Enforces "json" as the default for encode. This differs from httr's default behaviour, but aligns better with Google APIs.

Typically the input is created with request_build() and the output is processed with response_process().


request_make(x, ..., encode = "json", user_agent = gargle_user_agent())



List. Holds the components for an HTTP request, presumably created with request_develop() or request_build(). Must contain a method and url. If present, body and token are used.


Optional arguments passed through to the HTTP method. Currently neither gargle nor httr checks that all are used, so be aware that unused arguments may be silently ignored.


If the body is a named list, how should it be encoded? Can be one of form (application/x-www-form-urlencoded), multipart, (multipart/form-data), or json (application/json).

For "multipart", list elements can be strings or objects created by upload_file(). For "form", elements are coerced to strings and escaped, use I() to prevent double-escaping. For "json", parameters are automatically "unboxed" (i.e. length 1 vectors are converted to scalars). To preserve a length 1 vector as a vector, wrap in I(). For "raw", either a character or raw vector. You'll need to make sure to set the content_type() yourself.


A user agent string, prepared by httr::user_agent(). When in doubt, a client package should have an internal function that extends gargle_user_agent() by prepending its return value with the client package's name and version.


Object of class response from httr.

See Also

Other requests and responses: request_develop(), response_process()


## Not run: 
req <- gargle::request_build(
  method = "GET",
  path = "path/to/the/resource",
  token = "PRETEND_I_AM_TOKEN"

## End(Not run)

Make a Google API request, repeatedly


Intended primarily for internal use in client packages that provide high-level wrappers for users. It is a drop-in substitute for request_make() that also has the ability to retry the request. Codes that are considered retryable: 408, 429, 500, 502, 503.


request_retry(..., max_tries_total = 5, max_total_wait_time_in_seconds = 100)



Passed along to request_make().


Maximum number of tries.


Total seconds we are willing to dedicate to waiting, summed across all tries. This is a technical upper bound and actual cumulative waiting will be less.


Consider an example where we are willing to make a request up to 5 times.

try  1  2    3        4                5
wait  1   2      3           4

There will be up to 5 - 1 = 4 waits and we generally want the waiting period to get longer, in an exponential way. Such schemes are called exponential backoff. request_retry() implements exponential backoff with "full jitter", where each waiting time is generated from a uniform distribution, where the interval of support grows exponentially. A common alternative is "equal jitter", which adds some noise to fixed, exponentially increasing waiting times.

Either way our waiting times are based on a geometric series, which, by convention, is usually written in terms of powers of 2:

b, 2b, 4b, 8b, ...
  = b * 2^0, b * 2^1, b * 2^2, b * 2^3, ...

The terms in this series require knowledge of b, the so-called exponential base, and many retry functions and libraries require the user to specify this. But most users find it easier to declare the total amount of waiting time they can tolerate for one request. Therefore request_retry() asks for that instead and solves for b internally. This is inspired by the Opnieuw Python library for retries. Opnieuw's interface is designed to eliminate uncertainty around:

  • Units: Is this thing given in seconds? minutes? milliseconds?

  • Ambiguity around how things are counted: Are we starting at 0 or 1? Are we counting tries or just the retries?

  • Non-intuitive required inputs, e.g., the exponential base.

Let n be the total number of tries we're willing to make (the argument max_tries_total) and let W be the total amount of seconds we're willing to dedicate to making and retrying this request (the argument max_total_wait_time_in_seconds). Here's how we determine b:

sum_{i=0}^(n - 1) b * 2^i = W
b * sum_{i=0}^(n - 1) 2^i = W
       b * ( (2 ^ n) - 1) = W
                        b = W / ( (2 ^ n) - 1)


Object of class response from httr.

Special cases

request_retry() departs from exponential backoff in three special cases:

  • It actually implements truncated exponential backoff. There is a floor and a ceiling on random wait times.

  • Retry-After header: If the response has a header named Retry-After (case-insensitive), it is assumed to provide a non-negative integer indicating the number of seconds to wait. If present, we wait this many seconds and do not generate a random waiting time. (In theory, this header can alternatively provide a datetime after which to retry, but we have no first-hand experience with this variant for a Google API.)

  • Sheets API quota exhaustion: In the course of googlesheets4 development, we've grown very familiar with the ⁠429 RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED⁠ error. As of 2023-04-15, the Sheets API v4 has a limit of 300 requests per minute per project and 60 requests per minute per user per project. Limits for reads and writes are tracked separately. In our experience, the "60 (read or write) requests per minute per user" limit is the one you hit most often. If we detect this specific failure, the first wait time is a bit more than one minute, then we revert to exponential backoff.

