Package 'clock'

Title: Date-Time Types and Tools
Description: Provides a comprehensive library for date-time manipulations using a new family of orthogonal date-time classes (durations, time points, zoned-times, and calendars) that partition responsibilities so that the complexities of time zones are only considered when they are really needed. Capabilities include: date-time parsing, formatting, arithmetic, extraction and updating of components, and rounding.
Authors: Davis Vaughan [aut, cre], Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Davis Vaughan <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Built: 2025-02-21 06:32:15 UTC

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Convert to a date


as_date() is a generic function that converts its input to a date (Date).

There are methods for converting date-times (POSIXct), calendars, time points, and zoned-times to dates.

For converting to a date-time, see as_date_time().


as_date(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'Date'
as_date(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'POSIXt'
as_date(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_calendar'
as_date(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_time_point'
as_date(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_zoned_time'
as_date(x, ...)




A vector.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


Note that clock always assumes that R's Date class is naive, so converting a POSIXct to a Date will always retain the printed year, month, and day value.

This is not a drop-in replacement for as.Date(), as it only converts a limited set of types to Date. For parsing characters as dates, see date_parse(). For converting numerics to dates, see vctrs::new_date() or continue to use as.Date().


A date with the same length as x.


x <- date_time_parse("2019-01-01 23:02:03", "America/New_York")

# R's `as.Date.POSIXct()` method defaults to changing the printed time
# to UTC before converting, which can result in odd conversions like this:

# `as_date()` will never change the printed time before converting

# Can also convert from other clock types
as_date(year_month_day(2019, 2, 5))

Convert to a date-time


as_date_time() is a generic function that converts its input to a date-time (POSIXct).

There are methods for converting dates (Date), calendars, time points, and zoned-times to date-times.

For converting to a date, see as_date().


as_date_time(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'POSIXt'
as_date_time(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'Date'
as_date_time(x, zone, ..., nonexistent = NULL, ambiguous = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'clock_calendar'
as_date_time(x, zone, ..., nonexistent = NULL, ambiguous = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'clock_sys_time'
as_date_time(x, zone, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_naive_time'
as_date_time(x, zone, ..., nonexistent = NULL, ambiguous = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'clock_zoned_time'
as_date_time(x, ...)




A vector.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.



The zone to convert to.


⁠[character / NULL]⁠

One of the following nonexistent time resolution strategies, allowed to be either length 1, or the same length as the input:

  • "roll-forward": The next valid instant in time.

  • "roll-backward": The previous valid instant in time.

  • "shift-forward": Shift the nonexistent time forward by the size of the daylight saving time gap.

  • ⁠"shift-backward⁠: Shift the nonexistent time backward by the size of the daylight saving time gap.

  • "NA": Replace nonexistent times with NA.

  • "error": Error on nonexistent times.

Using either "roll-forward" or "roll-backward" is generally recommended over shifting, as these two strategies maintain the relative ordering between elements of the input.

If NULL, defaults to "error".

If getOption("clock.strict") is TRUE, nonexistent must be supplied and cannot be NULL. This is a convenient way to make production code robust to nonexistent times.


⁠[character / zoned_time / POSIXct / list(2) / NULL]⁠

One of the following ambiguous time resolution strategies, allowed to be either length 1, or the same length as the input:

  • "earliest": Of the two possible times, choose the earliest one.

  • "latest": Of the two possible times, choose the latest one.

  • "NA": Replace ambiguous times with NA.

  • "error": Error on ambiguous times.

Alternatively, ambiguous is allowed to be a zoned_time (or POSIXct) that is either length 1, or the same length as the input. If an ambiguous time is encountered, the zoned_time is consulted. If the zoned_time corresponds to a naive_time that is also ambiguous and uses the same daylight saving time transition point as the original ambiguous time, then the offset of the zoned_time is used to resolve the ambiguity. If the ambiguity cannot be resolved by consulting the zoned_time, then this method falls back to NULL.

Finally, ambiguous is allowed to be a list of size 2, where the first element of the list is a zoned_time (as described above), and the second element of the list is an ambiguous time resolution strategy to use when the ambiguous time cannot be resolved by consulting the zoned_time. Specifying a zoned_time on its own is identical to ⁠list(<zoned_time>, NULL)⁠.

If NULL, defaults to "error".

If getOption("clock.strict") is TRUE, ambiguous must be supplied and cannot be NULL. Additionally, ambiguous cannot be specified as a zoned_time on its own, as this implies NULL for ambiguous times that the zoned_time cannot resolve. Instead, it must be specified as a list alongside an ambiguous time resolution strategy as described above. This is a convenient way to make production code robust to ambiguous times.


Note that clock always assumes that R's Date class is naive, so converting a Date to a POSIXct will always attempt to retain the printed year, month, and day. Where possible, the resulting time will be at midnight (00:00:00), but in some rare cases this is not possible due to daylight saving time. If that issue ever arises, an error will be thrown, which can be resolved by explicitly supplying nonexistent or ambiguous.

This is not a drop-in replacement for as.POSIXct(), as it only converts a limited set of types to POSIXct. For parsing characters as date-times, see date_time_parse(). For converting numerics to date-times, see vctrs::new_datetime() or continue to use as.POSIXct().


A date-time with the same length as x.


x <- as.Date("2019-01-01")

# `as.POSIXct()` will always treat Date as UTC, but will show the result
# of the conversion in your system time zone, which can be somewhat confusing
if (rlang::is_installed("withr")) {
  withr::with_timezone("UTC", print(as.POSIXct(x)))
  withr::with_timezone("Europe/Paris", print(as.POSIXct(x)))
  withr::with_timezone("America/New_York", print(as.POSIXct(x)))

# `as_date_time()` will treat Date as naive, which means that the original
# printed date will attempt to be kept wherever possible, no matter the
# time zone. The time will be set to midnight.
as_date_time(x, "UTC")
as_date_time(x, "Europe/Paris")
as_date_time(x, "America/New_York")

# In some rare cases, this is not possible.
# For example, in Asia/Beirut, there was a DST gap from
# 2021-03-27 23:59:59 -> 2021-03-28 01:00:00,
# skipping the 0th hour entirely.
x <- as.Date("2021-03-28")
try(as_date_time(x, "Asia/Beirut"))

# To resolve this, set a `nonexistent` time resolution strategy
as_date_time(x, "Asia/Beirut", nonexistent = "roll-forward")

# You can also convert to date-time from other clock types
as_date_time(year_month_day(2019, 2, 3, 03), "America/New_York")

Convert to a duration


You generally convert to a duration from either a sys-time or a naive-time. The precision of the input is retained in the returned duration.

To round an existing duration to another precision, see duration_floor().


as_duration(x, ...)




An object to convert to a duration.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


A duration with the same precision as x.


x <- as_sys_time(year_month_day(2019, 01, 01))

# The number of days since 1970-01-01 UTC

x <- x + duration_seconds(1)

# The number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC

Convert to iso-year-week-day


as_iso_year_week_day() converts a vector to the iso-year-week-day calendar. Time points, Dates, POSIXct, and other calendars can all be converted to iso-year-week-day.


as_iso_year_week_day(x, ...)




A vector to convert to iso-year-week-day.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


A iso-year-week-day vector.


# From Date

# From POSIXct, which assumes that the naive time is what should be converted
as_iso_year_week_day(as.POSIXct("2019-01-01 02:30:30", "America/New_York"))

# From other calendars
as_iso_year_week_day(year_quarter_day(2019, quarter = 2, day = 50))

Convert to a naive-time


as_naive_time() converts x to a naive-time.

You can convert to a naive-time from any calendar type, as long as it has at least day precision. There also must not be any invalid dates. If invalid dates exist, they must first be resolved with invalid_resolve().

Converting to a naive-time from a sys-time or zoned-time retains the printed time, but drops the assumption that the time should be interpreted with any specific time zone.

Converting to a naive-time from a duration just wraps the duration in a naive-time object, there is no assumption about the time zone. The duration must have at least day precision.

There are convenience methods for converting to a naive-time from R's native date and date-time types. Like converting from a zoned-time, these retain the printed time.


as_naive_time(x, ...)




An object to convert to a naive-time.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


A naive-time vector.


x <- as.Date("2019-01-01")

ym <- year_month_day(2019, 02)

# A minimum of day precision is required

ymd <- set_day(ym, 10)

Convert to a sys-time


as_sys_time() converts x to a sys-time.

You can convert to a sys-time from any calendar type, as long as it has at least day precision. There also must not be any invalid dates. If invalid dates exist, they must first be resolved with invalid_resolve().

Converting to a sys-time from a naive-time retains the printed time, but adds an assumption that the time should be interpreted in the UTC time zone.

Converting to a sys-time from a zoned-time retains the underlying duration, but the printed time is the equivalent UTC time to whatever the zoned-time's zone happened to be.

Converting to a sys-time from a duration just wraps the duration in a sys-time object, adding the assumption that the time should be interpreted in the UTC time zone. The duration must have at least day precision.

There are convenience methods for converting to a sys-time from R's native date and date-time types. Like converting from a zoned-time, these retain the underlying duration, but will change the printed time if the zone was not already UTC.


as_sys_time(x, ...)




An object to convert to a sys-time.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


A sys-time vector.


x <- as.Date("2019-01-01")

# Dates are assumed to be naive, so the printed time is the same whether
# we convert it to sys-time or naive-time

y <- as.POSIXct("2019-01-01 01:00:00", tz = "America/New_York")

# The sys time displays the equivalent time in UTC (5 hours ahead of
# America/New_York at this point in the year)

ym <- year_month_day(2019, 02)

# A minimum of day precision is required

ymd <- set_day(ym, 10)

Convert to a weekday


as_weekday() converts to a weekday type. This is normally useful for converting to a weekday from a sys-time or naive-time. You can use this function along with the circular arithmetic that weekday implements to easily get to the "next Monday" or "previous Sunday".


as_weekday(x, ...)




An object to convert to a weekday. Usually a sys-time or naive-time.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


A weekday.


x <- as_naive_time(year_month_day(2019, 01, 05))

# This is a Saturday!

# See the examples in `?weekday` for more usage.

Convert to year-day


as_year_day() converts a vector to the year-day calendar. Time points, Dates, POSIXct, and other calendars can all be converted to year-day.


as_year_day(x, ...)




A vector to convert to year-day.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


A year-day vector.


# From Date

# From POSIXct, which assumes that the naive time is what should be converted
as_year_day(as.POSIXct("2019-05-01 02:30:30", "America/New_York"))

# From other calendars
as_year_day(year_quarter_day(2019, quarter = 2, day = 50))

Convert to year-month-day


as_year_month_day() converts a vector to the year-month-day calendar. Time points, Dates, POSIXct, and other calendars can all be converted to year-month-day.


as_year_month_day(x, ...)




A vector to convert to year-month-day.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


A year-month-day vector.


# From Date

# From POSIXct, which assumes that the naive time is what should be converted
as_year_month_day(as.POSIXct("2019-01-01 02:30:30", "America/New_York"))

# From other calendars
as_year_month_day(year_quarter_day(2019, quarter = 2, day = 50))

Convert to year-month-weekday


as_year_month_weekday() converts a vector to the year-month-weekday calendar. Time points, Dates, POSIXct, and other calendars can all be converted to year-month-weekday.


as_year_month_weekday(x, ...)




A vector to convert to year-month-weekday.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


A year-month-weekday vector.


# From Date

# From POSIXct, which assumes that the naive time is what should be converted
as_year_month_weekday(as.POSIXct("2019-01-01 02:30:30", "America/New_York"))

# From other calendars
as_year_month_weekday(year_quarter_day(2019, quarter = 2, day = 50))

Convert to year-quarter-day


as_year_quarter_day() converts a vector to the year-quarter-day calendar. Time points, Dates, POSIXct, and other calendars can all be converted to year-quarter-day.


as_year_quarter_day(x, ..., start = NULL)




A vector to convert to year-quarter-day.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[integer(1) / NULL]⁠

The month to start the fiscal year in. 1 = January and 12 = December.


  • If x is a year-quarter-day, it will be returned as is.

  • Otherwise, a start of January will be used.


A year-quarter-day vector.


# From Date
as_year_quarter_day(as.Date("2019-01-01"), start = 3)

# From POSIXct, which assumes that the naive time is what should be converted
as_year_quarter_day(as.POSIXct("2019-01-01 02:30:30", "America/New_York"))

# From other calendars
tuesday <- 3
as_year_quarter_day(year_month_weekday(2019, 2, tuesday, 2))

# Converting between `start`s
x <- year_quarter_day(2019, 01, 01, start = 2)

# Default keeps the same start

# But you can change it
as_year_quarter_day(x, start = 1)

Convert to year-week-day


as_year_week_day() converts a vector to the year-week-day calendar. Time points, Dates, POSIXct, and other calendars can all be converted to year-week-day.


as_year_week_day(x, ..., start = NULL)




A vector to convert to year-week-day.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[integer(1) / NULL]⁠

The day to consider the start of the week. 1 = Sunday and 7 = Saturday.


  • If x is a year-week-day, it will be returned as is.

  • Otherwise, a start of Sunday will be used.


A year-week-day vector.


# From Date
as_year_week_day(as.Date("2019-01-01"), start = clock_weekdays$monday)

# From POSIXct, which assumes that the naive time is what should be converted
as_year_week_day(as.POSIXct("2019-01-01 02:30:30", "America/New_York"))

# From other calendars
as_year_week_day(year_quarter_day(2019, quarter = 2, day = 50))

Convert to a zoned-time


as_zoned_time() converts x to a zoned-time. You generally convert to a zoned time from either a sys-time or a naive time. Each are documented on their own page:

There are also convenience methods for converting to a zoned time from native R date and date-time types:


as_zoned_time(x, ...)




An object to convert to a zoned-time.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


A zoned-time vector.


x <- as.Date("2019-01-01")
as_zoned_time(x, "Europe/London")

y <- as_naive_time(year_month_day(2019, 2, 1))
as_zoned_time(y, zone = "America/New_York")

Convert to a zoned-time from a date


This is a Date method for the as_zoned_time() generic.

clock assumes that Dates are naive date-time types. Like naive-times, they have a yet-to-be-specified time zone. This method allows you to specify that time zone, keeping the printed time. If possible, the time will be set to midnight (see Details for the rare case in which this is not possible).


## S3 method for class 'Date'
as_zoned_time(x, zone, ..., nonexistent = NULL, ambiguous = NULL)




A Date.



The zone to convert to.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[character / NULL]⁠

One of the following nonexistent time resolution strategies, allowed to be either length 1, or the same length as the input:

  • "roll-forward": The next valid instant in time.

  • "roll-backward": The previous valid instant in time.

  • "shift-forward": Shift the nonexistent time forward by the size of the daylight saving time gap.

  • ⁠"shift-backward⁠: Shift the nonexistent time backward by the size of the daylight saving time gap.

  • "NA": Replace nonexistent times with NA.

  • "error": Error on nonexistent times.

Using either "roll-forward" or "roll-backward" is generally recommended over shifting, as these two strategies maintain the relative ordering between elements of the input.

If NULL, defaults to "error".

If getOption("clock.strict") is TRUE, nonexistent must be supplied and cannot be NULL. This is a convenient way to make production code robust to nonexistent times.


⁠[character / zoned_time / POSIXct / list(2) / NULL]⁠

One of the following ambiguous time resolution strategies, allowed to be either length 1, or the same length as the input:

  • "earliest": Of the two possible times, choose the earliest one.

  • "latest": Of the two possible times, choose the latest one.

  • "NA": Replace ambiguous times with NA.

  • "error": Error on ambiguous times.

Alternatively, ambiguous is allowed to be a zoned_time (or POSIXct) that is either length 1, or the same length as the input. If an ambiguous time is encountered, the zoned_time is consulted. If the zoned_time corresponds to a naive_time that is also ambiguous and uses the same daylight saving time transition point as the original ambiguous time, then the offset of the zoned_time is used to resolve the ambiguity. If the ambiguity cannot be resolved by consulting the zoned_time, then this method falls back to NULL.

Finally, ambiguous is allowed to be a list of size 2, where the first element of the list is a zoned_time (as described above), and the second element of the list is an ambiguous time resolution strategy to use when the ambiguous time cannot be resolved by consulting the zoned_time. Specifying a zoned_time on its own is identical to ⁠list(<zoned_time>, NULL)⁠.

If NULL, defaults to "error".

If getOption("clock.strict") is TRUE, ambiguous must be supplied and cannot be NULL. Additionally, ambiguous cannot be specified as a zoned_time on its own, as this implies NULL for ambiguous times that the zoned_time cannot resolve. Instead, it must be specified as a list alongside an ambiguous time resolution strategy as described above. This is a convenient way to make production code robust to ambiguous times.


In the rare instance that the specified time zone does not contain a date-time at midnight due to daylight saving time, nonexistent can be used to resolve the issue. Similarly, if there are two possible midnight times due to a daylight saving time fallback, ambiguous can be used.


A zoned-time.


x <- as.Date("2019-01-01")

# The resulting zoned-times have the same printed time, but are in
# different time zones
as_zoned_time(x, "UTC")
as_zoned_time(x, "America/New_York")

# Converting Date -> zoned-time is the same as naive-time -> zoned-time
x <- as_naive_time(year_month_day(2019, 1, 1))
as_zoned_time(x, "America/New_York")

# In Asia/Beirut, there was a DST gap from
# 2021-03-27 23:59:59 -> 2021-03-28 01:00:00,
# skipping the 0th hour entirely. This means there is no midnight value.
x <- as.Date("2021-03-28")
try(as_zoned_time(x, "Asia/Beirut"))

# To resolve this, set a `nonexistent` time resolution strategy
as_zoned_time(x, "Asia/Beirut", nonexistent = "roll-forward")

Convert to a zoned-time from a naive-time


This is a naive-time method for the as_zoned_time() generic.

Converting to a zoned-time from a naive-time retains the printed time, but changes the underlying duration, depending on the zone that you choose.

Naive-times are time points with a yet-to-be-determined time zone. By converting them to a zoned-time, all you are doing is specifying that time zone while attempting to keep all other printed information the same (if possible).

If you want to retain the underlying duration, try converting to a zoned-time from a sys-time, which is a time point interpreted as having a UTC time zone.


## S3 method for class 'clock_naive_time'
as_zoned_time(x, zone, ..., nonexistent = NULL, ambiguous = NULL)




A naive-time to convert to a zoned-time.



The zone to convert to.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[character / NULL]⁠

One of the following nonexistent time resolution strategies, allowed to be either length 1, or the same length as the input:

  • "roll-forward": The next valid instant in time.

  • "roll-backward": The previous valid instant in time.

  • "shift-forward": Shift the nonexistent time forward by the size of the daylight saving time gap.

  • ⁠"shift-backward⁠: Shift the nonexistent time backward by the size of the daylight saving time gap.

  • "NA": Replace nonexistent times with NA.

  • "error": Error on nonexistent times.

Using either "roll-forward" or "roll-backward" is generally recommended over shifting, as these two strategies maintain the relative ordering between elements of the input.

If NULL, defaults to "error".

If getOption("clock.strict") is TRUE, nonexistent must be supplied and cannot be NULL. This is a convenient way to make production code robust to nonexistent times.


⁠[character / zoned_time / POSIXct / list(2) / NULL]⁠

One of the following ambiguous time resolution strategies, allowed to be either length 1, or the same length as the input:

  • "earliest": Of the two possible times, choose the earliest one.

  • "latest": Of the two possible times, choose the latest one.

  • "NA": Replace ambiguous times with NA.

  • "error": Error on ambiguous times.

Alternatively, ambiguous is allowed to be a zoned_time (or POSIXct) that is either length 1, or the same length as the input. If an ambiguous time is encountered, the zoned_time is consulted. If the zoned_time corresponds to a naive_time that is also ambiguous and uses the same daylight saving time transition point as the original ambiguous time, then the offset of the zoned_time is used to resolve the ambiguity. If the ambiguity cannot be resolved by consulting the zoned_time, then this method falls back to NULL.

Finally, ambiguous is allowed to be a list of size 2, where the first element of the list is a zoned_time (as described above), and the second element of the list is an ambiguous time resolution strategy to use when the ambiguous time cannot be resolved by consulting the zoned_time. Specifying a zoned_time on its own is identical to ⁠list(<zoned_time>, NULL)⁠.

If NULL, defaults to "error".

If getOption("clock.strict") is TRUE, ambiguous must be supplied and cannot be NULL. Additionally, ambiguous cannot be specified as a zoned_time on its own, as this implies NULL for ambiguous times that the zoned_time cannot resolve. Instead, it must be specified as a list alongside an ambiguous time resolution strategy as described above. This is a convenient way to make production code robust to ambiguous times.


A zoned-time vector.

Daylight Saving Time

Converting from a naive-time to a zoned-time is not always possible due to daylight saving time issues. There are two types of these issues:

Nonexistent times are the result of daylight saving time "gaps". For example, in the America/New_York time zone, there was a daylight saving time gap 1 second after "2020-03-08 01:59:59", where the clocks changed from 01:59:59 -> 03:00:00, completely skipping the 2 o'clock hour. This means that if you had a naive time of "2020-03-08 02:30:00", you couldn't convert that straight into a zoned-time with this time zone. To resolve these issues, the nonexistent argument can be used to specify one of many nonexistent time resolution strategies.

Ambiguous times are the result of daylight saving time "fallbacks". For example, in the America/New_York time zone, there was a daylight saving time fallback 1 second after "2020-11-01 01:59:59 EDT", at which point the clocks "fell backwards" by 1 hour, resulting in a printed time of "2020-11-01 01:00:00 EST" (note the EDT->EST shift). This resulted in two 1 o'clock hours for this day, so if you had a naive time of "2020-11-01 01:30:00", you wouldn't be able to convert that directly into a zoned-time with this time zone, as there is no way for clock to know which of the two ambiguous times you wanted. To resolve these issues, the ambiguous argument can be used to specify one of many ambiguous time resolution strategies.



x <- as_naive_time(year_month_day(2019, 1, 1))

# Converting a naive-time to a zoned-time generally retains the
# printed time, while changing the underlying duration.
as_zoned_time(x, "America/New_York")
as_zoned_time(x, "America/Los_Angeles")

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Nonexistent time:

new_york <- "America/New_York"

# There was a daylight saving gap in the America/New_York time zone on
# 2020-03-08 01:59:59 -> 03:00:00, which means that one of these
# naive-times don't exist in that time zone. By default, attempting to
# convert it to a zoned time will result in an error.
nonexistent_time <- year_month_day(2020, 03, 08, c(02, 03), c(45, 30), 00)
nonexistent_time <- as_naive_time(nonexistent_time)
try(as_zoned_time(nonexistent_time, new_york))

# Resolve this by specifying a nonexistent time resolution strategy
as_zoned_time(nonexistent_time, new_york, nonexistent = "roll-forward")
as_zoned_time(nonexistent_time, new_york, nonexistent = "roll-backward")

# Note that rolling backwards will choose the last possible moment in
# time at the current precision of the input
nonexistent_nanotime <- time_point_cast(nonexistent_time, "nanosecond")
as_zoned_time(nonexistent_nanotime, new_york, nonexistent = "roll-backward")

# A word of caution - Shifting does not guarantee that the relative ordering
# of the input is maintained
shifted <- as_zoned_time(
  nonexistent = "shift-forward"

# 02:45:00 < 03:30:00
nonexistent_time[1] < nonexistent_time[2]
# 03:45:00 > 03:30:00 (relative ordering is lost)
shifted[1] < shifted[2]

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Ambiguous time:

new_york <- "America/New_York"

# There was a daylight saving time fallback in the America/New_York time
# zone on 2020-11-01 01:59:59 EDT -> 2020-11-01 01:00:00 EST, resulting
# in two 1 o'clock hours. This means that the following naive time is
# ambiguous since we don't know which of the two 1 o'clocks it belongs to.
# By default, attempting to convert it to a zoned time will result in an
# error.
ambiguous_time <- year_month_day(2020, 11, 01, 01, 30, 00)
ambiguous_time <- as_naive_time(ambiguous_time)
try(as_zoned_time(ambiguous_time, new_york))

# Resolve this by specifying an ambiguous time resolution strategy
earliest <- as_zoned_time(ambiguous_time, new_york, ambiguous = "earliest")
latest <- as_zoned_time(ambiguous_time, new_york, ambiguous = "latest")
na <- as_zoned_time(ambiguous_time, new_york, ambiguous = "NA")

# Now assume that you were given the following zoned-times, i.e.,
# you didn't build them from scratch so you already know their otherwise
# ambiguous offsets
x <- c(earliest, latest)

# To set the seconds to 5 in both, you might try:
x_naive <- x %>%
  as_naive_time() %>%
  as_year_month_day() %>%
  set_second(5) %>%


# But this fails because you've "lost" the information about which
# offsets these ambiguous times started in
try(as_zoned_time(x_naive, zoned_time_zone(x)))

# To get around this, you can use that information by specifying
# `ambiguous = x`, which will use the offset from `x` to resolve the
# ambiguity in `x_naive` as long as `x` is also an ambiguous time with the
# same daylight saving time transition point as `x_naive` (i.e. here
# everything has a transition point of `"2020-11-01 01:00:00 EST"`).
as_zoned_time(x_naive, zoned_time_zone(x), ambiguous = x)

# Say you added one more time to `x` that would not be considered ambiguous
# in naive-time
x <- c(x, as_zoned_time(as_sys_time(latest) + 3600, zoned_time_zone(latest)))

# Imagine you want to floor this vector to a multiple of 2 hours, with
# an origin of 1am that day. You can do this by subtracting the origin,
# flooring, then adding it back
origin <- year_month_day(2019, 11, 01, 01, 00, 00) %>%
  as_naive_time() %>%

x_naive <- x %>%
  as_naive_time() %>%
  add_seconds(-origin) %>%
  time_point_floor("hour", n = 2) %>%


# You again have ambiguous naive-time points, so you might try using
# `ambiguous = x`. It looks like this took care of the first two problems,
# but we have an issue at location 3.
try(as_zoned_time(x_naive, zoned_time_zone(x), ambiguous = x))

# When we floored from 02:30:00 -> 01:00:00, we went from being
# unambiguous -> ambiguous. In clock, this is something you must handle
# explicitly, and cannot be handled by using information from `x`. You can
# handle this while still retaining the behavior for the other two
# time points that were ambiguous before and after the floor by passing a
# list containing `x` and an ambiguous time resolution strategy to use
# when information from `x` can't resolve ambiguities:
as_zoned_time(x_naive, zoned_time_zone(x), ambiguous = list(x, "latest"))

Convert to a zoned-time from a date-time


This is a POSIXct/POSIXlt method for the as_zoned_time() generic.

Converting from one of R's native date-time classes (POSIXct or POSIXlt) will retain the time zone of that object. There is no zone argument.


## S3 method for class 'POSIXt'
as_zoned_time(x, ...)



⁠[POSIXct / POSIXlt]⁠

A date-time.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


A zoned-time.


x <- as.POSIXct("2019-01-01", tz = "America/New_York")

Convert to a zoned-time from a sys-time


This is a sys-time method for the as_zoned_time() generic.

Converting to a zoned-time from a sys-time retains the underlying duration, but changes the printed time, depending on the zone that you choose. Remember that sys-times are interpreted as UTC.

If you want to retain the printed time, try converting to a zoned-time from a naive-time, which is a time point with a yet-to-be-determined time zone.


## S3 method for class 'clock_sys_time'
as_zoned_time(x, zone, ...)




A sys-time to convert to a zoned-time.



The zone to convert to.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


A zoned-time vector.


x <- as_sys_time(year_month_day(2019, 02, 01, 02, 30, 00))

# Since sys-time is interpreted as UTC, converting to a zoned-time with
# a zone of UTC retains the printed time
x_utc <- as_zoned_time(x, "UTC")

# Converting to a different zone results in a different printed time,
# which corresponds to the exact same point in time, just in a different
# part of the work
x_ny <- as_zoned_time(x, "America/New_York")

Group calendar components


calendar_group() groups at a multiple of the specified precision. Grouping alters the value of a single component (i.e. the month component if grouping by month). Components that are more precise than the precision being grouped at are dropped altogether (i.e. the day component is dropped if grouping by month).

Each calendar has its own help page describing the grouping process in more detail:


calendar_group(x, precision, ..., n = 1L)




A calendar vector.



A precision. Allowed precisions are dependent on the calendar used.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[positive integer(1)]⁠

A single positive integer specifying a multiple of precision to use.


x grouped at the specified precision.


# See the calendar specific help pages for more examples
x <- year_month_day(2019, c(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4), 1:8)

# Group by two months
calendar_group(x, "month", n = 2)

# Group by two days of the month
calendar_group(x, "day", n = 2)

Is the calendar year a leap year?


calendar_leap_year() detects if the calendar year is a leap year - i.e. does it contain one or more extra components than other years?

A particular year is a leap year if:

  • year_month_day(): February has 29 days.

  • year_month_weekday(): February has a weekday that occurs 5 times.

  • year_week_day(): There are 53 weeks in the year, resulting in 371 days in the year.

  • iso_year_week_day(): There are 53 weeks in the year, resulting in 371 days in the year.

  • year_quarter_day(): One of the quarters has 1 more day than normal (the quarter with an extra day depends on the start used, but will always be the same for a particular start). This aligns with Gregorian leap years for all starts except February, in which case the leap year is always 1 year after the Gregorian leap year.

  • year_day(): There are 366 days in the year.






A calendar type to detect leap years in.


A logical vector the same size as x. Returns TRUE if in a leap year, FALSE if not in a leap year, and NA if x is NA.


x <- year_month_day(c(2019:2024, NA))

# For year-quarter-day, the leap year typically aligns with the Gregorian
# leap year, unless the `start` is February, in which case the leap year is
# always 1 year after the Gregorian leap year
x <- year_quarter_day(2020:2021, start = clock_months$january)

x <- year_quarter_day(2020:2021, start = clock_months$february)

# With a January start, 2020 has the extra day
get_day(year_quarter_day(2020, 1:4, "last", start = clock_months$january))
get_day(year_quarter_day(2021, 1:4, "last", start = clock_months$january))
get_day(year_quarter_day(2022, 1:4, "last", start = clock_months$january))

# With a February start, 2021 has the extra day
get_day(year_quarter_day(2020, 1:4, "last", start = clock_months$february))
get_day(year_quarter_day(2021, 1:4, "last", start = clock_months$february))
get_day(year_quarter_day(2022, 1:4, "last", start = clock_months$february))

Convert a calendar to an ordered factor of month names


calendar_month_factor() extracts the month values from a calendar and converts them to an ordered factor of month names. This can be useful in combination with ggplot2, or for modeling.

This function is only relevant for calendar types that use a month field, i.e. year_month_day() and year_month_weekday(). The calendar type must have at least month precision.


calendar_month_factor(x, ..., labels = "en", abbreviate = FALSE)




A calendar vector.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[clock_labels / character(1)]⁠

Character representations of localized weekday names, month names, and AM/PM names. Either the language code as string (passed on to clock_labels_lookup()), or an object created by clock_labels().



If TRUE, the abbreviated month names from labels will be used.

If FALSE, the full month names from labels will be used.


An ordered factor representing the months.


x <- year_month_day(2019, 1:12)

calendar_month_factor(x, abbreviate = TRUE)
calendar_month_factor(x, labels = "fr")

Narrow a calendar to a less precise precision


calendar_narrow() narrows x to the specified precision. It does so by dropping components that represent a precision that is finer than precision.

Each calendar has its own help page describing the precisions that you can narrow to:


calendar_narrow(x, precision)




A calendar vector.



A precision. Allowed precisions are dependent on the calendar used.


A subsecond precision x cannot be narrowed to another subsecond precision. You cannot narrow from, say, "nanosecond" to "millisecond" precision. clock operates under the philosophy that once you have set the subsecond precision of a calendar, it is "locked in" at that precision. If you expected this to use integer division to divide the nanoseconds by 1e6 to get to millisecond precision, you probably want to convert to a time point first, and use time_point_floor().


x narrowed to the supplied precision.


# Hour precision
x <- year_month_day(2019, 1, 3, 4)

# Narrowed to day precision
calendar_narrow(x, "day")

# Or month precision
calendar_narrow(x, "month")

Precision: calendar


calendar_precision() extracts the precision from a calendar object. It returns the precision as a single string.






A calendar.


A single string holding the precision of the calendar.


calendar_precision(year_month_day(2019, 1, 1))
calendar_precision(year_quarter_day(2019, 3))

Spanning sequence: calendars


calendar_spanning_seq() generates a regular sequence along the span of x, i.e. along ⁠[min(x), max(x)]⁠. The sequence is generated at the precision of x.

Importantly, sequences can only be generated if the underlying seq() method for the calendar in question supports a from and to value at the same precision as x. For example, you can't compute a day precision spanning sequence for a year_month_day() calendar (you can only compute a year and month one). To create a day precision sequence, you'd have to convert to a time-point first. See the individual seq() method documentation to learn what precisions are allowed.






A calendar vector.


Missing values are automatically removed before the sequence is generated.

If you need more precise sequence generation, call range() and seq() directly.


A sequence along ⁠[min(x), max(x)]⁠.


x <- year_month_day(c(2019, 2022, 2020), c(2, 5, 3))

# Month precision spanning sequence

# Quarter precision:
x <- year_quarter_day(c(2005, 2006, 2003), c(4, 2, 3))

# Can't generate sequences if `seq()` doesn't allow the precision
x <- year_month_day(2019, c(1, 2, 1), c(20, 3, 25))

# Generally this means you need to convert to a time point and use
# `time_point_spanning_seq()` instead

Widen a calendar to a more precise precision


calendar_widen() widens x to the specified precision. It does so by setting new components to their smallest value.

Each calendar has its own help page describing the precisions that you can widen to:


calendar_widen(x, precision)




A calendar vector.



A precision. Allowed precisions are dependent on the calendar used.


A subsecond precision x cannot be widened. You cannot widen from, say, "millisecond" to "nanosecond" precision. clock operates under the philosophy that once you have set the subsecond precision of a calendar, it is "locked in" at that precision. If you expected this to multiply the milliseconds by 1e6 to get to nanosecond precision, you probably want to convert to a time point first, and use time_point_cast().

Generally, clock treats calendars at a specific precision as a range of values. For example, a month precision year-month-day is treated as a range over ⁠[yyyy-mm-01, yyyy-mm-last]⁠, with no assumption about the day of the month. However, occasionally it is useful to quickly widen a calendar, assuming that you want the beginning of this range to be used for each component. This is where calendar_widen() can come in handy.


x widened to the supplied precision.


# Month precision
x <- year_month_day(2019, 1)

# Widen to day precision
calendar_widen(x, "day")

# Or second precision
calendar_widen(x, "second")

Boundaries: calendars


  • calendar_start() computes the start of a calendar at a particular precision, such as the "start of the quarter".

  • calendar_end() computes the end of a calendar at a particular precision, such as the "end of the month".

For both calendar_start() and calendar_end(), the precision of x is always retained.

Each calendar has its own help page describing the precisions that you can compute a boundary at:


calendar_start(x, precision)

calendar_end(x, precision)




A calendar vector.



A precision. Allowed precisions are dependent on the calendar used.


x at the same precision, but with some components altered to be at the boundary value.


# Hour precision
x <- year_month_day(2019, 2:4, 5, 6)

# Compute the start of the month
calendar_start(x, "month")

# Or the end of the month, notice that the hour value is adjusted as well
calendar_end(x, "month")

Counting: calendars


calendar_count_between() counts the number of precision units between start and end (i.e., the number of years or months). This count corresponds to the whole number of units, and will never return a fractional value.

This is suitable for, say, computing the whole number of years or months between two calendar dates, accounting for the day and time of day.

Each calendar has its own help page describing the precisions that you can count at:


calendar_count_between(start, end, precision, ..., n = 1L)


start, end


A pair of calendar vectors. These will be recycled to their common size.



A precision. Allowed precisions are dependent on the calendar used.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[positive integer(1)]⁠

A single positive integer specifying a multiple of precision to use.


An integer representing the number of precision units between start and end.

Comparison Direction

The computed count has the property that if start <= end, then ⁠start + <count> <= end⁠. Similarly, if start >= end, then ⁠start + <count> >= end⁠. In other words, the comparison direction between start and end will never change after adding the count to start. This makes this function useful for repeated count computations at increasingly fine precisions.


# Number of whole years between these dates
x <- year_month_day(2000, 01, 05)
y <- year_month_day(2005, 01, 04:06)

# Note that `2000-01-05 -> 2005-01-04` is only 4 full years
calendar_count_between(x, y, "year")

Create or retrieve date related labels


When parsing and formatting dates, you often need to know how weekdays of the week and months are represented as text. These functions allow you to either create your own labels, or look them up from a standard set of language specific labels. The standard list is derived from ICU ( via the stringi package.

  • clock_labels_lookup() looks up a set of labels from a given language code.

  • clock_labels_languages() lists the language codes that are accepted.

  • clock_labels() lets you create your own set of labels. Use this if the currently supported languages don't meet your needs.


  month_abbrev = month,
  weekday_abbrev = weekday,




month, month_abbrev


Full and abbreviated month names. Starts with January.

weekday, weekday_abbrev


Full and abbreviated weekday names. Starts with Sunday.



Names used for AM and PM.



A BCP 47 locale, generally constructed from a two or three digit language code. See clock_labels_languages() for a complete list of available locales.


A "clock_labels" object.



Create a clock locale


A clock locale contains the information required to format and parse dates. The defaults have been chosen to match US English. A clock locale object can be provided to format() methods or parse functions (like year_month_day_parse()) to override the defaults.


clock_locale(labels = "en", decimal_mark = ".")



⁠[clock_labels / character(1)]⁠

Character representations of localized weekday names, month names, and AM/PM names. Either the language code as string (passed on to clock_labels_lookup()), or an object created by clock_labels().



Symbol used for the decimal place when formatting sub-second date-times. Either "," or ".".


A "clock_locale" object.


clock_locale(labels = "fr")

Clock arithmetic


This is the landing page for all clock arithmetic functions. There are specific sub-pages describing how arithmetic works for different calendars and time points, which is where you should look for more information.

Calendars are efficient at arithmetic with irregular units of time, such as month, quarters, or years.

Time points, such as naive-times and sys-times, are efficient at arithmetic with regular, well-defined units of time, such as days, hours, seconds, or nanoseconds.

Durations can use any of these arithmetic functions, and return a new duration with a precision corresponding to the common type of the input and the function used.

Weekdays can perform day-based circular arithmetic.

There are also convenience methods for doing arithmetic directly on a native R date or date-time type:


add_years(x, n, ...)

add_quarters(x, n, ...)

add_months(x, n, ...)

add_weeks(x, n, ...)

add_days(x, n, ...)

add_hours(x, n, ...)

add_minutes(x, n, ...)

add_seconds(x, n, ...)

add_milliseconds(x, n, ...)

add_microseconds(x, n, ...)

add_nanoseconds(x, n, ...)




An object.


⁠[integer / clock_duration]⁠

An integer vector to be converted to a duration, or a duration corresponding to the arithmetic function being used. This corresponds to the number of duration units to add. n may be negative to subtract units of duration.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


x and n are recycled against each other using tidyverse recycling rules.

Months and years are considered "irregular" because some months have more days then others (28, 29, 30, or 31), and some years have more days than others (365 or 366).

Days are considered "regular" because they are defined as 86,400 seconds.


x after performing the arithmetic.


# See each sub-page for more specific examples
x <- year_month_day(2019, 2, 1)
add_months(x, 1)

Integer codes


Objects with useful mappings from month names and weekday names to integer codes.

Month codes (clock_months)

  • january == 1

  • february == 2

  • march == 3

  • april == 4

  • may == 5

  • june == 6

  • july == 7

  • august == 8

  • september == 9

  • october == 10

  • november == 11

  • december == 12

Weekday codes (clock_weekdays)

  • sunday == 1

  • monday == 2

  • tuesday == 3

  • wednesday == 4

  • thursday == 5

  • friday == 6

  • saturday == 7

ISO weekday codes (clock_iso_weekdays)

  • monday == 1

  • tuesday == 2

  • wednesday == 3

  • thursday == 4

  • friday == 5

  • saturday == 6

  • sunday == 7






  • clock_months: An environment containing month codes.

  • clock_weekdays: An environment containing weekday codes.

  • clock_iso_weekdays: An environment containing ISO weekday codes.



year_month_weekday(2019, clock_months$april, clock_weekdays$monday, 1:4)

year_week_day(2020, 52, start = clock_weekdays$monday)

iso_year_week_day(2020, 52, clock_iso_weekdays$thursday)

Calendar getters


This family of functions extract fields from a calendar vector. Each calendar has its own set of supported getters, which are documented on their own help page:

There are also convenience methods for extracting certain components directly from R's native date and date-time types.

















An object to get the component from.


You cannot extract components directly from a time point type, such as sys-time or naive-time. Convert it to a calendar type first. Similarly, a zoned-time must be converted to either a sys-time or naive-time, and then to a calendar type, to be able to extract components from it.


The component.


x <- year_month_day(2019, 1:3, 5:7, 1, 20, 30)

Invalid calendar dates


This family of functions is for working with invalid calendar dates.

Invalid dates represent dates made up of valid individual components, which taken as a whole don't represent valid calendar dates. For example, for year_month_day() the following component ranges are valid: ⁠year: [-32767, 32767]⁠, ⁠month: [1, 12]⁠, ⁠day: [1, 31]⁠. However, the date 2019-02-31 doesn't exist even though it is made up of valid components. This is an example of an invalid date.

Invalid dates are allowed in clock, provided that they are eventually resolved by using invalid_resolve() or by manually resolving them through arithmetic or setter functions.






invalid_resolve(x, ..., invalid = NULL)




A calendar vector.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[character(1) / NULL]⁠

One of the following invalid date resolution strategies:

  • "previous": The previous valid instant in time.

  • "previous-day": The previous valid day in time, keeping the time of day.

  • "next": The next valid instant in time.

  • "next-day": The next valid day in time, keeping the time of day.

  • "overflow": Overflow by the number of days that the input is invalid by. Time of day is dropped.

  • "overflow-day": Overflow by the number of days that the input is invalid by. Time of day is kept.

  • "NA": Replace invalid dates with NA.

  • "error": Error on invalid dates.

Using either "previous" or "next" is generally recommended, as these two strategies maintain the relative ordering between elements of the input.

If NULL, defaults to "error".

If getOption("clock.strict") is TRUE, invalid must be supplied and cannot be NULL. This is a convenient way to make production code robust to invalid dates.


Invalid dates must be resolved before converting them to a time point.

It is recommended to use "previous" or "next" for resolving invalid dates, as these ensure that relative ordering among x is maintained. This is a often a very important property to maintain when doing time series data analysis. See the examples for more information.


  • invalid_detect(): Returns a logical vector detecting invalid dates.

  • invalid_any(): Returns TRUE if any invalid dates are detected.

  • invalid_count(): Returns a single integer containing the number of invalid dates.

  • invalid_remove(): Returns x with invalid dates removed.

  • invalid_resolve(): Returns x with invalid dates resolved using the invalid strategy.


# Invalid date
x <- year_month_day(2019, 04, 30:31, c(3, 2), 30, 00)


# Previous valid moment in time
x_previous <- invalid_resolve(x, invalid = "previous")

# Previous valid day, retaining time of day
x_previous_day <- invalid_resolve(x, invalid = "previous-day")

# Note that `"previous"` retains the relative ordering in `x`
x[1] < x[2]
x_previous[1] < x_previous[2]

# But `"previous-day"` here does not!
x_previous_day[1] < x_previous_day[2]

# Remove invalid dates entirely

y <- year_quarter_day(2019, 1, 90:92)

# Overflow rolls forward by the number of days between `y` and the previous
# valid date
invalid_resolve(y, invalid = "overflow")

Calendar setters


This family of functions sets fields in a calendar vector. Each calendar has its own set of supported setters, which are documented on their own help page:

There are also convenience methods for setting certain components directly on R's native date and date-time types.

Some general rules about setting components on calendar types:

  • You can only set components that are relevant to the calendar type that you are working with. For example, you can't set the quarter of a year-month-day type. You'd have to convert to year-quarter-day first.

  • You can set a component that is at the current precision, or one level of precision more precise than the current precision. For example, you can set the day field of a month precision year-month-day type, but not the hour field.

  • Setting a component can result in an invalid date, such as set_day(year_month_day(2019, 02), 31), as long as it is eventually resolved either manually or with a strategy from invalid_resolve().

  • With sub-second precisions, you can only set the component corresponding to the precision that you are at. For example, you can set the nanoseconds of the second while at nanosecond precision, but not milliseconds.


set_year(x, value, ...)

set_quarter(x, value, ...)

set_month(x, value, ...)

set_week(x, value, ...)

set_day(x, value, ...)

set_hour(x, value, ...)

set_minute(x, value, ...)

set_second(x, value, ...)

set_millisecond(x, value, ...)

set_microsecond(x, value, ...)

set_nanosecond(x, value, ...)

set_index(x, value, ...)




An object to set the component for.



The value to set the component to.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


You cannot set components directly on a time point type, such as sys-time or naive-time. Convert it to a calendar type first. Similarly, a zoned-time must be converted to either a sys-time or naive-time, and then to a calendar type, to be able to set components on it.


x with the component set.


x <- year_month_day(2019, 1:3)

# Set the day
set_day(x, 12:14)

# Set to the "last" day of the month
set_day(x, "last")

Building: date


date_build() builds a Date from it's individual components.


date_build(year, month = 1L, day = 1L, ..., invalid = NULL)




The year. Values ⁠[-32767, 32767]⁠ are generally allowed.



The month. Values ⁠[1, 12]⁠ are allowed.


⁠[integer / "last"]⁠

The day of the month. Values ⁠[1, 31]⁠ are allowed.

If "last", then the last day of the month is returned.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[character(1) / NULL]⁠

One of the following invalid date resolution strategies:

  • "previous": The previous valid instant in time.

  • "previous-day": The previous valid day in time, keeping the time of day.

  • "next": The next valid instant in time.

  • "next-day": The next valid day in time, keeping the time of day.

  • "overflow": Overflow by the number of days that the input is invalid by. Time of day is dropped.

  • "overflow-day": Overflow by the number of days that the input is invalid by. Time of day is kept.

  • "NA": Replace invalid dates with NA.

  • "error": Error on invalid dates.

Using either "previous" or "next" is generally recommended, as these two strategies maintain the relative ordering between elements of the input.

If NULL, defaults to "error".

If getOption("clock.strict") is TRUE, invalid must be supplied and cannot be NULL. This is a convenient way to make production code robust to invalid dates.


Components are recycled against each other using tidyverse recycling rules.


A Date.


date_build(2019, 1:3)

# Generating invalid dates will trigger an error
try(date_build(2019, 1:12, 31))

# You can resolve this with `invalid`
date_build(2019, 1:12, 31, invalid = "previous")

# But this particular case (the last day of the month) is better
# specified as:
date_build(2019, 1:12, "last")

Counting: date and date-time


date_count_between() counts the number of precision units between start and end (i.e., the number of years or months or hours). This count corresponds to the whole number of units, and will never return a fractional value.

This is suitable for, say, computing the whole number of years or months between two dates, accounting for the day and time of day.

There are separate help pages for counting for dates and date-times:


date_count_between(start, end, precision, ..., n = 1L)


start, end

⁠[Date / POSIXct / POSIXlt]⁠

A pair of date or date-time vectors. These will be recycled to their common size.



A precision. Allowed precisions are dependent on the calendar used.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[positive integer(1)]⁠

A single positive integer specifying a multiple of precision to use.


An integer representing the number of precision units between start and end.

Comparison Direction

The computed count has the property that if start <= end, then ⁠start + <count> <= end⁠. Similarly, if start >= end, then ⁠start + <count> >= end⁠. In other words, the comparison direction between start and end will never change after adding the count to start. This makes this function useful for repeated count computations at increasingly fine precisions.


# See method specific documentation for more examples

start <- date_parse("2000-05-05")
end <- date_parse(c("2020-05-04", "2020-05-06"))

# Age in years
date_count_between(start, end, "year")

# Number of "whole" months between these dates
date_count_between(start, end, "month")

Formatting: date and date-time


date_format() formats a date (Date) or date-time (POSIXct/POSIXlt) using a format string.

There are separate help pages for formatting dates and date-times:


date_format(x, ...)



⁠[Date / POSIXct / POSIXlt]⁠

A date or date-time vector.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


A character vector of the formatted input.


# See method specific documentation for more examples

x <- as.Date("2019-01-01")
date_format(x, format = "year: %Y, month: %m, day: %d")

Group date and date-time components


date_group() groups by a single component of a date-time, such as month of the year, or day of the month.

There are separate help pages for grouping dates and date-times:


date_group(x, precision, ..., n = 1L)



⁠[Date / POSIXct / POSIXlt]⁠

A date or date-time vector.



A precision. Allowed precisions are dependent on the input used.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[positive integer(1)]⁠

A single positive integer specifying a multiple of precision to use.


x, grouped at precision.


# See type specific documentation for more examples
date_group(as.Date("2019-01-01") + 0:5, "day", n = 2)

Is the year a leap year?


date_leap_year() detects if the year is a leap year.





⁠[Date / POSIXct / POSIXlt]⁠

A date or date-time to detect leap years in.


A logical vector the same size as x. Returns TRUE if in a leap year, FALSE if not in a leap year, and NA if x is NA.


x <- as.Date("2019-01-01")
x <- add_years(x, 0:5)

y <- as.POSIXct("2019-01-01", "America/New_York")
y <- add_years(y, 0:5)

Convert a date or date-time to an ordered factor of month names


date_month_factor() extracts the month values from a date or date-time and converts them to an ordered factor of month names. This can be useful in combination with ggplot2, or for modeling.


date_month_factor(x, ..., labels = "en", abbreviate = FALSE)



⁠[Date / POSIXct / POSIXlt]⁠

A date or date-time vector.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[clock_labels / character(1)]⁠

Character representations of localized weekday names, month names, and AM/PM names. Either the language code as string (passed on to clock_labels_lookup()), or an object created by clock_labels().



If TRUE, the abbreviated month names from labels will be used.

If FALSE, the full month names from labels will be used.


An ordered factor representing the months.


x <- add_months(as.Date("2019-01-01"), 0:11)

date_month_factor(x, abbreviate = TRUE)
date_month_factor(x, labels = "fr")

Parsing: date


date_parse() parses strings into a Date.

The default format used is "%Y-%m-%d". This matches the default result from calling print() or format() on a Date.


date_parse(x, ..., format = NULL, locale = clock_locale())




A character vector to parse.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[character / NULL]⁠

A format string. A combination of the following commands, or NULL, in which case a default format string is used.

A vector of multiple format strings can be supplied. They will be tried in the order they are provided.


  • ⁠%C⁠: The century as a decimal number. The modified command ⁠%NC⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%y⁠: The last two decimal digits of the year. If the century is not otherwise specified (e.g. with ⁠%C⁠), values in the range ⁠[69 - 99]⁠ are presumed to refer to the years ⁠[1969 - 1999]⁠, and values in the range ⁠[00 - 68]⁠ are presumed to refer to the years ⁠[2000 - 2068]⁠. The modified command ⁠%Ny⁠, where N is a positive decimal integer, specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%Y⁠: The year as a decimal number. The modified command ⁠%NY⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 4. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.


  • ⁠%b⁠, ⁠%B⁠, ⁠%h⁠: The locale's full or abbreviated case-insensitive month name.

  • ⁠%m⁠: The month as a decimal number. January is 1. The modified command ⁠%Nm⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.


  • ⁠%d⁠, ⁠%e⁠: The day of the month as a decimal number. The modified command ⁠%Nd⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

Day of the week

  • ⁠%a⁠, ⁠%A⁠: The locale's full or abbreviated case-insensitive weekday name.

  • ⁠%w⁠: The weekday as a decimal number (0-6), where Sunday is 0. The modified command ⁠%Nw⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 1. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

ISO 8601 week-based year

  • ⁠%g⁠: The last two decimal digits of the ISO week-based year. The modified command ⁠%Ng⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%G⁠: The ISO week-based year as a decimal number. The modified command ⁠%NG⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 4. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%V⁠: The ISO week-based week number as a decimal number. The modified command ⁠%NV⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%u⁠: The ISO weekday as a decimal number (1-7), where Monday is 1. The modified command ⁠%Nu⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 1. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

Week of the year

  • ⁠%U⁠: The week number of the year as a decimal number. The first Sunday of the year is the first day of week 01. Days of the same year prior to that are in week 00. The modified command ⁠%NU⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%W⁠: The week number of the year as a decimal number. The first Monday of the year is the first day of week 01. Days of the same year prior to that are in week 00. The modified command ⁠%NW⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

Day of the year

  • ⁠%j⁠: The day of the year as a decimal number. January 1 is 1. The modified command ⁠%Nj⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 3. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.


  • ⁠%D⁠, ⁠%x⁠: Equivalent to ⁠%m/%d/%y⁠.

  • ⁠%F⁠: Equivalent to ⁠%Y-%m-%d⁠. If modified with a width (like ⁠%NF⁠), the width is applied to only ⁠%Y⁠.

Time of day

  • ⁠%H⁠: The hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number. The modified command ⁠%NH⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%I⁠: The hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number. The modified command ⁠%NI⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%M⁠: The minutes as a decimal number. The modified command ⁠%NM⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%S⁠: The seconds as a decimal number. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required. If encountered, the locale determines the decimal point character. Generally, the maximum number of characters to read is determined by the precision that you are parsing at. For example, a precision of "second" would read a maximum of 2 characters, while a precision of "millisecond" would read a maximum of 6 (2 for the values before the decimal point, 1 for the decimal point, and 3 for the values after it). The modified command ⁠%NS⁠, where N is a positive decimal integer, can be used to exactly specify the maximum number of characters to read. This is only useful if you happen to have seconds with more than 1 leading zero.

  • ⁠%p⁠: The locale's equivalent of the AM/PM designations associated with a 12-hour clock. The command ⁠%I⁠ must precede ⁠%p⁠ in the format string.

  • ⁠%R⁠: Equivalent to ⁠%H:%M⁠.

  • ⁠%T⁠, ⁠%X⁠: Equivalent to ⁠%H:%M:%S⁠.

  • ⁠%r⁠: Equivalent to ⁠%I:%M:%S %p⁠.

Time zone

  • ⁠%z⁠: The offset from UTC in the format ⁠[+|-]hh[mm]⁠. For example -0430 refers to 4 hours 30 minutes behind UTC. And 04 refers to 4 hours ahead of UTC. The modified command ⁠%Ez⁠ parses a : between the hours and minutes and leading zeroes on the hour field are optional: ⁠[+|-]h[h][:mm]⁠. For example -04:30 refers to 4 hours 30 minutes behind UTC. And 4 refers to 4 hours ahead of UTC.

  • ⁠%Z⁠: The full time zone name or the time zone abbreviation, depending on the function being used. A single word is parsed. This word can only contain characters that are alphanumeric, or one of '_', '/', '-' or '+'.


  • ⁠%c⁠: A date and time representation. Equivalent to ⁠%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y⁠.

  • %%: A ⁠%⁠ character.

  • ⁠%n⁠: Matches one white space character. ⁠%n⁠, ⁠%t⁠, and a space can be combined to match a wide range of white-space patterns. For example "%n " matches one or more white space characters, and "%n%t%t" matches one to three white space characters.

  • ⁠%t⁠: Matches zero or one white space characters.



A locale object created from clock_locale().


date_parse() ignores both the ⁠%z⁠ and ⁠%Z⁠ commands, as clock treats Date as a naive type, with a yet-to-be-specified time zone.

Parsing strings with sub-daily components, such as hours, minutes, or seconds, should generally be done with date_time_parse(). If you only need the date components from a string with sub-daily components, choose one of the following:

  • If the date components are at the front of the string, and you don't want the time components to affect the date in any way, you can use date_parse() to parse only the date components. For example, date_parse("2019-01-05 00:01:02", format = "%Y-%m-%d") will parse through 05 and then stop.

  • If you want the time components to influence the date, then parse the full string with date_time_parse(), round to day precision with a rounding function like date_round(), and cast to date with as_date().

Attempting to directly parse all components of a sub-daily string into a Date is ambiguous and undefined, and is unlikely to work as you might expect. For example, date_parse("2019-01-05 00:01:02", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") is not officially supported, even if it works in some cases.


A Date.



  "January 5, 2020",
  format = "%B %d, %Y"

# With a different locale
  "janvier 5, 2020",
  format = "%B %d, %Y",
  locale = clock_locale("fr")

# A neat feature of `date_parse()` is the ability to parse
# the ISO year-week-day format
date_parse("2020-W01-2", format = "%G-W%V-%u")

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sub-daily components

# If you have a string with sub-daily components, but only require the date,
# first parse them as date-times to fully parse the sub-daily components,
# then round using whatever convention is required for your use case before
# converting to date.
x <- c("2019-01-01 11", "2019-01-01 12")

x <- date_time_parse(x, zone = "UTC", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H")

date_floor(x, "day")
date_round(x, "day")

as_date(date_round(x, "day"))

Sequences: date and date-time


date_seq() generates a date (Date) or date-time (POSIXct/POSIXlt) sequence.

There are separate help pages for generating sequences for dates and date-times:


date_seq(from, ..., to = NULL, by = NULL, total_size = NULL)



⁠[Date(1) / POSIXct(1) / POSIXlt(1)]⁠

A date or date-time to start the sequence from.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[Date(1) / POSIXct(1) / POSIXlt(1) / NULL]⁠

A date or date-time to stop the sequence at.

to is only included in the result if the resulting sequence divides the distance between from and to exactly.


⁠[integer(1) / clock_duration(1) / NULL]⁠

The unit to increment the sequence by.


⁠[positive integer(1) / NULL]⁠

The size of the resulting sequence.

If specified alongside to, this must generate a non-fractional sequence between from and to.


A date or date-time vector.


# See method specific documentation for more examples

x <- as.Date("2019-01-01")
date_seq(x, by = duration_months(2), total_size = 20)

Spanning sequence: date and date-time


date_spanning_seq() generates a regular sequence along the span of x, i.e. along ⁠[min(x), max(x)]⁠. For dates, this generates a day precision sequence, and for date-times it generates a second precision sequence.





⁠[Date / POSIXct / POSIXlt]⁠

A date or date-time vector.


Missing and infinite values are automatically removed before the sequence is generated.

For date-times, sys-time based sequences are generated, consistent with date_seq() when using a second precision by value.

If you need more precise sequence generation, call range() and date_seq() directly.


A sequence along ⁠[min(x), max(x)]⁠.


x <- date_build(2020, c(1, 2, 1), c(10, 5, 12))

# Missing and infinite dates are removed before the sequence is generated
x <- c(x, NA, Inf, -Inf)


# For date-times, sequences are generated at second precision
x <- date_time_build(
  2020, 1, 2, 3, c(5, 4, 5), c(10, 48, 12),
  zone = "America/New_York"


Building: date-time


date_time_build() builds a POSIXct from it's individual components.

To build a POSIXct, it is required that you specify the zone.


  month = 1L,
  day = 1L,
  hour = 0L,
  minute = 0L,
  second = 0L,
  invalid = NULL,
  nonexistent = NULL,
  ambiguous = NULL




The year. Values ⁠[-32767, 32767]⁠ are generally allowed.



The month. Values ⁠[1, 12]⁠ are allowed.


⁠[integer / "last"]⁠

The day of the month. Values ⁠[1, 31]⁠ are allowed.

If "last", then the last day of the month is returned.



The hour. Values ⁠[0, 23]⁠ are allowed.



The minute. Values ⁠[0, 59]⁠ are allowed.



The second. Values ⁠[0, 59]⁠ are allowed.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.



A valid time zone name.

This argument is required, and must be specified by name.


⁠[character(1) / NULL]⁠

One of the following invalid date resolution strategies:

  • "previous": The previous valid instant in time.

  • "previous-day": The previous valid day in time, keeping the time of day.

  • "next": The next valid instant in time.

  • "next-day": The next valid day in time, keeping the time of day.

  • "overflow": Overflow by the number of days that the input is invalid by. Time of day is dropped.

  • "overflow-day": Overflow by the number of days that the input is invalid by. Time of day is kept.

  • "NA": Replace invalid dates with NA.

  • "error": Error on invalid dates.

Using either "previous" or "next" is generally recommended, as these two strategies maintain the relative ordering between elements of the input.

If NULL, defaults to "error".

If getOption("clock.strict") is TRUE, invalid must be supplied and cannot be NULL. This is a convenient way to make production code robust to invalid dates.


⁠[character / NULL]⁠

One of the following nonexistent time resolution strategies, allowed to be either length 1, or the same length as the input:

  • "roll-forward": The next valid instant in time.

  • "roll-backward": The previous valid instant in time.

  • "shift-forward": Shift the nonexistent time forward by the size of the daylight saving time gap.

  • ⁠"shift-backward⁠: Shift the nonexistent time backward by the size of the daylight saving time gap.

  • "NA": Replace nonexistent times with NA.

  • "error": Error on nonexistent times.

Using either "roll-forward" or "roll-backward" is generally recommended over shifting, as these two strategies maintain the relative ordering between elements of the input.

If NULL, defaults to "error".

If getOption("clock.strict") is TRUE, nonexistent must be supplied and cannot be NULL. This is a convenient way to make production code robust to nonexistent times.


⁠[character / zoned_time / POSIXct / list(2) / NULL]⁠

One of the following ambiguous time resolution strategies, allowed to be either length 1, or the same length as the input:

  • "earliest": Of the two possible times, choose the earliest one.

  • "latest": Of the two possible times, choose the latest one.

  • "NA": Replace ambiguous times with NA.

  • "error": Error on ambiguous times.

Alternatively, ambiguous is allowed to be a zoned_time (or POSIXct) that is either length 1, or the same length as the input. If an ambiguous time is encountered, the zoned_time is consulted. If the zoned_time corresponds to a naive_time that is also ambiguous and uses the same daylight saving time transition point as the original ambiguous time, then the offset of the zoned_time is used to resolve the ambiguity. If the ambiguity cannot be resolved by consulting the zoned_time, then this method falls back to NULL.

Finally, ambiguous is allowed to be a list of size 2, where the first element of the list is a zoned_time (as described above), and the second element of the list is an ambiguous time resolution strategy to use when the ambiguous time cannot be resolved by consulting the zoned_time. Specifying a zoned_time on its own is identical to ⁠list(<zoned_time>, NULL)⁠.

If NULL, defaults to "error".

If getOption("clock.strict") is TRUE, ambiguous must be supplied and cannot be NULL. Additionally, ambiguous cannot be specified as a zoned_time on its own, as this implies NULL for ambiguous times that the zoned_time cannot resolve. Instead, it must be specified as a list alongside an ambiguous time resolution strategy as described above. This is a convenient way to make production code robust to ambiguous times.


Components are recycled against each other using tidyverse recycling rules.




# The zone argument is required!
# clock always requires you to be explicit about your choice of `zone`.

date_time_build(2020, zone = "America/New_York")

# Nonexistent time due to daylight saving time gap from 01:59:59 -> 03:00:00
try(date_time_build(1970, 4, 26, 1:12, 30, zone = "America/New_York"))

# Resolve with a nonexistent time resolution strategy
  1970, 4, 26, 1:12, 30,
  zone = "America/New_York",
  nonexistent = "roll-forward"

Info: date-time


date_time_info() retrieves a set of low-level information generally not required for most date-time manipulations. It returns a data frame with the same columns as sys_time_info(), but the begin and end columns are date-times with the same time zone as x, and the offset column is an integer rather than a second based duration column since this is part of the high-level API.





⁠[POSIXct / POSIXlt]⁠

A date-time.


A data frame of low level information.


x <- date_time_build(
  2021, 03, 14, c(01, 03), c(59, 00), c(59, 00),
  zone = "America/New_York"

# x[1] is in EST, x[2] is in EDT

info <- date_time_info(x)

# `end` can be used to iterate through daylight saving time transitions

Convert a date or date-time to a weekday factor


date_weekday_factor() converts a date or date-time to an ordered factor with levels representing the weekday. This can be useful in combination with ggplot2, or for modeling.


  labels = "en",
  abbreviate = TRUE,
  encoding = "western"



⁠[Date / POSIXct / POSIXlt]⁠

A date or date-time vector.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[clock_labels / character(1)]⁠

Character representations of localized weekday names, month names, and AM/PM names. Either the language code as string (passed on to clock_labels_lookup()), or an object created by clock_labels().



If TRUE, the abbreviated weekday names from labels will be used.

If FALSE, the full weekday names from labels will be used.



One of:

  • "western": Encode the weekdays as an ordered factor with levels from Sunday -> Saturday.

  • "iso": Encode the weekdays as an ordered factor with levels from Monday -> Sunday.


An ordered factor representing the weekdays.


x <- as.Date("2019-01-01") + 0:6

# Default to Sunday -> Saturday

# ISO encoding is Monday -> Sunday
date_weekday_factor(x, encoding = "iso")

# With full names
date_weekday_factor(x, abbreviate = FALSE)

# Or a different language
date_weekday_factor(x, labels = "fr")

Boundaries: date and date-time


  • date_start() computes the date at the start of a particular precision, such as the "start of the year".

  • date_end() computes the date at the end of a particular precision, such as the "end of the month".

There are separate help pages for computing boundaries for dates and date-times:


date_start(x, precision, ...)

date_end(x, precision, ...)



⁠[Date / POSIXct / POSIXlt]⁠

A date or date-time vector.



A precision. Allowed precisions are dependent on the input used.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


x but with some components altered to be at the boundary value.


# See type specific documentation for more examples

x <- date_build(2019, 2:4)

date_end(x, "month")

x <- date_time_build(2019, 2:4, 3:5, 4, 5, zone = "America/New_York")

# Note that the hour, minute, and second components are also adjusted
date_end(x, "month")

Date and date-time rounding


  • date_floor() rounds a date or date-time down to a multiple of the specified precision.

  • date_ceiling() rounds a date or date-time up to a multiple of the specified precision.

  • date_round() rounds up or down depending on what is closer, rounding up on ties.

There are separate help pages for rounding dates and date-times:

These functions round the underlying duration itself, relative to an origin. For example, rounding to 15 hours will construct groups of 15 hours, starting from origin, which defaults to a naive time of 1970-01-01 00:00:00.

If you want to group by components, such as "day of the month", see date_group().


date_floor(x, precision, ..., n = 1L, origin = NULL)

date_ceiling(x, precision, ..., n = 1L, origin = NULL)

date_round(x, precision, ..., n = 1L, origin = NULL)



⁠[Date / POSIXct / POSIXlt]⁠

A date or date-time vector.



A precision. Allowed precisions are dependent on the input used.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[positive integer(1)]⁠

A single positive integer specifying a multiple of precision to use.


⁠[Date(1) / POSIXct(1) / POSIXlt(1) / NULL]⁠

An origin to start counting from. The default origin is midnight on 1970-01-01 in the time zone of x.


x rounded to the specified precision.


# See the type specific documentation for more examples

x <- as.Date("2019-03-31") + 0:5

# Flooring by 2 days, note that this is not tied to the current month,
# and instead counts from the specified `origin`.
date_floor(x, "day", n = 2)

Shifting: date and date-time


date_shift() shifts x to the target weekday. You can shift to the next or previous weekday. If x is currently on the target weekday, you can choose to leave it alone or advance it to the next instance of the target.

There are separate help pages for shifting dates and date-times:


date_shift(x, target, ..., which = "next", boundary = "keep")



⁠[Date / POSIXct / POSIXlt]⁠

A date or date-time vector.



A weekday created from weekday() to target.

Generally this is length 1, but can also be the same length as x.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.



One of:

  • "next": Shift to the next instance of the target weekday.

  • ⁠"previous⁠: Shift to the previous instance of the target weekday.



One of:

  • "keep": If x is currently on the target weekday, return it.

  • "advance": If x is currently on the target weekday, advance it anyways.


x shifted to the target weekday.


# See the type specific documentation for more examples

x <- as.Date("2019-01-01") + 0:1

# A Tuesday and Wednesday

monday <- weekday(clock_weekdays$monday)

# Shift to the next Monday
date_shift(x, monday)

Arithmetic: date


These are Date methods for the arithmetic generics.

Calendrical based arithmetic:

These functions convert to a year-month-day calendar, perform the arithmetic, then convert back to a Date.

  • add_years()

  • add_quarters()

  • add_months()

Time point based arithmetic:

These functions convert to a time point, perform the arithmetic, then convert back to a Date.

  • add_weeks()

  • add_days()


## S3 method for class 'Date'
add_years(x, n, ..., invalid = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'Date'
add_quarters(x, n, ..., invalid = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'Date'
add_months(x, n, ..., invalid = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'Date'
add_weeks(x, n, ...)

## S3 method for class 'Date'
add_days(x, n, ...)




A Date vector.


⁠[integer / clock_duration]⁠

An integer vector to be converted to a duration, or a duration corresponding to the arithmetic function being used. This corresponds to the number of duration units to add. n may be negative to subtract units of duration.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[character(1) / NULL]⁠

One of the following invalid date resolution strategies:

  • "previous": The previous valid instant in time.

  • "previous-day": The previous valid day in time, keeping the time of day.

  • "next": The next valid instant in time.

  • "next-day": The next valid day in time, keeping the time of day.

  • "overflow": Overflow by the number of days that the input is invalid by. Time of day is dropped.

  • "overflow-day": Overflow by the number of days that the input is invalid by. Time of day is kept.

  • "NA": Replace invalid dates with NA.

  • "error": Error on invalid dates.

Using either "previous" or "next" is generally recommended, as these two strategies maintain the relative ordering between elements of the input.

If NULL, defaults to "error".

If getOption("clock.strict") is TRUE, invalid must be supplied and cannot be NULL. This is a convenient way to make production code robust to invalid dates.


Adding a single quarter with add_quarters() is equivalent to adding 3 months.

x and n are recycled against each other using tidyverse recycling rules.

Only calendrical based arithmetic has the potential to generate invalid dates. Time point based arithmetic, like adding days, will always generate a valid date.


x after performing the arithmetic.


x <- as.Date("2019-01-01")

add_years(x, 1:5)

y <- as.Date("2019-01-31")

# Adding 1 month to `y` generates an invalid date. Unlike year-month-day
# types, R's native Date type cannot handle invalid dates, so you must
# resolve them immediately. If you don't you get an error:
try(add_months(y, 1:2))
add_months(as_year_month_day(y), 1:2)

# Resolve invalid dates by specifying an invalid date resolution strategy
# with the `invalid` argument. Using `"previous"` here sets the date to
# the previous valid date - i.e. the end of the month.
add_months(y, 1:2, invalid = "previous")

Boundaries: date


This is a Date method for the date_start() and date_end() generics.


## S3 method for class 'Date'
date_start(x, precision, ..., invalid = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'Date'
date_end(x, precision, ..., invalid = NULL)




A date vector.



One of:

  • "year"

  • "month"

  • "day"


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[character(1) / NULL]⁠

One of the following invalid date resolution strategies:

  • "previous": The previous valid instant in time.

  • "previous-day": The previous valid day in time, keeping the time of day.

  • "next": The next valid instant in time.

  • "next-day": The next valid day in time, keeping the time of day.

  • "overflow": Overflow by the number of days that the input is invalid by. Time of day is dropped.

  • "overflow-day": Overflow by the number of days that the input is invalid by. Time of day is kept.

  • "NA": Replace invalid dates with NA.

  • "error": Error on invalid dates.

Using either "previous" or "next" is generally recommended, as these two strategies maintain the relative ordering between elements of the input.

If NULL, defaults to "error".

If getOption("clock.strict") is TRUE, invalid must be supplied and cannot be NULL. This is a convenient way to make production code robust to invalid dates.


x but with some components altered to be at the boundary value.


x <- date_build(2019:2021, 2:4, 3:5)

# Last day of the month
date_end(x, "month")

# Last day of the year
date_end(x, "year")

# First day of the year
date_start(x, "year")

Counting: date


This is a Date method for the date_count_between() generic.

date_count_between() counts the number of precision units between start and end (i.e., the number of years or months). This count corresponds to the whole number of units, and will never return a fractional value.

This is suitable for, say, computing the whole number of years or months between two dates, accounting for the day of the month.

Calendrical based counting:

These precisions convert to a year-month-day calendar and count while in that type.

  • "year"

  • "quarter"

  • "month"

Time point based counting:

These precisions convert to a time point and count while in that type.

  • "week"

  • "day"

For dates, whether a calendar or time point is used is not all that important, but is is fairly important for date-times.


## S3 method for class 'Date'
date_count_between(start, end, precision, ..., n = 1L)


start, end


A pair of date vectors. These will be recycled to their common size.



One of:

  • "year"

  • "quarter"

  • "month"

  • "week"

  • "day"


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[positive integer(1)]⁠

A single positive integer specifying a multiple of precision to use.


"quarter" is equivalent to "month" precision with n set to n * 3L.


An integer representing the number of precision units between start and end.