See Also


## Not run: 
req <- gargle::request_build(
  method = "GET",
  path = "path/to/the/resource",
  token = "PRETEND_I_AM_TOKEN"

## End(Not run)

Process a Google API response


response_process() is intended primarily for internal use in client packages that provide high-level wrappers for users. Typically applied as the final step in this sequence of calls:

All that's needed for a successful request is to parse the JSON extracted via httr::content(). Therefore, the main point of response_process() is to handle less happy outcomes:

  • Status codes in the 400s (client error) and 500s (server error). The structure of the error payload varies across Google APIs and we try to create a useful message for all variants we know about.

  • Non-JSON content type, such as HTML.

  • Status code in the 100s (information) or 300s (redirection). These are unexpected.

If process_response() results in an error, a redacted version of the resp input is returned in the condition (auth tokens are removed).


  error_message = gargle_error_message,
  remember = TRUE,
  call = caller_env()

response_as_json(resp, call = caller_env())

gargle_error_message(resp, call = caller_env())



Object of class response from httr.


Function that produces an informative error message from the primary input, resp. It must return a character vector.


Whether to remember the most recently processed response.


The execution environment of a currently running function, e.g. call = caller_env(). The corresponding function call is retrieved and mentioned in error messages as the source of the error.

You only need to supply call when throwing a condition from a helper function which wouldn't be relevant to mention in the message.

Can also be NULL or a defused function call to respectively not display any call or hard-code a code to display.

For more information about error calls, see Including function calls in error messages.


When remember = TRUE (the default), gargle stores the most recently seen response internally, for post hoc examination. The stored response is literally just the most recent resp input, but with auth tokens redacted. It can be accessed via the unexported function gargle:::gargle_last_response(). A companion function gargle:::gargle_last_content() returns the content of the last response, which is probably the most useful form for post mortem analysis.

The response_as_json() helper is exported only as an aid to maintainers who wish to use their own error_message function, instead of gargle's built-in gargle_error_message(). When implementing a custom error_message function, call response_as_json() immediately on the input in order to inherit gargle's handling of non-JSON input.


The content of the request, as a list. An HTTP status code of 204 (No content) is a special case returning TRUE.

See Also

Other requests and responses: request_develop(), request_make()


## Not run: 
# get an OAuth2 token with '' scope
token <- token_fetch(scopes = "")

# see the email associated with this token
req <- gargle::request_build(
  method = "GET",
  path = "v1/userinfo",
  token = token,
  base_url = ""
resp <- gargle::request_make(req)

# make a bad request (this token has incorrect scope)
req <- gargle::request_build(
  method = "GET",
  path = "fitness/v1/users/{userId}/dataSources",
  token = token,
  params = list(userId = 12345)
resp <- gargle::request_make(req)

## End(Not run)

Fetch a token for the given scopes


This is a rather magical function that calls a series of concrete credential-fetching functions, each wrapped in a tryCatch(). token_fetch() keeps trying until it succeeds or there are no more functions to try. See the vignette("how-gargle-gets-tokens") for a full description of token_fetch().


token_fetch(scopes = NULL, ...)



A character vector of scopes to request. Pick from those listed at

For certain token flows, the "" scope is unconditionally included. This grants permission to retrieve the email address associated with a token; gargle uses this to index cached OAuth tokens. This grants no permission to view or send email and is generally considered a low-value scope.


Additional arguments passed to all credential functions.


An httr::Token (often an instance of something that inherits from httr::Token) or NULL.

See Also

cred_funs_list() reveals the current registry of credential-fetching functions, in order.

Other credential functions: credentials_app_default(), credentials_byo_oauth2(), credentials_external_account(), credentials_gce(), credentials_service_account(), credentials_user_oauth2()


## Not run: 
token_fetch(scopes = "")

## End(Not run)

Get info from a token


These functions send the token to Google endpoints that return info about a token or a user.







A token with class Token2.0 or an object of httr's class request, i.e. a token that has been prepared with httr::config() and has a Token2.0 in the auth_token component.


It's hard to say exactly what info will be returned by the "userinfo" endpoint targetted by token_userinfo(). It depends on the token's scopes. Where possible, OAuth2 tokens obtained via the gargle package include the ⁠⁠ scope, which guarantees we can learn the email associated with the token. If the token has the ⁠⁠ scope, there will be even more information available. But for a token with unknown or arbitrary scopes, we can't make any promises about what information will be returned.


A list containing:

  • token_userinfo(): user info

  • token_email(): user's email (obtained from a call to token_userinfo())

  • token_tokeninfo(): token info


## Not run: 
# with service account token
t <- token_fetch(
  scopes = "",
  path   = "path/to/service/account/token/blah-blah-blah.json"
# or with an OAuth token
t <- token_fetch(
  scopes = "",
  email  = "[email protected]"

## End(Not run)