Comparison Direction

The computed count has the property that if start <= end, then ⁠start + <count> <= end⁠. Similarly, if start >= end, then ⁠start + <count> >= end⁠. In other words, the comparison direction between start and end will never change after adding the count to start. This makes this function useful for repeated count computations at increasingly fine precisions.


start <- date_parse("2000-05-05")
end <- date_parse(c("2020-05-04", "2020-05-06"))

# Age in years
date_count_between(start, end, "year")

# Number of "whole" months between these dates. i.e.
# `2000-05-05 -> 2020-04-05` is 239 months
# `2000-05-05 -> 2020-05-05` is 240 months
# Since 2020-05-04 occurs before the 5th of that month,
# it gets a count of 239
date_count_between(start, end, "month")

# Number of "whole" quarters between (same as `"month"` with `n * 3`)
date_count_between(start, end, "quarter")
date_count_between(start, end, "month", n = 3)

# Number of days between
date_count_between(start, end, "day")

# Number of full 3 day periods between these two dates
date_count_between(start, end, "day", n = 3)

# Essentially the truncated value of this
date_count_between(start, end, "day") / 3

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Breakdown into full years, months, and days between
x <- start

years <- date_count_between(x, end, "year")
x <- add_years(x, years)

months <- date_count_between(x, end, "month")
x <- add_months(x, months)

days <- date_count_between(x, end, "day")
x <- add_days(x, days)

  start = start,
  end = end,
  years = years,
  months = months,
  days = days

# Note that when breaking down a date like that, you may need to
# set `invalid` during intermediate calculations
start <- date_build(2019, c(3, 3, 4), c(30, 31, 1))
end <- date_build(2019, 5, 05)

# These are 1 month apart (plus a few days)
months <- date_count_between(start, end, "month")

# But adding that 1 month to `start` results in an invalid date
try(add_months(start, months))

# You can choose various ways to resolve this
start_previous <- add_months(start, months, invalid = "previous")
start_next <- add_months(start, months, invalid = "next")

days_previous <- date_count_between(start_previous, end, "day")
days_next <- date_count_between(start_next, end, "day")

# Resulting in slightly different day values.
# No result is "perfect". Choosing "previous" or "next" both result
# in multiple `start` dates having the same month/day breakdown values.
  start = start,
  end = end,
  months = months,
  days_previous = days_previous,
  days_next = days_next

Formatting: date


This is a Date method for the date_format() generic.

date_format() formats a date (Date) using a format string.

If format is NULL, a default format of "%Y-%m-%d" is used.


## S3 method for class 'Date'
date_format(x, ..., format = NULL, locale = clock_locale())




A date vector.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[character(1) / NULL]⁠

If NULL, a default format is used, which depends on the type of the input.

Otherwise, a format string which is a combination of:


  • ⁠%C⁠: The year divided by 100 using floored division. If the result is a single decimal digit, it is prefixed with 0.

  • ⁠%y⁠: The last two decimal digits of the year. If the result is a single digit it is prefixed by 0.

  • ⁠%Y⁠: The year as a decimal number. If the result is less than four digits it is left-padded with 0 to four digits.


  • ⁠%b⁠, ⁠%h⁠: The locale's abbreviated month name.

  • ⁠%B⁠: The locale's full month name.

  • ⁠%m⁠: The month as a decimal number. January is 01. If the result is a single digit, it is prefixed with 0.


  • ⁠%d⁠: The day of month as a decimal number. If the result is a single decimal digit, it is prefixed with 0.

Day of the week

  • ⁠%a⁠: The locale's abbreviated weekday name.

  • ⁠%A⁠: The locale's full weekday name.

  • ⁠%w⁠: The weekday as a decimal number (0-6), where Sunday is 0.

ISO 8601 week-based year

  • ⁠%g⁠: The last two decimal digits of the ISO week-based year. If the result is a single digit it is prefixed by 0.

  • ⁠%G⁠: The ISO week-based year as a decimal number. If the result is less than four digits it is left-padded with 0 to four digits.

  • ⁠%V⁠: The ISO week-based week number as a decimal number. If the result is a single digit, it is prefixed with 0.

  • ⁠%u⁠: The ISO weekday as a decimal number (1-7), where Monday is 1.

Week of the year

  • ⁠%U⁠: The week number of the year as a decimal number. The first Sunday of the year is the first day of week 01. Days of the same year prior to that are in week 00. If the result is a single digit, it is prefixed with 0.

  • ⁠%W⁠: The week number of the year as a decimal number. The first Monday of the year is the first day of week 01. Days of the same year prior to that are in week 00. If the result is a single digit, it is prefixed with 0.

Day of the year

  • ⁠%j⁠: The day of the year as a decimal number. January 1 is 001. If the result is less than three digits, it is left-padded with 0 to three digits.


  • ⁠%D⁠, ⁠%x⁠: Equivalent to ⁠%m/%d/%y⁠.

  • ⁠%F⁠: Equivalent to ⁠%Y-%m-%d⁠.

Time of day

  • ⁠%H⁠: The hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number. If the result is a single digit, it is prefixed with 0.

  • ⁠%I⁠: The hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number. If the result is a single digit, it is prefixed with 0.

  • ⁠%M⁠: The minute as a decimal number. If the result is a single digit, it is prefixed with 0.

  • ⁠%S⁠: Seconds as a decimal number. Fractional seconds are printed at the precision of the input. The character for the decimal point is localized according to locale.

  • ⁠%p⁠: The locale's equivalent of the AM/PM designations associated with a 12-hour clock.

  • ⁠%R⁠: Equivalent to ⁠%H:%M⁠.

  • ⁠%T⁠, ⁠%X⁠: Equivalent to ⁠%H:%M:%S⁠.

  • ⁠%r⁠: Nearly equivalent to ⁠%I:%M:%S %p⁠, but seconds are always printed at second precision.

Time zone

  • ⁠%z⁠: The offset from UTC in the ISO 8601 format. For example -0430 refers to 4 hours 30 minutes behind UTC. If the offset is zero, +0000 is used. The modified command ⁠%Ez⁠ inserts a : between the hour and minutes, like -04:30.

  • ⁠%Z⁠: The full time zone name. If abbreviate_zone is TRUE, the time zone abbreviation.


  • ⁠%c⁠: A date and time representation. Similar to, but not exactly the same as, ⁠%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y⁠.

  • %%: A ⁠%⁠ character.

  • ⁠%n⁠: A newline character.

  • ⁠%t⁠: A horizontal-tab character.



A locale object created from clock_locale().


Because a Date is considered to be a naive type in clock, meaning that it currently has no implied time zone, using the ⁠%z⁠ or ⁠%Z⁠ format commands is not allowed and will result in NA.


A character vector of the formatted input.


x <- as.Date("2019-01-01")

# Default

date_format(x, format = "year: %Y, month: %m, day: %d")

# With different locales
date_format(x, format = "%A, %B %d, %Y")
date_format(x, format = "%A, %B %d, %Y", locale = clock_locale("fr"))

Getters: date


These are Date methods for the getter generics.

  • get_year() returns the Gregorian year.

  • get_month() returns the month of the year.

  • get_day() returns the day of the month.

For more advanced component extraction, convert to the calendar type that you are interested in.


## S3 method for class 'Date'

## S3 method for class 'Date'

## S3 method for class 'Date'




A Date to get the component from.


The component.


x <- as.Date("2019-01-01") + 0:5

Group date components


This is a Date method for the date_group() generic.

date_group() groups by a single component of a Date, such as month of the year, or day of the month.

If you need to group by more complex components, like ISO weeks, or quarters, convert to a calendar type that contains the component you are interested in grouping by.


## S3 method for class 'Date'
date_group(x, precision, ..., n = 1L, invalid = NULL)




A date vector.



One of:

  • "year"

  • "month"

  • "day"


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[positive integer(1)]⁠

A single positive integer specifying a multiple of precision to use.


⁠[character(1) / NULL]⁠

One of the following invalid date resolution strategies:

  • "previous": The previous valid instant in time.

  • "previous-day": The previous valid day in time, keeping the time of day.

  • "next": The next valid instant in time.

  • "next-day": The next valid day in time, keeping the time of day.

  • "overflow": Overflow by the number of days that the input is invalid by. Time of day is dropped.

  • "overflow-day": Overflow by the number of days that the input is invalid by. Time of day is kept.

  • "NA": Replace invalid dates with NA.

  • "error": Error on invalid dates.

Using either "previous" or "next" is generally recommended, as these two strategies maintain the relative ordering between elements of the input.

If NULL, defaults to "error".

If getOption("clock.strict") is TRUE, invalid must be supplied and cannot be NULL. This is a convenient way to make production code robust to invalid dates.


x, grouped at precision.


x <- as.Date("2019-01-01") + -3:5

# Group by 2 days of the current month.
# Note that this resets at the beginning of the month, creating day groups
# of [29, 30] [31] [01, 02] [03, 04].
date_group(x, "day", n = 2)

# Group by month
date_group(x, "month")

Rounding: date


These are Date methods for the rounding generics.

  • date_floor() rounds a date down to a multiple of the specified precision.

  • date_ceiling() rounds a date up to a multiple of the specified precision.

  • date_round() rounds up or down depending on what is closer, rounding up on ties.

The only supported rounding precisions for Dates are "day" and "week". You can group by irregular periods such as "month" or "year" by using date_group().


## S3 method for class 'Date'
date_floor(x, precision, ..., n = 1L, origin = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'Date'
date_ceiling(x, precision, ..., n = 1L, origin = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'Date'
date_round(x, precision, ..., n = 1L, origin = NULL)




A date vector.



One of:

  • "week"

  • "day"

"week" is an alias for "day" with n * 7.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[positive integer(1)]⁠

A single positive integer specifying a multiple of precision to use.


⁠[Date(1) / NULL]⁠

An origin to start counting from. The default origin is 1970-01-01.


When rounding by "week", remember that the origin determines the "week start". By default, 1970-01-01 is the implicit origin, which is a Thursday. If you would like to round by weeks with a different week start, just supply an origin on the weekday you are interested in.


x rounded to the specified precision.


x <- as.Date("2019-03-31") + 0:5

# Flooring by 2 days, note that this is not tied to the current month,
# and instead counts from the specified `origin`, so groups can cross
# the month boundary
date_floor(x, "day", n = 2)

# Compare to `date_group()`, which groups by the day of the month
date_group(x, "day", n = 2)

y <- as.Date("2019-01-01") + 0:20

# Flooring by week uses an implicit `origin` of 1970-01-01, which
# is a Thursday
date_floor(y, "week")
as_weekday(date_floor(y, "week"))

# If you want to round by weeks with a different week start, supply an
# `origin` that falls on the weekday you care about. This uses a Monday.
origin <- as.Date("1970-01-05")

date_floor(y, "week", origin = origin)
as_weekday(date_floor(y, "week", origin = origin))

Sequences: date


This is a Date method for the date_seq() generic.

date_seq() generates a date (Date) sequence.

When calling date_seq(), exactly two of the following must be specified:

  • to

  • by

  • total_size


## S3 method for class 'Date'
date_seq(from, ..., to = NULL, by = NULL, total_size = NULL, invalid = NULL)




A date to start the sequence from.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[Date(1) / NULL]⁠

A date to stop the sequence at.

to is only included in the result if the resulting sequence divides the distance between from and to exactly.

If to is supplied along with by, all components of to more precise than the precision of by must match from exactly. For example, if by = duration_months(1), the day component of to must match the day component of from. This ensures that the generated sequence is, at a minimum, a weakly monotonic sequence of dates.


⁠[integer(1) / clock_duration(1) / NULL]⁠

The unit to increment the sequence by.

If by is an integer, it is equivalent to duration_days(by).

If by is a duration, it is allowed to have a precision of:

  • year

  • quarter

  • month

  • week

  • day


⁠[positive integer(1) / NULL]⁠

The size of the resulting sequence.

If specified alongside to, this must generate a non-fractional sequence between from and to.


⁠[character(1) / NULL]⁠

One of the following invalid date resolution strategies:

  • "previous": The previous valid instant in time.

  • "previous-day": The previous valid day in time, keeping the time of day.

  • "next": The next valid instant in time.

  • "next-day": The next valid day in time, keeping the time of day.

  • "overflow": Overflow by the number of days that the input is invalid by. Time of day is dropped.

  • "overflow-day": Overflow by the number of days that the input is invalid by. Time of day is kept.

  • "NA": Replace invalid dates with NA.

  • "error": Error on invalid dates.

Using either "previous" or "next" is generally recommended, as these two strategies maintain the relative ordering between elements of the input.

If NULL, defaults to "error".

If getOption("clock.strict") is TRUE, invalid must be supplied and cannot be NULL. This is a convenient way to make production code robust to invalid dates.


A date vector.


from <- date_build(2019, 1)
to <- date_build(2019, 4)

# Defaults to daily sequence
date_seq(from, to = to, by = 7)

# Use durations to change to monthly or yearly sequences
date_seq(from, to = to, by = duration_months(1))
date_seq(from, by = duration_years(-2), total_size = 3)

# Note that components of `to` more precise than the precision of `by`
# must match `from` exactly. For example, this is not well defined:
from <- date_build(2019, 5, 2)
to <- date_build(2025, 7, 5)
try(date_seq(from, to = to, by = duration_years(1)))

# The month and day components of `to` must match `from`
to <- date_build(2025, 5, 2)
date_seq(from, to = to, by = duration_years(1))

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Invalid dates must be resolved with the `invalid` argument
from <- date_build(2019, 1, 31)
to <- date_build(2019, 12, 31)

try(date_seq(from, to = to, by = duration_months(1)))
date_seq(from, to = to, by = duration_months(1), invalid = "previous")

# Compare this to the base R result, which is often a source of confusion
seq(from, to = to, by = "1 month")

# This is equivalent to the overflow invalid resolution strategy
date_seq(from, to = to, by = duration_months(1), invalid = "overflow")

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Usage of `to` and `total_size` must generate a non-fractional sequence
# between `from` and `to`
from <- date_build(2019, 1, 1)
to <- date_build(2019, 1, 4)

# These are fine
date_seq(from, to = to, total_size = 2)
date_seq(from, to = to, total_size = 4)

# But this is not!
try(date_seq(from, to = to, total_size = 3))

Setters: date


These are Date methods for the setter generics.

  • set_year() sets the year.

  • set_month() sets the month of the year. Valid values are in the range of ⁠[1, 12]⁠.

  • set_day() sets the day of the month. Valid values are in the range of ⁠[1, 31]⁠.


## S3 method for class 'Date'
set_year(x, value, ..., invalid = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'Date'
set_month(x, value, ..., invalid = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'Date'
set_day(x, value, ..., invalid = NULL)




A Date vector.


⁠[integer / "last"]⁠

The value to set the component to.

For set_day(), this can also be "last" to set the day to the last day of the month.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[character(1) / NULL]⁠

One of the following invalid date resolution strategies:

  • "previous": The previous valid instant in time.

  • "previous-day": The previous valid day in time, keeping the time of day.

  • "next": The next valid instant in time.

  • "next-day": The next valid day in time, keeping the time of day.

  • "overflow": Overflow by the number of days that the input is invalid by. Time of day is dropped.

  • "overflow-day": Overflow by the number of days that the input is invalid by. Time of day is kept.

  • "NA": Replace invalid dates with NA.

  • "error": Error on invalid dates.

Using either "previous" or "next" is generally recommended, as these two strategies maintain the relative ordering between elements of the input.

If NULL, defaults to "error".

If getOption("clock.strict") is TRUE, invalid must be supplied and cannot be NULL. This is a convenient way to make production code robust to invalid dates.


x with the component set.


x <- as.Date("2019-02-01")

# Set the day
set_day(x, 12:14)

# Set to the "last" day of the month
set_day(x, "last")

# You cannot set a Date to an invalid day like you can with
# a year-month-day. Instead, the default strategy is to error.
try(set_day(x, 31))
set_day(as_year_month_day(x), 31)

# You can resolve these issues while setting the day by specifying
# an invalid date resolution strategy with `invalid`
set_day(x, 31, invalid = "previous")

Shifting: date


date_shift() shifts x to the target weekday. You can shift to the next or previous weekday. If x is currently on the target weekday, you can choose to leave it alone or advance it to the next instance of the target.

Weekday shifting is one of the easiest ways to floor by week while controlling what is considered the first day of the week. You can also accomplish this with the origin argument of date_floor(), but this is slightly easier.


## S3 method for class 'Date'
date_shift(x, target, ..., which = "next", boundary = "keep")




A date vector.



A weekday created from weekday() to target.

Generally this is length 1, but can also be the same length as x.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.



One of:

  • "next": Shift to the next instance of the target weekday.

  • ⁠"previous⁠: Shift to the previous instance of the target weekday.



One of:

  • "keep": If x is currently on the target weekday, return it.

  • "advance": If x is currently on the target weekday, advance it anyways.


x shifted to the target weekday.


x <- as.Date("2019-01-01") + 0:1

# A Tuesday and Wednesday

monday <- weekday(clock_weekdays$monday)

# Shift to the next Monday
date_shift(x, monday)

# Shift to the previous Monday
# This is an easy way to "floor by week" with a target weekday in mind
date_shift(x, monday, which = "previous")

# What about Tuesday?
tuesday <- weekday(clock_weekdays$tuesday)

# Notice that the day that was currently on a Tuesday was not shifted
date_shift(x, tuesday)

# You can force it to `"advance"`
date_shift(x, tuesday, boundary = "advance")

Parsing: date-time


There are four parsers for parsing strings into POSIXct date-times, date_time_parse(), date_time_parse_complete(), date_time_parse_abbrev(), and date_time_parse_RFC_3339().


date_time_parse() is useful for strings like "2019-01-01 00:00:00", where the UTC offset and full time zone name are not present in the string. The string is first parsed as a naive-time without any time zone assumptions, and is then converted to a POSIXct with the supplied zone.

Because converting from naive-time to POSIXct may result in nonexistent or ambiguous times due to daylight saving time, these must be resolved explicitly with the nonexistent and ambiguous arguments.

date_time_parse() completely ignores the ⁠%z⁠ and ⁠%Z⁠ commands. The only time zone specific information that is used is the zone.

The default format used is "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S". This matches the default result from calling format() on a POSIXct date-time.


date_time_parse_complete() is a parser for complete date-time strings, like "2019-01-01T00:00:00-05:00[America/New_York]". A complete date-time string has both the time zone offset and full time zone name in the string, which is the only way for the string itself to contain all of the information required to unambiguously construct a zoned-time. Because of this, date_time_parse_complete() requires both the ⁠%z⁠ and ⁠%Z⁠ commands to be supplied in the format string.

The default format used is "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Ez[%Z]". This matches the default result from calling date_format() on a POSIXct date-time. Additionally, this format matches the de-facto standard extension to RFC 3339 for creating completely unambiguous date-times.


date_time_parse_abbrev() is a parser for date-time strings containing only a time zone abbreviation, like "2019-01-01 00:00:00 EST". The time zone abbreviation is not enough to identify the full time zone name that the date-time belongs to, so the full time zone name must be supplied as the zone argument. However, the time zone abbreviation can help with resolving ambiguity around daylight saving time fallbacks.

For date_time_parse_abbrev(), ⁠%Z⁠ must be supplied and is interpreted as the time zone abbreviation rather than the full time zone name.

If used, the ⁠%z⁠ command must parse correctly, but its value will be completely ignored.

The default format used is "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z". This matches the default result from calling print() or format(usetz = TRUE) on a POSIXct date-time.


date_time_parse_RFC_3339() is a parser for date-time strings in the extremely common date-time format outlined by RFC 3339. This document outlines a profile of the ISO 8601 format that is even more restrictive, but corresponds to the most common formats that are likely to be used in internet protocols (i.e. through APIs).

In particular, this function is intended to parse the following three formats:


This function defaults to parsing the first of these formats by using a format string of "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ".

If your date-time strings use offsets from UTC rather than "Z", then set offset to one of the following:

  • "%z" if the offset is of the form "+0430".

  • "%Ez" if the offset is of the form "+04:30".

The RFC 3339 standard allows for replacing the "T" with a "t" or a space (" "). Set separator to adjust this as needed.

The date-times returned by this function will always be in the UTC time zone.


  format = NULL,
  locale = clock_locale(),
  nonexistent = NULL,
  ambiguous = NULL

date_time_parse_complete(x, ..., format = NULL, locale = clock_locale())

date_time_parse_abbrev(x, zone, ..., format = NULL, locale = clock_locale())

date_time_parse_RFC_3339(x, ..., separator = "T", offset = "Z")




A character vector to parse.



A full time zone name.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[character / NULL]⁠

A format string. A combination of the following commands, or NULL, in which case a default format string is used.

A vector of multiple format strings can be supplied. They will be tried in the order they are provided.


  • ⁠%C⁠: The century as a decimal number. The modified command ⁠%NC⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%y⁠: The last two decimal digits of the year. If the century is not otherwise specified (e.g. with ⁠%C⁠), values in the range ⁠[69 - 99]⁠ are presumed to refer to the years ⁠[1969 - 1999]⁠, and values in the range ⁠[00 - 68]⁠ are presumed to refer to the years ⁠[2000 - 2068]⁠. The modified command ⁠%Ny⁠, where N is a positive decimal integer, specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%Y⁠: The year as a decimal number. The modified command ⁠%NY⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 4. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.


  • ⁠%b⁠, ⁠%B⁠, ⁠%h⁠: The locale's full or abbreviated case-insensitive month name.

  • ⁠%m⁠: The month as a decimal number. January is 1. The modified command ⁠%Nm⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.


  • ⁠%d⁠, ⁠%e⁠: The day of the month as a decimal number. The modified command ⁠%Nd⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

Day of the week

  • ⁠%a⁠, ⁠%A⁠: The locale's full or abbreviated case-insensitive weekday name.

  • ⁠%w⁠: The weekday as a decimal number (0-6), where Sunday is 0. The modified command ⁠%Nw⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 1. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

ISO 8601 week-based year

  • ⁠%g⁠: The last two decimal digits of the ISO week-based year. The modified command ⁠%Ng⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%G⁠: The ISO week-based year as a decimal number. The modified command ⁠%NG⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 4. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%V⁠: The ISO week-based week number as a decimal number. The modified command ⁠%NV⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%u⁠: The ISO weekday as a decimal number (1-7), where Monday is 1. The modified command ⁠%Nu⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 1. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

Week of the year

  • ⁠%U⁠: The week number of the year as a decimal number. The first Sunday of the year is the first day of week 01. Days of the same year prior to that are in week 00. The modified command ⁠%NU⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%W⁠: The week number of the year as a decimal number. The first Monday of the year is the first day of week 01. Days of the same year prior to that are in week 00. The modified command ⁠%NW⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

Day of the year

  • ⁠%j⁠: The day of the year as a decimal number. January 1 is 1. The modified command ⁠%Nj⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 3. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.


  • ⁠%D⁠, ⁠%x⁠: Equivalent to ⁠%m/%d/%y⁠.

  • ⁠%F⁠: Equivalent to ⁠%Y-%m-%d⁠. If modified with a width (like ⁠%NF⁠), the width is applied to only ⁠%Y⁠.

Time of day

  • ⁠%H⁠: The hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number. The modified command ⁠%NH⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%I⁠: The hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number. The modified command ⁠%NI⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%M⁠: The minutes as a decimal number. The modified command ⁠%NM⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%S⁠: The seconds as a decimal number. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required. If encountered, the locale determines the decimal point character. Generally, the maximum number of characters to read is determined by the precision that you are parsing at. For example, a precision of "second" would read a maximum of 2 characters, while a precision of "millisecond" would read a maximum of 6 (2 for the values before the decimal point, 1 for the decimal point, and 3 for the values after it). The modified command ⁠%NS⁠, where N is a positive decimal integer, can be used to exactly specify the maximum number of characters to read. This is only useful if you happen to have seconds with more than 1 leading zero.

  • ⁠%p⁠: The locale's equivalent of the AM/PM designations associated with a 12-hour clock. The command ⁠%I⁠ must precede ⁠%p⁠ in the format string.

  • ⁠%R⁠: Equivalent to ⁠%H:%M⁠.

  • ⁠%T⁠, ⁠%X⁠: Equivalent to ⁠%H:%M:%S⁠.

  • ⁠%r⁠: Equivalent to ⁠%I:%M:%S %p⁠.

Time zone

  • ⁠%z⁠: The offset from UTC in the format ⁠[+|-]hh[mm]⁠. For example -0430 refers to 4 hours 30 minutes behind UTC. And 04 refers to 4 hours ahead of UTC. The modified command ⁠%Ez⁠ parses a : between the hours and minutes and leading zeroes on the hour field are optional: ⁠[+|-]h[h][:mm]⁠. For example -04:30 refers to 4 hours 30 minutes behind UTC. And 4 refers to 4 hours ahead of UTC.

  • ⁠%Z⁠: The full time zone name or the time zone abbreviation, depending on the function being used. A single word is parsed. This word can only contain characters that are alphanumeric, or one of '_', '/', '-' or '+'.


  • ⁠%c⁠: A date and time representation. Equivalent to ⁠%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y⁠.

  • %%: A ⁠%⁠ character.

  • ⁠%n⁠: Matches one white space character. ⁠%n⁠, ⁠%t⁠, and a space can be combined to match a wide range of white-space patterns. For example "%n " matches one or more white space characters, and "%n%t%t" matches one to three white space characters.

  • ⁠%t⁠: Matches zero or one white space characters.



A locale object created from clock_locale().


⁠[character / NULL]⁠

One of the following nonexistent time resolution strategies, allowed to be either length 1, or the same length as the input:

  • "roll-forward": The next valid instant in time.

  • "roll-backward": The previous valid instant in time.

  • "shift-forward": Shift the nonexistent time forward by the size of the daylight saving time gap.

  • ⁠"shift-backward⁠: Shift the nonexistent time backward by the size of the daylight saving time gap.

  • "NA": Replace nonexistent times with NA.

  • "error": Error on nonexistent times.

Using either "roll-forward" or "roll-backward" is generally recommended over shifting, as these two strategies maintain the relative ordering between elements of the input.

If NULL, defaults to "error".

If getOption("clock.strict") is TRUE, nonexistent must be supplied and cannot be NULL. This is a convenient way to make production code robust to nonexistent times.


⁠[character / zoned_time / POSIXct / list(2) / NULL]⁠

One of the following ambiguous time resolution strategies, allowed to be either length 1, or the same length as the input:

  • "earliest": Of the two possible times, choose the earliest one.

  • "latest": Of the two possible times, choose the latest one.

  • "NA": Replace ambiguous times with NA.

  • "error": Error on ambiguous times.

Alternatively, ambiguous is allowed to be a zoned_time (or POSIXct) that is either length 1, or the same length as the input. If an ambiguous time is encountered, the zoned_time is consulted. If the zoned_time corresponds to a naive_time that is also ambiguous and uses the same daylight saving time transition point as the original ambiguous time, then the offset of the zoned_time is used to resolve the ambiguity. If the ambiguity cannot be resolved by consulting the zoned_time, then this method falls back to NULL.

Finally, ambiguous is allowed to be a list of size 2, where the first element of the list is a zoned_time (as described above), and the second element of the list is an ambiguous time resolution strategy to use when the ambiguous time cannot be resolved by consulting the zoned_time. Specifying a zoned_time on its own is identical to ⁠list(<zoned_time>, NULL)⁠.

If NULL, defaults to "error".

If getOption("clock.strict") is TRUE, ambiguous must be supplied and cannot be NULL. Additionally, ambiguous cannot be specified as a zoned_time on its own, as this implies NULL for ambiguous times that the zoned_time cannot resolve. Instead, it must be specified as a list alongside an ambiguous time resolution strategy as described above. This is a convenient way to make production code robust to ambiguous times.



The separator between the date and time components of the string. One of:

  • "T"

  • "t"

  • " "



The format of the offset from UTC contained in the string. One of:

  • "Z"

  • "z"

  • "%z" to parse a numeric offset of the form "+0430"

  • "%Ez" to parse a numeric offset of the form "+04:30"


If date_time_parse_complete() is given input that is length zero, all NAs, or completely fails to parse, then no time zone will be able to be determined. In that case, the result will use "UTC".

If you have strings with sub-second components, then these date-time parsers are not appropriate for you. Remember that clock treats POSIXct as a second precision type, so parsing a string with fractional seconds directly into a POSIXct is ambiguous and undefined. Instead, fully parse the string, including its fractional seconds, into a clock type that can handle it, such as a naive-time with naive_time_parse(), then round to seconds with whatever rounding convention is appropriate for your use case, such as time_point_floor(), and finally convert that to POSIXct with as_date_time(). This gives you complete control over how the fractional seconds are handled when converting to POSIXct.




# Parse with a known `zone`, even though that information isn't in the string
date_time_parse("2020-01-01 05:06:07", "America/New_York")

# Same time as above, except this is a completely unambiguous parse that
# doesn't require a `zone` argument, because the zone name and offset are
# both present in the string

# Only day components
date_time_parse("2020-01-01", "America/New_York", format = "%Y-%m-%d")

# `date_time_parse()` may have issues with ambiguous times due to daylight
# saving time fallbacks. For example, there were two 1'oclock hours here:
x <- date_time_parse("1970-10-25 00:59:59", "America/New_York")

# First (earliest) 1'oclock hour
add_seconds(x, 1)
# Second (latest) 1'oclock hour
add_seconds(x, 3601)

# If you try to parse this ambiguous time directly, you'll get an error:
ambiguous_time <- "1970-10-25 01:00:00"
try(date_time_parse(ambiguous_time, "America/New_York"))

# Resolve it by specifying whether you'd like to use the
# `earliest` or `latest` of the two possible times
date_time_parse(ambiguous_time, "America/New_York", ambiguous = "earliest")
date_time_parse(ambiguous_time, "America/New_York", ambiguous = "latest")

# `date_time_parse_complete()` doesn't have these issues, as it requires
# that the offset and zone name are both in the string, which resolves
# the ambiguity
complete_times <- c(

# `date_time_parse_abbrev()` also doesn't have these issues, since it
# uses the time zone abbreviation name to resolve the ambiguity
abbrev_times <- c(
  "1970-10-25 01:00:00 EDT",
  "1970-10-25 01:00:00 EST"
date_time_parse_abbrev(abbrev_times, "America/New_York")

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# RFC 3339

# Typical UTC format
x <- "2019-01-01T00:01:02Z"

# With a UTC offset containing a `:`
x <- "2019-01-01T00:01:02+02:30"
date_time_parse_RFC_3339(x, offset = "%Ez")

# With a space between the date and time and no `:` in the offset
x <- "2019-01-01 00:01:02+0230"
date_time_parse_RFC_3339(x, separator = " ", offset = "%z")

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sub-second components

# If you have a string with sub-second components, but only require up to
# seconds, first parse them into a clock type that can handle sub-seconds to
# fully capture that information, then round using whatever convention is
# required for your use case before converting to a date-time.
x <- c("2019-01-01T00:00:01.1", "2019-01-01T00:00:01.78")

x <- naive_time_parse(x, precision = "millisecond")

time_point_floor(x, "second")
time_point_round(x, "second")

as_date_time(time_point_round(x, "second"), "America/New_York")

Get or set the time zone


  • date_time_zone() gets the time zone.

  • date_time_set_zone() sets the time zone. This retains the underlying duration, but changes the printed time depending on the zone that is chosen.



date_time_set_zone(x, zone)



⁠[POSIXct / POSIXlt]⁠

A date-time vector.



A valid time zone to switch to.


This function is only valid for date-times, as clock treats R's Date class as a naive type, which always has a yet-to-be-specified time zone.


  • date_time_zone() returns a string containing the time zone.

  • date_time_set_zone() returns x with an altered printed time. The underlying duration is not changed.



# Cannot set or get the zone of Date.
# clock assumes that Dates are naive types, like naive-time.
x <- date_parse("2019-01-01")
try(date_time_set_zone(x, "America/New_York"))

x <- date_time_parse("2019-01-02 01:30:00", "America/New_York")


# If it is 1:30am in New York, what time is it in Los Angeles?
# Same underlying duration, new printed time
date_time_set_zone(x, "America/Los_Angeles")

# If you want to retain the printed time, but change the underlying duration,
# convert to a naive-time to drop the time zone, then convert back to a
# date-time. Be aware that this requires that you handle daylight saving time
# irregularities with the `nonexistent` and `ambiguous` arguments to
# `as_date_time()`!
x %>%
  as_naive_time() %>%

y <- date_time_parse("2021-03-28 03:30:00", "America/New_York")

y_nt <- as_naive_time(y)

# Helsinki had a daylight saving time gap where they jumped from
# 02:59:59 -> 04:00:00
try(as_date_time(y_nt, "Europe/Helsinki"))

as_date_time(y_nt, "Europe/Helsinki", nonexistent = "roll-forward")
as_date_time(y_nt, "Europe/Helsinki", nonexistent = "roll-backward")

Current date and date-time


  • date_today() returns the current date in the specified zone as a Date.

  • date_now() returns the current date-time in the specified zone as a POSIXct.







A time zone to get the current time for.


clock assumes that Date is a naive type, like naive-time. This means that date_today() first looks up the current date-time in the specified zone, then converts that to a Date, retaining the printed time while dropping any information about that time zone.


  • date_today() a single Date.

  • date_now() a single POSIXct.


# Current date in the local time zone

# Current date in a specified time zone

# Current date-time in that same time zone

Cast a duration between precisions


Casting is one way to change a duration's precision.

Casting to a less precise precision will completely drop information that is more precise than the precision that you are casting to. It does so in a way that makes it round towards zero.

Casting to a more precise precision is done through a multiplication by a conversion factor between the current precision and the new precision.


duration_cast(x, precision)




A duration.



A precision. One of:

  • "year"

  • "quarter"

  • "month"

  • "week"

  • "day"

  • "hour"

  • "minute"

  • "second"

  • "millisecond"

  • "microsecond"

  • "nanosecond"


When you want to change to a less precise precision, you often want duration_floor() instead of duration_cast(), as that rounds towards negative infinity, which is generally the desired behavior when working with time points (especially ones pre-1970, which are stored as negative durations).


x cast to the new precision.


x <- duration_seconds(c(86401, -86401))

# Casting rounds towards 0
cast <- duration_cast(x, "day")

# Flooring rounds towards negative infinity
floor <- duration_floor(x, "day")

# Flooring is generally more useful when working with time points,
# note that the cast ends up rounding the pre-1970 date up to the next
# day, while the post-1970 date is rounded down.

# Casting to a more precise precision
duration_cast(x, "millisecond")

Precision: duration


duration_precision() extracts the precision from a duration object. It returns the precision as a single string.






A duration.


A single string holding the precision of the duration.



Spanning sequence: duration


duration_spanning_seq() generates a regular sequence along the span of x, i.e. along ⁠[min(x), max(x)]⁠.






A duration vector.


Missing values are automatically removed before the sequence is generated.

If you need more precise sequence generation, call range() and seq() directly.


A sequence along ⁠[min(x), max(x)]⁠.


x <- duration_days(c(1, 5, 2))

# Missing values are removed before the sequence is created
x <- vctrs::vec_c(NA, x, NA)

Arithmetic: duration


These are duration methods for the arithmetic generics.

  • add_years()

  • add_quarters()

  • add_months()

  • add_weeks()

  • add_days()

  • add_hours()

  • add_minutes()

  • add_seconds()

  • add_milliseconds()

  • add_microseconds()

  • add_nanoseconds()

When adding to a duration using one of these functions, a second duration is created based on the function name and n. The two durations are then added together, and the precision of the result is determined as the more precise precision of the two durations.


## S3 method for class 'clock_duration'
add_years(x, n, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_duration'
add_quarters(x, n, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_duration'
add_months(x, n, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_duration'
add_weeks(x, n, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_duration'
add_days(x, n, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_duration'
add_hours(x, n, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_duration'
add_minutes(x, n, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_duration'
add_seconds(x, n, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_duration'
add_milliseconds(x, n, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_duration'
add_microseconds(x, n, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_duration'
add_nanoseconds(x, n, ...)




A duration vector.


⁠[integer / clock_duration]⁠

An integer vector to be converted to a duration, or a duration corresponding to the arithmetic function being used. This corresponds to the number of duration units to add. n may be negative to subtract units of duration.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


You can add calendrical durations to other calendrical durations, and chronological durations to other chronological durations, but you can't add a chronological duration to a calendrical duration (such as adding days and months). For more information, see the documentation on the duration helper page.

x and n are recycled against each other using tidyverse recycling rules.


x after performing the arithmetic, possibly with a more precise precision.


x <- duration_seconds(5)

# Addition in the same precision
add_seconds(x, 1:10)

# Addition with days, defined as 86400 seconds
add_days(x, 1)

# Similarly, if you start with days and add seconds, you get the common
# precision of the two back, which is seconds
y <- duration_days(1)
add_seconds(y, 5)

# But you can't add a chronological duration (days) and
# a calendrical duration (months)
try(add_months(y, 1))

# You can add years to a duration of months, which adds
# an additional 12 months / year
z <- duration_months(5)
add_years(z, 1)

Construct a duration


These helpers construct durations of the specified precision. Durations represent units of time.

Durations are separated into two categories:


  • year

  • quarter

  • month


  • week

  • day

  • hour

  • minute

  • second

  • millisecond

  • microsecond

  • nanosecond

Calendrical durations are generally used when manipulating calendar types, like year-month-day. Chronological durations are generally used when working with time points, like sys-time or naive-time.


duration_years(n = integer())

duration_quarters(n = integer())

duration_months(n = integer())

duration_weeks(n = integer())

duration_days(n = integer())

duration_hours(n = integer())

duration_minutes(n = integer())

duration_seconds(n = integer())

duration_milliseconds(n = integer())

duration_microseconds(n = integer())

duration_nanoseconds(n = integer())




The number of units of time to use when creating the duration.


A duration of the specified precision.

Internal Representation

Durations are internally represented as an integer number of "ticks" along with a ratio describing how it converts to a number of seconds. The following duration ratios are used in clock:

  • ⁠1 year == 31556952 seconds⁠

  • ⁠1 quarter == 7889238 seconds⁠

  • ⁠1 month == 2629746 seconds⁠

  • ⁠1 week == 604800 seconds⁠

  • ⁠1 day == 86400 seconds⁠

  • ⁠1 hour == 3600 seconds⁠

  • ⁠1 minute == 60 seconds⁠

  • ⁠1 second == 1 second⁠

  • ⁠1 millisecond == 1 / 1000 seconds⁠

  • ⁠1 microsecond == 1 / 1000000 seconds⁠

  • ⁠1 nanosecond == 1 / 1000000000 seconds⁠

A duration of 1 year is defined to correspond to the average length of a proleptic Gregorian year, i.e. 365.2425 days.

A duration of 1 month is defined as exactly 1/12 of a year.

A duration of 1 quarter is defined as exactly 1/4 of a year.

A duration of 1 week is defined as exactly 7 days.

These conversions come into play when doing operations like adding or flooring durations. Generally, you add two calendrical durations together to get a new calendrical duration, rather than adding a calendrical and a chronological duration together. The one exception is duration_cast(), which can cast durations to any other precision, with a potential loss of information.



Duration rounding


  • duration_floor() rounds a duration down to a multiple of the specified precision.

  • duration_ceiling() rounds a duration up to a multiple of the specified precision.

  • duration_round() rounds up or down depending on what is closer, rounding up on ties.


duration_floor(x, precision, ..., n = 1L)

duration_ceiling(x, precision, ..., n = 1L)

duration_round(x, precision, ..., n = 1L)




A duration.



A precision. One of:

  • "year"

  • "quarter"

  • "month"

  • "week"

  • "day"

  • "hour"

  • "minute"

  • "second"

  • "millisecond"

  • "microsecond"

  • "nanosecond"


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[positive integer(1)]⁠

A positive integer specifying the multiple of precision to use.


You can floor calendrical durations to other calendrical durations, and chronological durations to other chronological durations, but you can't floor a chronological duration to a calendrical duration (such as flooring from day to month). For more information, see the documentation on the duration helper page.


x rounded to the precision.


x <- duration_seconds(c(86399, 86401))

duration_floor(x, "day")
duration_ceiling(x, "day")

# Can't floor from a chronological duration (seconds)
# to a calendrical duration (months)
try(duration_floor(x, "month"))

# Every 2 days, using an origin of day 0
y <- duration_seconds(c(0, 86400, 86400 * 2, 86400 * 3))
duration_floor(y, "day", n = 2)

# Shifting the origin to be day 1
origin <- duration_days(1)
duration_floor(y - origin, "day", n = 2) + origin

# Rounding will round ties up
half_day <- 86400 / 2
half_day_durations <- duration_seconds(c(half_day - 1, half_day, half_day + 1))
duration_round(half_day_durations, "day")

# With larger units
x <- duration_months(c(0, 15, 24))
duration_floor(x, "year")
duration_floor(x, "quarter")

Formatting: zoned-time


This is a zoned-time method for the format() generic.

This function allows you to format a zoned-time using a flexible format string.

If format is NULL, a default format of "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Ez[%Z]" is used. This matches the default format that zoned_time_parse_complete() parses. Additionally, this format matches the de-facto standard extension to RFC 3339 for creating completely unambiguous date-times.


## S3 method for class 'clock_zoned_time'
format(x, ..., format = NULL, locale = clock_locale(), abbreviate_zone = FALSE)




A zoned-time.



Not used, but no error will be thrown if not empty to remain compatible with usage of the format() generic.


⁠[character(1) / NULL]⁠

If NULL, a default format is used, which depends on the type of the input.

Otherwise, a format string which is a combination of:


  • ⁠%C⁠: The year divided by 100 using floored division. If the result is a single decimal digit, it is prefixed with 0.

  • ⁠%y⁠: The last two decimal digits of the year. If the result is a single digit it is prefixed by 0.

  • ⁠%Y⁠: The year as a decimal number. If the result is less than four digits it is left-padded with 0 to four digits.


  • ⁠%b⁠, ⁠%h⁠: The locale's abbreviated month name.

  • ⁠%B⁠: The locale's full month name.

  • ⁠%m⁠: The month as a decimal number. January is 01. If the result is a single digit, it is prefixed with 0.


  • ⁠%d⁠: The day of month as a decimal number. If the result is a single decimal digit, it is prefixed with 0.

Day of the week

  • ⁠%a⁠: The locale's abbreviated weekday name.

  • ⁠%A⁠: The locale's full weekday name.

  • ⁠%w⁠: The weekday as a decimal number (0-6), where Sunday is 0.

ISO 8601 week-based year

  • ⁠%g⁠: The last two decimal digits of the ISO week-based year. If the result is a single digit it is prefixed by 0.

  • ⁠%G⁠: The ISO week-based year as a decimal number. If the result is less than four digits it is left-padded with 0 to four digits.

  • ⁠%V⁠: The ISO week-based week number as a decimal number. If the result is a single digit, it is prefixed with 0.

  • ⁠%u⁠: The ISO weekday as a decimal number (1-7), where Monday is 1.

Week of the year

  • ⁠%U⁠: The week number of the year as a decimal number. The first Sunday of the year is the first day of week 01. Days of the same year prior to that are in week 00. If the result is a single digit, it is prefixed with 0.

  • ⁠%W⁠: The week number of the year as a decimal number. The first Monday of the year is the first day of week 01. Days of the same year prior to that are in week 00. If the result is a single digit, it is prefixed with 0.

Day of the year

  • ⁠%j⁠: The day of the year as a decimal number. January 1 is 001. If the result is less than three digits, it is left-padded with 0 to three digits.


  • ⁠%D⁠, ⁠%x⁠: Equivalent to ⁠%m/%d/%y⁠.

  • ⁠%F⁠: Equivalent to ⁠%Y-%m-%d⁠.

Time of day

  • ⁠%H⁠: The hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number. If the result is a single digit, it is prefixed with 0.

  • ⁠%I⁠: The hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number. If the result is a single digit, it is prefixed with 0.

  • ⁠%M⁠: The minute as a decimal number. If the result is a single digit, it is prefixed with 0.

  • ⁠%S⁠: Seconds as a decimal number. Fractional seconds are printed at the precision of the input. The character for the decimal point is localized according to locale.

  • ⁠%p⁠: The locale's equivalent of the AM/PM designations associated with a 12-hour clock.

  • ⁠%R⁠: Equivalent to ⁠%H:%M⁠.

  • ⁠%T⁠, ⁠%X⁠: Equivalent to ⁠%H:%M:%S⁠.

  • ⁠%r⁠: Nearly equivalent to ⁠%I:%M:%S %p⁠, but seconds are always printed at second precision.

Time zone

  • ⁠%z⁠: The offset from UTC in the ISO 8601 format. For example -0430 refers to 4 hours 30 minutes behind UTC. If the offset is zero, +0000 is used. The modified command ⁠%Ez⁠ inserts a : between the hour and minutes, like -04:30.

  • ⁠%Z⁠: The full time zone name. If abbreviate_zone is TRUE, the time zone abbreviation.


  • ⁠%c⁠: A date and time representation. Similar to, but not exactly the same as, ⁠%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y⁠.

  • %%: A ⁠%⁠ character.

  • ⁠%n⁠: A newline character.

  • ⁠%t⁠: A horizontal-tab character.



A locale object created from clock_locale().



If TRUE, ⁠%Z⁠ returns an abbreviated time zone name.

If FALSE, ⁠%Z⁠ returns the full time zone name.


A character vector of the formatted input.


x <- year_month_day(2019, 1, 1)
x <- as_zoned_time(as_naive_time(x), "America/New_York")

format(x, format = "%B %d, %Y")
format(x, format = "%B %d, %Y", locale = clock_locale("fr"))

Is x a duration?


This function determines if the input is a duration object.






An object.


TRUE if x inherits from "clock_duration", otherwise FALSE.



Is x a iso-year-week-day?


Check if x is a iso-year-week-day.






An object.


Returns TRUE if x inherits from "clock_iso_year_week_day", otherwise returns FALSE.



Is x a naive-time?


This function determines if the input is a naive-time object.






An object.


TRUE if x inherits from "clock_naive_time", otherwise FALSE.



Is x a sys-time?


This function determines if the input is a sys-time object.






An object.


TRUE if x inherits from "clock_sys_time", otherwise FALSE.



Is x a weekday?


This function determines if the input is a weekday object.






An object.


TRUE if x inherits from "clock_weekday", otherwise FALSE.



Is x a year-day?


Check if x is a year-day.






An object.


Returns TRUE if x inherits from "clock_year_day", otherwise returns FALSE.



Is x a year-month-day?


Check if x is a year-month-day.






An object.


Returns TRUE if x inherits from "clock_year_month_day", otherwise returns FALSE.



Is x a year-month-weekday?


Check if x is a year-month-weekday.






An object.


Returns TRUE if x inherits from "clock_year_month_weekday", otherwise returns FALSE.



Is x a year-quarter-day?


Check if x is a year-quarter-day.






An object.


Returns TRUE if x inherits from "clock_year_quarter_day", otherwise returns FALSE.



Is x a year-week-day?


Check if x is a year-week-day.






An object.


Returns TRUE if x inherits from "clock_year_week_day", otherwise returns FALSE.



Is x a zoned-time?


This function determines if the input is a zoned-time object.






An object.


TRUE if x inherits from "clock_zoned_time", otherwise FALSE.



Calendar: iso-year-week-day


iso_year_week_day() constructs a calendar from the ISO year, week number, and week day.


  week = NULL,
  day = NULL,
  hour = NULL,
  minute = NULL,
  second = NULL,
  subsecond = NULL,
  subsecond_precision = NULL




The ISO year. Values ⁠[-32767, 32767]⁠ are generally allowed.


⁠[integer / "last" / NULL]⁠

The ISO week. Values ⁠[1, 53]⁠ are allowed.

If "last", then the last week of the ISO year is returned.


⁠[integer / NULL]⁠

The day of the week. Values ⁠[1, 7]⁠ are allowed, with 1 = Monday and 7 = Sunday, in accordance with the ISO specifications.


⁠[integer / NULL]⁠

The hour. Values ⁠[0, 23]⁠ are allowed.


⁠[integer / NULL]⁠

The minute. Values ⁠[0, 59]⁠ are allowed.


⁠[integer / NULL]⁠

The second. Values ⁠[0, 59]⁠ are allowed.


⁠[integer / NULL]⁠

The subsecond. If specified, subsecond_precision must also be specified to determine how to interpret the subsecond.

If using milliseconds, values ⁠[0, 999]⁠ are allowed.

If using microseconds, values ⁠[0, 999999]⁠ are allowed.

If using nanoseconds, values ⁠[0, 999999999]⁠ are allowed.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[character(1) / NULL]⁠

The precision to interpret subsecond as. One of: "millisecond", "microsecond", or "nanosecond".


Fields are recycled against each other using tidyverse recycling rules.

Fields are collected in order until the first NULL field is located. No fields after the first NULL field are used.


A iso-year-week-day calendar vector.


# Year-week
x <- iso_year_week_day(2019:2025, 1)

# 2nd day of the first ISO week in multiple years
iso_days <- set_day(x, clock_iso_weekdays$tuesday)

# What year-month-day is this?

Arithmetic: iso-year-week-day


These are iso-year-week-day methods for the arithmetic generics.

  • add_years()

You cannot add weeks or days to an iso-year-week-day calendar. Adding days is much more efficiently done by converting to a time point first by using as_naive_time() or as_sys_time(). Adding weeks is equally as efficient as adding 7 days. Additionally, adding weeks to an invalid iso-year-week object containing iso_year_week_day(2019, 53) would be undefined, as the 53rd ISO week of 2019 doesn't exist to begin with.


## S3 method for class 'clock_iso_year_week_day'
add_years(x, n, ...)




A iso-year-week-day vector.


⁠[integer / clock_duration]⁠

An integer vector to be converted to a duration, or a duration corresponding to the arithmetic function being used. This corresponds to the number of duration units to add. n may be negative to subtract units of duration.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


x and n are recycled against each other using tidyverse recycling rules.


x after performing the arithmetic.


x <- iso_year_week_day(2019, 1, 1)
add_years(x, 1:2)

Boundaries: iso-year-week-day


This is an iso-year-week-day method for the calendar_start() and calendar_end() generics. They adjust components of a calendar to the start or end of a specified precision.


## S3 method for class 'clock_iso_year_week_day'
calendar_start(x, precision)

## S3 method for class 'clock_iso_year_week_day'
calendar_end(x, precision)




A iso-year-week-day vector.



One of:

  • "year"

  • "week"

  • "day"

  • "hour"

  • "minute"

  • "second"

  • "millisecond"

  • "microsecond"

  • "nanosecond"


x at the same precision, but with some components altered to be at the boundary value.


x <- iso_year_week_day(2019:2020, 5, 6, 10)

# Compute the last moment of the last iso week of the year
calendar_end(x, "year")

# Compare that to just setting the week to `"last"`,
# which doesn't affect the other components
set_week(x, "last")

Counting: iso-year-week-day


This is an iso-year-week-day method for the calendar_count_between() generic. It counts the number of precision units between start and end (i.e., the number of ISO years).


## S3 method for class 'clock_iso_year_week_day'
calendar_count_between(start, end, precision, ..., n = 1L)


start, end


A pair of iso-year-week-day vectors. These will be recycled to their common size.



One of:

  • "year"


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[positive integer(1)]⁠

A single positive integer specifying a multiple of precision to use.


An integer representing the number of precision units between start and end.


# Compute the number of whole ISO years between two dates
x <- iso_year_week_day(2001, 1, 2)
y <- iso_year_week_day(2021, 1, c(1, 3))
calendar_count_between(x, y, "year")

Getters: iso-year-week-day


These are iso-year-week-day methods for the getter generics.

  • get_year() returns the ISO year. Note that this can differ from the Gregorian year.

  • get_week() returns the ISO week of the current ISO year.

  • get_day() returns a value between 1-7 indicating the weekday of the current ISO week, where 1 = Monday and 7 = Sunday, in line with the ISO standard.

  • There are sub-daily getters for extracting more precise components.


## S3 method for class 'clock_iso_year_week_day'

## S3 method for class 'clock_iso_year_week_day'

## S3 method for class 'clock_iso_year_week_day'

## S3 method for class 'clock_iso_year_week_day'

## S3 method for class 'clock_iso_year_week_day'

## S3 method for class 'clock_iso_year_week_day'

## S3 method for class 'clock_iso_year_week_day'

## S3 method for class 'clock_iso_year_week_day'

## S3 method for class 'clock_iso_year_week_day'




A iso-year-week-day to get the component from.


The component.


x <- iso_year_week_day(2019, 50:52, 1:3)

# Get the ISO week

# Gets the weekday, 1 = Monday, 7 = Sunday

# Note that the ISO year can differ from the Gregorian year
iso <- iso_year_week_day(2019, 1, 1)
ymd <- as_year_month_day(iso)


Grouping: iso-year-week-day


This is a iso-year-week-day method for the calendar_group() generic.

Grouping for a iso-year-week-day object can be done at any precision, as long as x is at least as precise as precision.


## S3 method for class 'clock_iso_year_week_day'
calendar_group(x, precision, ..., n = 1L)




A iso-year-week-day vector.



One of:

  • "year"

  • "week"

  • "day"

  • "hour"

  • "minute"

  • "second"

  • "millisecond"

  • "microsecond"

  • "nanosecond"


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[positive integer(1)]⁠

A single positive integer specifying a multiple of precision to use.


x grouped at the specified precision.


x <- iso_year_week_day(2019, 1:52)

# Group by 3 ISO weeks
calendar_group(x, "week", n = 3)

y <- iso_year_week_day(2000:2020, 1, 1)

# Group by 2 ISO years
calendar_group(y, "year", n = 2)

Narrow: iso-year-week-day


This is a iso-year-week-day method for the calendar_narrow() generic. It narrows a iso-year-week-day vector to the specified precision.


## S3 method for class 'clock_iso_year_week_day'
calendar_narrow(x, precision)




A iso-year-week-day vector.



One of:

  • "year"

  • "week"

  • "day"

  • "hour"

  • "minute"

  • "second"

  • "millisecond"

  • "microsecond"

  • "nanosecond"


x narrowed to the supplied precision.


# Day precision
x <- iso_year_week_day(2019, 1, 5)

# Narrowed to week precision
calendar_narrow(x, "week")

Setters: iso-year-week-day


These are iso-year-week-day methods for the setter generics.

  • set_year() sets the ISO year.

  • set_week() sets the ISO week of the year. Valid values are in the range of ⁠[1, 53]⁠.

  • set_day() sets the day of the week. Valid values are in the range of ⁠[1, 7]⁠, with 1 = Monday, and 7 = Sunday.

  • There are sub-daily setters for setting more precise components.


## S3 method for class 'clock_iso_year_week_day'
set_year(x, value, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_iso_year_week_day'
set_week(x, value, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_iso_year_week_day'
set_day(x, value, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_iso_year_week_day'
set_hour(x, value, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_iso_year_week_day'
set_minute(x, value, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_iso_year_week_day'
set_second(x, value, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_iso_year_week_day'
set_millisecond(x, value, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_iso_year_week_day'
set_microsecond(x, value, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_iso_year_week_day'
set_nanosecond(x, value, ...)




A iso-year-week-day vector.


⁠[integer / "last"]⁠

The value to set the component to.

For set_week(), this can also be "last" to adjust to the last week of the current ISO year.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


x with the component set.


# Year precision vector
x <- iso_year_week_day(2019:2023)

# Promote to week precision by setting the week
# (Note that some ISO weeks have 52 weeks, and others have 53)
x <- set_week(x, "last")

# Set to an invalid week
invalid <- set_week(x, 53)

# Here are the invalid ones (they only have 52 weeks)

# Resolve the invalid dates by choosing the previous/next valid moment
invalid_resolve(invalid, invalid = "previous")
invalid_resolve(invalid, invalid = "next")

Widen: iso-year-week-day


This is a iso-year-week-day method for the calendar_widen() generic. It widens a iso-year-week-day vector to the specified precision.


## S3 method for class 'clock_iso_year_week_day'
calendar_widen(x, precision)




A iso-year-week-day vector.



One of:

  • "year"

  • "week"

  • "day"

  • "hour"

  • "minute"

  • "second"

  • "millisecond"

  • "microsecond"

  • "nanosecond"


x widened to the supplied precision.


# Week precision
x <- iso_year_week_day(2019, 1)

# Widen to day precision
# In the ISO calendar, the first day of the week is a Monday
calendar_widen(x, "day")

# Or second precision
sec <- calendar_widen(x, "second")

Info: naive-time


naive_time_info() retrieves a set of low-level information generally not required for most date-time manipulations. It is used implicitly by as_zoned_time() when converting from a naive-time.

It returns a data frame with the following columns:

  • type: A character vector containing one of:

    • "unique": The naive-time maps uniquely to a zoned-time that can be created with zone.

    • "nonexistent": The naive-time does not exist as a zoned-time that can be created with zone.

    • "ambiguous": The naive-time exists twice as a zoned-time that can be created with zone.

  • first: A sys_time_info() data frame.

  • second: A sys_time_info() data frame.

type == "unique"

  • first will be filled out with sys-info representing daylight saving time information for that time point in zone.

  • second will contain only NA values, as there is no ambiguity to represent information for.

type == "nonexistent"

  • first will be filled out with the sys-info that ends just prior to x.

  • second will be filled out with the sys-info that begins just after x.

type == "ambiguous"

  • first will be filled out with the sys-info that ends just after x.

  • second will be filled out with the sys-info that starts just before x.


naive_time_info(x, zone)




A naive-time.



A valid time zone name.

Unlike most functions in clock, in naive_time_info() zone is vectorized and is recycled against x.


If the tibble package is installed, it is recommended to convert the output to a tibble with as_tibble(), as that will print the df-cols much nicer.


A data frame of low level information.



x <- year_month_day(1970, 04, 26, 02, 30, 00)
x <- as_naive_time(x)

# Maps uniquely to a time in London
naive_time_info(x, "Europe/London")

# This naive-time never existed in New York!
# A DST gap jumped the time from 01:59:59 -> 03:00:00,
# skipping the 2 o'clock hour
zone <- "America/New_York"
info <- naive_time_info(x, zone)

# You can recreate various `nonexistent` strategies with this info
as_zoned_time(x, zone, nonexistent = "roll-forward")
as_zoned_time(info$first$end, zone)

as_zoned_time(x, zone, nonexistent = "roll-backward")
as_zoned_time(info$first$end - 1, zone)

as_zoned_time(x, zone, nonexistent = "shift-forward")
as_zoned_time(as_sys_time(x) - info$first$offset, zone)

as_zoned_time(x, zone, nonexistent = "shift-backward")
as_zoned_time(as_sys_time(x) - info$second$offset, zone)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Normalizing to UTC

# Imagine you had the following printed times, and knowledge that they
# are to be interpreted as in the corresponding time zones
df <- data_frame(
  x = c("2020-01-05 02:30:00", "2020-06-03 12:20:05"),
  zone = c("America/Los_Angeles", "Europe/London")

# The times are assumed to be naive-times, i.e. if you lived in the `zone`
# at the moment the time was recorded, then you would have seen that time
# printed on the clock. Currently, these are strings. To convert them to
# a time based type, you'll have to acknowledge that R only lets you have
# 1 time zone in a vector of date-times at a time. So you'll need to
# normalize these naive-times. The easiest thing to normalize them to
# is UTC.
df$naive <- naive_time_parse(df$x)

# Get info about the naive times using a vector of zones
info <- naive_time_info(df$naive, df$zone)

# We'll assume that some system generated these naive-times with no
# chance of them ever being nonexistent or ambiguous. So now all we have
# to do is use the offset to convert the naive-time to a sys-time. The
# relationship used is:
# offset = naive_time - sys_time
df$sys <- as_sys_time(df$naive) - info$first$offset

# At this point, both times are in UTC. From here, you can convert them
# both to either America/Los_Angeles or Europe/London as required.
as_zoned_time(df$sys, "America/Los_Angeles")
as_zoned_time(df$sys, "Europe/London")

Parsing: naive-time


naive_time_parse() is a parser into a naive-time.

naive_time_parse() is useful when you have date-time strings like "2020-01-01T01:04:30". If there is no attached UTC offset or time zone name, then parsing this string as a naive-time is your best option. If you know that this string should be interpreted in a specific time zone, parse as a naive-time, then use as_zoned_time().

The default options assume that x should be parsed at second precision, using a format string of "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S". This matches the default result from calling format() on a naive-time.

naive_time_parse() ignores both the ⁠%z⁠ and ⁠%Z⁠ commands.

If your date-time strings contain a full time zone name and a UTC offset, use zoned_time_parse_complete(). If they contain a time zone abbreviation, use zoned_time_parse_abbrev().

If your date-time strings contain a UTC offset, but not a full time zone name, use sys_time_parse().


  format = NULL,
  precision = "second",
  locale = clock_locale()




A character vector to parse.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[character / NULL]⁠

A format string. A combination of the following commands, or NULL, in which case a default format string is used.

A vector of multiple format strings can be supplied. They will be tried in the order they are provided.


  • ⁠%C⁠: The century as a decimal number. The modified command ⁠%NC⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%y⁠: The last two decimal digits of the year. If the century is not otherwise specified (e.g. with ⁠%C⁠), values in the range ⁠[69 - 99]⁠ are presumed to refer to the years ⁠[1969 - 1999]⁠, and values in the range ⁠[00 - 68]⁠ are presumed to refer to the years ⁠[2000 - 2068]⁠. The modified command ⁠%Ny⁠, where N is a positive decimal integer, specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%Y⁠: The year as a decimal number. The modified command ⁠%NY⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 4. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.


  • ⁠%b⁠, ⁠%B⁠, ⁠%h⁠: The locale's full or abbreviated case-insensitive month name.

  • ⁠%m⁠: The month as a decimal number. January is 1. The modified command ⁠%Nm⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.


  • ⁠%d⁠, ⁠%e⁠: The day of the month as a decimal number. The modified command ⁠%Nd⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

Day of the week

  • ⁠%a⁠, ⁠%A⁠: The locale's full or abbreviated case-insensitive weekday name.

  • ⁠%w⁠: The weekday as a decimal number (0-6), where Sunday is 0. The modified command ⁠%Nw⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 1. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

ISO 8601 week-based year

  • ⁠%g⁠: The last two decimal digits of the ISO week-based year. The modified command ⁠%Ng⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%G⁠: The ISO week-based year as a decimal number. The modified command ⁠%NG⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 4. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%V⁠: The ISO week-based week number as a decimal number. The modified command ⁠%NV⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%u⁠: The ISO weekday as a decimal number (1-7), where Monday is 1. The modified command ⁠%Nu⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 1. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

Week of the year

  • ⁠%U⁠: The week number of the year as a decimal number. The first Sunday of the year is the first day of week 01. Days of the same year prior to that are in week 00. The modified command ⁠%NU⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%W⁠: The week number of the year as a decimal number. The first Monday of the year is the first day of week 01. Days of the same year prior to that are in week 00. The modified command ⁠%NW⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

Day of the year

  • ⁠%j⁠: The day of the year as a decimal number. January 1 is 1. The modified command ⁠%Nj⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 3. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.


  • ⁠%D⁠, ⁠%x⁠: Equivalent to ⁠%m/%d/%y⁠.

  • ⁠%F⁠: Equivalent to ⁠%Y-%m-%d⁠. If modified with a width (like ⁠%NF⁠), the width is applied to only ⁠%Y⁠.

Time of day

  • ⁠%H⁠: The hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number. The modified command ⁠%NH⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%I⁠: The hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number. The modified command ⁠%NI⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%M⁠: The minutes as a decimal number. The modified command ⁠%NM⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%S⁠: The seconds as a decimal number. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required. If encountered, the locale determines the decimal point character. Generally, the maximum number of characters to read is determined by the precision that you are parsing at. For example, a precision of "second" would read a maximum of 2 characters, while a precision of "millisecond" would read a maximum of 6 (2 for the values before the decimal point, 1 for the decimal point, and 3 for the values after it). The modified command ⁠%NS⁠, where N is a positive decimal integer, can be used to exactly specify the maximum number of characters to read. This is only useful if you happen to have seconds with more than 1 leading zero.

  • ⁠%p⁠: The locale's equivalent of the AM/PM designations associated with a 12-hour clock. The command ⁠%I⁠ must precede ⁠%p⁠ in the format string.

  • ⁠%R⁠: Equivalent to ⁠%H:%M⁠.

  • ⁠%T⁠, ⁠%X⁠: Equivalent to ⁠%H:%M:%S⁠.

  • ⁠%r⁠: Equivalent to ⁠%I:%M:%S %p⁠.

Time zone

  • ⁠%z⁠: The offset from UTC in the format ⁠[+|-]hh[mm]⁠. For example -0430 refers to 4 hours 30 minutes behind UTC. And 04 refers to 4 hours ahead of UTC. The modified command ⁠%Ez⁠ parses a : between the hours and minutes and leading zeroes on the hour field are optional: ⁠[+|-]h[h][:mm]⁠. For example -04:30 refers to 4 hours 30 minutes behind UTC. And 4 refers to 4 hours ahead of UTC.

  • ⁠%Z⁠: The full time zone name or the time zone abbreviation, depending on the function being used. A single word is parsed. This word can only contain characters that are alphanumeric, or one of '_', '/', '-' or '+'.


  • ⁠%c⁠: A date and time representation. Equivalent to ⁠%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y⁠.

  • %%: A ⁠%⁠ character.

  • ⁠%n⁠: Matches one white space character. ⁠%n⁠, ⁠%t⁠, and a space can be combined to match a wide range of white-space patterns. For example "%n " matches one or more white space characters, and "%n%t%t" matches one to three white space characters.

  • ⁠%t⁠: Matches zero or one white space characters.



A precision for the resulting time point. One of:

  • "day"

  • "hour"

  • "minute"

  • "second"

  • "millisecond"

  • "microsecond"

  • "nanosecond"

Setting the precision determines how much information ⁠%S⁠ attempts to parse.



A locale object created from clock_locale().


A naive-time.

Full Precision Parsing

It is highly recommended to parse all of the information in the date-time string into a type at least as precise as the string. For example, if your string has fractional seconds, but you only require seconds, specify a sub-second precision, then round to seconds manually using whatever convention is appropriate for your use case. Parsing such a string directly into a second precision result is ambiguous and undefined, and is unlikely to work as you might expect.



# Day precision
naive_time_parse("2020-01-01", precision = "day")

# Nanosecond precision, but using a day based format
naive_time_parse("2020-01-01", format = "%Y-%m-%d", precision = "nanosecond")

# Remember that the `%z` and `%Z` commands are ignored entirely!
  "2020-01-01 -4000 America/New_York",
  format = "%Y-%m-%d %z %Z"

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Fractional seconds and POSIXct

# If you have a string with fractional seconds and want to convert it to
# a POSIXct, remember that clock treats POSIXct as a second precision type.
# Ideally, you'd use a clock type that can support fractional seconds, but
# if you really want to parse it into a POSIXct, the correct way to do so
# is to parse the full fractional time point with the correct `precision`,
# then round to seconds using whatever convention you require, and finally
# convert that to POSIXct.
x <- c("2020-01-01T00:00:00.123", "2020-01-01T00:00:00.555")

# First, parse string with full precision
x <- naive_time_parse(x, precision = "millisecond")

# Then round to second with a floor, ceiling, or round to nearest
time_point_floor(x, "second")
time_point_round(x, "second")

# Finally, convert to POSIXct
as_date_time(time_point_round(x, "second"), zone = "UTC")

Arithmetic: date-time


These are POSIXct/POSIXlt methods for the arithmetic generics.

Calendrical based arithmetic:

These functions convert to a naive-time, then to a year-month-day, perform the arithmetic, then convert back to a date-time.

  • add_years()

  • add_quarters()

  • add_months()

Naive-time based arithmetic:

These functions convert to a naive-time, perform the arithmetic, then convert back to a date-time.

  • add_weeks()

  • add_days()

Sys-time based arithmetic:

These functions convert to a sys-time, perform the arithmetic, then convert back to a date-time.

  • add_hours()

  • add_minutes()

  • add_seconds()


## S3 method for class 'POSIXt'
add_years(x, n, ..., invalid = NULL, nonexistent = NULL, ambiguous = x)

## S3 method for class 'POSIXt'
add_quarters(x, n, ..., invalid = NULL, nonexistent = NULL, ambiguous = x)

## S3 method for class 'POSIXt'
add_months(x, n, ..., invalid = NULL, nonexistent = NULL, ambiguous = x)

## S3 method for class 'POSIXt'
add_weeks(x, n, ..., nonexistent = NULL, ambiguous = x)

## S3 method for class 'POSIXt'
add_days(x, n, ..., nonexistent = NULL, ambiguous = x)

## S3 method for class 'POSIXt'
add_hours(x, n, ...)

## S3 method for class 'POSIXt'
add_minutes(x, n, ...)

## S3 method for class 'POSIXt'
add_seconds(x, n, ...)



⁠[POSIXct / POSIXlt]⁠

A date-time vector.


⁠[integer / clock_duration]⁠

An integer vector to be converted to a duration, or a duration corresponding to the arithmetic function being used. This corresponds to the number of duration units to add. n may be negative to subtract units of duration.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[character(1) / NULL]⁠

One of the following invalid date resolution strategies:

  • "previous": The previous valid instant in time.

  • "previous-day": The previous valid day in time, keeping the time of day.

  • "next": The next valid instant in time.

  • "next-day": The next valid day in time, keeping the time of day.

  • "overflow": Overflow by the number of days that the input is invalid by. Time of day is dropped.

  • "overflow-day": Overflow by the number of days that the input is invalid by. Time of day is kept.

  • "NA": Replace invalid dates with NA.

  • "error": Error on invalid dates.

Using either "previous" or "next" is generally recommended, as these two strategies maintain the relative ordering between elements of the input.

If NULL, defaults to "error".

If getOption("clock.strict") is TRUE, invalid must be supplied and cannot be NULL. This is a convenient way to make production code robust to invalid dates.


⁠[character / NULL]⁠

One of the following nonexistent time resolution strategies, allowed to be either length 1, or the same length as the input:

  • "roll-forward": The next valid instant in time.

  • "roll-backward": The previous valid instant in time.

  • "shift-forward": Shift the nonexistent time forward by the size of the daylight saving time gap.

  • ⁠"shift-backward⁠: Shift the nonexistent time backward by the size of the daylight saving time gap.

  • "NA": Replace nonexistent times with NA.

  • "error": Error on nonexistent times.

Using either "roll-forward" or "roll-backward" is generally recommended over shifting, as these two strategies maintain the relative ordering between elements of the input.

If NULL, defaults to "error".

If getOption("clock.strict") is TRUE, nonexistent must be supplied and cannot be NULL. This is a convenient way to make production code robust to nonexistent times.


⁠[character / zoned_time / POSIXct / list(2) / NULL]⁠

One of the following ambiguous time resolution strategies, allowed to be either length 1, or the same length as the input:

  • "earliest": Of the two possible times, choose the earliest one.

  • "latest": Of the two possible times, choose the latest one.

  • "NA": Replace ambiguous times with NA.

  • "error": Error on ambiguous times.

Alternatively, ambiguous is allowed to be a zoned_time (or POSIXct) that is either length 1, or the same length as the input. If an ambiguous time is encountered, the zoned_time is consulted. If the zoned_time corresponds to a naive_time that is also ambiguous and uses the same daylight saving time transition point as the original ambiguous time, then the offset of the zoned_time is used to resolve the ambiguity. If the ambiguity cannot be resolved by consulting the zoned_time, then this method falls back to NULL.

Finally, ambiguous is allowed to be a list of size 2, where the first element of the list is a zoned_time (as described above), and the second element of the list is an ambiguous time resolution strategy to use when the ambiguous time cannot be resolved by consulting the zoned_time. Specifying a zoned_time on its own is identical to ⁠list(<zoned_time>, NULL)⁠.

If NULL, defaults to "error".

If getOption("clock.strict") is TRUE, ambiguous must be supplied and cannot be NULL. Additionally, ambiguous cannot be specified as a zoned_time on its own, as this implies NULL for ambiguous times that the zoned_time cannot resolve. Instead, it must be specified as a list alongside an ambiguous time resolution strategy as described above. This is a convenient way to make production code robust to ambiguous times.


Adding a single quarter with add_quarters() is equivalent to adding 3 months.

x and n are recycled against each other using tidyverse recycling rules.

Calendrical based arithmetic has the potential to generate invalid dates (like the 31st of February), nonexistent times (due to daylight saving time gaps), and ambiguous times (due to daylight saving time fallbacks).

Naive-time based arithmetic will never generate an invalid date, but may generate a nonexistent or ambiguous time (i.e. you added 1 day and landed in a daylight saving time gap).

Sys-time based arithmetic operates in the UTC time zone, which means that it will never generate any invalid dates or nonexistent / ambiguous times.

The conversion from POSIXct/POSIXlt to the corresponding clock type uses a "best guess" about whether you want to do the arithmetic using a naive-time or a sys-time. For example, when adding months, you probably want to retain the printed time when converting to a year-month-day to perform the arithmetic, so the conversion goes through naive-time. However, when adding smaller units like seconds, you probably want ⁠"2020-03-08 01:59:59" + 1 second⁠ in the America/New_York time zone to return "2020-03-08 03:00:00", taking into account the fact that there was a daylight saving time gap. This requires doing the arithmetic in sys-time, so that is what clock converts to. If you disagree with this heuristic for any reason, you can take control and perform the conversions yourself. For example, you could convert the previous example to a naive-time instead of a sys-time manually with as_naive_time(), add 1 second giving "2020-03-08 02:00:00", then convert back to a POSIXct/POSIXlt, dealing with the nonexistent time that gets created by using the nonexistent argument of as.POSIXct().


x after performing the arithmetic.

Relative ordering

For the most part, adding time based units to date-times will retain the relative ordering of the input. For example, if x[1] < x[2] before the ⁠add_*()⁠ call, then it is generally also true of the result. Using invalid = "previous" / "next" and nonexistent = "roll-forward" / "roll-backward" ensures that this holds when invalid and nonexistent issues are encountered.

That said, with date-times there is an edge case related to ambiguous times where the relative ordering could change. Consider these three date-times:

x <- c(
  date_time_build(2012, 4, 1, 2, 30, zone = "Australia/Melbourne", ambiguous = "earliest"),
  date_time_build(2012, 4, 1, 2, 00, zone = "Australia/Melbourne", ambiguous = "latest"),
  date_time_build(2012, 4, 1, 2, 30, zone = "Australia/Melbourne", ambiguous = "latest")
#> [1] "2012-04-01 02:30:00 AEDT" "2012-04-01 02:00:00 AEST"
#> [3] "2012-04-01 02:30:00 AEST"

In this case, there was a daylight saving time fallback on 2012-04-01 where the clocks went from ⁠02:59:59 AEDT -> 02:00:00 AEST⁠. So the times above are precisely 30 minutes apart, and they are in increasing order.

If we add sys-time based units like hours, minutes, or seconds, then the relative ordering of these date-times will be preserved. However, arithmetic that goes through naive-time, like adding days or months, won't preserve the ordering here:

add_days(x, 1)
#> [1] "2012-04-02 02:30:00 AEST" "2012-04-02 02:00:00 AEST"
#> [3] "2012-04-02 02:30:00 AEST"
add_months(x, 1)
#> [1] "2012-05-01 02:30:00 AEST" "2012-05-01 02:00:00 AEST"
#> [3] "2012-05-01 02:30:00 AEST"

Note that the 1st and 3rd values of the result are the same, and the 1st value is no longer before the 2nd value.

Adding larger units of time in naive-time generally does make more sense than adding it in sys-time, but it does come with this one edge case to be aware of when working with date-times (this does not affect dates). If this has the potential to be an issue, consider only adding sys-time based units (hours, minutes, and seconds) which can't have these issues.


x <- as.POSIXct("2019-01-01", tz = "America/New_York")

add_years(x, 1:5)

y <- as.POSIXct("2019-01-31 00:30:00", tz = "America/New_York")

# Adding 1 month to `y` generates an invalid date. Unlike year-month-day
# types, R's native date-time types cannot handle invalid dates, so you must
# resolve them immediately. If you don't you get an error:
try(add_months(y, 1:2))
add_months(as_year_month_day(y), 1:2)

# Resolve invalid dates by specifying an invalid date resolution strategy
# with the `invalid` argument. Using `"previous"` here sets the date-time to
# the previous valid moment in time - i.e. the end of the month. The
# time is set to the last moment in the day to retain the relative ordering
# within your input. If you are okay with potentially losing this, and
# want to retain your time of day, you can use `"previous-day"` to set the
# date-time to the previous valid day, while keeping the time of day.
add_months(y, 1:2, invalid = "previous")
add_months(y, 1:2, invalid = "previous-day")

Boundaries: date-time


This is a POSIXct/POSIXlt method for the date_start() and date_end() generics.


## S3 method for class 'POSIXt'
  invalid = NULL,
  nonexistent = NULL,
  ambiguous = x

## S3 method for class 'POSIXt'
date_end(x, precision, ..., invalid = NULL, nonexistent = NULL, ambiguous = x)



⁠[POSIXct / POSIXlt]⁠

A date-time vector.



One of:

  • "year"

  • "month"

  • "day"

  • "hour"

  • "minute"

  • "second"


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[character(1) / NULL]⁠

One of the following invalid date resolution strategies:

  • "previous": The previous valid instant in time.

  • "previous-day": The previous valid day in time, keeping the time of day.

  • "next": The next valid instant in time.

  • "next-day": The next valid day in time, keeping the time of day.

  • "overflow": Overflow by the number of days that the input is invalid by. Time of day is dropped.

  • "overflow-day": Overflow by the number of days that the input is invalid by. Time of day is kept.

  • "NA": Replace invalid dates with NA.

  • "error": Error on invalid dates.

Using either "previous" or "next" is generally recommended, as these two strategies maintain the relative ordering between elements of the input.

If NULL, defaults to "error".

If getOption("clock.strict") is TRUE, invalid must be supplied and cannot be NULL. This is a convenient way to make production code robust to invalid dates.


⁠[character / NULL]⁠

One of the following nonexistent time resolution strategies, allowed to be either length 1, or the same length as the input:

  • "roll-forward": The next valid instant in time.

  • "roll-backward": The previous valid instant in time.

  • "shift-forward": Shift the nonexistent time forward by the size of the daylight saving time gap.

  • ⁠"shift-backward⁠: Shift the nonexistent time backward by the size of the daylight saving time gap.

  • "NA": Replace nonexistent times with NA.

  • "error": Error on nonexistent times.

Using either "roll-forward" or "roll-backward" is generally recommended over shifting, as these two strategies maintain the relative ordering between elements of the input.

If NULL, defaults to "error".

If getOption("clock.strict") is TRUE, nonexistent must be supplied and cannot be NULL. This is a convenient way to make production code robust to nonexistent times.


⁠[character / zoned_time / POSIXct / list(2) / NULL]⁠

One of the following ambiguous time resolution strategies, allowed to be either length 1, or the same length as the input:

  • "earliest": Of the two possible times, choose the earliest one.

  • "latest": Of the two possible times, choose the latest one.

  • "NA": Replace ambiguous times with NA.

  • "error": Error on ambiguous times.

Alternatively, ambiguous is allowed to be a zoned_time (or POSIXct) that is either length 1, or the same length as the input. If an ambiguous time is encountered, the zoned_time is consulted. If the zoned_time corresponds to a naive_time that is also ambiguous and uses the same daylight saving time transition point as the original ambiguous time, then the offset of the zoned_time is used to resolve the ambiguity. If the ambiguity cannot be resolved by consulting the zoned_time, then this method falls back to NULL.

Finally, ambiguous is allowed to be a list of size 2, where the first element of the list is a zoned_time (as described above), and the second element of the list is an ambiguous time resolution strategy to use when the ambiguous time cannot be resolved by consulting the zoned_time. Specifying a zoned_time on its own is identical to ⁠list(<zoned_time>, NULL)⁠.

If NULL, defaults to "error".

If getOption("clock.strict") is TRUE, ambiguous must be supplied and cannot be NULL. Additionally, ambiguous cannot be specified as a zoned_time on its own, as this implies NULL for ambiguous times that the zoned_time cannot resolve. Instead, it must be specified as a list alongside an ambiguous time resolution strategy as described above. This is a convenient way to make production code robust to ambiguous times.


x but with some components altered to be at the boundary value.


x <- date_time_build(2019:2021, 2:4, 3:5, 4, 5, 6, zone = "America/New_York")

# Last moment of the month
date_end(x, "month")

# Notice that this is different from just setting the day to `"last"`
set_day(x, "last")

# Last moment of the year
date_end(x, "year")

# First moment of the hour
date_start(x, "hour")

Counting: date-times


This is a POSIXct/POSIXlt method for the date_count_between() generic.

date_count_between() counts the number of precision units between start and end (i.e., the number of years or months). This count corresponds to the whole number of units, and will never return a fractional value.

This is suitable for, say, computing the whole number of years or months between two dates, accounting for the day of the month and the time of day.

Internally, the date-time is converted to one of the following three clock types, and the counting is done directly on that type. The choice of type is based on the most common interpretation of each precision, but is ultimately a heuristic. See the examples for more information.

Calendrical based counting:

These precisions convert to a year-month-day calendar and count while in that type.

  • "year"

  • "quarter"

  • "month"

Naive-time based counting:

These precisions convert to a naive-time and count while in that type.

  • "week"

  • "day"

Sys-time based counting:

These precisions convert to a sys-time and count while in that type.

  • "hour"

  • "minute"

  • "second"


## S3 method for class 'POSIXt'
date_count_between(start, end, precision, ..., n = 1L)


start, end

⁠[POSIXct / POSIXlt]⁠

A pair of date-time vectors. These will be recycled to their common size.



One of:

  • "year"

  • "quarter"

  • "month"

  • "week"

  • "day"

  • "hour"

  • "minute"

  • "second"


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[positive integer(1)]⁠

A single positive integer specifying a multiple of precision to use.


"quarter" is equivalent to "month" precision with n set to n * 3L.


An integer representing the number of precision units between start and end.

Comparison Direction

The computed count has the property that if start <= end, then ⁠start + <count> <= end⁠. Similarly, if start >= end, then ⁠start + <count> >= end⁠. In other words, the comparison direction between start and end will never change after adding the count to start. This makes this function useful for repeated count computations at increasingly fine precisions.


start <- date_time_parse("2000-05-05 02:00:00", zone = "America/New_York")
end <- date_time_parse(
  c("2020-05-05 01:00:00", "2020-05-05 03:00:00"),
  zone = "America/New_York"

# Age in years
date_count_between(start, end, "year")

# Number of "whole" months between these dates. i.e.
# `2000-05-05 02:00:00 -> 2020-04-05 02:00:00` is 239 months
# `2000-05-05 02:00:00 -> 2020-05-05 02:00:00` is 240 months
# Since `2020-05-05 01:00:00` occurs before the 2nd hour,
# it gets a count of 239
date_count_between(start, end, "month")

# Number of seconds between
date_count_between(start, end, "second")

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Naive-time VS Sys-time interpretation

# The difference between whether `start` and `end` are converted to a
# naive-time vs a sys-time comes into play when dealing with daylight
# savings.

# Here are two times around a 1 hour DST gap where clocks jumped from
# 01:59:59 -> 03:00:00
x <- date_time_build(1970, 4, 26, 1, 50, 00, zone = "America/New_York")
y <- date_time_build(1970, 4, 26, 3, 00, 00, zone = "America/New_York")

# When treated like sys-times, these are considered to be 10 minutes apart,
# which is the amount of time that would have elapsed if you were watching
# a clock as it changed between these two times.
date_count_between(x, y, "minute")

# Lets add a 3rd date that is ~1 day ahead of these
z <- date_time_build(1970, 4, 27, 1, 55, 00, zone = "America/New_York")

# When treated like naive-times, `z` is considered to be at least 1 day ahead
# of `x`, because `01:55:00` is after `01:50:00`. This is probably what you
# expected.
date_count_between(x, z, "day")

# If these were interpreted like sys-times, then `z` would not be considered
# to be 1 day ahead. That would look something like this:
date_count_between(x, z, "second")
trunc(date_count_between(x, z, "second") / 86400)

# This is because there have only been 83,100 elapsed seconds since `x`,
# which isn't a full day's worth (86,400 seconds). But we'd generally
# consider `z` to be 1 day ahead of `x` (and ignore the DST gap), so that is
# how it is implemented.

# You can override this by converting directly to sys-time, then using
# `time_point_count_between()`
x_st <- as_sys_time(x)

z_st <- as_sys_time(z)

time_point_count_between(x_st, z_st, "day")

Formatting: date-time


This is a POSIXct method for the date_format() generic.

date_format() formats a date-time (POSIXct) using a format string.

If format is NULL, a default format of "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Ez[%Z]" is used. This matches the default format that date_time_parse_complete() parses. Additionally, this format matches the de-facto standard extension to RFC 3339 for creating completely unambiguous date-times.


## S3 method for class 'POSIXt'
  format = NULL,
  locale = clock_locale(),
  abbreviate_zone = FALSE



⁠[POSIXct / POSIXlt]⁠

A date-time vector.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[character(1) / NULL]⁠

If NULL, a default format is used, which depends on the type of the input.

Otherwise, a format string which is a combination of:


  • ⁠%C⁠: The year divided by 100 using floored division. If the result is a single decimal digit, it is prefixed with 0.

  • ⁠%y⁠: The last two decimal digits of the year. If the result is a single digit it is prefixed by 0.

  • ⁠%Y⁠: The year as a decimal number. If the result is less than four digits it is left-padded with 0 to four digits.


  • ⁠%b⁠, ⁠%h⁠: The locale's abbreviated month name.

  • ⁠%B⁠: The locale's full month name.

  • ⁠%m⁠: The month as a decimal number. January is 01. If the result is a single digit, it is prefixed with 0.


  • ⁠%d⁠: The day of month as a decimal number. If the result is a single decimal digit, it is prefixed with 0.

Day of the week

  • ⁠%a⁠: The locale's abbreviated weekday name.

  • ⁠%A⁠: The locale's full weekday name.

  • ⁠%w⁠: The weekday as a decimal number (0-6), where Sunday is 0.

ISO 8601 week-based year

  • ⁠%g⁠: The last two decimal digits of the ISO week-based year. If the result is a single digit it is prefixed by 0.

  • ⁠%G⁠: The ISO week-based year as a decimal number. If the result is less than four digits it is left-padded with 0 to four digits.

  • ⁠%V⁠: The ISO week-based week number as a decimal number. If the result is a single digit, it is prefixed with 0.

  • ⁠%u⁠: The ISO weekday as a decimal number (1-7), where Monday is 1.

Week of the year

  • ⁠%U⁠: The week number of the year as a decimal number. The first Sunday of the year is the first day of week 01. Days of the same year prior to that are in week 00. If the result is a single digit, it is prefixed with 0.

  • ⁠%W⁠: The week number of the year as a decimal number. The first Monday of the year is the first day of week 01. Days of the same year prior to that are in week 00. If the result is a single digit, it is prefixed with 0.

Day of the year

  • ⁠%j⁠: The day of the year as a decimal number. January 1 is 001. If the result is less than three digits, it is left-padded with 0 to three digits.


  • ⁠%D⁠, ⁠%x⁠: Equivalent to ⁠%m/%d/%y⁠.

  • ⁠%F⁠: Equivalent to ⁠%Y-%m-%d⁠.

Time of day

  • ⁠%H⁠: The hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number. If the result is a single digit, it is prefixed with 0.

  • ⁠%I⁠: The hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number. If the result is a single digit, it is prefixed with 0.

  • ⁠%M⁠: The minute as a decimal number. If the result is a single digit, it is prefixed with 0.

  • ⁠%S⁠: Seconds as a decimal number. Fractional seconds are printed at the precision of the input. The character for the decimal point is localized according to locale.

  • ⁠%p⁠: The locale's equivalent of the AM/PM designations associated with a 12-hour clock.

  • ⁠%R⁠: Equivalent to ⁠%H:%M⁠.

  • ⁠%T⁠, ⁠%X⁠: Equivalent to ⁠%H:%M:%S⁠.

  • ⁠%r⁠: Nearly equivalent to ⁠%I:%M:%S %p⁠, but seconds are always printed at second precision.

Time zone

  • ⁠%z⁠: The offset from UTC in the ISO 8601 format. For example -0430 refers to 4 hours 30 minutes behind UTC. If the offset is zero, +0000 is used. The modified command ⁠%Ez⁠ inserts a : between the hour and minutes, like -04:30.

  • ⁠%Z⁠: The full time zone name. If abbreviate_zone is TRUE, the time zone abbreviation.


  • ⁠%c⁠: A date and time representation. Similar to, but not exactly the same as, ⁠%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y⁠.

  • %%: A ⁠%⁠ character.

  • ⁠%n⁠: A newline character.

  • ⁠%t⁠: A horizontal-tab character.



A locale object created from clock_locale().



If TRUE, ⁠%Z⁠ returns an abbreviated time zone name.

If FALSE, ⁠%Z⁠ returns the full time zone name.


A character vector of the formatted input.


x <- date_time_parse(
  c("1970-04-26 01:30:00", "1970-04-26 03:30:00"),
  zone = "America/New_York"

# Default

# Which is parseable by `date_time_parse_complete()`

date_format(x, format = "%B %d, %Y %H:%M:%S")

# By default, `%Z` uses the full zone name, but you can switch to the
# abbreviated name
date_format(x, format = "%z %Z")
date_format(x, format = "%z %Z", abbreviate_zone = TRUE)

Getters: date-time


These are POSIXct/POSIXlt methods for the getter generics.

  • get_year() returns the Gregorian year.

  • get_month() returns the month of the year.

  • get_day() returns the day of the month.

  • There are sub-daily getters for extracting more precise components, up to a precision of seconds.

For more advanced component extraction, convert to the calendar type that you are interested in.


## S3 method for class 'POSIXt'

## S3 method for class 'POSIXt'

## S3 method for class 'POSIXt'

## S3 method for class 'POSIXt'

## S3 method for class 'POSIXt'

## S3 method for class 'POSIXt'



⁠[POSIXct / POSIXlt]⁠

A date-time type to get the component from.


The component.


x <- as.POSIXct("2019-01-01", tz = "America/New_York")

x <- add_days(x, 0:5)
x <- set_second(x, 10:15)


Group date-time components


This is a POSIXct/POSIXlt method for the date_group() generic.

date_group() groups by a single component of a date-time, such as month of the year, day of the month, or hour of the day.

If you need to group by more complex components, like ISO weeks, or quarters, convert to a calendar type that contains the component you are interested in grouping by.


## S3 method for class 'POSIXt'
  n = 1L,
  invalid = NULL,
  nonexistent = NULL,
  ambiguous = x



⁠[POSIXct / POSIXlt]⁠

A date-time vector.



One of:

  • "year"

  • "month"

  • "day"

  • "hour"

  • "minute"

  • "second"


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[positive integer(1)]⁠

A single positive integer specifying a multiple of precision to use.


⁠[character(1) / NULL]⁠

One of the following invalid date resolution strategies:

  • "previous": The previous valid instant in time.

  • "previous-day": The previous valid day in time, keeping the time of day.

  • "next": The next valid instant in time.

  • "next-day": The next valid day in time, keeping the time of day.

  • "overflow": Overflow by the number of days that the input is invalid by. Time of day is dropped.

  • "overflow-day": Overflow by the number of days that the input is invalid by. Time of day is kept.

  • "NA": Replace invalid dates with NA.

  • "error": Error on invalid dates.

Using either "previous" or "next" is generally recommended, as these two strategies maintain the relative ordering between elements of the input.

If NULL, defaults to "error".

If getOption("clock.strict") is TRUE, invalid must be supplied and cannot be NULL. This is a convenient way to make production code robust to invalid dates.


⁠[character / NULL]⁠

One of the following nonexistent time resolution strategies, allowed to be either length 1, or the same length as the input:

  • "roll-forward": The next valid instant in time.

  • "roll-backward": The previous valid instant in time.

  • "shift-forward": Shift the nonexistent time forward by the size of the daylight saving time gap.

  • ⁠"shift-backward⁠: Shift the nonexistent time backward by the size of the daylight saving time gap.

  • "NA": Replace nonexistent times with NA.

  • "error": Error on nonexistent times.

Using either "roll-forward" or "roll-backward" is generally recommended over shifting, as these two strategies maintain the relative ordering between elements of the input.

If NULL, defaults to "error".

If getOption("clock.strict") is TRUE, nonexistent must be supplied and cannot be NULL. This is a convenient way to make production code robust to nonexistent times.


⁠[character / zoned_time / POSIXct / list(2) / NULL]⁠

One of the following ambiguous time resolution strategies, allowed to be either length 1, or the same length as the input:

  • "earliest": Of the two possible times, choose the earliest one.

  • "latest": Of the two possible times, choose the latest one.

  • "NA": Replace ambiguous times with NA.

  • "error": Error on ambiguous times.

Alternatively, ambiguous is allowed to be a zoned_time (or POSIXct) that is either length 1, or the same length as the input. If an ambiguous time is encountered, the zoned_time is consulted. If the zoned_time corresponds to a naive_time that is also ambiguous and uses the same daylight saving time transition point as the original ambiguous time, then the offset of the zoned_time is used to resolve the ambiguity. If the ambiguity cannot be resolved by consulting the zoned_time, then this method falls back to NULL.

Finally, ambiguous is allowed to be a list of size 2, where the first element of the list is a zoned_time (as described above), and the second element of the list is an ambiguous time resolution strategy to use when the ambiguous time cannot be resolved by consulting the zoned_time. Specifying a zoned_time on its own is identical to ⁠list(<zoned_time>, NULL)⁠.

If NULL, defaults to "error".

If getOption("clock.strict") is TRUE, ambiguous must be supplied and cannot be NULL. Additionally, ambiguous cannot be specified as a zoned_time on its own, as this implies NULL for ambiguous times that the zoned_time cannot resolve. Instead, it must be specified as a list alongside an ambiguous time resolution strategy as described above. This is a convenient way to make production code robust to ambiguous times.


x, grouped at precision.


x <- as.POSIXct("2019-01-01", "America/New_York")
x <- add_days(x, -3:5)

# Group by 2 days of the current month.
# Note that this resets at the beginning of the month, creating day groups
# of [29, 30] [31] [01, 02] [03, 04].
date_group(x, "day", n = 2)

# Group by month
date_group(x, "month")

# Group by hour of the day
y <- as.POSIXct("2019-12-30", "America/New_York")
y <- add_hours(y, 0:12)

date_group(y, "hour", n = 3)

Rounding: date-time


These are POSIXct/POSIXlt methods for the rounding generics.

  • date_floor() rounds a date-time down to a multiple of the specified precision.

  • date_ceiling() rounds a date-time up to a multiple of the specified precision.

  • date_round() rounds up or down depending on what is closer, rounding up on ties.

You can group by irregular periods such as "month" or "year" by using date_group().


## S3 method for class 'POSIXt'
  n = 1L,
  origin = NULL,
  nonexistent = NULL,
  ambiguous = x

## S3 method for class 'POSIXt'
  n = 1L,
  origin = NULL,
  nonexistent = NULL,
  ambiguous = x

## S3 method for class 'POSIXt'
  n = 1L,
  origin = NULL,
  nonexistent = NULL,
  ambiguous = x



⁠[POSIXct / POSIXlt]⁠

A date-time vector.



One of:

  • "week"

  • "day"

  • "hour"

  • "minute"

  • "second"

"week" is an alias for "day" with n * 7.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[positive integer(1)]⁠

A single positive integer specifying a multiple of precision to use.


⁠[POSIXct(1) / POSIXlt(1) / NULL]⁠

An origin to start counting from.

origin must have exactly the same time zone as x.

origin will be floored to precision. If information is lost when flooring, a warning will be thrown.

If NULL, defaults to midnight on 1970-01-01 in the time zone of x.


⁠[character / NULL]⁠

One of the following nonexistent time resolution strategies, allowed to be either length 1, or the same length as the input:

  • "roll-forward": The next valid instant in time.

  • "roll-backward": The previous valid instant in time.

  • "shift-forward": Shift the nonexistent time forward by the size of the daylight saving time gap.

  • ⁠"shift-backward⁠: Shift the nonexistent time backward by the size of the daylight saving time gap.

  • "NA": Replace nonexistent times with NA.

  • "error": Error on nonexistent times.

Using either "roll-forward" or "roll-backward" is generally recommended over shifting, as these two strategies maintain the relative ordering between elements of the input.

If NULL, defaults to "error".

If getOption("clock.strict") is TRUE, nonexistent must be supplied and cannot be NULL. This is a convenient way to make production code robust to nonexistent times.


⁠[character / zoned_time / POSIXct / list(2) / NULL]⁠

One of the following ambiguous time resolution strategies, allowed to be either length 1, or the same length as the input:

  • "earliest": Of the two possible times, choose the earliest one.

  • "latest": Of the two possible times, choose the latest one.

  • "NA": Replace ambiguous times with NA.

  • "error": Error on ambiguous times.

Alternatively, ambiguous is allowed to be a zoned_time (or POSIXct) that is either length 1, or the same length as the input. If an ambiguous time is encountered, the zoned_time is consulted. If the zoned_time corresponds to a naive_time that is also ambiguous and uses the same daylight saving time transition point as the original ambiguous time, then the offset of the zoned_time is used to resolve the ambiguity. If the ambiguity cannot be resolved by consulting the zoned_time, then this method falls back to NULL.

Finally, ambiguous is allowed to be a list of size 2, where the first element of the list is a zoned_time (as described above), and the second element of the list is an ambiguous time resolution strategy to use when the ambiguous time cannot be resolved by consulting the zoned_time. Specifying a zoned_time on its own is identical to ⁠list(<zoned_time>, NULL)⁠.

If NULL, defaults to "error".

If getOption("clock.strict") is TRUE, ambiguous must be supplied and cannot be NULL. Additionally, ambiguous cannot be specified as a zoned_time on its own, as this implies NULL for ambiguous times that the zoned_time cannot resolve. Instead, it must be specified as a list alongside an ambiguous time resolution strategy as described above. This is a convenient way to make production code robust to ambiguous times.


When rounding by "week", remember that the origin determines the "week start". By default, 1970-01-01 is the implicit origin, which is a Thursday. If you would like to round by weeks with a different week start, just supply an origin on the weekday you are interested in.


x rounded to the specified precision.


x <- as.POSIXct("2019-03-31", "America/New_York")
x <- add_days(x, 0:5)

# Flooring by 2 days, note that this is not tied to the current month,
# and instead counts from the specified `origin`, so groups can cross
# the month boundary
date_floor(x, "day", n = 2)

# Compare to `date_group()`, which groups by the day of the month
date_group(x, "day", n = 2)

# Note that daylight saving time gaps can throw off rounding
x <- as.POSIXct("1970-04-26 01:59:59", "America/New_York") + c(0, 1)

# Rounding is done in naive-time, which means that rounding by 2 hours
# will attempt to generate a time of 1970-04-26 02:00:00, which doesn't
# exist in this time zone
try(date_floor(x, "hour", n = 2))

# You can handle this by specifying a nonexistent time resolution strategy
date_floor(x, "hour", n = 2, nonexistent = "roll-forward")

Sequences: date-time


This is a POSIXct method for the date_seq() generic.

date_seq() generates a date-time (POSIXct) sequence.

When calling date_seq(), exactly two of the following must be specified:

  • to

  • by

  • total_size


## S3 method for class 'POSIXt'
  to = NULL,
  by = NULL,
  total_size = NULL,
  invalid = NULL,
  nonexistent = NULL,
  ambiguous = NULL



⁠[POSIXct(1) / POSIXlt(1)]⁠

A date-time to start the sequence from.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[POSIXct(1) / POSIXlt(1) / NULL]⁠

A date-time to stop the sequence at.

to is only included in the result if the resulting sequence divides the distance between from and to exactly.

If to is supplied along with by, all components of to more precise than the precision of by must match from exactly. For example, if by = duration_months(1), the day, hour, minute, and second components of to must match the corresponding components of from. This ensures that the generated sequence is, at a minimum, a weakly monotonic sequence of date-times.

The time zone of to must match the time zone of from exactly.


⁠[integer(1) / clock_duration(1) / NULL]⁠

The unit to increment the sequence by.

If by is an integer, it is equivalent to duration_seconds(by).

If by is a duration, it is allowed to have a precision of:

  • year

  • quarter

  • month

  • week

  • day

  • hour

  • minute

  • second


⁠[positive integer(1) / NULL]⁠

The size of the resulting sequence.

If specified alongside to, this must generate a non-fractional sequence between from and to.


⁠[character(1) / NULL]⁠

One of the following invalid date resolution strategies:

  • "previous": The previous valid instant in time.

  • "previous-day": The previous valid day in time, keeping the time of day.

  • "next": The next valid instant in time.

  • "next-day": The next valid day in time, keeping the time of day.

  • "overflow": Overflow by the number of days that the input is invalid by. Time of day is dropped.

  • "overflow-day": Overflow by the number of days that the input is invalid by. Time of day is kept.

  • "NA": Replace invalid dates with NA.

  • "error": Error on invalid dates.

Using either "previous" or "next" is generally recommended, as these two strategies maintain the relative ordering between elements of the input.

If NULL, defaults to "error".

If getOption("clock.strict") is TRUE, invalid must be supplied and cannot be NULL. This is a convenient way to make production code robust to invalid dates.


⁠[character / NULL]⁠

One of the following nonexistent time resolution strategies, allowed to be either length 1, or the same length as the input:

  • "roll-forward": The next valid instant in time.

  • "roll-backward": The previous valid instant in time.

  • "shift-forward": Shift the nonexistent time forward by the size of the daylight saving time gap.

  • ⁠"shift-backward⁠: Shift the nonexistent time backward by the size of the daylight saving time gap.

  • "NA": Replace nonexistent times with NA.

  • "error": Error on nonexistent times.

Using either "roll-forward" or "roll-backward" is generally recommended over shifting, as these two strategies maintain the relative ordering between elements of the input.

If NULL, defaults to "error".

If getOption("clock.strict") is TRUE, nonexistent must be supplied and cannot be NULL. This is a convenient way to make production code robust to nonexistent times.


⁠[character / zoned_time / POSIXct / list(2) / NULL]⁠

One of the following ambiguous time resolution strategies, allowed to be either length 1, or the same length as the input:

  • "earliest": Of the two possible times, choose the earliest one.

  • "latest": Of the two possible times, choose the latest one.

  • "NA": Replace ambiguous times with NA.

  • "error": Error on ambiguous times.

Alternatively, ambiguous is allowed to be a zoned_time (or POSIXct) that is either length 1, or the same length as the input. If an ambiguous time is encountered, the zoned_time is consulted. If the zoned_time corresponds to a naive_time that is also ambiguous and uses the same daylight saving time transition point as the original ambiguous time, then the offset of the zoned_time is used to resolve the ambiguity. If the ambiguity cannot be resolved by consulting the zoned_time, then this method falls back to NULL.

Finally, ambiguous is allowed to be a list of size 2, where the first element of the list is a zoned_time (as described above), and the second element of the list is an ambiguous time resolution strategy to use when the ambiguous time cannot be resolved by consulting the zoned_time. Specifying a zoned_time on its own is identical to ⁠list(<zoned_time>, NULL)⁠.

If NULL, defaults to "error".

If getOption("clock.strict") is TRUE, ambiguous must be supplied and cannot be NULL. Additionally, ambiguous cannot be specified as a zoned_time on its own, as this implies NULL for ambiguous times that the zoned_time cannot resolve. Instead, it must be specified as a list alongside an ambiguous time resolution strategy as described above. This is a convenient way to make production code robust to ambiguous times.


A date-time vector.

Sequence Generation

Different methods are used to generate the sequences, depending on the precision implied by by. They are intended to generate the most intuitive sequences, especially around daylight saving time gaps and fallbacks.

See the examples for more details.

Calendrical based sequences:

These convert to a naive-time, then to a year-month-day, generate the sequence, then convert back to a date-time.

  • by = duration_years()

  • by = duration_quarters()

  • by = duration_months()

Naive-time based sequences:

These convert to a naive-time, generate the sequence, then convert back to a date-time.

  • by = duration_weeks()

  • by = duration_days()

Sys-time based sequences:

These convert to a sys-time, generate the sequence, then convert back to a date-time.

  • by = duration_hours()

  • by = duration_minutes()

  • by = duration_seconds()


zone <- "America/New_York"

from <- date_time_build(2019, 1, zone = zone)
to <- date_time_build(2019, 1, second = 50, zone = zone)

# Defaults to second precision sequence
date_seq(from, to = to, by = 7)

to <- date_time_build(2019, 1, 5, zone = zone)

# Use durations to change to alternative precisions
date_seq(from, to = to, by = duration_days(1))
date_seq(from, to = to, by = duration_hours(10))
date_seq(from, by = duration_minutes(-2), total_size = 3)

# Note that components of `to` more precise than the precision of `by`
# must match `from` exactly. For example, this is not well defined:
from <- date_time_build(2019, 1, 1, 0, 1, 30, zone = zone)
to <- date_time_build(2019, 1, 1, 5, 2, 20, zone = zone)
try(date_seq(from, to = to, by = duration_hours(1)))

# The minute and second components of `to` must match `from`
to <- date_time_build(2019, 1, 1, 5, 1, 30, zone = zone)
date_seq(from, to = to, by = duration_hours(1))

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Invalid dates must be resolved with the `invalid` argument
from <- date_time_build(2019, 1, 31, zone = zone)
to <- date_time_build(2019, 12, 31, zone = zone)

try(date_seq(from, to = to, by = duration_months(1)))
date_seq(from, to = to, by = duration_months(1), invalid = "previous-day")

# Compare this to the base R result, which is often a source of confusion
seq(from, to = to, by = "1 month")

# This is equivalent to the overflow invalid resolution strategy
date_seq(from, to = to, by = duration_months(1), invalid = "overflow")

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# This date-time is 2 days before a daylight saving time gap that occurred
# on 2021-03-14 between 01:59:59 -> 03:00:00
from <- as.POSIXct("2021-03-12 02:30:00", "America/New_York")

# So creating a daily sequence lands us in that daylight saving time gap,
# creating a nonexistent time
try(date_seq(from, by = duration_days(1), total_size = 5))

# Resolve the nonexistent time with `nonexistent`. Note that this importantly
# allows times after the gap to retain the `02:30:00` time.
date_seq(from, by = duration_days(1), total_size = 5, nonexistent = "roll-forward")

# Compare this to the base R behavior, where the hour is adjusted from 2->3
# as you cross the daylight saving time gap, and is never restored. This is
# equivalent to always using sys-time (rather than naive-time, like clock
# uses for daily sequences).
seq(from, by = "1 day", length.out = 5)

# You can replicate this behavior by generating a second precision sequence
# of 86,400 seconds. Seconds always add in sys-time.
date_seq(from, by = duration_seconds(86400), total_size = 5)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Usage of `to` and `total_size` must generate a non-fractional sequence
# between `from` and `to`
from <- date_time_build(2019, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, zone = "America/New_York")
to <- date_time_build(2019, 1, 1, 0, 0, 3, zone = "America/New_York")

# These are fine
date_seq(from, to = to, total_size = 2)
date_seq(from, to = to, total_size = 4)

# But this is not!
try(date_seq(from, to = to, total_size = 3))

Setters: date-time


These are POSIXct/POSIXlt methods for the setter generics.

  • set_year() sets the year.

  • set_month() sets the month of the year. Valid values are in the range of ⁠[1, 12]⁠.

  • set_day() sets the day of the month. Valid values are in the range of ⁠[1, 31]⁠.

  • There are sub-daily setters for setting more precise components, up to a precision of seconds.


## S3 method for class 'POSIXt'
set_year(x, value, ..., invalid = NULL, nonexistent = NULL, ambiguous = x)

## S3 method for class 'POSIXt'
set_month(x, value, ..., invalid = NULL, nonexistent = NULL, ambiguous = x)

## S3 method for class 'POSIXt'
set_day(x, value, ..., invalid = NULL, nonexistent = NULL, ambiguous = x)

## S3 method for class 'POSIXt'
set_hour(x, value, ..., invalid = NULL, nonexistent = NULL, ambiguous = x)

## S3 method for class 'POSIXt'
set_minute(x, value, ..., invalid = NULL, nonexistent = NULL, ambiguous = x)

## S3 method for class 'POSIXt'
set_second(x, value, ..., invalid = NULL, nonexistent = NULL, ambiguous = x)



⁠[POSIXct / POSIXlt]⁠

A date-time vector.


⁠[integer / "last"]⁠

The value to set the component to.

For set_day(), this can also be "last" to set the day to the last day of the month.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[character(1) / NULL]⁠

One of the following invalid date resolution strategies:

  • "previous": The previous valid instant in time.

  • "previous-day": The previous valid day in time, keeping the time of day.

  • "next": The next valid instant in time.

  • "next-day": The next valid day in time, keeping the time of day.

  • "overflow": Overflow by the number of days that the input is invalid by. Time of day is dropped.

  • "overflow-day": Overflow by the number of days that the input is invalid by. Time of day is kept.

  • "NA": Replace invalid dates with NA.

  • "error": Error on invalid dates.

Using either "previous" or "next" is generally recommended, as these two strategies maintain the relative ordering between elements of the input.

If NULL, defaults to "error".

If getOption("clock.strict") is TRUE, invalid must be supplied and cannot be NULL. This is a convenient way to make production code robust to invalid dates.


⁠[character / NULL]⁠

One of the following nonexistent time resolution strategies, allowed to be either length 1, or the same length as the input:

  • "roll-forward": The next valid instant in time.

  • "roll-backward": The previous valid instant in time.

  • "shift-forward": Shift the nonexistent time forward by the size of the daylight saving time gap.

  • ⁠"shift-backward⁠: Shift the nonexistent time backward by the size of the daylight saving time gap.

  • "NA": Replace nonexistent times with NA.

  • "error": Error on nonexistent times.

Using either "roll-forward" or "roll-backward" is generally recommended over shifting, as these two strategies maintain the relative ordering between elements of the input.

If NULL, defaults to "error".

If getOption("clock.strict") is TRUE, nonexistent must be supplied and cannot be NULL. This is a convenient way to make production code robust to nonexistent times.


⁠[character / zoned_time / POSIXct / list(2) / NULL]⁠

One of the following ambiguous time resolution strategies, allowed to be either length 1, or the same length as the input:

  • "earliest": Of the two possible times, choose the earliest one.

  • "latest": Of the two possible times, choose the latest one.

  • "NA": Replace ambiguous times with NA.

  • "error": Error on ambiguous times.

Alternatively, ambiguous is allowed to be a zoned_time (or POSIXct) that is either length 1, or the same length as the input. If an ambiguous time is encountered, the zoned_time is consulted. If the zoned_time corresponds to a naive_time that is also ambiguous and uses the same daylight saving time transition point as the original ambiguous time, then the offset of the zoned_time is used to resolve the ambiguity. If the ambiguity cannot be resolved by consulting the zoned_time, then this method falls back to NULL.

Finally, ambiguous is allowed to be a list of size 2, where the first element of the list is a zoned_time (as described above), and the second element of the list is an ambiguous time resolution strategy to use when the ambiguous time cannot be resolved by consulting the zoned_time. Specifying a zoned_time on its own is identical to ⁠list(<zoned_time>, NULL)⁠.

If NULL, defaults to "error".

If getOption("clock.strict") is TRUE, ambiguous must be supplied and cannot be NULL. Additionally, ambiguous cannot be specified as a zoned_time on its own, as this implies NULL for ambiguous times that the zoned_time cannot resolve. Instead, it must be specified as a list alongside an ambiguous time resolution strategy as described above. This is a convenient way to make production code robust to ambiguous times.


x with the component set.


x <- as.POSIXct("2019-02-01", tz = "America/New_York")

# Set the day
set_day(x, 12:14)

# Set to the "last" day of the month
set_day(x, "last")

# You cannot set a date-time to an invalid date like you can with
# a year-month-day. Instead, the default strategy is to error.
try(set_day(x, 31))
set_day(as_year_month_day(x), 31)

# You can resolve these issues while setting the day by specifying
# an invalid date resolution strategy with `invalid`
set_day(x, 31, invalid = "previous")

y <- as.POSIXct("2020-03-08 01:30:00", tz = "America/New_York")

# Nonexistent and ambiguous times must be resolved immediately when
# working with R's native date-time types. An error is thrown by default.
try(set_hour(y, 2))
set_hour(y, 2, nonexistent = "roll-forward")
set_hour(y, 2, nonexistent = "roll-backward")

Shifting: date and date-time


date_shift() shifts x to the target weekday. You can shift to the next or previous weekday. If x is currently on the target weekday, you can choose to leave it alone or advance it to the next instance of the target.

Shifting with date-times retains the time of day where possible. Be aware that you can run into daylight saving time issues if you shift into a daylight saving time gap or fallback period.


## S3 method for class 'POSIXt'
  which = "next",
  boundary = "keep",
  nonexistent = NULL,
  ambiguous = x



⁠[POSIXct / POSIXlt]⁠

A date-time vector.



A weekday created from weekday() to target.

Generally this is length 1, but can also be the same length as x.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.



One of:

  • "next": Shift to the next instance of the target weekday.

  • ⁠"previous⁠: Shift to the previous instance of the target weekday.



One of:

  • "keep": If x is currently on the target weekday, return it.

  • "advance": If x is currently on the target weekday, advance it anyways.


⁠[character / NULL]⁠

One of the following nonexistent time resolution strategies, allowed to be either length 1, or the same length as the input:

  • "roll-forward": The next valid instant in time.

  • "roll-backward": The previous valid instant in time.

  • "shift-forward": Shift the nonexistent time forward by the size of the daylight saving time gap.

  • ⁠"shift-backward⁠: Shift the nonexistent time backward by the size of the daylight saving time gap.

  • "NA": Replace nonexistent times with NA.

  • "error": Error on nonexistent times.

Using either "roll-forward" or "roll-backward" is generally recommended over shifting, as these two strategies maintain the relative ordering between elements of the input.

If NULL, defaults to "error".

If getOption("clock.strict") is TRUE, nonexistent must be supplied and cannot be NULL. This is a convenient way to make production code robust to nonexistent times.


⁠[character / zoned_time / POSIXct / list(2) / NULL]⁠

One of the following ambiguous time resolution strategies, allowed to be either length 1, or the same length as the input:

  • "earliest": Of the two possible times, choose the earliest one.

  • "latest": Of the two possible times, choose the latest one.

  • "NA": Replace ambiguous times with NA.

  • "error": Error on ambiguous times.

Alternatively, ambiguous is allowed to be a zoned_time (or POSIXct) that is either length 1, or the same length as the input. If an ambiguous time is encountered, the zoned_time is consulted. If the zoned_time corresponds to a naive_time that is also ambiguous and uses the same daylight saving time transition point as the original ambiguous time, then the offset of the zoned_time is used to resolve the ambiguity. If the ambiguity cannot be resolved by consulting the zoned_time, then this method falls back to NULL.

Finally, ambiguous is allowed to be a list of size 2, where the first element of the list is a zoned_time (as described above), and the second element of the list is an ambiguous time resolution strategy to use when the ambiguous time cannot be resolved by consulting the zoned_time. Specifying a zoned_time on its own is identical to ⁠list(<zoned_time>, NULL)⁠.

If NULL, defaults to "error".

If getOption("clock.strict") is TRUE, ambiguous must be supplied and cannot be NULL. Additionally, ambiguous cannot be specified as a zoned_time on its own, as this implies NULL for ambiguous times that the zoned_time cannot resolve. Instead, it must be specified as a list alongside an ambiguous time resolution strategy as described above. This is a convenient way to make production code robust to ambiguous times.


x shifted to the target weekday.


tuesday <- weekday(clock_weekdays$tuesday)

x <- as.POSIXct("1970-04-22 02:30:00", "America/New_York")

# Shift to the next Tuesday
date_shift(x, tuesday)

# Be aware that you can run into daylight saving time issues!
# Here we shift directly into a daylight saving time gap
# from 01:59:59 -> 03:00:00
sunday <- weekday(clock_weekdays$sunday)
try(date_shift(x, sunday))

# You can resolve this with the `nonexistent` argument
date_shift(x, sunday, nonexistent = "roll-forward")

Sequences: duration


This is a duration method for the seq() generic.

Using seq() on duration objects always retains the type of from.

When calling seq(), exactly two of the following must be specified:

  • to

  • by

  • Either length.out or along.with


## S3 method for class 'clock_duration'
seq(from, to = NULL, by = NULL, length.out = NULL, along.with = NULL, ...)




A duration to start the sequence from.


⁠[clock_duration(1) / NULL]⁠

A duration to stop the sequence at.

to is cast to the type of from.

to is only included in the result if the resulting sequence divides the distance between from and to exactly.


⁠[integer(1) / clock_duration(1) / NULL]⁠

The unit to increment the sequence by.

If by is an integer, it is transformed into a duration with the precision of from.

If by is a duration, it is cast to the type of from.


⁠[positive integer(1) / NULL]⁠

The length of the resulting sequence.

If specified, along.with must be NULL.


⁠[vector / NULL]⁠

A vector who's length determines the length of the resulting sequence.

Equivalent to length.out = vec_size(along.with).

If specified, length.out must be NULL.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


If from > to and by > 0, then the result will be length 0. This matches the behavior of rlang::seq2(), and results in nicer theoretical properties when compared with throwing an error. Similarly, if from < to and by < 0, then the result will also be length 0.


A sequence with the type of from.


seq(duration_days(0), duration_days(100), by = 5)

# Using a duration `by`. Note that `by` is cast to the type of `from`.
seq(duration_days(0), duration_days(100), by = duration_weeks(1))

# `to` is cast from 5 years to 60 months
# `by` is cast from 1 quarter to 4 months
seq(duration_months(0), duration_years(5), by = duration_quarters(1))

seq(duration_days(20), by = 2, length.out = 5)

Sequences: iso-year-week-day


This is a iso-year-week-day method for the seq() generic.

Sequences can only be generated for "year" precision iso-year-week-day vectors. If you need to generate week-based sequences, you'll have to convert to a time point first.

When calling seq(), exactly two of the following must be specified:

  • to

  • by

  • Either length.out or along.with


## S3 method for class 'clock_iso_year_week_day'
seq(from, to = NULL, by = NULL, length.out = NULL, along.with = NULL, ...)




A "year" precision iso-year-week-day to start the sequence from.

from is always included in the result.


⁠[clock_iso_year_week_day(1) / NULL]⁠

A "year" precision iso-year-week-day to stop the sequence at.

to is cast to the type of from.

to is only included in the result if the resulting sequence divides the distance between from and to exactly.


⁠[integer(1) / clock_duration(1) / NULL]⁠

The unit to increment the sequence by.

If by is an integer, it is transformed into a duration with the precision of from.

If by is a duration, it is cast to the type of from.


⁠[positive integer(1) / NULL]⁠

The length of the resulting sequence.

If specified, along.with must be NULL.


⁠[vector / NULL]⁠

A vector who's length determines the length of the resulting sequence.

Equivalent to length.out = vec_size(along.with).

If specified, length.out must be NULL.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


A sequence with the type of from.


# Yearly sequence
x <- seq(iso_year_week_day(2020), iso_year_week_day(2026), by = 2)

# Which we can then set the week of.
# Some years have 53 ISO weeks, some have 52.
set_week(x, "last")

Sequences: time points


This is a time point method for the seq() generic. It works for sys-time and naive-time vectors.

Sequences can be generated for all valid time point precisions (daily through nanosecond).

When calling seq(), exactly two of the following must be specified:

  • to

  • by

  • Either length.out or along.with


## S3 method for class 'clock_time_point'
seq(from, to = NULL, by = NULL, length.out = NULL, along.with = NULL, ...)



⁠[clock_sys_time(1) / clock_naive_time(1)]⁠

A time point to start the sequence from.

from is always included in the result.


⁠[clock_sys_time(1) / clock_naive_time(1) / NULL]⁠

A time point to stop the sequence at.

to is cast to the type of from.

to is only included in the result if the resulting sequence divides the distance between from and to exactly.


⁠[integer(1) / clock_duration(1) / NULL]⁠

The unit to increment the sequence by.

If by is an integer, it is transformed into a duration with the precision of from.

If by is a duration, it is cast to the type of from.


⁠[positive integer(1) / NULL]⁠

The length of the resulting sequence.

If specified, along.with must be NULL.


⁠[vector / NULL]⁠

A vector who's length determines the length of the resulting sequence.

Equivalent to length.out = vec_size(along.with).

If specified, length.out must be NULL.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


A sequence with the type of from.


# Daily sequence
  as_naive_time(year_month_day(2019, 1, 1)),
  as_naive_time(year_month_day(2019, 2, 4)),
  by = 5

# Minutely sequence using minute precision naive-time
x <- as_naive_time(year_month_day(2019, 1, 2, 3, 3))

seq(x, by = 4, length.out = 10)

# You can use larger step sizes by using a duration-based `by`
seq(x, by = duration_days(1), length.out = 5)

# Nanosecond sequence
from <- as_naive_time(year_month_day(2019, 1, 1))
from <- time_point_cast(from, "nanosecond")
to <- from + 100
seq(from, to, by = 10)

Sequences: year-day


This is a year-day method for the seq() generic.

Sequences can only be generated for "year" precision year-day vectors.

When calling seq(), exactly two of the following must be specified:

  • to

  • by

  • Either length.out or along.with


## S3 method for class 'clock_year_day'
seq(from, to = NULL, by = NULL, length.out = NULL, along.with = NULL, ...)




A "year" precision year-day to start the sequence from.

from is always included in the result.


⁠[clock_year_day(1) / NULL]⁠

A "year" precision year-day to stop the sequence at.

to is cast to the type of from.

to is only included in the result if the resulting sequence divides the distance between from and to exactly.


⁠[integer(1) / clock_duration(1) / NULL]⁠

The unit to increment the sequence by.

If by is an integer, it is transformed into a duration with the precision of from.

If by is a duration, it is cast to the type of from.


⁠[positive integer(1) / NULL]⁠

The length of the resulting sequence.

If specified, along.with must be NULL.


⁠[vector / NULL]⁠

A vector who's length determines the length of the resulting sequence.

Equivalent to length.out = vec_size(along.with).

If specified, length.out must be NULL.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


A sequence with the type of from.


# Yearly sequence
x <- seq(year_day(2020), year_day(2040), by = 2)

# Which we can then set the day of to get a sequence of end-of-year values
set_day(x, "last")

# Daily sequences are not allowed. Use a naive-time for this instead.
try(seq(year_day(2019, 1), by = 2, length.out = 2))
as_year_day(seq(as_naive_time(year_day(2019, 1)), by = 2, length.out = 2))

Sequences: year-month-day


This is a year-month-day method for the seq() generic.

Sequences can only be generated for "year" and "month" precision year-month-day vectors.

When calling seq(), exactly two of the following must be specified:

  • to

  • by

  • Either length.out or along.with


## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_day'
seq(from, to = NULL, by = NULL, length.out = NULL, along.with = NULL, ...)




A "year" or "month" precision year-month-day to start the sequence from.

from is always included in the result.


⁠[clock_year_month_day(1) / NULL]⁠

A "year" or "month" precision year-month-day to stop the sequence at.

to is cast to the type of from.

to is only included in the result if the resulting sequence divides the distance between from and to exactly.


⁠[integer(1) / clock_duration(1) / NULL]⁠

The unit to increment the sequence by.

If by is an integer, it is transformed into a duration with the precision of from.

If by is a duration, it is cast to the type of from.


⁠[positive integer(1) / NULL]⁠

The length of the resulting sequence.

If specified, along.with must be NULL.


⁠[vector / NULL]⁠

A vector who's length determines the length of the resulting sequence.

Equivalent to length.out = vec_size(along.with).

If specified, length.out must be NULL.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


A sequence with the type of from.


# Monthly sequence
x <- seq(year_month_day(2019, 1), year_month_day(2020, 12), by = 1)

# Which we can then set the day of to get a sequence of end-of-month values
set_day(x, "last")

# Daily sequences are not allowed. Use a naive-time for this instead.
try(seq(year_month_day(2019, 1, 1), by = 2, length.out = 2))
seq(as_naive_time(year_month_day(2019, 1, 1)), by = 2, length.out = 2)

Sequences: year-month-weekday


This is a year-month-weekday method for the seq() generic.

Sequences can only be generated for "year" and "month" precision year-month-weekday vectors.

When calling seq(), exactly two of the following must be specified:

  • to

  • by

  • Either length.out or along.with


## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_weekday'
seq(from, to = NULL, by = NULL, length.out = NULL, along.with = NULL, ...)




A "year" or "month" precision year-month-weekday to start the sequence from.

from is always included in the result.


⁠[clock_year_month_weekday(1) / NULL]⁠

A "year" or "month" precision year-month-weekday to stop the sequence at.

to is cast to the type of from.

to is only included in the result if the resulting sequence divides the distance between from and to exactly.


⁠[integer(1) / clock_duration(1) / NULL]⁠

The unit to increment the sequence by.

If by is an integer, it is transformed into a duration with the precision of from.

If by is a duration, it is cast to the type of from.


⁠[positive integer(1) / NULL]⁠

The length of the resulting sequence.

If specified, along.with must be NULL.


⁠[vector / NULL]⁠

A vector who's length determines the length of the resulting sequence.

Equivalent to length.out = vec_size(along.with).

If specified, length.out must be NULL.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


A sequence with the type of from.


# Monthly sequence
x <- seq(year_month_weekday(2019, 1), year_month_weekday(2020, 12), by = 1)

# Which we can then set the indexed weekday of
set_day(x, clock_weekdays$sunday, index = "last")

Sequences: year-quarter-day


This is a year-quarter-day method for the seq() generic.

Sequences can only be generated for "year" and "quarter" precision year-quarter-day vectors.

When calling seq(), exactly two of the following must be specified:

  • to

  • by

  • Either length.out or along.with


## S3 method for class 'clock_year_quarter_day'
seq(from, to = NULL, by = NULL, length.out = NULL, along.with = NULL, ...)




A "year" or "quarter" precision year-quarter-day to start the sequence from.

from is always included in the result.


⁠[clock_year_quarter_day(1) / NULL]⁠

A "year" or "quarter" precision year-quarter-day to stop the sequence at.

to is cast to the type of from.

to is only included in the result if the resulting sequence divides the distance between from and to exactly.


⁠[integer(1) / clock_duration(1) / NULL]⁠

The unit to increment the sequence by.

If by is an integer, it is transformed into a duration with the precision of from.

If by is a duration, it is cast to the type of from.


⁠[positive integer(1) / NULL]⁠

The length of the resulting sequence.

If specified, along.with must be NULL.


⁠[vector / NULL]⁠

A vector who's length determines the length of the resulting sequence.

Equivalent to length.out = vec_size(along.with).

If specified, length.out must be NULL.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


A sequence with the type of from.


# Quarterly sequence
x <- seq(year_quarter_day(2020, 1), year_quarter_day(2026, 3), by = 2)

# Which we can then set the day of the quarter of
set_day(x, "last")

Sequences: year-week-day


This is a year-week-day method for the seq() generic.

Sequences can only be generated for "year" precision year-week-day vectors. If you need to generate week-based sequences, you'll have to convert to a time point first.

When calling seq(), exactly two of the following must be specified:

  • to

  • by

  • Either length.out or along.with


## S3 method for class 'clock_year_week_day'
seq(from, to = NULL, by = NULL, length.out = NULL, along.with = NULL, ...)




A "year" precision year-week-day to start the sequence from.

from is always included in the result.


⁠[clock_year_week_day(1) / NULL]⁠

A "year" precision year-week-day to stop the sequence at.

to is cast to the type of from.

to is only included in the result if the resulting sequence divides the distance between from and to exactly.


⁠[integer(1) / clock_duration(1) / NULL]⁠

The unit to increment the sequence by.

If by is an integer, it is transformed into a duration with the precision of from.

If by is a duration, it is cast to the type of from.


⁠[positive integer(1) / NULL]⁠

The length of the resulting sequence.

If specified, along.with must be NULL.


⁠[vector / NULL]⁠

A vector who's length determines the length of the resulting sequence.

Equivalent to length.out = vec_size(along.with).

If specified, length.out must be NULL.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


A sequence with the type of from.


# Yearly sequence
x <- seq(year_week_day(2020), year_week_day(2026), by = 2)

# Which we can then set the week of.
# Some years have 53 weeks, some have 52.
set_week(x, "last")

Info: sys-time


sys_time_info() retrieves a set of low-level information generally not required for most date-time manipulations. It returns a data frame with the following columns:

  • begin, end: Second precision sys-times specifying the range of the current daylight saving time rule. The range is a half-open interval of ⁠[begin, end)⁠.

  • offset: A second precision duration specifying the offset from UTC.

  • dst: A logical vector specifying if daylight saving time is currently active.

  • abbreviation: The time zone abbreviation in use throughout this begin to end range.


sys_time_info(x, zone)




A sys-time.



A valid time zone name.

Unlike most functions in clock, in sys_time_info() zone is vectorized and is recycled against x.


If there have never been any daylight saving time transitions, the minimum supported year value is returned for begin (typically, a year value of -32767).

If daylight saving time is no longer used in a time zone, the maximum supported year value is returned for end (typically, a year value of 32767).

The offset is the bridge between sys-time and naive-time for the zone being used. The relationship of the three values is:

offset = naive_time - sys_time


A data frame of low level information.



x <- year_month_day(2021, 03, 14, c(01, 03), c(59, 00), c(59, 00))
x <- as_naive_time(x)
x <- as_zoned_time(x, "America/New_York")

# x[1] is in EST, x[2] is in EDT

x_sys <- as_sys_time(x)

info <- sys_time_info(x_sys, zoned_time_zone(x))

# Convert `begin` and `end` to zoned-times to see the previous and
# next daylight saving time transitions
  x = x,
  begin = as_zoned_time(info$begin, zoned_time_zone(x)),
  end = as_zoned_time(info$end, zoned_time_zone(x))

# `end` can be used to iterate through daylight saving time transitions
# by repeatedly calling `sys_time_info()`
sys_time_info(info$end, zoned_time_zone(x))

# Multiple `zone`s can be supplied to look up daylight saving time
# information in different time zones
zones <- c("America/New_York", "America/Los_Angeles")

info2 <- sys_time_info(x_sys[1], zones)

# The offset can be used to display the naive-time (i.e. the printed time)
# in both of those time zones
  zone = zones,
  naive_time = x_sys[1] + info2$offset

What is the current sys-time?


sys_time_now() returns the current time in UTC.




The time is returned with a nanosecond precision, but the actual amount of data returned is OS dependent. Usually, information at at least the microsecond level is returned, with some platforms returning nanosecond information.


A sys-time of the current time in UTC.


x <- sys_time_now()

Parsing: sys-time


There are two parsers into a sys-time, sys_time_parse() and sys_time_parse_RFC_3339().


sys_time_parse() is useful when you have date-time strings like "2020-01-01T01:04:30" that you know should be interpreted as UTC, or like "2020-01-01T01:04:30-04:00" with a UTC offset but no zone name. If you find yourself in the latter situation, then parsing this string as a sys-time using the ⁠%Ez⁠ command to capture the offset is probably your best option. If you know that this string should be interpreted in a specific time zone, parse as a sys-time to get the UTC equivalent, then use as_zoned_time().

The default options assume that x should be parsed at second precision, using a format string of "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S". This matches the default result from calling format() on a sys-time.

sys_time_parse() is nearly equivalent to naive_time_parse(), except for the fact that the ⁠%z⁠ command is actually used. Using ⁠%z⁠ assumes that the rest of the date-time string should be interpreted as a naive-time, which is then shifted by the UTC offset found in ⁠%z⁠. The returned time can then be validly interpreted as UTC.

sys_time_parse() ignores the ⁠%Z⁠ command.


sys_time_parse_RFC_3339() is a wrapper around sys_time_parse() that is intended to parse the extremely common date-time format outlined by RFC 3339. This document outlines a profile of the ISO 8601 format that is even more restrictive.

In particular, this function is intended to parse the following three formats:


This function defaults to parsing the first of these formats by using a format string of "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ".

If your date-time strings use offsets from UTC rather than "Z", then set offset to one of the following:

  • "%z" if the offset is of the form "+0430".

  • "%Ez" if the offset is of the form "+04:30".

The RFC 3339 standard allows for replacing the "T" with a "t" or a space (" "). Set separator to adjust this as needed.

For this function, the precision must be at least "second".


  format = NULL,
  precision = "second",
  locale = clock_locale()

  separator = "T",
  offset = "Z",
  precision = "second"




A character vector to parse.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[character / NULL]⁠

A format string. A combination of the following commands, or NULL, in which case a default format string is used.

A vector of multiple format strings can be supplied. They will be tried in the order they are provided.


  • ⁠%C⁠: The century as a decimal number. The modified command ⁠%NC⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%y⁠: The last two decimal digits of the year. If the century is not otherwise specified (e.g. with ⁠%C⁠), values in the range ⁠[69 - 99]⁠ are presumed to refer to the years ⁠[1969 - 1999]⁠, and values in the range ⁠[00 - 68]⁠ are presumed to refer to the years ⁠[2000 - 2068]⁠. The modified command ⁠%Ny⁠, where N is a positive decimal integer, specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%Y⁠: The year as a decimal number. The modified command ⁠%NY⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 4. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.


  • ⁠%b⁠, ⁠%B⁠, ⁠%h⁠: The locale's full or abbreviated case-insensitive month name.

  • ⁠%m⁠: The month as a decimal number. January is 1. The modified command ⁠%Nm⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.


  • ⁠%d⁠, ⁠%e⁠: The day of the month as a decimal number. The modified command ⁠%Nd⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

Day of the week

  • ⁠%a⁠, ⁠%A⁠: The locale's full or abbreviated case-insensitive weekday name.

  • ⁠%w⁠: The weekday as a decimal number (0-6), where Sunday is 0. The modified command ⁠%Nw⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 1. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

ISO 8601 week-based year

  • ⁠%g⁠: The last two decimal digits of the ISO week-based year. The modified command ⁠%Ng⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%G⁠: The ISO week-based year as a decimal number. The modified command ⁠%NG⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 4. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%V⁠: The ISO week-based week number as a decimal number. The modified command ⁠%NV⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%u⁠: The ISO weekday as a decimal number (1-7), where Monday is 1. The modified command ⁠%Nu⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 1. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

Week of the year

  • ⁠%U⁠: The week number of the year as a decimal number. The first Sunday of the year is the first day of week 01. Days of the same year prior to that are in week 00. The modified command ⁠%NU⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%W⁠: The week number of the year as a decimal number. The first Monday of the year is the first day of week 01. Days of the same year prior to that are in week 00. The modified command ⁠%NW⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

Day of the year

  • ⁠%j⁠: The day of the year as a decimal number. January 1 is 1. The modified command ⁠%Nj⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 3. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.


  • ⁠%D⁠, ⁠%x⁠: Equivalent to ⁠%m/%d/%y⁠.

  • ⁠%F⁠: Equivalent to ⁠%Y-%m-%d⁠. If modified with a width (like ⁠%NF⁠), the width is applied to only ⁠%Y⁠.

Time of day

  • ⁠%H⁠: The hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number. The modified command ⁠%NH⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%I⁠: The hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number. The modified command ⁠%NI⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%M⁠: The minutes as a decimal number. The modified command ⁠%NM⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%S⁠: The seconds as a decimal number. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required. If encountered, the locale determines the decimal point character. Generally, the maximum number of characters to read is determined by the precision that you are parsing at. For example, a precision of "second" would read a maximum of 2 characters, while a precision of "millisecond" would read a maximum of 6 (2 for the values before the decimal point, 1 for the decimal point, and 3 for the values after it). The modified command ⁠%NS⁠, where N is a positive decimal integer, can be used to exactly specify the maximum number of characters to read. This is only useful if you happen to have seconds with more than 1 leading zero.

  • ⁠%p⁠: The locale's equivalent of the AM/PM designations associated with a 12-hour clock. The command ⁠%I⁠ must precede ⁠%p⁠ in the format string.

  • ⁠%R⁠: Equivalent to ⁠%H:%M⁠.

  • ⁠%T⁠, ⁠%X⁠: Equivalent to ⁠%H:%M:%S⁠.

  • ⁠%r⁠: Equivalent to ⁠%I:%M:%S %p⁠.

Time zone

  • ⁠%z⁠: The offset from UTC in the format ⁠[+|-]hh[mm]⁠. For example -0430 refers to 4 hours 30 minutes behind UTC. And 04 refers to 4 hours ahead of UTC. The modified command ⁠%Ez⁠ parses a : between the hours and minutes and leading zeroes on the hour field are optional: ⁠[+|-]h[h][:mm]⁠. For example -04:30 refers to 4 hours 30 minutes behind UTC. And 4 refers to 4 hours ahead of UTC.

  • ⁠%Z⁠: The full time zone name or the time zone abbreviation, depending on the function being used. A single word is parsed. This word can only contain characters that are alphanumeric, or one of '_', '/', '-' or '+'.


  • ⁠%c⁠: A date and time representation. Equivalent to ⁠%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y⁠.

  • %%: A ⁠%⁠ character.

  • ⁠%n⁠: Matches one white space character. ⁠%n⁠, ⁠%t⁠, and a space can be combined to match a wide range of white-space patterns. For example "%n " matches one or more white space characters, and "%n%t%t" matches one to three white space characters.

  • ⁠%t⁠: Matches zero or one white space characters.



A precision for the resulting time point. One of:

  • "day"

  • "hour"

  • "minute"

  • "second"

  • "millisecond"

  • "microsecond"

  • "nanosecond"

Setting the precision determines how much information ⁠%S⁠ attempts to parse.



A locale object created from clock_locale().



The separator between the date and time components of the string. One of:

  • "T"

  • "t"

  • " "



The format of the offset from UTC contained in the string. One of:

  • "Z"

  • "z"

  • "%z" to parse a numeric offset of the form "+0430"

  • "%Ez" to parse a numeric offset of the form "+04:30"


If your date-time strings contain a full time zone name and a UTC offset, use zoned_time_parse_complete(). If they contain a time zone abbreviation, use zoned_time_parse_abbrev().

If your date-time strings don't contain an offset from UTC and you aren't sure if they should be treated as UTC or not, you might consider using naive_time_parse(), since the resulting naive-time doesn't come with an assumption of a UTC time zone.


A sys-time.

Full Precision Parsing

It is highly recommended to parse all of the information in the date-time string into a type at least as precise as the string. For example, if your string has fractional seconds, but you only require seconds, specify a sub-second precision, then round to seconds manually using whatever convention is appropriate for your use case. Parsing such a string directly into a second precision result is ambiguous and undefined, and is unlikely to work as you might expect.



# Day precision
sys_time_parse("2020-01-01", precision = "day")

# Nanosecond precision, but using a day based format
sys_time_parse("2020-01-01", format = "%Y-%m-%d", precision = "nanosecond")

# Multiple format strings are allowed for heterogeneous times
  c("2019-01-01", "2019/1/1"),
  format = c("%Y/%m/%d", "%Y-%m-%d"),
  precision = "day"

# The `%z` command shifts the date-time by subtracting the UTC offset so
# that the returned sys-time can be interpreted as UTC
  "2020-01-01 02:00:00 -0400",
  format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z"

# Remember that the `%Z` command is ignored entirely!
sys_time_parse("2020-01-01 America/New_York", format = "%Y-%m-%d %Z")

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# RFC 3339

# Typical UTC format
x <- "2019-01-01T00:01:02Z"

# With a UTC offset containing a `:`
x <- "2019-01-01T00:01:02+02:30"
sys_time_parse_RFC_3339(x, offset = "%Ez")

# With a space between the date and time and no `:` in the offset
x <- "2019-01-01 00:01:02+0230"
sys_time_parse_RFC_3339(x, separator = " ", offset = "%z")

Cast a time point between precisions


Casting is one way to change a time point's precision.

Casting to a less precise precision will completely drop information that is more precise than the precision that you are casting to. It does so in a way that makes it round towards zero. When converting time points to a less precise precision, you often want time_point_floor() instead of time_point_cast(), as that handles pre-1970 dates (which are stored as negative durations) in a more intuitive manner.

Casting to a more precise precision is done through a multiplication by a conversion factor between the current precision and the new precision.


time_point_cast(x, precision)



⁠[clock_sys_time / clock_naive_time]⁠

A sys-time or naive-time.



A time point precision. One of:

  • "day"

  • "hour"

  • "minute"

  • "second"

  • "millisecond"

  • "microsecond"

  • "nanosecond"


x cast to the new precision.


# Hour precision time points
# One is pre-1970, one is post-1970
x <- duration_hours(c(25, -25))
x <- as_naive_time(x)

# Casting rounds the underlying duration towards 0
cast <- time_point_cast(x, "day")

# Flooring rounds the underlying duration towards negative infinity,
# which is often more intuitive for time points.
# Note that the cast ends up rounding the pre-1970 date up to the next
# day, while the post-1970 date is rounded down.
floor <- time_point_floor(x, "day")

# Casting to a more precise precision, hour->millisecond
time_point_cast(x, "millisecond")

Counting: time point


time_point_count_between() counts the number of precision units between start and end (i.e., the number of days or hours). This count corresponds to the whole number of units, and will never return a fractional value.

This is suitable for, say, computing the whole number of days between two time points, accounting for the time of day.


time_point_count_between(start, end, precision, ..., n = 1L)


start, end


A pair of time points. These will be recycled to their common size.



One of:

  • "week"

  • "day"

  • "hour"

  • "minute"

  • "second"

  • "millisecond"

  • "microsecond"

  • "nanosecond"


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[positive integer(1)]⁠

A single positive integer specifying a multiple of precision to use.


Remember that time_point_count_between() returns an integer vector. With extremely fine precisions, such as nanoseconds, the count can quickly exceed the maximum value that is allowed in an integer. In this case, an NA will be returned with a warning.


An integer representing the number of precision units between start and end.

Comparison Direction

The computed count has the property that if start <= end, then ⁠start + <count> <= end⁠. Similarly, if start >= end, then ⁠start + <count> >= end⁠. In other words, the comparison direction between start and end will never change after adding the count to start. This makes this function useful for repeated count computations at increasingly fine precisions.


x <- as_naive_time(year_month_day(2019, 2, 3))
y <- as_naive_time(year_month_day(2019, 2, 10))

# Whole number of days or hours between two time points
time_point_count_between(x, y, "day")
time_point_count_between(x, y, "hour")

# Whole number of 2-day units
time_point_count_between(x, y, "day", n = 2)

# Leap years are taken into account
x <- as_naive_time(year_month_day(c(2020, 2021), 2, 28))
y <- as_naive_time(year_month_day(c(2020, 2021), 3, 01))
time_point_count_between(x, y, "day")

# Time of day is taken into account.
# `2020-02-02T04 -> 2020-02-03T03` is not a whole day (because of the hour)
# `2020-02-02T04 -> 2020-02-03T05` is a whole day
x <- as_naive_time(year_month_day(2020, 2, 2, 4))
y <- as_naive_time(year_month_day(2020, 2, 3, c(3, 5)))
time_point_count_between(x, y, "day")
time_point_count_between(x, y, "hour")

# Can compute negative counts (using the same example from above)
time_point_count_between(y, x, "day")
time_point_count_between(y, x, "hour")

# Repeated computation at increasingly fine precisions
x <- as_naive_time(year_month_day(
  2020, 2, 2, 4, 5, 6, 200,
  subsecond_precision = "microsecond"
y <- as_naive_time(year_month_day(
  2020, 3, 1, 8, 9, 10, 100,
  subsecond_precision = "microsecond"

days <- time_point_count_between(x, y, "day")
x <- x + duration_days(days)

hours <- time_point_count_between(x, y, "hour")
x <- x + duration_hours(hours)

minutes <- time_point_count_between(x, y, "minute")
x <- x + duration_minutes(minutes)

seconds <- time_point_count_between(x, y, "second")
x <- x + duration_seconds(seconds)

microseconds <- time_point_count_between(x, y, "microsecond")
x <- x + duration_microseconds(microseconds)

  days = days,
  hours = hours,
  minutes = minutes,
  seconds = seconds,
  microseconds = microseconds

Precision: time point


time_point_precision() extracts the precision from a time point, such as a sys-time or naive-time. It returns the precision as a single string.






A time point.


A single string holding the precision of the time point.



Shifting: time point


time_point_shift() shifts x to the target weekday. You can shift to the next or previous weekday. If x is currently on the target weekday, you can choose to leave it alone or advance it to the next instance of the target.

Weekday shifting is one of the easiest ways to floor by week while controlling what is considered the first day of the week. You can also accomplish this with the origin argument of time_point_floor(), but this is slightly easier.


time_point_shift(x, target, ..., which = "next", boundary = "keep")




A time point.



A weekday created from weekday() to target.

Generally this is length 1, but can also be the same length as x.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.



One of:

  • "next": Shift to the next instance of the target weekday.

  • ⁠"previous⁠: Shift to the previous instance of the target weekday.



One of:

  • "keep": If x is currently on the target weekday, return it.

  • "advance": If x is currently on the target weekday, advance it anyways.


x shifted to the target weekday.


x <- as_naive_time(year_month_day(2019, 1, 1:2))

# A Tuesday and Wednesday

monday <- weekday(clock_weekdays$monday)

# Shift to the next Monday
time_point_shift(x, monday)

# Shift to the previous Monday
# This is an easy way to "floor by week" with a target weekday in mind
time_point_shift(x, monday, which = "previous")

# What about Tuesday?
tuesday <- weekday(clock_weekdays$tuesday)

# Notice that the day that was currently on a Tuesday was not shifted
time_point_shift(x, tuesday)

# You can force it to `"advance"`
time_point_shift(x, tuesday, boundary = "advance")

Spanning sequence: time points


time_point_spanning_seq() generates a regular sequence along the span of x, i.e. along ⁠[min(x), max(x)]⁠. The sequence is generated at the precision of x.





⁠[clock_sys_time / clock_naive_time]⁠

A time point vector.


Missing values are automatically removed before the sequence is generated.

If you need more precise sequence generation, call range() and seq() directly.


A sequence along ⁠[min(x), max(x)]⁠.


x <- as_naive_time(year_month_day(2019, c(1, 2, 1, 2), c(15, 4, 12, 2)))


# The sequence is generated at the precision of `x`
x <- as_naive_time(c(
  year_month_day(2019, 1, 1, 5),
  year_month_day(2019, 1, 2, 10),
  year_month_day(2019, 1, 1, 3)

Arithmetic: Time points


These are naive-time and sys-time methods for the arithmetic generics.

  • add_weeks()

  • add_days()

  • add_hours()

  • add_minutes()

  • add_seconds()

  • add_milliseconds()

  • add_microseconds()

  • add_nanoseconds()

When working with zoned times, generally you convert to either sys-time or naive-time, add the duration, then convert back to zoned time. Typically, weeks and days are added in naive-time, and hours, minutes, seconds, and subseconds are added in sys-time.

If you aren't using zoned times, arithmetic on sys-times and naive-time is equivalent.

If you need to add larger irregular units of time, such as months, quarters, or years, convert to a calendar type with a converter like as_year_month_day().


## S3 method for class 'clock_time_point'
add_weeks(x, n, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_time_point'
add_days(x, n, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_time_point'
add_hours(x, n, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_time_point'
add_minutes(x, n, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_time_point'
add_seconds(x, n, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_time_point'
add_milliseconds(x, n, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_time_point'
add_microseconds(x, n, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_time_point'
add_nanoseconds(x, n, ...)



⁠[clock_sys_time / clock_naive_time]⁠

A time point vector.


⁠[integer / clock_duration]⁠

An integer vector to be converted to a duration, or a duration corresponding to the arithmetic function being used. This corresponds to the number of duration units to add. n may be negative to subtract units of duration.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


x and n are recycled against each other using tidyverse recycling rules.


x after performing the arithmetic.



# Say you started with this zoned time, and you want to add 1 day to it
x <- as_naive_time(year_month_day(1970, 04, 25, 02, 30, 00))
x <- as_zoned_time(x, "America/New_York")

# Note that there was a daylight saving time gap on 1970-04-26 where
# we jumped from 01:59:59 -> 03:00:00.

# You can choose to add 1 day in "system time", by first converting to
# sys-time (the equivalent UTC time), adding the day, then converting back to
# zoned time. If you sat still for exactly 86,400 seconds, this is the
# time that you would see after daylight saving time adjusted the clock
# (note that the hour field is shifted forward by the size of the gap)

x %>%
  as_sys_time() %>%
  add_days(1) %>%

# Alternatively, you can add 1 day in "naive time". Naive time represents
# a clock time with a yet-to-be-specified time zone. It tries to maintain
# smaller units where possible, so adding 1 day would attempt to return
# "1970-04-26T02:30:00" in the America/New_York time zone, but...

x %>%
  as_naive_time() %>%
  add_days(1) %>%

# ...this time doesn't exist in that time zone! It is "nonexistent".
# You can resolve nonexistent times by setting the `nonexistent` argument
# when converting to zoned time. Let's roll forward to the next available
# moment in time.
x %>%
  as_naive_time() %>%
  add_days(1) %>%
  as_zoned_time(zoned_time_zone(x), nonexistent = "roll-forward")

Time point rounding


  • time_point_floor() rounds a sys-time or naive-time down to a multiple of the specified precision.

  • time_point_ceiling() rounds a sys-time or naive-time up to a multiple of the specified precision.

  • time_point_round() rounds up or down depending on what is closer, rounding up on ties.

Rounding time points is mainly useful for rounding sub-daily time points up to daily time points.

It can also be useful for flooring by a set number of days (like 20) with respect to some origin. By default, the origin is 1970-01-01 00:00:00.

If you want to group by components, such as "day of the month", rather than by "n days", see calendar_group().


time_point_floor(x, precision, ..., n = 1L, origin = NULL)

time_point_ceiling(x, precision, ..., n = 1L, origin = NULL)

time_point_round(x, precision, ..., n = 1L, origin = NULL)



⁠[clock_sys_time / clock_naive_time]⁠

A sys-time or naive-time.



A time point precision. One of:

  • "day"

  • "hour"

  • "minute"

  • "second"

  • "millisecond"

  • "microsecond"

  • "nanosecond"


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[positive integer(1)]⁠

A positive integer specifying the multiple of precision to use.


⁠[clock_sys_time(1) / clock_naive_time(1) / NULL]⁠

An origin to begin counting from. Mostly useful when n > 1 and you want to control how the rounding groups are created.

If x is a sys-time, origin must be a sys-time.

If x is a naive-time, origin must be a naive-time.

The precision of origin must be equally precise as or less precise than precision.

If NULL, a default origin of midnight on 1970-01-01 is used.


x rounded to the new precision.

Boundary Handling

To understand how flooring and ceiling work, you need to know how they create their intervals for rounding.

  • time_point_floor() constructs intervals of [lower, upper) that bound each element of x, then always chooses the left-hand side.

  • time_point_ceiling() constructs intervals of (lower, upper] that bound each element of x, then always chooses the right-hand side.

As an easy example, consider 2020-01-02 00:00:05.

To floor this to the nearest day, the following interval is constructed, and the left-hand side is returned at day precision:

[2020-01-02 00:00:00, 2020-01-03 00:00:00)

To ceiling this to the nearest day, the following interval is constructed, and the right-hand side is returned at day precision:

(2020-01-02 00:00:00, 2020-01-03 00:00:00]

Here is another example, this time with a time point on a boundary, 2020-01-02 00:00:00.

To floor this to the nearest day, the following interval is constructed, and the left-hand side is returned at day precision:

[2020-01-02 00:00:00, 2020-01-03 00:00:00)

To ceiling this to the nearest day, the following interval is constructed, and the right-hand side is returned at day precision:

(2020-01-01 00:00:00, 2020-01-02 00:00:00]

Notice that, regardless of whether you are doing a floor or ceiling, if the input falls on a boundary then it will be returned as is.



x <- as_naive_time(year_month_day(2019, 01, 01))
x <- add_days(x, 0:40)

# Floor by sets of 20 days
# The implicit origin to start the 20 day counter is 1970-01-01
time_point_floor(x, "day", n = 20)

# You can easily customize the origin by supplying a new one
# as the `origin` argument
origin <- year_month_day(2019, 01, 01) %>%

time_point_floor(x, "day", n = 20, origin = origin)

# For times on the boundary, floor and ceiling both return the input
# at the new precision. Notice how the first element is on the boundary,
# and the second is 1 second after the boundary.
y <- as_naive_time(year_month_day(2020, 01, 02, 00, 00, c(00, 01)))
time_point_floor(y, "day")
time_point_ceiling(y, "day")

Support for vctrs arithmetic


Support for vctrs arithmetic


## S3 method for class 'clock_year_day'
vec_arith(op, x, y, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_day'
vec_arith(op, x, y, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_weekday'
vec_arith(op, x, y, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_iso_year_week_day'
vec_arith(op, x, y, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_naive_time'
vec_arith(op, x, y, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_quarter_day'
vec_arith(op, x, y, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_sys_time'
vec_arith(op, x, y, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_week_day'
vec_arith(op, x, y, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_weekday'
vec_arith(op, x, y, ...)



An arithmetic operator as a string

x, y

A pair of vectors. For !, unary + and unary -, y will be a sentinel object of class MISSING, as created by MISSING().


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


The result of the arithmetic operation.


vctrs::vec_arith("+", year_month_day(2019), 1)

Construct a weekday vector


A weekday is a simple type that represents a day of the week.

The most interesting thing about the weekday type is that it implements circular arithmetic, which makes determining the "next Monday" or "previous Tuesday" from a sys-time or naive-time easy to compute. See the examples.


weekday(code = integer(), ..., encoding = "western")




Integer codes between ⁠[1, 7]⁠ representing days of the week. The interpretation of these values depends on encoding.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.



One of:

  • "western": Encode weekdays assuming 1 == Sunday and 7 == Saturday.

  • "iso": Encode weekdays assuming 1 == Monday and 7 == Sunday. This is in line with the ISO standard.


A weekday vector.


x <- as_naive_time(year_month_day(2019, 01, 05))

# This is a Saturday!

# Adjust to the next Wednesday
wednesday <- weekday(clock_weekdays$wednesday)

# This returns the number of days until the next Wednesday using
# circular arithmetic
# "Wednesday - Saturday = 4 days until next Wednesday"
wednesday - as_weekday(x)

# Advance to the next Wednesday
x_next_wednesday <- x + (wednesday - as_weekday(x))


# What about the previous Tuesday?
tuesday <- weekday(clock_weekdays$tuesday)
x - (as_weekday(x) - tuesday)

# What about the next Saturday?
# With an additional condition that if today is a Saturday,
# then advance to the next one.
saturday <- weekday(clock_weekdays$saturday)
x + 1L + (saturday - as_weekday(x + 1L))

# You can supply an ISO coding for `code` as well, where 1 == Monday.
weekday(1:7, encoding = "western")
weekday(1:7, encoding = "iso")

Extract underlying weekday codes


weekday_code() extracts out the integer code for the weekday.


weekday_code(x, ..., encoding = "western")




A weekday vector.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.



One of:

  • "western": Encode weekdays assuming 1 == Sunday and 7 == Saturday.

  • "iso": Encode weekdays assuming 1 == Monday and 7 == Sunday. This is in line with the ISO standard.


An integer vector of codes.


# Here we supply a western encoding to `weekday()`
x <- weekday(1:7)

# We can extract out the codes using different encodings
weekday_code(x, encoding = "western")
weekday_code(x, encoding = "iso")

Convert a weekday to an ordered factor


weekday_factor() converts a weekday object to an ordered factor. This can be useful in combination with ggplot2, or for modeling.


weekday_factor(x, ..., labels = "en", abbreviate = TRUE, encoding = "western")




A weekday vector.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[clock_labels / character(1)]⁠

Character representations of localized weekday names, month names, and AM/PM names. Either the language code as string (passed on to clock_labels_lookup()), or an object created by clock_labels().



If TRUE, the abbreviated weekday names from labels will be used.

If FALSE, the full weekday names from labels will be used.



One of:

  • "western": Encode the weekdays as an ordered factor with levels from Sunday -> Saturday.

  • "iso": Encode the weekdays as an ordered factor with levels from Monday -> Sunday.


An ordered factor representing the weekdays.


x <- weekday(1:7)

# Default to Sunday -> Saturday

# ISO encoding is Monday -> Sunday
weekday_factor(x, encoding = "iso")

# With full names
weekday_factor(x, abbreviate = FALSE)

# Or a different language
weekday_factor(x, labels = "fr")

Arithmetic: weekday


These are weekday methods for the arithmetic generics.

  • add_days()

Also check out the examples on the weekday() page for more advanced usage.


## S3 method for class 'clock_weekday'
add_days(x, n, ...)




A weekday vector.


⁠[integer / clock_duration]⁠

An integer vector to be converted to a duration, or a duration corresponding to the arithmetic function being used. This corresponds to the number of duration units to add. n may be negative to subtract units of duration.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


x and n are recycled against each other using tidyverse recycling rules.


x after performing the arithmetic.


saturday <- weekday(clock_weekdays$saturday)

add_days(saturday, 1)
add_days(saturday, 2)

Calendar: year-day


year_day() constructs a calendar vector from the Gregorian year and day of the year.


  day = NULL,
  hour = NULL,
  minute = NULL,
  second = NULL,
  subsecond = NULL,
  subsecond_precision = NULL




The year. Values ⁠[-32767, 32767]⁠ are generally allowed.


⁠[integer / NULL]⁠

The day of the year. Values ⁠[1, 366]⁠ are allowed.


⁠[integer / NULL]⁠

The hour. Values ⁠[0, 23]⁠ are allowed.


⁠[integer / NULL]⁠

The minute. Values ⁠[0, 59]⁠ are allowed.


⁠[integer / NULL]⁠

The second. Values ⁠[0, 59]⁠ are allowed.


⁠[integer / NULL]⁠

The subsecond. If specified, subsecond_precision must also be specified to determine how to interpret the subsecond.

If using milliseconds, values ⁠[0, 999]⁠ are allowed.

If using microseconds, values ⁠[0, 999999]⁠ are allowed.

If using nanoseconds, values ⁠[0, 999999999]⁠ are allowed.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[character(1) / NULL]⁠

The precision to interpret subsecond as. One of: "millisecond", "microsecond", or "nanosecond".


Fields are recycled against each other using tidyverse recycling rules.

Fields are collected in order until the first NULL field is located. No fields after the first NULL field are used.


A year-day calendar vector.


# Just the year
x <- year_day(2019:2025)

year_day(2020, 1:10)

# Last day of the year, accounting for leap years
year_day(2019:2021, "last")

# Precision can go all the way out to nanosecond
year_day(2019, 100, 2, 40, 45, 200, subsecond_precision = "nanosecond")

Calendar: year-month-day


year_month_day() constructs the most common calendar type using the Gregorian year, month, day, and time of day components.


  month = NULL,
  day = NULL,
  hour = NULL,
  minute = NULL,
  second = NULL,
  subsecond = NULL,
  subsecond_precision = NULL




The year. Values ⁠[-32767, 32767]⁠ are generally allowed.


⁠[integer / NULL]⁠

The month. Values ⁠[1, 12]⁠ are allowed.


⁠[integer / "last" / NULL]⁠

The day of the month. Values ⁠[1, 31]⁠ are allowed.

If "last", then the last day of the month is returned.


⁠[integer / NULL]⁠

The hour. Values ⁠[0, 23]⁠ are allowed.


⁠[integer / NULL]⁠

The minute. Values ⁠[0, 59]⁠ are allowed.


⁠[integer / NULL]⁠

The second. Values ⁠[0, 59]⁠ are allowed.


⁠[integer / NULL]⁠

The subsecond. If specified, subsecond_precision must also be specified to determine how to interpret the subsecond.

If using milliseconds, values ⁠[0, 999]⁠ are allowed.

If using microseconds, values ⁠[0, 999999]⁠ are allowed.

If using nanoseconds, values ⁠[0, 999999999]⁠ are allowed.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[character(1) / NULL]⁠

The precision to interpret subsecond as. One of: "millisecond", "microsecond", or "nanosecond".


Fields are recycled against each other using tidyverse recycling rules.

Fields are collected in order until the first NULL field is located. No fields after the first NULL field are used.


A year-month-day calendar vector.


# Just the year
x <- year_month_day(2019:2025)

# Year-month type
year_month_day(2020, 1:12)

# The most common use case involves year, month, and day fields
x <- year_month_day(2020, clock_months$january, 1:5)

# Precision can go all the way out to nanosecond
year_month_day(2019, 1, 2, 2, 40, 45, 200, subsecond_precision = "nanosecond")

Parsing: year-month-day


year_month_day_parse() parses strings into a year-month-day.

The default options assume x should be parsed at day precision, using a format string of "%Y-%m-%d".

If a more precise precision than day is used, then time components will also be parsed. The default format separates date and time components by a "T" and the time components by a ":". For example, setting the precision to "second" will use a default format of "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S". This is aligned with the format() method for year-month-day, and with the RFC 3339 standard.


  format = NULL,
  precision = "day",
  locale = clock_locale()




A character vector to parse.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[character / NULL]⁠

A format string. A combination of the following commands, or NULL, in which case a default format string is used.

A vector of multiple format strings can be supplied. They will be tried in the order they are provided.


  • ⁠%C⁠: The century as a decimal number. The modified command ⁠%NC⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%y⁠: The last two decimal digits of the year. If the century is not otherwise specified (e.g. with ⁠%C⁠), values in the range ⁠[69 - 99]⁠ are presumed to refer to the years ⁠[1969 - 1999]⁠, and values in the range ⁠[00 - 68]⁠ are presumed to refer to the years ⁠[2000 - 2068]⁠. The modified command ⁠%Ny⁠, where N is a positive decimal integer, specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%Y⁠: The year as a decimal number. The modified command ⁠%NY⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 4. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.


  • ⁠%b⁠, ⁠%B⁠, ⁠%h⁠: The locale's full or abbreviated case-insensitive month name.

  • ⁠%m⁠: The month as a decimal number. January is 1. The modified command ⁠%Nm⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.


  • ⁠%d⁠, ⁠%e⁠: The day of the month as a decimal number. The modified command ⁠%Nd⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

Day of the week

  • ⁠%a⁠, ⁠%A⁠: The locale's full or abbreviated case-insensitive weekday name.

  • ⁠%w⁠: The weekday as a decimal number (0-6), where Sunday is 0. The modified command ⁠%Nw⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 1. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

ISO 8601 week-based year

  • ⁠%g⁠: The last two decimal digits of the ISO week-based year. The modified command ⁠%Ng⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%G⁠: The ISO week-based year as a decimal number. The modified command ⁠%NG⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 4. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%V⁠: The ISO week-based week number as a decimal number. The modified command ⁠%NV⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%u⁠: The ISO weekday as a decimal number (1-7), where Monday is 1. The modified command ⁠%Nu⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 1. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

Week of the year

  • ⁠%U⁠: The week number of the year as a decimal number. The first Sunday of the year is the first day of week 01. Days of the same year prior to that are in week 00. The modified command ⁠%NU⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%W⁠: The week number of the year as a decimal number. The first Monday of the year is the first day of week 01. Days of the same year prior to that are in week 00. The modified command ⁠%NW⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

Day of the year

  • ⁠%j⁠: The day of the year as a decimal number. January 1 is 1. The modified command ⁠%Nj⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 3. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.


  • ⁠%D⁠, ⁠%x⁠: Equivalent to ⁠%m/%d/%y⁠.

  • ⁠%F⁠: Equivalent to ⁠%Y-%m-%d⁠. If modified with a width (like ⁠%NF⁠), the width is applied to only ⁠%Y⁠.

Time of day

  • ⁠%H⁠: The hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number. The modified command ⁠%NH⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%I⁠: The hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number. The modified command ⁠%NI⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%M⁠: The minutes as a decimal number. The modified command ⁠%NM⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%S⁠: The seconds as a decimal number. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required. If encountered, the locale determines the decimal point character. Generally, the maximum number of characters to read is determined by the precision that you are parsing at. For example, a precision of "second" would read a maximum of 2 characters, while a precision of "millisecond" would read a maximum of 6 (2 for the values before the decimal point, 1 for the decimal point, and 3 for the values after it). The modified command ⁠%NS⁠, where N is a positive decimal integer, can be used to exactly specify the maximum number of characters to read. This is only useful if you happen to have seconds with more than 1 leading zero.

  • ⁠%p⁠: The locale's equivalent of the AM/PM designations associated with a 12-hour clock. The command ⁠%I⁠ must precede ⁠%p⁠ in the format string.

  • ⁠%R⁠: Equivalent to ⁠%H:%M⁠.

  • ⁠%T⁠, ⁠%X⁠: Equivalent to ⁠%H:%M:%S⁠.

  • ⁠%r⁠: Equivalent to ⁠%I:%M:%S %p⁠.

Time zone

  • ⁠%z⁠: The offset from UTC in the format ⁠[+|-]hh[mm]⁠. For example -0430 refers to 4 hours 30 minutes behind UTC. And 04 refers to 4 hours ahead of UTC. The modified command ⁠%Ez⁠ parses a : between the hours and minutes and leading zeroes on the hour field are optional: ⁠[+|-]h[h][:mm]⁠. For example -04:30 refers to 4 hours 30 minutes behind UTC. And 4 refers to 4 hours ahead of UTC.

  • ⁠%Z⁠: The full time zone name or the time zone abbreviation, depending on the function being used. A single word is parsed. This word can only contain characters that are alphanumeric, or one of '_', '/', '-' or '+'.


  • ⁠%c⁠: A date and time representation. Equivalent to ⁠%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y⁠.

  • %%: A ⁠%⁠ character.

  • ⁠%n⁠: Matches one white space character. ⁠%n⁠, ⁠%t⁠, and a space can be combined to match a wide range of white-space patterns. For example "%n " matches one or more white space characters, and "%n%t%t" matches one to three white space characters.

  • ⁠%t⁠: Matches zero or one white space characters.



A precision for the resulting year-month-day. One of:

  • "year"

  • "month"

  • "day"

  • "hour"

  • "minute"

  • "second"

  • "millisecond"

  • "microsecond"

  • "nanosecond"

Setting the precision determines how much information ⁠%S⁠ attempts to parse.



A locale object created by clock_locale().


year_month_day_parse() completely ignores the ⁠%z⁠ and ⁠%Z⁠ commands.


A year-month-day calendar vector. If a parsing fails, NA is returned.

Full Precision Parsing

It is highly recommended to parse all of the information in the date-time string into a type at least as precise as the string. For example, if your string has fractional seconds, but you only require seconds, specify a sub-second precision, then round to seconds manually using whatever convention is appropriate for your use case. Parsing such a string directly into a second precision result is ambiguous and undefined, and is unlikely to work as you might expect.


x <- "2019-01-01"

# Default parses at day precision

# Can parse at less precise precisions too
year_month_day_parse(x, precision = "month")
year_month_day_parse(x, precision = "year")

# Even invalid dates can be round-tripped through format<->parse calls
invalid <- year_month_day(2019, 2, 30)

# Can parse with time of day
  precision = "nanosecond"

# Can parse using multiple format strings, which will be tried
# in the order they are provided
x <- c("2019-01-01", "2020-01-01", "2021/2/3")
formats <- c("%Y-%m-%d", "%Y/%m/%d")
year_month_day_parse(x, format = formats)

# Can parse using other format tokens as well
  "January, 2019",
  format = "%B, %Y",
  precision = "month"

# Parsing a French year-month-day
  "octobre 1, 2000",
  format = "%B %d, %Y",
  locale = clock_locale("fr")

Calendar: year-month-weekday


year_month_weekday() constructs a calendar vector from the Gregorian year, month, weekday, and index specifying that this is the n-th weekday of the month.


  month = NULL,
  day = NULL,
  index = NULL,
  hour = NULL,
  minute = NULL,
  second = NULL,
  subsecond = NULL,
  subsecond_precision = NULL




The year. Values ⁠[-32767, 32767]⁠ are generally allowed.


⁠[integer / NULL]⁠

The month. Values ⁠[1, 12]⁠ are allowed.


⁠[integer / NULL]⁠

The weekday of the month. Values ⁠[1, 7]⁠ are allowed, where 1 is Sunday and 7 is Saturday.


⁠[integer / "last" / NULL]⁠

The index specifying that day is the n-th weekday of the month. Values ⁠[1, 5]⁠ are allowed.

If "last", then the last instance of day in the current month is returned.


⁠[integer / NULL]⁠

The hour. Values ⁠[0, 23]⁠ are allowed.


⁠[integer / NULL]⁠

The minute. Values ⁠[0, 59]⁠ are allowed.


⁠[integer / NULL]⁠

The second. Values ⁠[0, 59]⁠ are allowed.


⁠[integer / NULL]⁠

The subsecond. If specified, subsecond_precision must also be specified to determine how to interpret the subsecond.

If using milliseconds, values ⁠[0, 999]⁠ are allowed.

If using microseconds, values ⁠[0, 999999]⁠ are allowed.

If using nanoseconds, values ⁠[0, 999999999]⁠ are allowed.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[character(1) / NULL]⁠

The precision to interpret subsecond as. One of: "millisecond", "microsecond", or "nanosecond".


Fields are recycled against each other using tidyverse recycling rules.

Fields are collected in order until the first NULL field is located. No fields after the first NULL field are used.


A year-month-weekday calendar vector.


# All Fridays in January, 2019
# Note that there was no 5th Friday in January
x <- year_month_weekday(


# Resolve this invalid date by using the previous valid date
invalid_resolve(x, invalid = "previous")

Calendar: year-quarter-day


year_quarter_day() constructs a calendar from the fiscal year, fiscal quarter, and day of the quarter, along with a value determining which month the fiscal year starts in.


  quarter = NULL,
  day = NULL,
  hour = NULL,
  minute = NULL,
  second = NULL,
  subsecond = NULL,
  start = NULL,
  subsecond_precision = NULL




The fiscal year. Values ⁠[-32767, 32767]⁠ are generally allowed.


⁠[integer / NULL]⁠

The fiscal quarter. Values ⁠[1, 4]⁠ are allowed.


⁠[integer / "last" / NULL]⁠

The day of the quarter. Values ⁠[1, 92]⁠ are allowed.

If "last", the last day of the quarter is returned.


⁠[integer / NULL]⁠

The hour. Values ⁠[0, 23]⁠ are allowed.


⁠[integer / NULL]⁠

The minute. Values ⁠[0, 59]⁠ are allowed.


⁠[integer / NULL]⁠

The second. Values ⁠[0, 59]⁠ are allowed.


⁠[integer / NULL]⁠

The subsecond. If specified, subsecond_precision must also be specified to determine how to interpret the subsecond.

If using milliseconds, values ⁠[0, 999]⁠ are allowed.

If using microseconds, values ⁠[0, 999999]⁠ are allowed.

If using nanoseconds, values ⁠[0, 999999999]⁠ are allowed.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[integer(1) / NULL]⁠

The month to start the fiscal year in. 1 = January and 12 = December.

If NULL, a start of January will be used.


⁠[character(1) / NULL]⁠

The precision to interpret subsecond as. One of: "millisecond", "microsecond", or "nanosecond".


Fields are recycled against each other using tidyverse recycling rules.

Fields are collected in order until the first NULL field is located. No fields after the first NULL field are used.


A year-quarter-day calendar vector.


# Year-quarter type
x <- year_quarter_day(2019, 1:4)

add_quarters(x, 2)

# Set the day to the last day of the quarter
x <- set_day(x, "last")

# Start the fiscal year in June
june <- 6L
y <- year_quarter_day(2019, 1:4, "last", start = june)

# Compare the year-month-day values that result from having different
# fiscal year start months

Calendar: year-week-day


year_week_day() constructs a calendar from the year, week number, week day, and the start of the week.

Using start = clock_weekdays$monday represents the ISO week calendar and is equivalent to using iso_year_week_day().

Using start = clock_weekdays$sunday is how Epidemiologists encode their week-based data.


  week = NULL,
  day = NULL,
  hour = NULL,
  minute = NULL,
  second = NULL,
  subsecond = NULL,
  start = NULL,
  subsecond_precision = NULL




The year. Values ⁠[-32767, 32767]⁠ are generally allowed.


⁠[integer / "last" / NULL]⁠

The week. Values ⁠[1, 53]⁠ are allowed.

If "last", then the last week of the year is returned.


⁠[integer / NULL]⁠

The day of the week. Values ⁠[1, 7]⁠ are allowed, with ⁠1 = start of week⁠ and ⁠7 = end of week⁠, in accordance with start.


⁠[integer / NULL]⁠

The hour. Values ⁠[0, 23]⁠ are allowed.


⁠[integer / NULL]⁠

The minute. Values ⁠[0, 59]⁠ are allowed.


⁠[integer / NULL]⁠

The second. Values ⁠[0, 59]⁠ are allowed.


⁠[integer / NULL]⁠

The subsecond. If specified, subsecond_precision must also be specified to determine how to interpret the subsecond.

If using milliseconds, values ⁠[0, 999]⁠ are allowed.

If using microseconds, values ⁠[0, 999999]⁠ are allowed.

If using nanoseconds, values ⁠[0, 999999999]⁠ are allowed.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[integer(1) / NULL]⁠

The day to consider the start of the week. 1 = Sunday and 7 = Saturday.

Use clock_weekdays for a readable way to specify the start.

If NULL, a start of Sunday will be used.


⁠[character(1) / NULL]⁠

The precision to interpret subsecond as. One of: "millisecond", "microsecond", or "nanosecond".


Fields are recycled against each other using tidyverse recycling rules.

Fields are collected in order until the first NULL field is located. No fields after the first NULL field are used.


A year-week-day calendar vector.


# Year-week
x <- year_week_day(2019:2025, "last")

# Start the week on Monday
y <- year_week_day(2019:2025, "last", start = clock_weekdays$monday)

# Last days of the year
as_year_month_day(set_day(x, 7))
as_year_month_day(set_day(y, 7))

Arithmetic: year-day


These are year-day methods for the arithmetic generics.

  • add_years()

Notably, you cannot add days to a year-day. For day-based arithmetic, first convert to a time point with as_naive_time() or as_sys_time().


## S3 method for class 'clock_year_day'
add_years(x, n, ...)




A year-day vector.


⁠[integer / clock_duration]⁠

An integer vector to be converted to a duration, or a duration corresponding to the arithmetic function being used. This corresponds to the number of duration units to add. n may be negative to subtract units of duration.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


x and n are recycled against each other using tidyverse recycling rules.


x after performing the arithmetic.


x <- year_day(2019, 10)

add_years(x, 1:5)

# A valid day in a leap year
y <- year_day(2020, 366)

# Adding 1 year to `y` generates an invalid date
y_plus <- add_years(y, 1)

# Invalid dates are fine, as long as they are eventually resolved
# by either manually resolving, or by calling `invalid_resolve()`

# Resolve by returning the previous / next valid moment in time
invalid_resolve(y_plus, invalid = "previous")
invalid_resolve(y_plus, invalid = "next")

# Manually resolve by setting to the last day of the year
invalid <- invalid_detect(y_plus)
y_plus[invalid] <- set_day(y_plus[invalid], "last")

Boundaries: year-day


This is a year-day method for the calendar_start() and calendar_end() generics. They adjust components of a calendar to the start or end of a specified precision.


## S3 method for class 'clock_year_day'
calendar_start(x, precision)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_day'
calendar_end(x, precision)




A year-day vector.



One of:

  • "year"

  • "day"

  • "hour"

  • "minute"

  • "second"

  • "millisecond"

  • "microsecond"

  • "nanosecond"


x at the same precision, but with some components altered to be at the boundary value.


# Day precision
x <- year_day(2019:2020, 5)

# Compute the last day of the year
calendar_end(x, "year")

Counting: year-day


This is a year-day method for the calendar_count_between() generic. It counts the number of precision units between start and end (i.e., the number of years).


## S3 method for class 'clock_year_day'
calendar_count_between(start, end, precision, ..., n = 1L)


start, end


A pair of year-day vectors. These will be recycled to their common size.



One of:

  • "year"


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[positive integer(1)]⁠

A single positive integer specifying a multiple of precision to use.


An integer representing the number of precision units between start and end.


# Compute an individual's age in years
x <- year_day(2001, 100)
y <- year_day(2021, c(99, 101))

calendar_count_between(x, y, "year")

# Or in a whole number multiple of years
calendar_count_between(x, y, "year", n = 3)

Getters: year-day


These are year-day methods for the getter generics.

  • get_year() returns the Gregorian year.

  • get_day() returns the day of the year.

  • There are sub-daily getters for extracting more precise components.


## S3 method for class 'clock_year_day'

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_day'

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_day'

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_day'

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_day'

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_day'

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_day'

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_day'




A year-day to get the component from.


The component.


x <- year_day(2019, 101:105, 1, 20, 30)


# Cannot extract more precise components
y <- year_day(2019, 1)

# Cannot extract components that don't exist for this calendar

Grouping: year-day


This is a year-day method for the calendar_group() generic.

Grouping for a year-day object can be done at any precision, as long as x is at least as precise as precision.


## S3 method for class 'clock_year_day'
calendar_group(x, precision, ..., n = 1L)




A year-day vector.



One of:

  • "year"

  • "day"

  • "hour"

  • "minute"

  • "second"

  • "millisecond"

  • "microsecond"

  • "nanosecond"


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[positive integer(1)]⁠

A single positive integer specifying a multiple of precision to use.


x grouped at the specified precision.


x <- seq(as_naive_time(year_month_day(2019, 1, 1)), by = 5, length.out = 20)
x <- as_year_day(x)

# Group by day of the current year
calendar_group(x, "day", n = 20)

Narrow: year-day


This is a year-day method for the calendar_narrow() generic. It narrows a year-day vector to the specified precision.


## S3 method for class 'clock_year_day'
calendar_narrow(x, precision)




A year-day vector.



One of:

  • "year"

  • "day"

  • "hour"

  • "minute"

  • "second"

  • "millisecond"

  • "microsecond"

  • "nanosecond"


x narrowed to the supplied precision.


# Hour precision
x <- year_day(2019, 3, 4)

# Narrowed to day precision
calendar_narrow(x, "day")

# Or year precision
calendar_narrow(x, "year")

# Subsecond precision can be narrowed to second precision
milli <- calendar_widen(x, "millisecond")
micro <- calendar_widen(x, "microsecond")

calendar_narrow(milli, "second")
calendar_narrow(micro, "second")

# But once you have "locked in" a subsecond precision, it can't be
# narrowed to another subsecond precision
try(calendar_narrow(micro, "millisecond"))

Setters: year-day


These are year-day methods for the setter generics.

  • set_year() sets the Gregorian year.

  • set_day() sets the day of the year. Valid values are in the range of ⁠[1, 366]⁠.

  • There are sub-daily setters for setting more precise components.


## S3 method for class 'clock_year_day'
set_year(x, value, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_day'
set_day(x, value, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_day'
set_hour(x, value, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_day'
set_minute(x, value, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_day'
set_second(x, value, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_day'
set_millisecond(x, value, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_day'
set_microsecond(x, value, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_day'
set_nanosecond(x, value, ...)




A year-day vector.


⁠[integer / "last"]⁠

The value to set the component to.

For set_day(), this can also be "last" to set the day to the last day of the year.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


x with the component set.


x <- year_day(2019)

# Set the day
set_day(x, 12:14)

# Set to the "last" day of the year
set_day(x, "last")

# Set to an invalid day of the year
invalid <- set_day(x, 366)

# Then resolve the invalid day by choosing the next valid day
invalid_resolve(invalid, invalid = "next")

# Cannot set a component two levels more precise than where you currently are
try(set_hour(x, 5))

Widen: year-day


This is a year-day method for the calendar_widen() generic. It widens a year-day vector to the specified precision.


## S3 method for class 'clock_year_day'
calendar_widen(x, precision)




A year-day vector.



One of:

  • "year"

  • "day"

  • "hour"

  • "minute"

  • "second"

  • "millisecond"

  • "microsecond"

  • "nanosecond"


x widened to the supplied precision.


# Year precision
x <- year_day(2019)

# Widen to day precision
calendar_widen(x, "day")

# Or second precision
sec <- calendar_widen(x, "second")

# Second precision can be widened to subsecond precision
milli <- calendar_widen(sec, "millisecond")
micro <- calendar_widen(sec, "microsecond")

# But once you have "locked in" a subsecond precision, it can't
# be widened again
try(calendar_widen(milli, "microsecond"))

Arithmetic: year-month-day


These are year-month-day methods for the arithmetic generics.

  • add_years()

  • add_quarters()

  • add_months()

Notably, you cannot add days to a year-month-day. For day-based arithmetic, first convert to a time point with as_naive_time() or as_sys_time().


## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_day'
add_years(x, n, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_day'
add_quarters(x, n, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_day'
add_months(x, n, ...)




A year-month-day vector.


⁠[integer / clock_duration]⁠

An integer vector to be converted to a duration, or a duration corresponding to the arithmetic function being used. This corresponds to the number of duration units to add. n may be negative to subtract units of duration.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


Adding a single quarter with add_quarters() is equivalent to adding 3 months.

x and n are recycled against each other using tidyverse recycling rules.


x after performing the arithmetic.


x <- year_month_day(2019, 1, 1)

add_years(x, 1:5)

y <- year_month_day(2019, 1, 31)

# Adding 1 month to `y` generates an invalid date
y_plus <- add_months(y, 1:2)

# Invalid dates are fine, as long as they are eventually resolved
# by either manually resolving, or by calling `invalid_resolve()`

# Resolve by returning the previous / next valid moment in time
invalid_resolve(y_plus, invalid = "previous")
invalid_resolve(y_plus, invalid = "next")

# Manually resolve by setting to the last day of the month
invalid <- invalid_detect(y_plus)
y_plus[invalid] <- set_day(y_plus[invalid], "last")

Boundaries: year-month-day


This is a year-month-day method for the calendar_start() and calendar_end() generics. They adjust components of a calendar to the start or end of a specified precision.


## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_day'
calendar_start(x, precision)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_day'
calendar_end(x, precision)




A year-month-day vector.



One of:

  • "year"

  • "month"

  • "day"

  • "hour"

  • "minute"

  • "second"

  • "millisecond"

  • "microsecond"

  • "nanosecond"


x at the same precision, but with some components altered to be at the boundary value.


# Hour precision
x <- year_month_day(2019, 2:4, 5, 6)

# Compute the start of the month
calendar_start(x, "month")

# Or the end of the month, notice that the hour value is adjusted as well
calendar_end(x, "month")

# Compare that with just setting the day of the month to `"last"`, which
# doesn't adjust any other components
set_day(x, "last")

# You can't compute the start / end at a more precise precision than
# the input is at
try(calendar_start(x, "second"))

Counting: year-month-day


This is a year-month-day method for the calendar_count_between() generic. It counts the number of precision units between start and end (i.e., the number of years or months).


## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_day'
calendar_count_between(start, end, precision, ..., n = 1L)


start, end


A pair of year-month-day vectors. These will be recycled to their common size.



One of:

  • "year"

  • "quarter"

  • "month"


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[positive integer(1)]⁠

A single positive integer specifying a multiple of precision to use.


"quarter" is equivalent to "month" precision with n set to n * 3L.


An integer representing the number of precision units between start and end.


# Compute an individual's age in years
x <- year_month_day(2001, 2, 4)
today <- year_month_day(2021, 11, 30)
calendar_count_between(x, today, "year")

# Compute the number of months between two dates, taking
# into account the day of the month and time of day
x <- year_month_day(2000, 4, 2, 5)
y <- year_month_day(2000, 7, c(1, 2, 2), c(3, 4, 6))
calendar_count_between(x, y, "month")

Getters: year-month-day


These are year-month-day methods for the getter generics.

  • get_year() returns the Gregorian year.

  • get_month() returns the month of the year.

  • get_day() returns the day of the month.

  • There are sub-daily getters for extracting more precise components.


## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_day'

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_day'

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_day'

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_day'

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_day'

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_day'

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_day'

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_day'

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_day'




A year-month-day to get the component from.


The component.


x <- year_month_day(2019, 1:3, 5:7, 1, 20, 30)


# Cannot extract more precise components
y <- year_month_day(2019, 1)

# Cannot extract components that don't exist for this calendar

Grouping: year-month-day


This is a year-month-day method for the calendar_group() generic.

Grouping for a year-month-day object can be done at any precision, as long as x is at least as precise as precision.


## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_day'
calendar_group(x, precision, ..., n = 1L)




A year-month-day vector.



One of:

  • "year"

  • "month"

  • "day"

  • "hour"

  • "minute"

  • "second"

  • "millisecond"

  • "microsecond"

  • "nanosecond"


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[positive integer(1)]⁠

A single positive integer specifying a multiple of precision to use.


x grouped at the specified precision.


steps <- duration_days(seq(0, 100, by = 5))
x <- year_month_day(2019, 1, 1)
x <- as_naive_time(x) + steps
x <- as_year_month_day(x)

# Group by a single month
calendar_group(x, "month")

# Or multiple months
calendar_group(x, "month", n = 2)

# Group 3 days of the month together
y <- year_month_day(2019, 1, 1:12)
calendar_group(y, "day", n = 3)

# Group by 5 nanosecond of the current second
z <- year_month_day(
  2019, 1, 2, 1, 5, 20, 1:20,
  subsecond_precision = "nanosecond"
calendar_group(z, "nanosecond", n = 5)

Narrow: year-month-day


This is a year-month-day method for the calendar_narrow() generic. It narrows a year-month-day vector to the specified precision.


## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_day'
calendar_narrow(x, precision)




A year-month-day vector.



One of:

  • "year"

  • "month"

  • "day"

  • "hour"

  • "minute"

  • "second"

  • "millisecond"

  • "microsecond"

  • "nanosecond"


x narrowed to the supplied precision.


# Hour precision
x <- year_month_day(2019, 1, 3, 4)

# Narrowed to day precision
calendar_narrow(x, "day")

# Or month precision
calendar_narrow(x, "month")

# Subsecond precision can be narrowed to second precision
milli <- calendar_widen(x, "millisecond")
micro <- calendar_widen(x, "microsecond")

calendar_narrow(milli, "second")
calendar_narrow(micro, "second")

# But once you have "locked in" a subsecond precision, it can't be
# narrowed to another subsecond precision
try(calendar_narrow(micro, "millisecond"))

Setters: year-month-day


These are year-month-day methods for the setter generics.

  • set_year() sets the Gregorian year.

  • set_month() sets the month of the year. Valid values are in the range of ⁠[1, 12]⁠.

  • set_day() sets the day of the month. Valid values are in the range of ⁠[1, 31]⁠.

  • There are sub-daily setters for setting more precise components.


## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_day'
set_year(x, value, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_day'
set_month(x, value, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_day'
set_day(x, value, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_day'
set_hour(x, value, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_day'
set_minute(x, value, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_day'
set_second(x, value, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_day'
set_millisecond(x, value, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_day'
set_microsecond(x, value, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_day'
set_nanosecond(x, value, ...)




A year-month-day vector.


⁠[integer / "last"]⁠

The value to set the component to.

For set_day(), this can also be "last" to set the day to the last day of the month.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


x with the component set.


x <- year_month_day(2019, 1:3)

# Set the day
set_day(x, 12:14)

# Set to the "last" day of the month
set_day(x, "last")

# Set to an invalid day of the month
invalid <- set_day(x, 31)

# Then resolve the invalid day by choosing the next valid day
invalid_resolve(invalid, invalid = "next")

# Cannot set a component two levels more precise than where you currently are
try(set_hour(x, 5))

Widen: year-month-day


This is a year-month-day method for the calendar_widen() generic. It widens a year-month-day vector to the specified precision.


## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_day'
calendar_widen(x, precision)




A year-month-day vector.



One of:

  • "year"

  • "month"

  • "day"

  • "hour"

  • "minute"

  • "second"

  • "millisecond"

  • "microsecond"

  • "nanosecond"


x widened to the supplied precision.


# Month precision
x <- year_month_day(2019, 1)

# Widen to day precision
calendar_widen(x, "day")

# Or second precision
sec <- calendar_widen(x, "second")

# Second precision can be widened to subsecond precision
milli <- calendar_widen(sec, "millisecond")
micro <- calendar_widen(sec, "microsecond")

# But once you have "locked in" a subsecond precision, it can't
# be widened again
try(calendar_widen(milli, "microsecond"))

Arithmetic: year-month-weekday


These are year-month-weekday methods for the arithmetic generics.

  • add_years()

  • add_quarters()

  • add_months()

Notably, you cannot add days to a year-month-weekday. For day-based arithmetic, first convert to a time point with as_naive_time() or as_sys_time().


## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_weekday'
add_years(x, n, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_weekday'
add_quarters(x, n, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_weekday'
add_months(x, n, ...)




A year-month-weekday vector.


⁠[integer / clock_duration]⁠

An integer vector to be converted to a duration, or a duration corresponding to the arithmetic function being used. This corresponds to the number of duration units to add. n may be negative to subtract units of duration.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


Adding a single quarter with add_quarters() is equivalent to adding 3 months.

x and n are recycled against each other using tidyverse recycling rules.


x after performing the arithmetic.


# 2nd Friday in January, 2019
x <- year_month_weekday(2019, 1, clock_weekdays$friday, 2)

add_months(x, 1:5)

# These don't necessarily correspond to the same day of the month
as_year_month_day(add_months(x, 1:5))

Boundaries: year-month-weekday


This is a year-month-weekday method for the calendar_start() and calendar_end() generics. They adjust components of a calendar to the start or end of a specified precision.

This method is restricted to only "year" and "month" precisions, and x can't be more precise than month precision. Computing the "start" of a day precision year-month-weekday object isn't defined because a year-month-weekday with ⁠day = 1, index = 1⁠ doesn't necessarily occur earlier (chronologically) than ⁠day = 2, index = 1⁠. Because of these restrictions, this method isn't particularly useful, but is included for completeness.


## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_weekday'
calendar_start(x, precision)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_weekday'
calendar_end(x, precision)




A year-month-weekday vector.



One of:

  • "year"

  • "month"


x at the same precision, but with some components altered to be at the boundary value.


# Month precision
x <- year_month_weekday(2019, 1:5)

# Compute the last month of the year
calendar_end(x, "year")

Counting: year-month-weekday


This is a year-month-weekday method for the calendar_count_between() generic. It counts the number of precision units between start and end (i.e., the number of years or months).


## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_weekday'
calendar_count_between(start, end, precision, ..., n = 1L)


start, end


A pair of year-month-weekday vectors. These will be recycled to their common size.



One of:

  • "year"

  • "quarter"

  • "month"


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[positive integer(1)]⁠

A single positive integer specifying a multiple of precision to use.


Remember that year-month-weekday is not comparable when it is "day" precision or finer, so this method is only defined for "year" and "month" precision year-month-weekday objects.

"quarter" is equivalent to "month" precision with n set to n * 3L.


An integer representing the number of precision units between start and end.


# Compute the number of months between two dates
x <- year_month_weekday(2001, 2)
y <- year_month_weekday(2021, c(1, 3))

calendar_count_between(x, y, "month")

# Remember that day precision or finer year-month-weekday objects
# are not comparable, so this won't work
x <- year_month_weekday(2001, 2, 1, 1)
try(calendar_count_between(x, x, "month"))

Getters: year-month-weekday


These are year-month-weekday methods for the getter generics.

  • get_year() returns the Gregorian year.

  • get_month() returns the month of the year.

  • get_day() returns the day of the week encoded from 1-7, where 1 = Sunday and 7 = Saturday.

  • get_index() returns a value from 1-5 indicating that the corresponding weekday is the n-th instance of that weekday in the current month.

  • There are sub-daily getters for extracting more precise components.


## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_weekday'

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_weekday'

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_weekday'

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_weekday'

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_weekday'

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_weekday'

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_weekday'

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_weekday'

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_weekday'

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_weekday'




A year-month-weekday to get the component from.


The component.


monday <- clock_weekdays$monday
thursday <- clock_weekdays$thursday

x <- year_month_weekday(2019, 1, monday:thursday, 1:4)

# Gets the weekday, 1 = Sunday, 7 = Saturday

# Gets the index indicating which instance of that particular weekday
# it is in the current month (i.e. the "1st Monday of January, 2019")

Grouping: year-month-weekday


This is a year-month-weekday method for the calendar_group() generic.

Grouping for a year-month-weekday object can be done at any precision except for "day", as long as x is at least as precise as precision.


## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_weekday'
calendar_group(x, precision, ..., n = 1L)




A year-month-weekday vector.



One of:

  • "year"

  • "month"

  • "hour"

  • "minute"

  • "second"

  • "millisecond"

  • "microsecond"

  • "nanosecond"


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[positive integer(1)]⁠

A single positive integer specifying a multiple of precision to use.


Grouping by "day" is undefined for a year-month-weekday because there are two day fields, the weekday and the index, and there is no clear way to define how to group by that.


x grouped at the specified precision.


x <- year_month_weekday(2019, 1:12, clock_weekdays$sunday, 1, 00, 05, 05)

# Group by 3 months - drops more precise components!
calendar_group(x, "month", n = 3)

Narrow: year-month-weekday


This is a year-month-weekday method for the calendar_narrow() generic. It narrows a year-month-weekday vector to the specified precision.


## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_weekday'
calendar_narrow(x, precision)




A year-month-weekday vector.



One of:

  • "year"

  • "month"

  • "day"

  • "hour"

  • "minute"

  • "second"

  • "millisecond"

  • "microsecond"

  • "nanosecond"


x narrowed to the supplied precision.


# Day precision
x <- year_month_weekday(2019, 1, 1, 2)

# Narrowed to month precision
calendar_narrow(x, "month")

Setters: year-month-weekday


These are year-month-weekday methods for the setter generics.

  • set_year() sets the Gregorian year.

  • set_month() sets the month of the year. Valid values are in the range of ⁠[1, 12]⁠.

  • set_day() sets the day of the week. Valid values are in the range of ⁠[1, 7]⁠, with 1 = Sunday, and 7 = Saturday.

  • set_index() sets the index indicating that the corresponding weekday is the n-th instance of that weekday in the current month. Valid values are in the range of ⁠[1, 5]⁠.

  • There are sub-daily setters for setting more precise components.


## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_weekday'
set_year(x, value, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_weekday'
set_month(x, value, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_weekday'
set_day(x, value, ..., index = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_weekday'
set_index(x, value, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_weekday'
set_hour(x, value, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_weekday'
set_minute(x, value, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_weekday'
set_second(x, value, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_weekday'
set_millisecond(x, value, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_weekday'
set_microsecond(x, value, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_weekday'
set_nanosecond(x, value, ...)




A year-month-weekday vector.


⁠[integer / "last"]⁠

The value to set the component to.

For set_index(), this can also be "last" to adjust to the last instance of the corresponding weekday in that month.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[NULL / integer / "last"]⁠

This argument is only used with set_day(), and allows you to set the index while also setting the weekday.

If x is a month precision year-month-weekday, index is required to be set, as you must specify the weekday and the index simultaneously to promote from month to day precision.


x with the component set.


x <- year_month_weekday(2019, 1:3)

set_year(x, 2020:2022)

# Setting the weekday on a month precision year-month-weekday requires
# also setting the `index` to fully specify the day information
x <- set_day(x, clock_weekdays$sunday, index = 1)

# Once you have at least day precision, you can set the weekday and
# the index separately
set_day(x, clock_weekdays$monday)
set_index(x, 3)

# Set to the "last" instance of the corresponding weekday in this month
# (Note that some months have 4 Sundays, and others have 5)
set_index(x, "last")

# Set to an invalid index
# January and February of 2019 don't have 5 Sundays!
invalid <- set_index(x, 5)

# Resolve the invalid dates by choosing the previous/next valid moment
invalid_resolve(invalid, invalid = "previous")
invalid_resolve(invalid, invalid = "next")

# You can also "overflow" the index. This keeps the weekday, but resets
# the index to 1 and increments the month value by 1.
invalid_resolve(invalid, invalid = "overflow")

Widen: year-month-weekday


This is a year-month-weekday method for the calendar_widen() generic. It widens a year-month-weekday vector to the specified precision.


## S3 method for class 'clock_year_month_weekday'
calendar_widen(x, precision)




A year-month-weekday vector.



One of:

  • "year"

  • "month"

  • "day"

  • "hour"

  • "minute"

  • "second"

  • "millisecond"

  • "microsecond"

  • "nanosecond"


Widening a month precision year-month-weekday to day precision will set the day and the index to 1. This sets the weekday components to the first Sunday of the month.


x widened to the supplied precision.


# Month precision
x <- year_month_weekday(2019, 1)

# Widen to day precision
# Note that this sets both the day and index to 1,
# i.e. the first Sunday of the month.
calendar_widen(x, "day")

# Or second precision
sec <- calendar_widen(x, "second")

Arithmetic: year-quarter-day


These are year-quarter-day methods for the arithmetic generics.

  • add_years()

  • add_quarters()

Notably, you cannot add days to a year-quarter-day. For day-based arithmetic, first convert to a time point with as_naive_time() or as_sys_time().


## S3 method for class 'clock_year_quarter_day'
add_years(x, n, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_quarter_day'
add_quarters(x, n, ...)




A year-quarter-day vector.


⁠[integer / clock_duration]⁠

An integer vector to be converted to a duration, or a duration corresponding to the arithmetic function being used. This corresponds to the number of duration units to add. n may be negative to subtract units of duration.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


x and n are recycled against each other using tidyverse recycling rules.


x after performing the arithmetic.


x <- year_quarter_day(2019, 1:3)

add_quarters(x, 2)

# Make the fiscal year start in March
y <- year_quarter_day(2019, 1:2, 1, start = 3)

add_quarters(y, 1)

# What year-month-day does this correspond to?
# Note that the fiscal year doesn't necessarily align with the Gregorian
# year!
as_year_month_day(add_quarters(y, 1))

Boundaries: year-quarter-day


This is a year-quarter-day method for the calendar_start() and calendar_end() generics. They adjust components of a calendar to the start or end of a specified precision.


## S3 method for class 'clock_year_quarter_day'
calendar_start(x, precision)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_quarter_day'
calendar_end(x, precision)




A year-quarter-day vector.



One of:

  • "year"

  • "quarter"

  • "day"

  • "hour"

  • "minute"

  • "second"

  • "millisecond"

  • "microsecond"

  • "nanosecond"


x at the same precision, but with some components altered to be at the boundary value.


x <- year_quarter_day(2019:2020, 2:3, 5, 6, 7, 8, start = clock_months$march)

# Compute the last moment of the fiscal quarter
calendar_end(x, "quarter")

# Compare that to just setting the day to `"last"`,
# which doesn't affect the other components
set_day(x, "last")

# Compute the start of the fiscal year
calendar_start(x, "year")

as_date(calendar_start(x, "year"))

Counting: year-quarter-day


This is a year-quarter-day method for the calendar_count_between() generic. It counts the number of precision units between start and end (i.e., the number of years or quarters).


## S3 method for class 'clock_year_quarter_day'
calendar_count_between(start, end, precision, ..., n = 1L)


start, end


A pair of year-quarter-day vectors. These will be recycled to their common size.



One of:

  • "year"

  • "quarter"


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[positive integer(1)]⁠

A single positive integer specifying a multiple of precision to use.


An integer representing the number of precision units between start and end.


# Compute the number of whole quarters between two dates
x <- year_quarter_day(2020, 3, 91)
y <- year_quarter_day(2025, 4, c(90, 92))
calendar_count_between(x, y, "quarter")

# Note that this is not always the same as the number of whole 3 month
# periods between two dates
x <- as_year_month_day(x)
y <- as_year_month_day(y)
calendar_count_between(x, y, "month", n = 3)

Getters: year-quarter-day


These are year-quarter-day methods for the getter generics.

  • get_year() returns the fiscal year. Note that this can differ from the Gregorian year if start != 1L.

  • get_quarter() returns the fiscal quarter as a value between 1-4.

  • get_day() returns the day of the fiscal quarter as a value between 1-92.

  • There are sub-daily getters for extracting more precise components.


## S3 method for class 'clock_year_quarter_day'

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_quarter_day'

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_quarter_day'

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_quarter_day'

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_quarter_day'

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_quarter_day'

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_quarter_day'

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_quarter_day'

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_quarter_day'




A year-quarter-day to get the component from.


The component.


x <- year_quarter_day(2020, 1:4)


# Set and then get the last day of the quarter
x <- set_day(x, "last")

# Start the fiscal year in November and choose the 50th day in
# each quarter of 2020
november <- 11
y <- year_quarter_day(2020, 1:4, 50, start = 11)


# What does that map to in year-month-day?

Grouping: year-quarter-day


This is a year-quarter-day method for the calendar_group() generic.

Grouping for a year-quarter-day object can be done at any precision, as long as x is at least as precise as precision.


## S3 method for class 'clock_year_quarter_day'
calendar_group(x, precision, ..., n = 1L)




A year-quarter-day vector.



One of:

  • "year"

  • "quarter"

  • "day"

  • "hour"

  • "minute"

  • "second"

  • "millisecond"

  • "microsecond"

  • "nanosecond"


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[positive integer(1)]⁠

A single positive integer specifying a multiple of precision to use.


x grouped at the specified precision.


x <- year_quarter_day(2019, 1:4)
x <- c(x, set_year(x, 2020))

# Group by 3 quarters
# Note that this is a grouping of 3 quarters of the current year
# (i.e. the count resets at the beginning of the next year)
calendar_group(x, "quarter", n = 3)

# Group by 5 days of the current quarter
y <- year_quarter_day(2019, 1, 1:90)
calendar_group(y, "day", n = 5)

Narrow: year-quarter-day


This is a year-quarter-day method for the calendar_narrow() generic. It narrows a year-quarter-day vector to the specified precision.


## S3 method for class 'clock_year_quarter_day'
calendar_narrow(x, precision)




A year-quarter-day vector.



One of:

  • "year"

  • "quarter"

  • "day"

  • "hour"

  • "minute"

  • "second"

  • "millisecond"

  • "microsecond"

  • "nanosecond"


x narrowed to the supplied precision.


# Day precision
x <- year_quarter_day(2019, 1, 5)

# Narrow to quarter precision
calendar_narrow(x, "quarter")

Setters: year-quarter-day


These are year-quarter-day methods for the setter generics.

  • set_year() sets the fiscal year.

  • set_quarter() sets the fiscal quarter of the year. Valid values are in the range of ⁠[1, 4]⁠.

  • set_day() sets the day of the fiscal quarter. Valid values are in the range of ⁠[1, 92]⁠.

  • There are sub-daily setters for setting more precise components.


## S3 method for class 'clock_year_quarter_day'
set_year(x, value, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_quarter_day'
set_quarter(x, value, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_quarter_day'
set_day(x, value, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_quarter_day'
set_hour(x, value, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_quarter_day'
set_minute(x, value, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_quarter_day'
set_second(x, value, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_quarter_day'
set_millisecond(x, value, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_quarter_day'
set_microsecond(x, value, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_quarter_day'
set_nanosecond(x, value, ...)




A year-quarter-day vector.


⁠[integer / "last"]⁠

The value to set the component to.

For set_day(), this can also be "last" to adjust to the last day of the current fiscal quarter.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


x with the component set.



# Quarter precision vector
x <- year_quarter_day(2019, 1:4)

# Promote to day precision by setting the day
x <- set_day(x, 1)

# Or set to the last day of the quarter
x <- set_day(x, "last")

# What year-month-day is this?

# Set to an invalid day of the quarter
# (not all quarters have 92 days)
invalid <- set_day(x, 92)

# Here are the invalid ones

# Resolve the invalid dates by choosing the previous/next valid moment
invalid_resolve(invalid, invalid = "previous")
invalid_resolve(invalid, invalid = "next")

# Or resolve by "overflowing" by the number of days that you have
# gone past the last valid day
invalid_resolve(invalid, invalid = "overflow")

# This is similar to
days <- get_day(invalid) - 1L
invalid %>%
  set_day(1) %>%
  as_naive_time() %>%
  add_days(days) %>%

Widen: year-quarter-day


This is a year-quarter-day method for the calendar_widen() generic. It widens a year-quarter-day vector to the specified precision.


## S3 method for class 'clock_year_quarter_day'
calendar_widen(x, precision)




A year-quarter-day vector.



One of:

  • "year"

  • "quarter"

  • "day"

  • "hour"

  • "minute"

  • "second"

  • "millisecond"

  • "microsecond"

  • "nanosecond"


x widened to the supplied precision.


# Quarter precision
x <- year_quarter_day(2019, 1)

# Widen to day precision
calendar_widen(x, "day")

# Or second precision
sec <- calendar_widen(x, "second")

Arithmetic: year-week-day


These are year-week-day methods for the arithmetic generics.

  • add_years()

You cannot add weeks or days to a year-week-day calendar. Adding days is much more efficiently done by converting to a time point first by using as_naive_time() or as_sys_time(). Adding weeks is equally as efficient as adding 7 days. Additionally, adding weeks to an invalid year-week object (i.e. one set to the 53rd week, when that doesn't exist) would be undefined.


## S3 method for class 'clock_year_week_day'
add_years(x, n, ...)




A year-week-day vector.


⁠[integer / clock_duration]⁠

An integer vector to be converted to a duration, or a duration corresponding to the arithmetic function being used. This corresponds to the number of duration units to add. n may be negative to subtract units of duration.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


x and n are recycled against each other using tidyverse recycling rules.


x after performing the arithmetic.


x <- year_week_day(2019, 1, 1)
add_years(x, 1:2)

Boundaries: year-week-day


This is an year-week-day method for the calendar_start() and calendar_end() generics. They adjust components of a calendar to the start or end of a specified precision.


## S3 method for class 'clock_year_week_day'
calendar_start(x, precision)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_week_day'
calendar_end(x, precision)




A year-week-day vector.



One of:

  • "year"

  • "week"

  • "day"

  • "hour"

  • "minute"

  • "second"

  • "millisecond"

  • "microsecond"

  • "nanosecond"


x at the same precision, but with some components altered to be at the boundary value.


x <- year_week_day(2019:2020, 5, 6, 10)

# Compute the last moment of the last week of the year
calendar_end(x, "year")

# Compare that to just setting the week to `"last"`,
# which doesn't affect the other components
set_week(x, "last")

Counting: year-week-day


This is an year-week-day method for the calendar_count_between() generic. It counts the number of precision units between start and end (i.e., the number of years).


## S3 method for class 'clock_year_week_day'
calendar_count_between(start, end, precision, ..., n = 1L)


start, end


A pair of year-week-day vectors. These will be recycled to their common size.



One of:

  • "year"


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[positive integer(1)]⁠

A single positive integer specifying a multiple of precision to use.


An integer representing the number of precision units between start and end.


# Compute the number of whole years between two dates
x <- year_week_day(2001, 1, 2)
y <- year_week_day(2021, 1, c(1, 3))
calendar_count_between(x, y, "year")

Getters: year-week-day


These are year-week-day methods for the getter generics.

  • get_year() returns the year. Note that this can differ from the Gregorian year.

  • get_week() returns the week of the current year.

  • get_day() returns a value between 1-7 indicating the weekday of the current week, where ⁠1 = start of week⁠ and ⁠7 = end of week⁠, in line with the chosen start.

  • There are sub-daily getters for extracting more precise components.


## S3 method for class 'clock_year_week_day'

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_week_day'

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_week_day'

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_week_day'

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_week_day'

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_week_day'

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_week_day'

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_week_day'

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_week_day'




A year-week-day to get the component from.


The component.


x <- year_week_day(2019, 50:52, 1:3)

# Get the week

# Gets the weekday

# Note that the year can differ from the Gregorian year
iso <- year_week_day(2019, 1, 1, start = clock_weekdays$monday)
ymd <- as_year_month_day(iso)


Grouping: year-week-day


This is a year-week-day method for the calendar_group() generic.

Grouping for a year-week-day object can be done at any precision, as long as x is at least as precise as precision.


## S3 method for class 'clock_year_week_day'
calendar_group(x, precision, ..., n = 1L)




A year-week-day vector.



One of:

  • "year"

  • "week"

  • "day"

  • "hour"

  • "minute"

  • "second"

  • "millisecond"

  • "microsecond"

  • "nanosecond"


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[positive integer(1)]⁠

A single positive integer specifying a multiple of precision to use.


x grouped at the specified precision.


x <- year_week_day(2019, 1:52)

# Group by 3 weeks
calendar_group(x, "week", n = 3)

y <- year_week_day(2000:2020, 1, 1)

# Group by 2 years
calendar_group(y, "year", n = 2)

Narrow: year-week-day


This is a year-week-day method for the calendar_narrow() generic. It narrows a year-week-day vector to the specified precision.


## S3 method for class 'clock_year_week_day'
calendar_narrow(x, precision)




A year-week-day vector.



One of:

  • "year"

  • "week"

  • "day"

  • "hour"

  • "minute"

  • "second"

  • "millisecond"

  • "microsecond"

  • "nanosecond"


x narrowed to the supplied precision.


# Day precision
x <- year_week_day(2019, 1, 5)

# Narrowed to week precision
calendar_narrow(x, "week")

Setters: year-week-day


These are year-week-day methods for the setter generics.

  • set_year() sets the year.

  • set_week() sets the week of the year. Valid values are in the range of ⁠[1, 53]⁠.

  • set_day() sets the day of the week. Valid values are in the range of ⁠[1, 7]⁠.

  • There are sub-daily setters for setting more precise components.


## S3 method for class 'clock_year_week_day'
set_year(x, value, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_week_day'
set_week(x, value, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_week_day'
set_day(x, value, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_week_day'
set_hour(x, value, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_week_day'
set_minute(x, value, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_week_day'
set_second(x, value, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_week_day'
set_millisecond(x, value, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_week_day'
set_microsecond(x, value, ...)

## S3 method for class 'clock_year_week_day'
set_nanosecond(x, value, ...)




A year-week-day vector.


⁠[integer / "last"]⁠

The value to set the component to.

For set_week(), this can also be "last" to adjust to the last week of the current year.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


x with the component set.


# Year precision vector
x <- year_week_day(2019:2023)

# Promote to week precision by setting the week
# (Note that some weeks have 52 weeks, and others have 53)
x <- set_week(x, "last")

# Set to an invalid week
invalid <- set_week(x, 53)

# Here are the invalid ones (they only have 52 weeks)

# Resolve the invalid dates by choosing the previous/next valid moment
invalid_resolve(invalid, invalid = "previous")
invalid_resolve(invalid, invalid = "next")

Widen: year-week-day


This is a year-week-day method for the calendar_widen() generic. It widens a year-week-day vector to the specified precision.


## S3 method for class 'clock_year_week_day'
calendar_widen(x, precision)




A year-week-day vector.



One of:

  • "year"

  • "week"

  • "day"

  • "hour"

  • "minute"

  • "second"

  • "millisecond"

  • "microsecond"

  • "nanosecond"


x widened to the supplied precision.


# Week precision
x <- year_week_day(2019, 1, start = clock_weekdays$monday)

# Widen to day precision
# In this calendar, the first day of the week is a Monday
calendar_widen(x, "day")

# Or second precision
sec <- calendar_widen(x, "second")

Info: zoned-time


zoned_time_info() retrieves a set of low-level information generally not required for most date-time manipulations. It returns a data frame with the same columns as sys_time_info(), but the begin and end columns are zoned-times with the same time zone as x.






A zoned-time.


A data frame of low level information.


x <- year_month_day(2021, 03, 14, c(01, 03), c(59, 00), c(59, 00))
x <- as_naive_time(x)
x <- as_zoned_time(x, "America/New_York")

# x[1] is in EST, x[2] is in EDT

info <- zoned_time_info(x)

# `end` can be used to iterate through daylight saving time transitions

What is the current zoned-time?


zoned_time_now() returns the current time in the corresponding zone. It is a wrapper around sys_time_now() that attaches the time zone.






A time zone to get the current time for.


The time is returned with a nanosecond precision, but the actual amount of data returned is OS dependent. Usually, information at at least the microsecond level is returned, with some platforms returning nanosecond information.


A zoned-time of the current time.


x <- zoned_time_now("America/New_York")

Precision: zoned-time


zoned_time_precision() extracts the precision from a zoned-time. It returns the precision as a single string.






A zoned-time.


A single string holding the precision of the zoned-time.



Parsing: zoned-time


There are two parsers into a zoned-time, zoned_time_parse_complete() and zoned_time_parse_abbrev().


zoned_time_parse_complete() is a parser for complete date-time strings, like "2019-01-01T00:00:00-05:00[America/New_York]". A complete date-time string has both the time zone offset and full time zone name in the string, which is the only way for the string itself to contain all of the information required to construct a zoned-time. Because of this, zoned_time_parse_complete() requires both the ⁠%z⁠ and ⁠%Z⁠ commands to be supplied in the format string.

The default options assume that x should be parsed at second precision, using a format string of "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Ez[%Z]". This matches the default result from calling format() on a zoned-time. Additionally, this format matches the de-facto standard extension to RFC 3339 for creating completely unambiguous date-times.


zoned_time_parse_abbrev() is a parser for date-time strings containing only a time zone abbreviation, like "2019-01-01 00:00:00 EST". The time zone abbreviation is not enough to identify the full time zone name that the date-time belongs to, so the full time zone name must be supplied as the zone argument. However, the time zone abbreviation can help with resolving ambiguity around daylight saving time fallbacks.

For zoned_time_parse_abbrev(), ⁠%Z⁠ must be supplied and is interpreted as the time zone abbreviation rather than the full time zone name.

If used, the ⁠%z⁠ command must parse correctly, but its value will be completely ignored.

The default options assume that x should be parsed at second precision, using a format string of "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z". This matches the default result from calling print() or format(usetz = TRUE) on a POSIXct date-time.


  format = NULL,
  precision = "second",
  locale = clock_locale()

  format = NULL,
  precision = "second",
  locale = clock_locale()




A character vector to parse.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


⁠[character / NULL]⁠

A format string. A combination of the following commands, or NULL, in which case a default format string is used.

A vector of multiple format strings can be supplied. They will be tried in the order they are provided.


  • ⁠%C⁠: The century as a decimal number. The modified command ⁠%NC⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%y⁠: The last two decimal digits of the year. If the century is not otherwise specified (e.g. with ⁠%C⁠), values in the range ⁠[69 - 99]⁠ are presumed to refer to the years ⁠[1969 - 1999]⁠, and values in the range ⁠[00 - 68]⁠ are presumed to refer to the years ⁠[2000 - 2068]⁠. The modified command ⁠%Ny⁠, where N is a positive decimal integer, specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%Y⁠: The year as a decimal number. The modified command ⁠%NY⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 4. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.


  • ⁠%b⁠, ⁠%B⁠, ⁠%h⁠: The locale's full or abbreviated case-insensitive month name.

  • ⁠%m⁠: The month as a decimal number. January is 1. The modified command ⁠%Nm⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.


  • ⁠%d⁠, ⁠%e⁠: The day of the month as a decimal number. The modified command ⁠%Nd⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

Day of the week

  • ⁠%a⁠, ⁠%A⁠: The locale's full or abbreviated case-insensitive weekday name.

  • ⁠%w⁠: The weekday as a decimal number (0-6), where Sunday is 0. The modified command ⁠%Nw⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 1. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

ISO 8601 week-based year

  • ⁠%g⁠: The last two decimal digits of the ISO week-based year. The modified command ⁠%Ng⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%G⁠: The ISO week-based year as a decimal number. The modified command ⁠%NG⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 4. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%V⁠: The ISO week-based week number as a decimal number. The modified command ⁠%NV⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%u⁠: The ISO weekday as a decimal number (1-7), where Monday is 1. The modified command ⁠%Nu⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 1. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

Week of the year

  • ⁠%U⁠: The week number of the year as a decimal number. The first Sunday of the year is the first day of week 01. Days of the same year prior to that are in week 00. The modified command ⁠%NU⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%W⁠: The week number of the year as a decimal number. The first Monday of the year is the first day of week 01. Days of the same year prior to that are in week 00. The modified command ⁠%NW⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

Day of the year

  • ⁠%j⁠: The day of the year as a decimal number. January 1 is 1. The modified command ⁠%Nj⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 3. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.


  • ⁠%D⁠, ⁠%x⁠: Equivalent to ⁠%m/%d/%y⁠.

  • ⁠%F⁠: Equivalent to ⁠%Y-%m-%d⁠. If modified with a width (like ⁠%NF⁠), the width is applied to only ⁠%Y⁠.

Time of day

  • ⁠%H⁠: The hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number. The modified command ⁠%NH⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%I⁠: The hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number. The modified command ⁠%NI⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%M⁠: The minutes as a decimal number. The modified command ⁠%NM⁠ where N is a positive decimal integer specifies the maximum number of characters to read. If not specified, the default is 2. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required.

  • ⁠%S⁠: The seconds as a decimal number. Leading zeroes are permitted but not required. If encountered, the locale determines the decimal point character. Generally, the maximum number of characters to read is determined by the precision that you are parsing at. For example, a precision of "second" would read a maximum of 2 characters, while a precision of "millisecond" would read a maximum of 6 (2 for the values before the decimal point, 1 for the decimal point, and 3 for the values after it). The modified command ⁠%NS⁠, where N is a positive decimal integer, can be used to exactly specify the maximum number of characters to read. This is only useful if you happen to have seconds with more than 1 leading zero.

  • ⁠%p⁠: The locale's equivalent of the AM/PM designations associated with a 12-hour clock. The command ⁠%I⁠ must precede ⁠%p⁠ in the format string.

  • ⁠%R⁠: Equivalent to ⁠%H:%M⁠.

  • ⁠%T⁠, ⁠%X⁠: Equivalent to ⁠%H:%M:%S⁠.

  • ⁠%r⁠: Equivalent to ⁠%I:%M:%S %p⁠.

Time zone

  • ⁠%z⁠: The offset from UTC in the format ⁠[+|-]hh[mm]⁠. For example -0430 refers to 4 hours 30 minutes behind UTC. And 04 refers to 4 hours ahead of UTC. The modified command ⁠%Ez⁠ parses a : between the hours and minutes and leading zeroes on the hour field are optional: ⁠[+|-]h[h][:mm]⁠. For example -04:30 refers to 4 hours 30 minutes behind UTC. And 4 refers to 4 hours ahead of UTC.

  • ⁠%Z⁠: The full time zone name or the time zone abbreviation, depending on the function being used. A single word is parsed. This word can only contain characters that are alphanumeric, or one of '_', '/', '-' or '+'.


  • ⁠%c⁠: A date and time representation. Equivalent to ⁠%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y⁠.

  • %%: A ⁠%⁠ character.

  • ⁠%n⁠: Matches one white space character. ⁠%n⁠, ⁠%t⁠, and a space can be combined to match a wide range of white-space patterns. For example "%n " matches one or more white space characters, and "%n%t%t" matches one to three white space characters.

  • ⁠%t⁠: Matches zero or one white space characters.



A precision for the resulting zoned-time. One of:

  • "second"

  • "millisecond"

  • "microsecond"

  • "nanosecond"

Setting the precision determines how much information ⁠%S⁠ attempts to parse.



A locale object created from clock_locale().



A full time zone name.


If zoned_time_parse_complete() is given input that is length zero, all NAs, or completely fails to parse, then no time zone will be able to be determined. In that case, the result will use "UTC".

If your date-time strings contain time zone offsets (like -04:00), but not the full time zone name, you might need sys_time_parse().

If your date-time strings don't contain time zone offsets or the full time zone name, you might need to use naive_time_parse(). From there, if you know the time zone that the date-times are supposed to be in, you can convert to a zoned-time with as_zoned_time().


A zoned-time.

Full Precision Parsing

It is highly recommended to parse all of the information in the date-time string into a type at least as precise as the string. For example, if your string has fractional seconds, but you only require seconds, specify a sub-second precision, then round to seconds manually using whatever convention is appropriate for your use case. Parsing such a string directly into a second precision result is ambiguous and undefined, and is unlikely to work as you might expect.




  "January 21, 2019 -0500 America/New_York",
  format = "%B %d, %Y %z %Z"

# Nanosecond precision
x <- "2019/12/31 01:05:05.123456700-05:00[America/New_York]"
  format = "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S%Ez[%Z]",
  precision = "nanosecond"

# The `%z` offset must correspond to the true offset that would be used
# if the input was parsed as a naive-time and then converted to a zoned-time
# with `as_zoned_time()`. For example, the time that was parsed above used an
# offset of `-05:00`. We can confirm that this is correct with:
year_month_day(2019, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3) %>%
  as_naive_time() %>%

# So the following would not parse correctly

# `%z` is useful for breaking ties in otherwise ambiguous times. For example,
# these two times are on either side of a daylight saving time fallback.
# Without the `%z` offset, you wouldn't be able to tell them apart!
x <- c(


# If you have date-time strings with time zone abbreviations,
# `zoned_time_parse_abbrev()` should be able to help. The `zone` must be
# provided, because multiple countries may use the same time zone
# abbreviation. For example:
x <- "1970-01-01 02:30:30 IST"

# IST = India Standard Time
zoned_time_parse_abbrev(x, "Asia/Kolkata")

# IST = Israel Standard Time
zoned_time_parse_abbrev(x, "Asia/Jerusalem")

# The time zone abbreviation is mainly useful for resolving ambiguity
# around daylight saving time fallbacks. Without the abbreviation, these
# date-times would be ambiguous.
x <- c(
  "1970-10-25 01:30:00 EDT",
  "1970-10-25 01:30:00 EST"
zoned_time_parse_abbrev(x, "America/New_York")

Get or set the time zone


  • zoned_time_zone() gets the time zone.

  • zoned_time_set_zone() sets the time zone without changing the underlying instant. This means that the result will represent the equivalent time in the new time zone.



zoned_time_set_zone(x, zone)




A zoned time to get or set the time zone of.



A valid time zone to switch to.


  • zoned_time_zone() returns a string containing the time zone.

  • zoned_time_set_zone() returns x with an altered time zone attribute. The underlying instant is not changed.


x <- year_month_day(2019, 1, 1)
x <- as_zoned_time(as_naive_time(x), "America/New_York")


# Equivalent UTC time
zoned_time_set_zone(x, "UTC")

# To force a new time zone with the same printed time,
# convert to a naive time that has no implied time zone,
# then convert back to a zoned time in the new time zone.
nt <- as_naive_time(x)
as_zoned_time(nt, "UTC")